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- Бесплатная раздача: Multi-Инструмент мастера бесшнуровой
Пути создать комнату хобби в вашем доме Posted: 03 May 2010 04:35 PM PDT Серии людей имеют хобби, и часто самых больших проблем находить правый космос для того чтобы быть творческо и работа на наших хобби удобно. Я люблю место где я могу выйти все как раз по мере того как он и погулять прочь на любой этап. Когда я получаю готовым пойти назад к моему проекту, все я должен сделать сидеть вниз и получить идущ снова. Должно для того чтобы очистить вверх и положить все прочь реальное сопротивление. Подвалы, чердаки, шкафы и запасные спальни Если вы имеете подвал, чердак, или запасную спальню, то вы можете преобразовать в вашу комнату хобби, тогда вы очень удачны. Если никакие из этих возможны, то даже шкаф можно повернуть в большое место для работы на ваших корабле или хобби, и когда вы сделаны на день, вы можете закрыть дверь и погулять прочь. Базовые элементы вам Независимо от чего ваше хобби может быть, вы идете место для работы - таблица правых высоты и ширины, тары для хранения правых размеров для инструментов и материалы вашего корабля, немного полок на которых хранить вещи и множество света поэтому вас может увидеть наилучшим образом достаточно. Сотниы другой способ создать эти предметы первой необходимости - используйте ваше воображение для того чтобы найти различные пути сделать вашу зону хобби как раз справедливо для ваших потребностей. DirectBuy имеет большинств все вам для домашнего улучшения и сделать ваш дом как функциональной по мере того как вы хотите его быть, ли свое оборудование гимнастики приборов. Вы можете обеспечить ваш весь дом на изготовлени-направляете оптовые цен которые могут сохранить вас большие деньги. |
Бак кофе свободной дома сработанности керамический: CalFinder любит вас бесплатная раздача Posted: 03 May 2010 02:00 PM PDT Guess what?! It’s time for another CalFinder <3s You Giveaway Contest! This time, the prize is a special treat for those coffee lovers out there… Sears Harmony House Ceramic Coffee Pot (Aqua Blue)Sleek and modern, the retro aqua-blue-and-white Harmony House fine china coffee pot was made for Sears in the 1960s. It's lovingly restored and ready for a new home! How to Enter:Mandatory vote – Tell us about your favorite vintage, retro or antique piece and what makes it so great. If you don't have any collectibles, tell us what's on your wishlist. You have until SUNDAY, MAY 16 to rack up your votes! The more entries you submit, the higher your chance to win. Bonus Entries:
Want more treasures like this one? Check out Vintage Eye.
And stay tuned for more giveaways! |
Объявленный победитель состязания бесплатной раздачи! Posted: 03 May 2010 01:00 PM PDT Woohoo! We’ выбранный ve победителю для нашего впервые в жизни < CalFinder; 3s вы состязание бесплатной раздачи! Поздравления к Lisette, которому никакое сомнение не помогло ее шансам путем следовать за нами на Twitter и зарабатывать 2 вотума вместо одного. You’ ll получит ваш свободный чайник Hall Кита год сбора винограда скоро. Пребывание настроило для следующий запускать бесплатной раздачи более последний сегодня. It’ s идя быть хорошим one… Пожалуйста bookmark и поделите |
От питчера Dodgers LA к драгоценному камню Posted: 03 May 2010 12:24 PM PDT by Will Jerome Republished with permission from the original Granite Transformations blog post: From LA Dodgers Pitcher to Precious Stone Tycoon: The Matt White Story Matt White as a Los Angeles Dodger in 2005 Back in 2007, a story broke on the national sports news wire. Matt White, a journeyman pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, had pitched seven games in nine Major League seasons and seemed destined to cling to his baseball dreams at no higher than a triple-A level. In 2003, he had purchased a 50-acre plot of land in Cummington, Massachusetts from his aunt for $50,000. White's aunt desperately needed the money to move to a nursing home, and he happily provided it, but perhaps she might have been served better sticking with the Northern Massachusetts property. While attempting to build a home on the land in 2004 White noticed that the ground was peculiarly hard and immovable. He found rock ledges on the property and decided to learn more about the spacious land he was now in possession of. He hired a surveyor to come inspect his property to gather more info and to hopefully shed some light on his building troubles. He was shocked when he heard the surveyor's report. Matt White's new 50-acre property was sitting on top of an estimated 24 million tons of 400 million year old Goshen Stone – with an estimated value of over $2 billion!
Initially, White said that his one true calling was baseball and that he wouldn't be hanging up his cleats just for some real estate fortune he had by chance happened upon. The manager of the Dodger's Grady Little was quoted saying "The kid has a genuine love for the game. He's quite a competitor, he's always striving to get better. It's not about money for him. He's prepared himself well coming into camp and he'll be going after somebody's job. He'll be given an opportunity." Little added, "Along the way, if anybody needs landscaping stone, we know where to find it." Unfortunately that opportunity never came for Matt White. Since the story broke, he has not pitched in another Major League game. Over time, his focus more sternly shifted to being a legitimate stone entrepreneur. Shortly after the discovery of his quarry, and amidst the swirling chatter of his new found billions, (teammates call him Mr. Billionaire) an article was written by Matt Reis, editor of StoneWorld.com, titled "Stick to Baseball, Matt." Reis cites a study of Colorado- based stone discoveries noting that 20 out of 20 of the sites surveyed none of them, zero, were commercially viable – speculating that White's property might be worthless if it's uneconomical for commercial quarrying. At first glance this article might be filed in the "sour grapes" category, but upon reading further Mr. Reis has a point. ![]() Excavating efforts at White’s Swift River Quarry The original $2 billion-plus estimate was mightily overblown, as he said that money for machinery, labor, proper plans for excavation, and processing the stone to make it ready for retail sale all eat up a healthy portion of that original figure – which was too high to begin with. Reis was partially correct in thinking that the find wasn't worth nearly $2 billion, but he was wrong in assuming that the property wouldn't be commercially viable. Around the time of the discovery Matt White began Swift River Stone, a small-scale stone supply company. He brought his father in to help manage, an occupation he holds to this day. Right away they made $600,000 selling stone of various cuts and varieties, and sales have been steady since. With just him and his father working the machines and overseeing the vast amount of excavating, the business truly stays within the family. ![]() A patio using White’s excavated Goshen Stone I talked to Matt White and he was candid about his unusual situation. "It was tough on my family, you know, being around town and people [assuming] we had all this money. It was hard on my parents," White said. Initially he hated all of that "Mr. Billionaire" talk and the overblown media stories of buried stone treasure, but today he sees this for the opportunity that it is: a great property to excavate stone and turn a generous profit, all while keeping it comfortably within the family. The property is currently on the market for "the right price," but there's no urgent rush to unload the land and the stone just yet – not when the business only continues to grow. ![]() The ESPN headline about White’s lucky find. White still wakes up every day and trains like the pitcher he hopes to still become. After a year of surgeries and setbacks he hopes to sign an Independent League contract and show Major League scouts that, besides the hype surrounding his quarry, he can still strike professional batters out with the best of them. He most recently took the mound for the Yokohama BayStars in Japan, but was released in August of 2008. After turning down a spot on the Uni-President 7-Eleven Lions, a baseball team in Taiwan, this past January, White chose to stay home to continue to oversee the quarry, which he said will provide enough rock to excavate and sell throughout him and his children’s lifetimes. He now embraces his situation and understands the quality investment he's stumbled upon. He said he's always trying to meet new people in the industry and tries to expand his business sales flow as much as he can, as well as expanding the variety and quality of the products he offers. ![]() Matt White working on his pitching delivery during spring training with the Dodgers, a club he hopes to one day return to. From America's pastime to the American Dream, stone has changed the life of one man, and provided a great example of the eye-popping riches juxtaposed with the buckets-of-sweat inducing labor that comes part-and-parcel with rock excavation. We wish you only the best of luck in the quarry and on the mound, Mr. White. About the AuthorWill Jerome is the mild-mannered moderator of the Granite Transformations blog. |
Двери экипажа: Классицистический гараж Closers реальный Space-Saver Posted: 03 May 2010 10:45 AM PDT Having your garage doors swing on hinges gives your garage front an upscale, retro look, and opens up the interior for all the stuff that ends up there besides your car Among the good reasons a homeowner might consider putting hinged doors on a garage is not their cost. Let's get that out of the way right now. Hinged doors for garages – called carriage doors – are more expensive than the usual variety. Mostly it has to do with their novelty. They aren't mass-produced because they must fit an individual opening with more precision than doors on overhead tracks. Customization always costs more. Still, under the right circumstances, carriage doors can be a perfect fit. The biggest functional reason the classic doors are appealing is that they do not take up any space inside a garage. They swing outward, unlike virtually all other garage doors that end up overhead inside the garage. While overhead would seem to be out of the way, too, the hardware suspending the door up there and the cable connected to the ceiling-mounted winch motor preclude any other use of the ceiling space. The loss of storage space in overhead shelves is not missed, of course, if all that's going into a garage is a car or truck. But when was the last time you walked into a garage and found only a vehicle? Modern urban garages should be called garage-shop-storage units. Carriage doors will increase a crammed unit's square footage of useable space. Typically, two equal-sized carriage doors are hung, swinging wide on each side. Another option on the doors is a one-third, two-thirds split. This arrangement acknowledges the reality that most visits to a garage do not involve a vehicle. Rather, a bike is returned, a lawn mower pulled out, a trash receptacle taken to the curb – all of which can be done through a narrower door. Carriage doors are a "green" choice because they most are opened by hand. A button is not pushed on a remote or wall-mounted opener. Yet hinged garage doors are not for everyone. A driveway might not be long enough to accommodate the opened doors. The maximum practical width opening for carriage doors of 10-12 feet precludes their use on, say, a three-car garage opening. And some homeowners might actually park only their cars in their garages – imagine that! – making space considerations a moot point. The good news is that for those just wanting the look of carriage doors, some companies offer sectional roll-up closers that are less expensive and, at a glance, appear to be hinged doors. Only your neighbors will know for sure. Carriage doors: The doors look classy, but also cost more They take up zero space inside a garage They can be divided so a small entry door is created But they have limitations on size and can get in the way
7 идей для преобразовывать ваши и лето эта весны ярда Posted: 03 May 2010 09:00 AM PDT
At this point, the birds are singing and you’re beginning to really appreciate those clear and breezy days outside. Maybe you appreciate them enough to turn your eye to your backyard, and to think about unlocking some of its decorative potential. Or maybe it’s even your front yard that gives off that spark of promise for seasonal renewal. Either way, once again I’ve scoured the interwebs to find a few ideas that you might consider to breathe some life into your surrounding property. Take a look at 7 ideas for transforming your yard this season! 1. Lawn Airation and re-seeding And while you’re there, you can pick up some grass seed and top soil, too so that you can re-seed your lawn after it’s been raked (to remove thatch) and airated. Once your lawn has been allowed to breathe for a few days and the surface after it’s been cleared of any surface materials, evenly apply a layer of top soil to your lawn. Then, evenly apply grass seed. Try to stay off of it for a few days, and maybe put some tape up so that your letter-carrier/paperboy/pizza-dude knows not to tread on young grass.
Consider using natural stone pavers to help get you the effect you want. Brick, and crushed gravel are also popular choices for paths. Then, take a look at these how to install a patio videos to help you create the staging area for Summer that you’ve been dreaming about. 3. Install A Water Feature 4. Install A Deck And then, it’s a matter of choosing your materials; wood decks, composite decking, and vinyl deck materials are all solid choices. Get matching railings, too, and maybe take a look at new doors leading into kitchens or living rooms to integrate your new deck as an extension of your whole property.
6. Prune and Plant Trees and Shrubs Another choice is to plant new trees and shrubs appropriate to your climate, and your ability to maintain them. Once again, reading gardening blogs by gardening gurus, or get a referral from someone who has a garden you admire. 7. Install a garden ’structure’
Your yard holds all kinds of potential for beauty, and for that feeling that you don’t have to go very far to enjoy the Great Outdoors. Sometimes it just takes one simple idea to get you started down the particular ‘garden path’ to bring out the best in your property. And these have been 7 of them. Add your ideas, or tell your stories about how you transformed your yard. Cheers! Rob. 7 Ideas For Transforming Your Yard This Spring and Summer is a post from: Laminate Flooring, Hardwood Floors and More from BuildDirect Related posts:
Добавления к вашему архиву DIY Posted: 03 May 2010 02:22 AM PDT Немного новых книг приходя вне это лето которое я имел bookmarked на моем списке Амазонкы. Хотя я имею мою освещенную справедливую долю цыпленока pre-ordered (отсутствие суждений) здесь немного DIY читаю что я возбужден для того чтобы принять к пляжу. 101 проект в субботу утром - над 100 проектирует что взятие чем 4 часа? Подпишите меня вверх. Талантливые люди разнорабочего семьи за этим поэтому вы знаете будет хорошо. Как запланировать, заключить контракт и построить ваш собственный дом - название говорит его все. Я хочу суметь как сделать все 3. Это покрывает все от типов домов к proofing burgler. Преобразовывающ старые здания в новые дома - я высасыватель для преобразований. Я думаю что я обратит большинств внимание фото. |
Бесплатная раздача: Multi-Инструмент мастера бесшнуровой Posted: 02 May 2010 02:33 AM PDT Один из наших любимейших all-around инструментов мастер Multi-Инструмент Лити-Иона 12 вольтов бесшнуровой который мы недавно рассмотрели. Он способен вырезывания, выскабливающ, мелющ, извлекающ grout и больше. Это делает все бесшнуровой multi-инструмент может теперь быть твоим путем вход этой бесплатной раздачи неделей. КАК ВОЙТИ В 4 путя войти в и больше вариантов вы выбираете лучшее ваши шансы. 1. Выйдите комментарию на этот столб говоря мы как вы использовали бы этот multi-инструмент. 2. Выйдите комментарию на столб Facebook говоря мы как вы использовали бы этот multi-инструмент. 3. Tweet это состязание при слова «полученные для того чтобы иметь эту бесплатную раздачу от @Charles_Hudson http://bit.ly/dbuDih» 4. @CraftsmanClub подписать вверх для нашего еженедельного информационого бюллетеня DIY & дома remodeling консультация. Если вы уже абонент после этого, то вы автоматически зарегистрированы. Вы можете вписать каждый путь раз в персону. КРАИНИЙ СРОК БЕСПЛАТНОЙ РАЗДАЧИ после того как все входы будут приведены случайному победителю будет выбран на 12 полночи EST 8-ого мая 2010 и будет сообщен немедленно. |
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