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Принесите внутри помещения вне Posted: 13 Jul 2011 07:13 AM PDT By Whitney Wyatt With the uncertain economy and high gas prices, homeowners are doing more 'staycations' these days. And that has made enhancing the backyard for entertaining purposes more popular. From upgrading the patio to putting in an outdoor kitchen, creating outside spaces has become the trend. What is your idyllic outdoor oasis? Many homeowners find outdoor kitchens make their homes more convenient while giving their backyards a nicer look. Before hiring a professional to help build your summer sanctuary, Mr. Rooter® Plumbing recommends homeowners ask themselves this question: "How do I want the space to be used?". (Don't forget to keep children and pets in mind while you think about this.) When this question is answered, it's time to decide on a budget. Once the budget is set, here comes the fun part – selecting the products. Think about your home. The kitchen is usually the focal point when it comes to family gatherings – from doing homework to eating meals to playing games. Just like it was important to select items for the inside of your home, it's important to design your outdoor space to your liking as well. For homeowners who want an outdoor kitchen with all the bells and whistles, they also need to think about products that will 'weather' the weather. Thankfully, there is a good selection of items, as backyard retreats have become increasingly popular. And the popular sink selection is stainless steel. Picking a stainless steel sink is going to be the best option, because it withstands weather better than other materials. Because it is sturdier than other products, it also doesn't damage as easily. When it comes to fixtures, heavy duty brass is the top pick. Heavy duty brass does not corrode, and it is rust free. When it comes to installing these projects, some can be do-it-yourself while others are not. For example, installing the water line for outdoor kitchen sinks, refrigerators and ice-makers can be a DIY project. But hiring a plumber is recommended, because professionals know the best location for installation. As for installing the drain line for the kitchen sink, homeowners who are not DIY savvy should hire a plumber. The drain needs to connect to a sewer source to dispose of waste water. It is also best for homeowners to hire a professional to install the gas line for outdoor ranges and grills as well as patio heaters and fireplaces. Professionals have the training and experience to ensure proper and safe installation. Once your outdoor space is created, we hope it captures the feel you want – whether it's a party atmosphere or a serene space to read a book. This article was provided by Mr. Rooter. | ||||||
Chainsaws и настил: Головки C&H к NC для Husqvarna и случаев полов Shaw Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:29 AM PDT Эта неделя мы покрываем 2 важные события что мы не хотели пропустить эту неделю. Я провожу 2 дня на средстве в Шарлотта, NC научных исследования и разработок Husqvarna, учя о их самых последних продуктах и испытывая chainsaws, триммерах, воздуходувках и косилках. Katy как раз вниз с дороги в Asheville, NC на случае конструкции с полами Shaw. Она путешествует дом HGTV мечт тогда начинает работу на конструировать комнату от пола вверх на студиях Tribuzio-Hilliard которые будут выставочным залом готовым. И в конце случая все вентиляторы Shaw Facebook проголосуют для победителя. Если выигрыши Katy мы могут дать одному из наших удачливейших читателей модернизацию пола! Больше на том более поздно. Если вы вентилятор инструментов, то внимательности лужайки силы последуйте за нами на Twitter на @Charles_Hudson и если конструкция больше вашей вещи тогда, то последуйте за @CH_Katy. | ||||||
Кухня Remodeling на благодарение? Время начать теперь Posted: 12 Jul 2011 05:07 PM PDT If you’ve said for years that you’ll have everyone over for Thanksgiving once you finish that kitchen remodel, I’ve got news for you: the time to start planning is now. Yes, the wonderful holiday centered on food, company and the kitchen may seem far away. But planning now affords you the time you need to find a contractor, sketch out a plan of attack, select your new kitchen fixtures and begin construction. And it lets you organize each step with much less stress than, say, cooking that eighteen-pound turkey and perfecting the bread pudding brandy sauce. First Things FirstIf you haven’t found a contractor, start comparing bids before you do anything else. You may think you can’t afford much, but only a contractor can accurately price your renovation. Click here to learn just how much your remodel will cost. Next, here's a list of steps that will take you from dreaming about a remodeled kitchen, to cooking in it with glee. 1. Get Your Brainstorming OnThe kitchen is, as Julia Child said, the heart of the home. It’s required to provide several different functions. From cooking to storage to gathering everyone in one place, the kitchen is the single most important room in your home. Start by getting together a folder of brainstorm material. Create a list of what you want from your remodel. What are your needs? What needs upgrading the most? Remember that appliance upgrades are one of the largest returns on investment in a home, and can increase your home's overall value, not to mention make it more beautiful and functional now. Read up here about how to replace your appliances with affordable choices, and receive government rebates in the meantime. Collect clippings and notes on what style you want in your new kitchen. Remember that, being such an integral part of the overall household, you want the kitchen to feel new but still flow with the overall aesthetic. Collect kitchen pictures and notes of what you want to achieve both functionally and aesthetically. 2. Plan the TimelineOne of the most helpful things you can do to insure a successful project is to create a plan of needed steps and an accompanying timeline. This gets you through the project in simpler, broken-down phases—and helps the professionals you've hired understand your needs and their time limits. You've seen it in neighbors and maybe past projects: there's nothing more stressful than feeling like a renovation project will never end, or worse, becomes a total failure. While a kitchen renovation can seem a huge task to undertake, everything’s easier when you plan in advance—in planning now. 3. Hire the Right ProfessionalsAfter you know the priorities of your kitchen remodel and what you specifically want, a professional can help solidify your plans. Locally based contractors can transform your dreaming into concrete reality. Click here to check out our own great database for a contractor in your area. Professionals know which appliances and details save money, energy, and qualify for rebates. They also bring their professional experience to the project—and you may even be surprised at concepts they suggest that you never considered, providing you with exactly what you're wanting—and more. Photos via Houzz | ||||||
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT When you build an outdoor kid’s playhouse, you’re creating a fun and exciting place for children to play. But, you’re helping to create a space for kids that they can call their own, giving them a sense of ownership that they can carry with them into adulthood. There are several options to consider as you plan your design, but mostly you should view this as constructing a little home of which the children themselves can feel proud. Making theplan before building a kid’s playhouseMaking a plan or design before starting construction ensures that the process of putting together the clubhouse goes as smoothly as possible. A plan is also necessary so that you can get a good idea of what will be required, the size of the structure, how to make it stable, and if you want the clubhouse to be stationary or able to move. These are key considerations prior to beginning work, because once the little house it completed, it will be hard to change certain aspects. The different types of kid’s playhousesThere are different types of clubhouses that can be made for children. The first is the type that can breakdown and collapse if you wish to move it in pieces at a later date. This type can be purchased in kits, which can save a lot of time when it comes to construction. But, often, it results in a less sturdy clubhouse The second type is stationary and set to remain on the property. This style requires a concrete slab, and like a home, the walls are attached to the slab. The final type is the most popular, and the style that will be discussed. It has a false floor, or raised foundation that is propped up on 2 x 6 pieces of wood (or concrete blocks, as pictured). This type of clubhouse can be moved, but will require help. Materials to get started with After making the initial plan, there will be a list of materials that you will need in order to construct the kid’s clubhouse. Below is a list of suggested items, not accounting for a specific design. You may find that you don’t use some listed, or that you need additional items.
Get ready, set, build!Now that you have your design and supplies, you’re ready to build. Follow these general steps to make this a great weekend project:
Kid’s playhouses are great projects to start after projects at your main property, where leftover tile, laminate flooring, and other home improvement projects have been completed. Using leftover building materials can reduce waste, as well as tying your kid’s playhouse to the look and feel of your main home. Let’s play!Children will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor with activities that will stimulate their imagination and creativity. This is a fun way to allow kids to have a little independence, and to communicate the idea of ownership, and of a sense of space that they can feel a sense of responsibility toward. So, this is not just about playtime – a kid’s playhouse can help to provide a precursor to taking care of their own space once they reach adulthood. For more detailed information about a project like this, check out this article on how to build a children’s clubhouse. And for you visual learners, check out Ron Hazelton’s site for step-by-step video instructions on how to make your own kids playhouse. Related posts: | ||||||
Домашнее улучшение отклоняет 2011 Posted: 12 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT ![]() To view the full-sized image, click on it. This will open a new window. Click the image again to enlarge.(Image source: eLocal.com) Homeowners in 2011 are becoming more and more savvy at reading the signs of the times. Things aren’t great right now when you consider the state of the U.S housing market, and the increasing awareness that nothing can be considered business as usual. But, in many ways, this shift in paradigm can be considered something of a catalyst to creativity, and with homeowner self-education when it comes to home improvement trends. Homeowners are seeking to change the status quo more so than ever. To do this, they’re using their creative brains, and their increasing awareness of staying to budget. They are more likely to put an emphasis on efficiency and cost savings. They are more inclined to work in greater detail with each other, with home improvement specialists, and with building materials retailers, to get the visual effects they’re after with long-term savings built right in. Home improvements: “smart” not “more”Homeowners read the news and study economic patterns more so when thinking about their home improvement projects. Trends in green construction, efficient lighting, energy conservation, more awareness when it comes to water use, and all of the cost savings associated with all of those, are the keys to the home improvement decision-making process in 2011 so far. This certainly indicates that homeowners are thinking about building, renovating, transforming their spaces with “smart” in mind, and not necessarily “more”. The angel is in the detailsThe details are becoming more important in 2011 home improvement projects. Those grandiose plans of the past have evolved into the subtle, and tasteful updates of today. Adding crown moldings, a garden path to a front door, refurbishing furniture, or creating more storage space is a sign of increasing awareness of both cost savings, and the beauty and grace to be found in subtlety. The search for the Dream Home has turned inward, with the idea that the Dream Home is the one we’re already in, waiting to be transformed by the creative eyes of those we live there. And further to that, the Dream Home is revealed not by adding a new wing to the home, but by adding tasteful tweaks that will bring the home to life, including bolder and more personalized color templates, and extended living areas that bridge the interior with outdoor living spaces. A hopeful 2012With the trends moving in this direction, it seems that the modern homeowner is placing education, conservation, and subtlety when it comes to interior design to the forefront. Yet, the home improvement trends for 2011 isn’t about being limited about what a home can be. It’s about opening up to the possibility to what’s already there, waiting to be revealed. Once again, it’s all about that magical word – transformation – which is something that a bad economy can’t dampen. And this makes for a very hopeful 2012. Cheers, Rob. Thanks to our friends at eLocal.com who put together the infogrpahic you see here. To view the text version of the graphic on eLocal.com’s original post, read more about home improvement trends 2011 Related posts: | ||||||
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 07:00 AM PDT By: Ashley Munn It's summertime and there's no better way to enjoy the weather than by relaxing in your backyard – next to the pool. Just imagine yourself floating in the cool water with a refreshing beverage in your hand as sweet music emanates from the bushes and dances through your head. The garden looks great and you feel amazing with warm rays of sunshine beating down on your face as the water cools your body. You enjoy your day, going inside only to fix dinner (or remaining outside at your new outdoor kitchen). As the day fades into night, the lights kick on, not only in the pool but throughout your garden. Glows radiate from the bases of your trees and flowers to project a mood of serenity throughout the backyard. With the temperature dropping as the sun goes down, you turn on the Jacuzzi and slip into it, as you share the beauty of the evening with your friends and family. Clearly, the picture we just painted in your head is amazing, but what decisions do you need to make in order for this tropical paradise to become a reality in your backyard? The Pool If the pool is going to be the centerpiece of your paradise – and it will be – then you'll need to decide what type of pool you want – essentially how deep you want it? This can be the most difficult question to answer because if you have small children, the prospect of a deep pool may frighten you. However, it's important to remember that your kids will grow up with this pool, and as they get older they will want to dive and do cannonballs, just like you did as a child. A common solution is to have a "deep end" where diving is allowed, with the pool starting shallow and sloping downward. The most common alternative to a pool with a "deep end" is an "activity pool" where swimmers will be able to stand throughout the pool. Typically, it is shallow at both ends and gets slightly deeper in the middle. The Ambiance The key to a great experience in your backyard is turning it into an escape – a paradise. Showing off and enjoying that garden that you (or someone you hired) work so hard to maintain is imperative – even in the evening. You need lights to see at night, so why not let them serve a dual purpose and light up your beautiful garden at the same time? You can use soft, wide lights at the base of your trees, flowers and bushes in order to accentuate their beauty and create a cabana-vibe while you're relaxing in your Jacuzzi or on your patio. Lighting the pool can also create an aesthetically-pleasing environment while providing another measure of safety. Lights can and should be installed in both the pool and the Jacuzzi so that swimmers can be safely observed at all times. The sight of the light passing through the water is a beautiful one at night, and gels can be placed over the lights in order to manipulate the color. Would you love a specific colored light to complement your flowers? You can do that. Just as lights can be placed at the base of plants or inside trees, so can speakers. Listening to your favorite songs while lying on a raft in your pool can take you away to your own tropical paradise in seconds. Speakers can be strategically placed throughout your transformed backyard. Treetops, inside lawn ornaments, nestled within bushes, or up against the house. With speakers in the right place, you can feel like your favorite artists are performing poolside while you soak up the sun. A pool is a long-term investment. If you're going to have it in your backyard for the next 15 years, it may as well be perfect. With the perfect pool, you can be off to your own little paradise in no time. This article was provided by Mr. Electric. For all your lighting, be sure to contract a professional electrician, such as those at Mr. Electric. While your Mr. Electric professional is installing all those lights, ask him to hook up your stereo system too. For more information, visit mrelectric.com. | ||||||
Построьте вашу собственную ловушку фруктовой мухи Posted: 12 Jul 2011 05:28 AM PDT Ничего мы любим больше чем быстрый проект DIY который служит практически цель. Лето лучшее эфирное время собрать свежие фрукты и овощи от ваших рынков сада или хуторянин зоны, но оборотная сторона что продукция может часто привлекать фруктовых мух пока хранил в вашей кухне. Разрешение? Ловушка фруктовой мухи DIY, конечно! Mandi на организовать ваш путь имеет легкий проект который вы закончите в немного минут--и нет те самый лучший вид проектов? Вы вероятно будете иметь поставкы вокруг дома, слишком. Здесь что вам будет нужно: Поставкы Высокорослые стекло или опарник Кусок бумаги Лента Ножницы Уксус сидра Apple Фруктовый сок | ||||||
Улучшать объем запоминающего устройства Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:55 AM PDT Большое часть из времени, шкафы принадлежит в кухне и ванной комнате, но некоторые домашние предприниматели имеют обширные шкафы хранения в комнате корабля, гараже, архиве или комнате прачечного. Вы можете решить что вы хочет заменить одни в вашей кухне или другой комнате вашего дома. Тип, цена, и польза аспекты, котор нужно рассматривать. Выбирать ваши шкафы Когда вы решаете что шкафам нужно быть замененным причина может быть типом декора, в котором случаю, возможно только фронты нужно заменить, или оборудованием. Если вы хотите полностью новый комплект, то вы выбираете ваш диапазон цен, тип согласно настоящему или новому декору, и как вы хотите их установили для функции и удобства. Комплекты изготовленного на заказ шкафа Шкафы можно закупить как pre-сделанные блоки которые легки для того чтобы установить. Если никакое из довольно приспособленного имеющегося комплектов конструкции, то вы имеете в разуме, вы можете хотеть иметь изготовленные на заказ комплекты быть установленным. Изготовленные на заказ работы могут быть самым лучшим разрешением покуда вы можете позволять их. Когда вы хотите заменить недостаточное хранение в любой комнате вашего дома, вы можете выбрать pre-сделанные блоки или нанять профессионала для того чтобы построить комплекты таможни для вас. Взгляните на всех имеющихся выборах для того чтобы определить который вариант самые лучшие для вас. DirectBuy обеспечивает широкий диапазон неофициальных советников президента, оборудования и вспомогательного оборудования. Вы можете выбрать от широкия диапазона материалов и типов для того чтобы сделать вашу кухню все что вы хотите ее быть. С сразу ценами человека внутри вы можете позволять выбрать высокое качество и сохранить до 50% с розничных цен. | ||||||
Современные дома строения собственной личности! Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:40 AM PDT Thinking of building your own home? These guys have made it possible for thousands of people to design their own with lifestyle in mind. These contemporary self build homes have been designed with energy efficient building technology combined with innovative options. They all follow a theme of comfort with high class style and lots of space. There are lots of design options to ensure that no 2 homes will ever be the same. Not only are the designs cool but the Zenit and Lighthouse range broke ground breaking records as Potton the developer applied zero carbon technology maximizing energy savings. The lighthouse project below was designed to prove to the world that a home can be high-end architecture while being super sustainable. To achieve this the home was insulated to the max in order to keep air leakage to a minimum. After that was in place renewable energy solutions were installed, like the solar panels on the roof to provide free electricity and the thermal panels for domestic water supply. The 40 degree angled roof allows natural light to pour through to the double height living space. In this case the sleeping area was placed downstairs so the residents have maximum benefit of the roof area. The structure was built with a timber portal to allow floors to be inserted in the future. A change of plan means the residents can enjoy the generous roof area! The advantage of a self build is that you get exactly what you want! This project was the first to achieve code level 6 in sustainable housing! The Zenit range offers an enviable, privileged way of living, high above average standards. There are so many inspirational designs to choose from so you can build your home to your own individual taste, just like these guys did below. These homes also offer the maximum energy savings a home could run on meeting the highest code level for sustainable housing with out loosing style. With technology becoming more sophisticated all the time by building your own home you can decide right at the beginning what you want to install, whether it’s an automatic light system or remote controlled curtains. You can even install wall speakers in each room to integrate with your ipod. You also have a choice of how efficient you want your home to run. There are so many Eco-friendly options available from solar panels to photovoltaics that will save you money in the long run. Potton has been helping people build their own homes for over 30 years, and most clients have no knowledge at all about building or architecture! Another major benefit of a self build is that you will have a home full of high specifications with more space and with a higher value than a home on the open market. Can you imagine the sense of achievement!
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Что самые доступные типы Siding? Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:17 PM PDT As you probably know, siding is one of the most noticeable, make-or-break elements of a home’s exterior. Not only should home siding sport eye-catching curb appeal and match your tastes, it must be equally functional, easily maintained, and affordable. Types of Siding and How to Choose the Right KindFortunately, there’s a type of siding for every budget. And you don’t need to over-spend to get quality materials. This article will help you narrow down your siding options based on price, strength, and aesthetic appeal. To get pricing for siding installation in your area, click here. There are several popular types of siding. We recommend starting with these, and determining which siding material is best based on your local climate. Or check this full breakdown of siding costs. Fiber CementA more contemporary material, fiber cement is very durable, resistant to damage by insects, easily installed (installs similar to wood siding) and maintained, gorgeous with the right color, and made from recycled sources. It’s also an excellent choice for environmentally conscious consumers. Fiber cement siding can be installed in bevels to emulate stucco panels, or to look almost exactly like wood shingles and more. VinylA very common material on new and old homes, vinyl siding is very affordable (even more so than other materials), quite durable, versatile (commonly retrofitted over older, existing siding), and available in many styles, including shingle and shake, and a wide array of colors. The downside, however, is that vinyl is easier to damage if impacted hard enough and is more susceptible to cracking in the winter. AluminumAnother very popular type (especially with new residences), aluminum siding is virtually maintenance-free, available in styles like ever-popular shingle or shake, and comes in materials like vinyl-clad (adds durability and color sustainability) and plastic-clad (adds even more durability and lowers maintenance). Aluminum by itself is cheap, but plastic- or vinyl-clad aluminum can drive up costs. WoodA popular option mostly of bygone days, wood siding is a beautiful, timeless material. It's seldom employed today due to high maintenance, mainly re-painting, caulking, and weather-related issues. StuccoStucco siding consists of cement plaster, sand and water blended with other materials like lime, acrylics, and gypsum. It creates a very nice texture and stylish look, requires almost no maintenance, and is very versatile in color and texture. The only downsides are that it can crack when rest of the house is settling and during expansion of the material, and sometimes costs slightly more than vinyl or fiber cement. Find Affordable Siding ContractorsWith some basic information about your siding project, CalFinder can find a contractor near you that is:
If it’s time to replace or install home siding, you’re at the best place to find quality, affordable siding contractors. We'll give you several quotes from the leading contractors in your area. Use them to shop and compare, and as always, the service is completely free. How does it work? It’s simple. Click here to get quotes. And for any questions or advice, leave us a comment below! | ||||||
Создавать Nooks Рединг: Воодушевлянные втихомолку космосы на временя Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT If you’re like me, than nothing beats a really, really good book. I’m always looking out for special places to read–little reading nooks and corners that are cozy and fun to read in. Sometimes I go to old favourites, like the bay window in my room or the sunny step on the stairs right under the skylight. Other times, a little bit of creativity is needed: I’ve thrown pillows into the empty bathtub, even read in the cool wine cellar during an especially scorching July. I did some travelling with a whole bunch of book-lovers recently, and we found some truly enchanting places. A friend and I did some hiking in Glendalough, Ireland–one of the most naturally stunning places I’ve ever seen. It’s an ancient monastic settlement situated in a glacial valley, with rolling emerald hills peppered with sheep. It used to be full of pilgrims, who believed seven trips to Glendalough was the equivalent of visiting Jerusaleum. We did some hiking in Wicklow Park until we got a complete view of the Lower Lake and the forest. The first thing we did? Pulled out our books, of course… ![]() (photo: Emily Stuart) Now, I’m inspired to find special reading nooks a little closer to home. One of my favourite summer searches is finding a place that’s equal parts shade, sun, and soft. As Dorothy said, you don’t have to go looking further than your own backyard. However, I can’t help but daydream about outdoor reading nooks and cozy corners that are perfect for reading, eating, napping, or chatting–doing whatever it is for you that reading is to me. Take a look at some of these sweet snapshots, both for inspiration and for every day. Treehouse magic and hanging chairs for the backyardIf this were my treehouse, I’d never spend time in my real house. Takashi Kobayashi makes every adventurer’s dream a reality with the rickety wraparound staircase that offers the perfect lookout for treehouse thieves. Like a hybrid form of nest and egg, this original tree house is ruggedly cozy. If you don’t have the Japanese tree house designer’s number in your contact book, then this hanging egg-shaped wicker chair will offer the same cozy atmosphere. The cushions bring the comfort of the indoors, while the wicker keeps this fun piece of furniture for an outdoor living space. Canopies and umbrellas for the beach and backyardExtravagant canopies and draping make this seaside setting surreal–a dining room without walls. The famously bright umbrellas of Deauville, France keep the beach fun and casual (not to mention much cooler). Plus, it’s nice that other beach goers don’t see you, and you don’t have to see them. But for something in an outdoor living space with a more backyard-scale, or even something more portable, try this green-friendly umbrella. The pretty parasol is made of materials including bamboo and cotton.
Hammocks: Just Hanging AroundTucked away in the corner of a garden, this wood and cloth hammock is simple and perfect for wasting away lazy summer days. There’s no danger of swinging upside down and falling out of your hammock if it looks like this. This will hold the whole family, plus the pets. If you’re interested, OutsideMom.com offers instructions on how to make a hammock for yourself. These are just a few little spaces that could make a big difference in your backyard. Where are your favourite places to read (or picnic or nap) during the summer?
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Арендовать против покупать дом Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT The shape of the U.S housing market is of genuine concern, to understate the fact. And many U.S citizens are weighing the options of where to turn when looking to establish roots; do we rent, or do we buy? Do we save for a down payment on a home of our own, making the financial sacrifices it takes to get us there and beyond ? Or, do we find a rental where we can be happy in the short-term, avoiding the front-loaded cost burden that must be understood (after the bank failures, and mass foreclosures of unsustainable mortgages of 2010 to today) as being a part of investing in property?
Renting vs buying: not just about the moneyThe reasons for wanting to own a home, and really wanting anything that will affect one’s life in the long term, should be approached with thoughtfulness, discernment, and even at times, caution. Let’s say that after much thought, reflection, and time spent managing a personal budgetary forecast, one can sustainably enter into buying a home. Is it still a good idea? For many, it absolutely is. For others, renting is still the more appealing prospect. I don’t think it’s just about the money, although the money is vital. Let’s not kid ourselves. Ultimately, I think it is a matter of priorities, personality, and the level of know-how to manage a property, day-to-day. Renting: call the SuperFor renters, day to day management is a matter for building owners, property management companies, superintendents. A flood? Call the Super. Bug infestations? Call the Super. I suppose it could be the same for the person who’s just bought a home, if you were to replace the word “Super” with “Plumber”, or “Pest Controller”, and so on. But, unless one is independently wealthy in this economy, calling the professionals every time there is a problem can really add up. In this, renting is the more straight-forward choice, when the building maintenance company picks up the tab for many of these expenses. Again, it’s about what you are personally willing to spend money on, based on what your skills happen to be when it comes to managing a property on your own. Buying: a chance to make our markHomeowning is advantageous because one is able to transform an impersonal property into a customized home to a wider degree, relatively speaking, than is possible with the average rental property. Local building permits being well understood, if you have the money, inclination, ability, budget, and space to build a new wing onto an existing house for instance, or build a custom house from scratch on a plot of land, then homeowning clearly wins the draw over renting. Even if a rental allows you to make certain changes to a property while you’re there, and transformation is just as viable, owning your own home is sought after a because it is our chance to make our mark, in terms of style and an outward reflection of our selves representing by our home. Renting: making a home is about the detailsIf you’ve examined what your priorities are, and what they mean in your life, that project to maximize space in a rental unit may be enough for a space to truly feel like home to you. Really, finding a sense of ownership over a space in this respect is about working within whatever context you’re in. Then, establishing yourself is about the tiny, yet significant, details. Maybe that shelf you put up in the bathroom of your rental unit, or that picture you hung over your couch, or that pantry cabinet in the kitchen you’ve organized, is as significant to you as a new wing of a homeowner’s house is to them. Or, maybe it can be – if you really think about it. Yet again, it all depends on you. External perceptions may vary on this score, as far as what you’ve achieved, or what level of success you’ve attained. But, if it’s you spending the money, the time, the planning, the thinking, the actual work, who cares about external perceptions anyway?For the many people who have gone from being homeowners to renters, sometimes because of financial necessity, I think this is an important factor to keep in mind. Buying: financial kloutThe choice between renting a home or buying a home isn’t just about perception. With homeowning, there are some significant advantages that have to do with establishing a financial anchor. A home can serve as an indicator that you, the homeowner, are a trustworthy bet as far as loans go, or lines of credit, or credit cards. There are, in some states, tax benefits to owning a home as well, which is a significant factor in deciding whether or not to own or rent. There is no guarantee that the equity in one’s home will always be on the rise. This is important to consider. But, none of these advantages are available to you when you rent no matter what the market does. This is a very solid reason to invest in property, if you can. Yet, again, the decision is still about finding a balance, establishing priorities, and deciding whether this clear advantage outweighs the advantages presented by the alternatives. Renting vs. buying: a deliberate decisionIt’s been well established, even in times as low as these where the housing market is concerned, that owning a home is a part of the American Dream. Everyone values a place they can call their own. As the American poet John C. Mellencamp once said: “little pink houses for you and me …” But, just because it may be a dream to own a home, it shouldn’t be a decision to make in one’s sleep. I believe it should be a deliberate decision, and a very personal one according to financial means. But, it should also be according to one’s real life goals, interests, and priorities that contribute to a satisfying life overall. Home is, as they say, where the heart is, whether its by renter’s contract, or mortgage. But, I think its important to ensure that the decision you make is the one that is true to what’s most important to you. What do you think? Cheers! Rob. Would you like to use the Rent Vs Buy image you see in this post? No problem! Just copy the code below and paste it into your website’s editor: <form style=”text-align: center;”> <textarea id=”email” cols=”70″ rows=”5″ name=”email”><A ”http://blog.builddirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rent-Vs-Buy-July-8.jpg” ><IMG SRC=”http://blog.builddirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rent-Vs-Buy-July-8.jpg” BORDER=”0″ ”TITLE”></A> </textarea></form> Related posts: | ||||||
Легкость очищать важный выбор в доме Remodels Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:42 AM PDT Ходя по магазинам для деталей для того чтобы завершить дом remodel, легкость чистки быть важным фактором в ваших выборах покупкы. Много приборов теперь предлагают характеристики которые делают внимательность изо дня в день более легкой для многодельных владельцев дома и сезонной чистки не более длинних такая работа по дома. Легко для того чтобы очистить приборы Много печки и рядов варить теперь предложены в моделях отличая нагревающим элементом который под стеклом или покрыты. Эт восхитительная отборная помощь предотвращает брызгает и разливает от изо дня в день варя быть испечена в нагревающий элемент и делать чистая поднимающая вверх трудную. Эти варианты типично имеющиеся на электрических рядах но будут более популярными в приборах кухни. Органические пути очистить вверх ваш дом С фокусом на органических выборах для дома, одна вещь которую нельзя обозреть варианты для органического очищает вверх в кухне и других зонах семьи. Стекло, древесину, countertops включая гранит, нержавеющую сталь и даже микроволны можно легко очистить используя органические методы, которые не производят токсические перегары или выпарки в вашем доме для того чтобы угрожать детей, sicken любимчиков или загрязнять поверхности подготовки еды. Не только органические методы более эффективны в большинств случаи, но типично они также более рентабельный. DirectBuy предлагает широкий выбор продуктов домашнего улучшения для того чтобы помочь вам держать ваши организованным дом и напольные области опрятным, аккуратный и. Продукты известной марки на 50% с розничной помощи вы держите ваш бюджетю неповрежденным. | ||||||
Динамически графические идеи обоев! Posted: 10 Jul 2011 04:38 AM PDT You can give any room a total change of style and image by being clever with your choice of wallpaper! See these tips and get inspired by these fabulous images below. Our favorite from the Virtue collection by Harlequin has a strong curve appeal, ideal if you want to express a strong graphic message. This collection can turn a wall into a feature and instantly transform any room. The collection includes funky geometric designs, cool stripes and modern prints. Match with curvy edged objects! (credit) Below the Lagoon and Lucido choices both offer a glamorous touch to any room. The Lagoon on the left is a flamboyant design with an embossed textured finish, while the Lucido makes a huge statement with its damask edge suitable in a classical or contemporary environment. Glamorous and bold, ideal for a classic or contemporary room! This collection aptly called Indulgance ooz’s confidence with sophistication, ideal for any room in any home, or even the office. All the wallpapers in this collection offer bold and assertive designs with perfect color combinations. Sophistication in perfect color combinations! Bold stripes are modern and stylish and add a touch of class to any room. This style would be great for a bachelor pad or to add a contemporary edge and sophistication to a dining room. Only paper one wall though or it may be too much! With bold stripes one wall is enough! Targeting trend followers and fashionistas Graham Brown’s Vivid collection offers an abstract edge with pastel shapes all linking together to form a multicolor design or large scale geometric shapes with a prominent metallic theme. For the design and fashion conscious individuals! This collection theme has been inspired by modern architecture with its contrasting textures, the layering effect forming shadows and the geometric 3D prominence. Reminiscent of modern day architecture! A great trick for adding height to a room is to use a design with a vertical stripe. Here the green hues would be the perfect backdrop to a minimalist room with either natural wood or natural stone as main elements of the design. A great trick for adding height to any room! This pale oval pattern has a calming effect with a contemporary feel. The large ovals don’t overwhelm the design so this would be suitable for a small room lacking in detail. Unassuming with a calming effect! Choosing wall paper is a job in itself as there are thousands of designs to browse, so be sure to think about the effect you want to achieve before you start looking. Don’t get swayed from your original idea as you may regret it shortly after. Top tips: Vertical stripes can add height to a room, while horizontal add width. Stripes should only be applied to one wall or the effect will be too overwhelming. Metallic designs reflect light. Wallpaper can be used to transform a wall into a feature. Pale colors with a large design are ideal for a small room. Try to match objects or accessories to the shape of a graphic or geometric design or they will conflict. Yes you can mix florals with stripes in the same room! This only works though if you stay within the same color theme. Have you got any clever tips for choosing wallpaper?
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Кухня Remodeling нагрюет вверх в области Сан Франчисчо Баы Posted: 09 Jul 2011 08:00 AM PDT Summer's in full force and heating up Fog City once again. Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area, including neighbors San Jose and Oakland, continue in their quests to finally reinvigorate their homes—at a rate not seen since before the economic recession. And guess which space is getting the most attention? The kitchen. For most homeowners it's the central part of the house, as well as the one that typically receives the most scrutiny from potential home-buyers and realtors alike. That’s why our San Francisco contractors have dedicated their services to comprehensive kitchen remodels. Because we all know it’s not just about a pretty kitchen, but one that adds lasting value to your home. And with proven track records, the quality of service is second to none. For pricing on a kitchen remodel in your area, click here. Trending San Francisco Kitchen DesignsForm and function in perfect harmony. That's been the creed of kitchen contractors and designers for decades. Particularly around San Francisco, customers demand kitchens that:
Considering that, one of the most popular overall kitchen designs of 2011 consist of a rough mix of traditional and contemporary elements (consumers are increasingly finding mixed-themed kitchens very attractive). Crown molding, custom cabinetry, and granite or porcelain tile countertop are examples of the traditional. Contrasting curvy, elliptical lines with modern, geometric ones constitute the contemporary. Contemporary elements can also incorporate frosted glass inserts for cabinets, glass countertops (instead of granite or tile), and track- or pendant-style lighting. Energy Efficient Appliances and Fixtures the RageWhen San Francisco homeowners decide to remodel their kitchens, they want appliances and fixtures that sport style, energy conservation and practical functionality. Low-consumption, LED lighting is rapidly replacing older types such as incandescent lighting. Popular appliances include ultra energy-efficient, drawer-style dishwashers and other Energy Star-rated products. And the kitchen sink. Who could forget such an important element? Employ the typical, double-basin stainless steel sink with either a pull-out style "spray" faucet or single-handle, polished chrome faucet. Over-the-stove "pot fillers" are as extremely functional as they are charming. Energy Star rebates and various state and/or federal tax credits apply to many of these items, and more. What’s more, a contractor worth his salt will assist you in every step of the process to find the lowest-cost, highest-quality fixtures and appliances, as well as any applicable rebates and government incentives. Make Bay Area Kitchen Remodelers Compete For Your DollarIf you’re looking for kitchen remodel cost estimates, we'll shop the gamut of our contractors for their best prices. Comparison shopping has never been this easy. Click here to get your quotes. All contractors are 100% licensed, bonded and insured. Photos via Houzz | ||||||
Отрежьте цены кондиционирования воздуха до 48% с новым окном Posted: 08 Jul 2011 02:44 PM PDT
Did you know that over 80% of a window is made of glass? So, improved glass performance leads to a great reduction in cooling loss, which translates to saving tons of money on your air conditioning bill every month. That is, as long as you have energy-efficient windows installed in your home. To get price information on energy-saving windows, click here. Energy-efficient windows keep the warm air out in the summer and protect against the cold air in the winter, making them the ideal window type for all homes in all climates, no matter what time of year it is. That all sounds great, but what exactly do low-energy windows do to reduce your electric bill up to 48%? The best style of low-energy windows is EnergyStar SolarZone Insulated Glass windows, which offer the following features to shield you in the hot summer months:
A reduction in solar heat and cold air insulation for your home means that you will cut down on energy costs dramatically with window replacement, especially if Low-E windows are installed all over the house. That sounds great, but how does Low-E Glass work?
Energy Efficiency Adds Up In Savings for You
Get pricing and other assistance with your window project by clicking here. – Brian Wall is CEO of Window World Ocala, energy-efficient window replacement specialists. Window World Ocala has been installing Low-E windows for decades, and prides itself on creating and installing high-quality windows in your home that not only look amazing, but save you money in the hot summer months. Energy Efficiency Adds Up In Savings for You
Window world Ocala has been installing Low E windows for decades, and prides itself in creating and installing high quality windows in your home that not only look amazing, but save you money in the hot summer months. | ||||||
Хонингуйте ваши искусства DIY на театре Posted: 08 Jul 2011 07:00 AM PDT Там только поэтому много эпизодов домашних выставок реновации вы можете наблюдать прежде чем вы получают, что зуд получаете ваши руки пакостно. Однако для большого части из нас, мы не росли вверх с инструментами в одной руке, взбираясь леса с другим. Искусства DIY научены и выучено, не врождённый, настолько упование для каждого выучить. Но как вы учите без разрушать вашу собственную обитель? Мы имеем легкое разрешение для вас: театр. Ученичества могут быть трудны для того чтобы прийти мимо и дороге для поддержания. Типы ударены и пропускают с уровнем квалификации, учя способностью, и снова, цена. Но я могу гарантировать вас что ваша община имеет или среднюю школу или местную программу театра которая умирает для волонтеров для того чтобы помочь с всеми кулуарный усилиями которые идут в одевать в выставка. | ||||||
10 шнуров питания которые всегда в путе Posted: 08 Jul 2011 05:45 AM PDT by Guest The convenience of electric appliances is great, but those darn power cords can be a problem. They're always getting tangled up, hooked on things, knocking stuff over, tripping you up and coming unplugged. More and more items are now available in cordless varieties, like phones and power drills, but here are ten things with power cords that are always getting in the way. 1. Vacuum cleaner – The worst power cord offender in my book is the vacuum cleaner. The cord is always getting tangled around chairs and other furnishings. Then just when you're trying to reach into the farthest corner of the room, they come unplugged. 2. Trouble light – You can use a flashlight to see into dark places, but if you need your hands free to work on something, you'll probably want to use a trouble light. The reason they're called "trouble" lights is because the power cord is nothing but trouble. It'll get caught in the creeper wheels when you're working under a car and leave you in the dark when it comes unplugged. 3. Electric cooker – Crock pots, electric fry pans, deep fryers and any other kitchen appliance you cook with will have a bothersome power cord. It'll either be in the way on the counter top or getting hooked on a cupboard door or stuck in a drawer. 4. Electric mixer – You'll have the same problem with a hand held electric mixer. The cord is always knocking stuff over on the counter and getting caught on something. When your ingredients go flying, you really have a mess. 5. Curling irons and blow dryers – Trying to do your hair with either one of these can be maddening. The power cord is always draped across the sink and getting hooked on the faucet plus your makeup and perfume continually gets knocked over. 6. Iron – The power cord from and iron is not only in the way, it's downright dangerous. Never leave an iron plugged in when small children are around. Even if it's not hot, you don't want them pulling an iron down on top of their little heads. 7. Space heater – It seems like there's no place you can put a space heater that the power cord isn't in the way. If someone trips over it there could be a fire hazard if it doesn't automatically shut off. 8. Fan – You'll find the same problem with electric fans. In order to get the air moving in the right direction that darn power cord is always in the wrong place. 9. Power tools – Some power saws and electric drills are cordless because the ones with cords are a real pain in the rear. It's difficult to work when you're dragging a power cord around everywhere you go. People are always tripping over them and they never quite reach into those tight spots. 10. Extension cord – Of course the worst culprit of all is the dreaded extension cord. Most appliances come with such short cords that you can't use them without an extension cord. Then you inevitably have a cord that's too long and gets in the way. This list could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Maybe these power cords wouldn't be such a problem if I weren't such a klutz or maybe I need to pay more attention to what I'm doing. Come to think of it, power cords wouldn't be half the problem if you could ever find an electric outlet where you need one. This article was provided by Electricityproviders.net. See the original post here. | ||||||
Современные идеи конструкции кухни! Posted: 08 Jul 2011 04:36 AM PDT If you want to create the ultimate contemporary kitchen then browse this article for stunning images and top tips. Use some of the ideas to achieve your dream modern kitchen whatever your budget! Make it match by paying particular attention to details like splash backs, place mats, upholstery and materials. Here the pinks contrast perfectly against the walnut wood floor and the streamlined kitchen surfaces. Attention to detail is everything so make it match!(credit) The curve or right angled kitchen island is very en-trend now. It is stylish and modern while also being practical by housing the sink and generous work area. Create a mini hub in the kitchen by adding cool stools. Create a mini hub at you kitchen island with cool stools! If you have cash to splash and the space to match then make the most of it. Here rich wood with a lacquered finish creates a sleek, wealthy look. The natural stone floor tiles are a perfect contrast and the huge windows welcome in the garden. A rich finish with stunning garden views! Hide that kitchen clutter behind clever storage space, and finish with chic white lacquered veneer. Choose high- end sink faucets to add even more of an ultra modern effect. Keep it clean and reflective with pure white lacquer! Mixing materials is very popular at the moment so don’t limit yourself to two or three. If you are on a limited budget this is easy to achieve. Here we have natural brick work, wood slatted shutters mixed with modern red lacquer, all in perfect sync. Don’t be scared of mixing different materials! Show off your cool advanced appliances by making them a focal point. Build them in for a seamless look and chic minimalist appeal. Clever lighting bounces off the lacquered surfaces giving the illusion of a larger space. Turn your super cool appliances into a focal point! Harmony in the kitchen in zen style offering a clean, simple design with minimum fuss. Zen is a way of being not really a way of design, however natural things, mixed with Eco friendly materials, a pretty focal point like the light fitting and minimalist approach can achieve this look. Hints of the Far East! Show stopping color gives this kitchen the wow factor! Dare to go bold and create a unique dream kitchen with glossy aspects and top notch appliances to make sure this is the coolest room in your home. Glossy red adds some glamour against the dark wood! Top tips for creating a contemporary kitchen: Dark wood veneers add richness and glamorous glossy finishes have reflective qualities. Island units with built in storage and appliances are great space savers even in small kitchens. Floor to ceiling cupboards leave work surfaces free of clutter and give a more streamlined effect. Natural stone is a perfect contrast for any contemporary kitchen. Colored glass splash backs are easy to clean and maintain as well as looking good. Finish off the look with the latest faucet designs. Invest in top quality cookers and appliances.
Go for a colored retro fridge or appliances. Keep in focus the rest of your home design, having a stunning contemporary kitchen won’t work unless the rest of the house is in the same theme. The main points for a cutting edge contemporary kitchen are a light and airy room, top notch appliances, the latest in surfaces, wood veneer, natural stone, reflective elements, clean lines and clutter free. | ||||||
Решать на Carpeting для вашего дома Posted: 08 Jul 2011 04:25 AM PDT Так тип конструкции выбран для вашего дома remodel, приказанная мебель и картина полная. Затем на списке выбрать тип ковра который работают для вашего дома и который будет прочен на много лет. Решать на типе настила Выбирая настил для вашего дома, важно держать в уровнях движения разума и как легко или трудно тип настила будет очистить также, как выборы цвета, текстуры или картины. Ковер shag плюша нет вероятно франтовского выбора для семьи с малыми дет или мириад любимчиков. Замкните накоротко fibered выборы более велемудрый выбор должный к более легкой ыборке ежедневного движения и расслоины. Выбирать цвет для вашего настила Такому большому разнообразию выборов и цветов настила предлагают сегодня его может быть трудно для того чтобы выбрать одно совершенное для вашего дома. Выбор мебели хороший путь помочь решить цвет или картину в поле. Конечно, небольшие картины помогут закамуфлировать некоторый износ движения но могут быть слишком громки с мебелью которая также сделана по образцу. Нейтральные цветы позволят вам изменить мебель по мере того как вы желаете без сделать изменение в справляться также. DirectBuy имеет обширный выбор top-quality настила всех типов и ковра известной марки от изготовлений Америка ведущих на ценах до 50% с розницы. | ||||||
Вы жили бы в доме мира самой узкой? Posted: 07 Jul 2011 12:47 PM PDT Мы часто говорим о малых космосах здесь на C&H: как сделать малый космос чувствовать большле, как увеличить лимитированный квадратный отснятый видеоматериал и другие подобные темы. Но как мало слишком мал? Мы споткнулись через изображения дома мира самой узкой и не можем помочь только интересовать если что-то, то которая малюсенько фактически обитаем. Конструировано архитектором Jakub Szczesny, 60 дюймов широкая дом заполняет отказ между старым зданием tenement и зданием башни в Варшава, Польша, согласно рассказу Home-Designing.com. Дом установлена для того чтобы раскрыть 4-ого февраля 2012, в которое время израильский сочинитель Etgar Keret будет жить там на месяц. Потом, он будет делить его как студия «для отборного немногие творческие и интеллектуальные индивидуалы от вокруг мира,» согласовывающ Home-Designing.com. | ||||||
Bamboo-zled: Больше польз для бамбука, тенденция природы любимейшая Posted: 07 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT No longer reserved for panda bears and landscape paintings, bamboo seems to be sprouting up everywhere. It’s versatile and decorative, and can be used in place of wood. The best part is that it’s extremely eco-friendly because it grows so quickly; most plants reach maturity in just five years. Even beyond its building uses, it’s appearing in an ever-increasing variety of forms. There’s bamboo paper, bamboo fly fishing rods, and bamboo skin exfoliator. You can even ride your bamboo car to work. Or, if you want to be even nicer to Mother Earth, you could take your bamboo bicycle. And then pull out your bamboo-covered laptop. Only to return home and kick back while drinking bamboo beer and then whipping up some bamboo soup using your bamboo ktichenware. While listening to a CD of bamboo flute music on your bamboo speakers. Check out some pictures of our bamboo obsession! But maybe you’re having second thoughts about trading in your car for a bamboo one and want to stick to writing on paper made from good old fashioned trees. If so, we’ve got some more ideas on how to get bamboo-zled. Bamboo Bedding Keeps You Cool and ComfyWho knew making bedding out of bamboo out of could be so luxurious? Getting into bed is like slipping in between two cool sheets of silk. The textiles are flexible by nature and will only get softer with time. Bamboo also has anti-bacterial qualities, meaning that they last longer and stay fresh even after a long night’s sleep. Its natural wicking and absorption properties helps to reduce sweating and heat discomfort, helping you make the most of your zzz’s. At the same time, it also offers insulation during the winter. The only downside is that the price is a little steeper–but for a good night’s rest and its long-lasting and eco-friendly benefits, it’s well worth the cost. Sleepbamboo.com will get you hooked, offering bed sheets, pillow cases, and towels. Wear Bamboo Clothes (or Knit Your Own)Just like the bedding, clothes made from bamboo will wick off sweat and also help to insulate you at the same time. It’s the perfect workout material, making temperature changes comfortable (it also has deodorizing properties). IveeStyle has a collection of workout clothes in addition to a range of sweet wraps, sweaters, and skirts with a flowing Grecian vibe. Lululemon offers some lightweight wraps that look great both in and out of a yoga studio. Grab a bamboo yoga block (more flexible and durable than cork or foam) to help you channel good energy and perfect that Downward Dog and Mountain pose. Or, why not grab your bamboo knitting needles and some bamboo yarn and make a wrap or sweater of your own? Grow a Bamboo Plant to Decorate an Empty Corner Fill a lonely corner of your bedroom or office with these serene sprouts. Some say it’s good for you feng shui, encouraging flexibility and openness (the hollow spaces in their stalks allow for good energy flow). Depending on how much of a fan you are, you might consider anything from a small potted plant for your desk to a full blown floor to ceiling plant. Completebamboo.com offers advice on how to grow bamboo indoors, whether your plant is big or small .
Try a Mouthful with these Bamboo RecipesIf still can’t get enough, give one of these recipes a go. Bamboo adds interesting texture and flavour to every thing from ramen to stir-fry. Even better, eating bamboo shoots helps lower cholesteral, aids digestion, and offers cancer-preventing properties. Be warned: if you buy the bamboo shoots raw, be sure to parboil them or they can be toxic. Thai Chicken Curry with Bamboo Shoots Bamboo FlooringBamboo is the new hardwood. It looks and acts like hardwood, but lasts longer and is better for the environment. We’re seeing bamboo flooring trend towards darker stains–shades like ebony and russet offer a subtly sophisticated look to any room. To get super durable and scratch-resistant floors, try strand woven bamboo. It’s heat-compressed, making it even harder than oak. Some are even stained to resemble wood: the only difference is that it will last longer and wear better. It’s an easy way to modernize any space–easy do-it-yourself click-lock models don’t require glue, making installation a breeze. …and moreIf you still can’t get enough, check out Bamboo Inspiration for more ideas. Related posts: | ||||||
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT
Trellis materialsTrellis’s are intended to be sturdy enough to handle the weight of plants that are growing on them, while remaining light enough that they can be moved if necessary. Many times, the initial framing of the side, top, and base consist of 2 x 2 strips of wood, while the basket weaving portions are constructed with 2 x 1 pieces that are overlaid. This helps the trellis to maintain an attractive appearance, as well as the ability to disappear into the background, helping to showcase your garden. Designing a trellisA trellis can be any size. The height and width are completely up to you. However, from a designer’s perspective, the trellis should be two-thirds the height of the wall it’s attached to (if that’s the type of trellis you’re after), or eight feet tall if done in an arch or free standing style. This allows for the plants to grow and weave through the slats, giving the appearance that there is a wall of plants. As you design your trellis, take measurements and calculate the amount of materials necessary to complete the project. This will make the process of constructing the trellis much easier once started. Tools to have ready for the projectThe tools are simple and basic, but should be readily available so that the process of constructing the trellis is fuss free. Hammer - A finishing hammer would work well for this project, or an industrial strength staple gun that handles staples of at least one and a quarter inch staple length. Putting the trellis togetherFollow these steps to make this process fast and the trellis strong:
Uses of a trellisA trellis can either be decorative or used with plants. If using with plants, you will want to allow the plants to grow for a bit, then you can weave the plant vines through the trellis. The best way to get the plants trained to crawl up the trellis is to use twist ties to fasten the plant to the trellis. It will begin to curve up and grow in the pattern that you want. The decorative garden trellisPeople use trellis for various reasons, many of them having to do with how decorative they are, and how the presence of climbing plants can enhance the look of a property. Some use it to manage the growth of vine fruit and vegetables, like grapes and beans. Others use them for focal points in their landscaping. The trellis is also useful in decorating the home itself, using them to manage plant growth on the exterior of the home to create a striking effect. However you use your trellis – enjoy! Related posts: | ||||||
Окленд устанавливает адвокатское сословие для ванной комнаты Remodeling тенденции Posted: 06 Jul 2011 06:01 PM PDT The sunny side of the Bay knows what’s up. We’ve scoped out bathroom remodeling trends in Oakland, California, and found that Oakland baths are something to be admired. Not only that, but contractor rates for partial or full bathroom remodels in Oakland are surprisingly competitive. Want to pull a few price quotes for your own project? Click here. As for the awesome bathroom trends in Oakland, they’re centered on types of tiles, fixtures and themes that have taken the city by storm. Oakland’s Trendy Bathroom TilesNew bathroom tile is near the top of the list. Glass accent, natural stone, and metal (or metallic) tiles are in. On the other hand, the likes of porcelain and linoleum, while still commonly used, are declining in popularity. Here’s a breakdown of what these materials can add to your bathroom remodel.
Eccentric Bathroom SinksThe bathroom sink is one of the focal points of the room. And if you've ever flipped through a home décor magazine, you've likely seen some fabulously eccentric, innovative, or simply awe-inspiring examples of sink and faucet design. “In” sinks for 2011-2012 include:
And what's a masterpiece of a sink basin without an equally inspiring faucet? Totally incomplete. Faucets come in an even greater array of styles and materials—bronze, copper, and stainless steel are still in—than sinks do. It's wise to pay a little more for higher-quality, more durable plumbing than not. Additionally, modern faucets tout many features beyond just cold and hot levers, like water filtration and conservation spouts. Another focal point: the bathtub. Typically replaced in larger-scale remodels, the bathtub is arguably the most important centerpiece in the room. Common Oakland themes include pedestal tubs (art deco-ish and vintage, elongated, deep bowl look), clawfoot tubs (very similar to pedestal, but with "feet" similar to claws), and corner tubs (which work especially well with disproportionately-shaped bathrooms and are available in standard, hydro-massage or Jacuzzi whirlpool configurations). Find a Competitively Priced Bathroom ContractorCalFinder can help you find and compare local, trusted contractors. All contractors we collaborate with are 100% licensed, bonded, and insured. Our contractors are also screened and chosen on the merits of their last 10 jobs—all as a free service to homeowners interested in remodeling. How does it work? We partner with local professionals to help you locate reputable kitchen and bathroom remodeling contractors. We work hard to find you the most competitively priced quotes not only in Oakland, California, but across the nation. For cost estimates on a bathroom remodel in your area, click here. Photos via Houzz | ||||||
Успех партии заднего двора: 6 путей к завершенности Posted: 06 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT
As the months grow warmer, there’s nothing better than kicking back in your own backyard. Why not share some sun with a few friends? It’s the time of the season for backyard parties! Send out a few e-vites, hose down the patio, get out the barbecue, and read on for a few quick tips on how to host a fun get-together. 1. Create Your Own Shish KabobsTake a little pressure off the chef by letting guests put together their own Shish Kabobs. This recipe from the Food Network has some pretty mouth-watering suggestions, from Dijon-Rosemary Steak to Citrus-Terragon Chicken. Add some veggies dressed with Balsamic Vinaigrette, and they’re ready for grilling. A yummy addition to any backyard party. 2. Fun and GamesMake sure there’s never a dull moment and keep guests out of the kitchen, and actively taking part in your backyard party. Durable outdoor games like Bocce are good for all ages and add a little competitive edge. Now’s also a perfect time to pull out that croquet set that’s been hiding in the garage all winter. Raise the stakes by providing a playful prize for the winner, like a fun beach blanket or a shovel and pail for the beach. 3. Citronella candlesWhenever you head outside, just light one of these and keep it close. Not only does it give off a pleasant lemony scent, but it does double-duty as mosquito repellant while you and your guests enjoy the backyard party. This is really important to ensure your guests aren’t bugged throughout their meal. Pier 1 Imports offers a colorful selection that comes in their own wire-basket for easy carrying. Or, if you’re nifty and are looking for a quick and fun project, you could whip up some of your own. Designsponge.com offers instructions on how to make citronella candles yourself to keep your backyard party bug-free. This element to a backyard party is also helpful if you have a bunch of pretty jars or glasses lying around that you don’t know what to do with. 4. Casual seating spaceBring the fun of the picnic into your own backyard. Lay out bright blankets and comfortable cushions, and your backyard party guests will be able to spread out onto the lawn with ease. While waiting for the barbeque to be ready, everyone can relax together and enjoy the sun. Prop up a few large umbrellas for extra shade. 5. A Space for SpotMake sure your pet has a great view of the backyard party as well! With all the new people and delicious smells, Spot will want a place on the lawn to call his own. For tips on animal-friendly plants to tucked away spaces your little one can go to rest, take a glance at Cate’s article about gardening and pets. For inspiration on creating pet nooks, check out how Brian of Decordemon.com transformed a vintage luggage case into some designer doggy digs: 6. Backyard Party Time LibationAnd last but not least, make sure every one stays refreshed with a few pitchers of sangria. For a devilish twist, why not give this spicy Sangria recipe a go? The addition of chili pepper will ensure your guests don’t get too sleepy in the sun… What are some of your top backyard party tips? Let us know below! Related posts: | ||||||
Преобразуйте комнату с Smith & настилом Plyboo Neopolitan Fong Posted: 06 Jul 2011 11:57 AM PDT Там поэтому влюбленность много вещей i о blogging для C&H, и одно из их включает кассеты и вебсайты укрытия просматривать для самых последних и больших продуктов. Некоторые из их определенно splurge-достойны, но мы можем мечтать, не можем мы? Я находил самый новый деталь для того чтобы добавить к моему wishlist. Smith & настил Plyboo Neopolitan Fong, довольно просто, изумляющ. Материал драматическ и выделяющийся, и лучше пока, он неимоверно прочен, слишком. «С твердостью почти 3 раз то из красного дуба, Neopolitan один из самых трудных bamboo настилов на рынке, предлагая главном сопротивлении стойкости и вдавленного места и скреста,» согласно Smith & Fong. | ||||||
Energy-Efficient Landscaping, стратегическая конструкция для тепла Posted: 06 Jul 2011 09:36 AM PDT by Ryan Boots Part 2: Using landscaping to stay warm over the winter.When most people think of putting in landscaping, they probably think more in terms of how it can make a home cooler over the summer, which is what I discussed in an earlier post. But people probably don't think quite as much about how to strategically design landscaping to stay warmer during the winter to reduce energy costs and lower your electricity bills. Landscaping as a Windbreak As residents of cold regions know all too well, wind chill can not only drop the temperature outside your home, but can also blow in through the cracks outside your home and drive up heating costs substantially. So the name of the game with winter weather landscaping is to use it as a windbreak. If properly designed and implemented during the summer months, landscaping can help reduce and redirect wind and modify the micro-climate in the sheltered area. Proper landscaping windbreak design needs to take several factors into consideration:
Those are the tips for utilizing landscaping as a windbreak for cold weather. However, sharp-eyed readers will recognize a conundrum: What if you need landscaping to lower your temperatures over the summer and help keep back the cold during the winter? Obviously there's no easy answer here, since every home is a bit different. However, consider the following:
Again, there is no straightforward answer, since every situation is different. And of course, there are plenty of other variables to consider, such as cost, aesthetics and effort involved in planting, among others. Besides, if you're looking to reduce your electricity costs, there are other projects you can consider, such as installing sunshades. But if you're already looking to do some landscaping on your house, proper design and application can both make your home prettier and more comfortable in all seasons. | ||||||
Выбирающ правые приборы для ваше Pre-Sale Remodel Posted: 06 Jul 2011 04:21 AM PDT Если you’ запланирование re для того чтобы remodel ваша кухня перед одевать в дом рынок, приборы вы выбираете будет иметь большой удар на потенциальных покупателях. Это специально истинно если вы живете в зоне, то где выходить печка и холодильник позади нормальный технологический процесс продавая дом. Функциональность и тип и объединенные к взгляду и чывству вашей кухни. Функциональность прибора Когда вы рассматриваете все разные виды имеющихся печек и холодильников, покупатели хотят что-то они могут немедленно понять. Пойдите с классицистическими, модернизированными частями которые отличают просто, очевидным управлением. Now нет времени установить специальные устройства или нештатные части. Тип дела Взгляните в вашем friends’ кухни. Если вы живете область, то где печки 4-горелки и традиционные холодильники с замораживателем на верхней части норма, то что you’ ll хочет установить в ваш дом. Если вы видите смешивание различных приборов, то чувствуйте свободным выбрать самый лучший вариант в вашем бюджете. Что рассмотрено стандарт меняет значительно географическим положением. Продавать дом напряжённый достаточно без поворачивать прочь потенциальных покупателей с вашими выборами прибора. Путем рассмотрение функциональности и типа прибора, вы можете сделать оптимальные решения помочь вашему домашнему надувательству. Когда вам нужно бытовые устройства и другое домашнее вспомогательное оборудование, DirectBuy имеет чудесный выбор для вас, котор нужно выбрать от. Вы можете закупить большинств все вам для домашнего улучшения на ценах которые могут сохранить до 50% с розницы. | ||||||
Дела и сбережения кондиционирования воздуха пробивания изоляции Posted: 05 Jul 2011 03:35 PM PDT For some, the investment is out of reach financially. For others, it never dawns on them until years later how much money has been wasted. That's where we can step in to help. CalFinder helps you find efficient, local air conditioning systems at affordable prices. Whether it's a central air, window unit, ductless, or packaged air conditioning system, we’ll find the right solution for your home. How do you get started? Easy. Click here to compare price estimates. What to Consider for Your Air ConditioningFirst things first: You've got to determine what kind of system will deliver the most bang for the buck. Let's use the popular window or “room” air conditioner as an example:
Remember, those are averages based on rooms with ideal characteristics, such as an average-height ceiling ratio, good insulation, adequate shade and so forth. If you’re lacking any of those, you may require a higher-BTU unit. For additional reference, a good middle-of-the line 10,000 BTU/h window or room air conditioner should cost no more than $370. Federal and State Rebates and IncentivesThe government has given away millions of dollars in incentives, usually rebates and tax credits, to homeowners upgrading to new, energy-efficient cooling systems with the Energy Star label. A few of these incentives may be of interest to you:
Finding the System that Meets Your NeedsAn air conditioning system is an investment that you'll likely use for many, many years. So it's crucial to find one that's going to:
We'll search for the best possible deals and incentives applicable to your hometown. Photo via exfordy
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Добро пожаловать, Александра Wong! Posted: 05 Jul 2011 10:00 AM PDT It’ s всегда возбуждая для того чтобы приветствовать новый член нашей команды здесь на BuildDirect. It’ s специально возбуждая для того чтобы приветствовать нового сочинителя к нашему блогу! Александра Wong английский майор на коллеже Vassar. Как раз возвращающ от изучения зарубежом в Оксфорд Англия, она счастлива находиться назад в ее родном Ванкувер на лето. She’ сочинитель A.S. посещая к BuildDirect, с нами на лето. Александра будет писать предстоящие части на образе жизни, и конструкции на блоге BuildDirect, при ее первая часть запланированная для того чтобы пойти в реальном маштабе времени завтра! Here’ съемка A.S. любимейшая Alexandra’ s, когда она посетила Ирландия: Она говорит что к этому времени она возвращает к положениям, ее цели заточить ее экспертизу как blogger и сочинитель, и имеет хотя бы удовлетворительные варя искусства. Мы думаем что мы может помочь с первой частью, Александрой! Добро пожаловать на борту. Приветственные восклицания, Роб. Родственные столбы: Круиз Tom почти посещает вид BuildDirect, но не действительно Соединение в реальном маштабе времени потока Watchuswreckalivestream – огорченные люди, we' отладка it… re; | ||||||
Недвижимость и социальные средства Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT ![]() To view this image so that you can read the small print, click on it. This will open it in a new window. Click on it again there to enlarge it. The worlds of social media and real estate sales were destined to intertwine. After all, both are concerned with personal space and communication, and with the business of building trust between professionals and their clients. It’s a match made in heaven! Naturally enough, many of the earliest pioneers of social networking using online tools have been those in the Real Estate industry, taking advantage of the powerful, and FREE, tools in order to build reputations, develop authoritative voices in their fields, and to win the trust (and therefore the business) of home buyers and those selling a home. Real Estate and social media: a model for all industriesReally, this exercise is the model for all businesses participating in social media spaces. Building a company, or an individual reputation, that is trustworthy and then establishing direct communications with peers and clients are the oldest and best business practices there is. For us in the building industry, the important focus here is on how social media has significantly impacted how homes are bought and sold, and how the rise of online interaction between homebuyers, sellers, and Realtors has changed the way the process is approached by all three groups. Teri-Lynn Conrad: Real Estate and social media innovatorI asked Real Estate professional, online strategist, and social media proponent Teri-Lynn Conrad to weigh in on her own personal thoughts when it comes to the link between buying and selling homes, and using social media. Teri-Lynn is an active community member local to BuildDirect, and specifically to the Langely, BC area. Her leadership in the area of utilizing social media platforms and best practices is rivaled only by her enthusiasm for connecting with peers and with customers. Here’s what she had to say.
Cheers! Rob. Would you like to embed the real and social media graphic featured in this article to your own website? Easy! Just copy the code below, and paste it in when creating your post. Related posts: | ||||||
Как вы можете сохранить деньги и остаться холодне с Energy-Efficient Landscaping Posted: 05 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT by Ryan Boots Every spring, homeowners far and wide break out the shovels and rakes to do some landscaping. But far too many homeowners don't think about how they can strategically implement their landscaping to not just beautify their homes, but save money on electricity bills in the process. Here are some things to keep in mind when you are putting in those bushes and trees. Using Plants to Lower Temperatures When people think about using their landscaping to keep cooler, obviously the first place they generally go is using plants – usually trees – for shade. But one other way plants can help keep their surroundings cooler is through evapotranspiration, which is the process by which a plant moves and gives off water vapor. This process can lower surrounding air temperatures by up to 9 degrees. And because the resulting cooler air directly around the plant settles near the ground, temperatures directly under trees can be as much as 25 degrees cooler.
Other Energy-Efficient Landscaping Ideas As mentioned above, the natural behavior of plants helps cool the air and ground in their direct vicinity. As a result, there are several ways to utilize smaller plants to also keep your home cooler in the summer. Obviously, there are other things you can do to lower your electricity bill, such as finding a cheaper electricity company. But to lower your energy consumption, proper landscaping can make a difference. Coming up in part two: Using landscaping to stay warm over the winter. | ||||||
Планировать для большой домашней организации Posted: 05 Jul 2011 04:52 AM PDT Когда вы идете через время и тревогу и расход remodeling ваш дом, дайте мысль к делать вещи эффективно. Серии больших домашних продуктов организации для кухонь, ванных комнат, зон прачечного, и шкафов. Устроители шкафа и шкафа Самые лучшие устроители шкафа и шкафа сверхмощный и обеспечены к твердым древесине или стержням, поэтому плану для необходимых структурных элементов по мере того как вы remodel. Шкафы вырывания для баков и лотков cook’ s мечтает, как вставки ящика для специй и cutlery. Блоки шкафа с встроенный ящиками могут по возможности исключить экстренную мебель в спальне и ванной комнате, делая их более airier и более менее созданным суматоху. Общего назначения устроители зоны Комнаты прачечного могут быть больше чем как раз шайбы и сушильщики. Вырывание кладет на полку для вися одежд, встроенных утюживя доск, и встроенного хранения для тензидов за исключением космоса и содержания все в пределах достигаемости. Устроители гаража и подвала держат инструменты, оборудование спортов, и садовничая потребности от получать потеряны и повреждены. Определите какое you’ d любит держать более лучше организовано в вашем доме, и принимает преимущество много продуктов и идей которые вне там. Планировать для их впереди времени поможет вам двойной удар вашего remodeling проекта, и улучшает вашу обычную жизнь для того чтобы boot. DirectBuy имеет широкий массив продуктов домашнего улучшения всех типов, котор нужно помочь вам организовать ваш дом и сделать его удобным для жить. Нужны ли вам приборы, мебель, настил или другие детали, вы найдете продукты известной марки на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. | ||||||
Построьте ваш собственный сад контейнера Posted: 05 Jul 2011 04:45 AM PDT Один из недостатков к жить в просторной квартире, квартира или кондо отсутсвие напольного космоса. Как жилец просторной квартиры Kansas City, я нахожу, что сетую мое отсутсвие балкона или патио на ежедневное основание, специально теперь, когда садовничающ сезон полностью качание и я жаждаю свежие травы на ежедневное основание. Если вы удачливейши достаточно для того чтобы иметь даже малые крылечко или патио на вашем здании, то вы можете садовничать на более малом маштабе путем создавать ваш собственный сад контейнера. Кондо проживающее Дженнифер Myers написало сказовый столб гостя для HGTV Канада которое включает постепенные инструкции для ее сада контейнера DIY. Она также упомянула несколько ключевых факторов для рассмотрения прежде чем вы создадите ваш собственный контейнер. Самая важная? Размер вашего сада контейнера. Ее плантатор большой и тяжелый (фунты 800+), но идеально для ее кондо первого этажа и патио 500 square-foot. Если вы находите с меньше космосом или более высокие поднимающие вверх и не хотите построить что-то как тяжело, то рассматривайте вычислить по маштабу вниз с вашего контейнера и использовать облегченную древесину. И как только ваш контейнер закончен, вы будете хотеть изучить вашу напольную область для того чтобы решить которые заводы идеально для ваших окрестностей. Возможно ваше патио не получает много сразу солнечний свет, или, на оборотную сторону медали, оно подвергло действию к солнцу для много из дня. Положительная величина, если вы высокие поднимающие вверх, то ветер может быть фактором, поэтому вы хотели бы выбрать выносливые заводы которые могут улучшать withstand элементы. | ||||||
Дома отцов-основателей США: Счастливо 4-ое -го июль Posted: 04 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT It’s American Independence Day! It’s time for fireworks, picnics, time with family and friends, and time spent in those outdoor spaces you’ve been working on all Spring! To help celebrate, I thought I’d explore what the homes of the American Founding Fathers looked like. Or, at least I thought I’d find some images of homes that are somehow connected with former British Colonists who sought to carve out an independent nation, which they achieved by July 4, 1776. Let’s take a look! *** George Washington’s ancestral homeThe roots of American independence of course can be connected to leaders who originally hailed from, or were descended from, Great Britain. George Washington, General of the Continental Army, and America’s first President had his roots in Northamptonshire. Here is his ancestral home there, originally built in 1539. Washington’s ancestor John Washington left Britain for Virginia in 1656, where he established a lucrative tobacco plantation. Today, both the American flag and the British flag fly on the grounds to mark the friendship between the two nations, and the common history they share. Benjamin Franklin’s house in LondonPrinter, thinker, discoverer, inventor, and promoter of learning for a growing democracy, Benjamin Franklin called this house his home in London, near Trafalgar Square. He lived here while serving as the first American emissary abroad during the time of unrest between Britain and its ambitious colony. Franklin lived here from 1757 until 1775. And we all know what happened in July of the following year! Learn more at the Benjamin Franklin House site, which also includes a photo gallery. James Madison’s home, ‘Montpelier’Fourth President of the United States, Father of the Constitution, and author of the American Bill of Rights James Madison’s historic home is called Montpelier , located in Somerset Virginia. The house has recently been renovated and is a visitor’s attraction in Virginia. You can even explore it online at the Montpelier website. John Jay’s ‘Homestead’John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the United States, and one of the architects of the American Republic. His historic home is located near Katonah, New York. You can learn more about the house at the John Jay Homestead site. Alexander Hamilton’s “The Grange”First Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton was barely twenty years old at the time of American Independence. He grew up in the West Indies until he came to live in America to study, eventually serve in the War of Independence, and onto a political career as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. His house is now located in St. Nicholas Park (it’s been moved - twice!) in New York City. The Grange was the only home Hamilton owned and remained in his family 30 years after his death. Hamilton lived here from 1802 until his death (by duel!) in 1804. It was made a national historic landmark in 1960. The Hamilton Heights neighborhood in New York City is named after Hamilton and his historic house. John Adams’s birthplaceThis humble, yet dignified, home is located in Quincy, Massachusetts is the site that saw the birth of America’s second President, John Adams in 1735. As luck would have it, this home is also the birth site of John Quincy Adams, Adams’ son, and the sixth President of the United States. Does a home get more Presidential than this? Well, maybe one … Thomas Jefferson: The first president to live in the White House Full TermOf course, everyone is familiar with this famous abode. It was an early ‘work from home’ solution for President Jefferson, the design connecting his living quarters to office spaces by way of connecting terraces. That design, of course, endures today! And in terms of Presidential residences and homes associated with the American nation, this one wins hands down! *** So, while you’re enjoying the festivities today in your own homes, remember too that even the Founding Fathers had an appreciation for a place to call home, even as they laid out the foundations for a home country. Happy 4th of July! (cue fireworks and John Phillip Sousa music …) Cheers! Rob Related posts: | ||||||
5 подсказок безопасности феиэрверков Posted: 03 Jul 2011 11:02 AM PDT Мы имели наши опасные положений при феиэрверки вверх и сво всегда потому что мы были тупы. Если вы всегда вспоминаете, то что феиэрверки непрогнозируемы и заботятся для того чтобы защитить после этого вы должны не иметь никакие проблемы. Но здесь некоторые памятки для праздненств этого года. 1. Феиэрверки непрогнозируемы Вы освещаете фейерверк и оно не идет или оно идет непредвиденно. Эти mass-produced детали содержа порох и они сделаны для того чтобы сделать звуки и света не выполнить в любом типе последовательного образа. Всегда предполагайте феиэрверк в реальном маштабе времени после вас свет оно. Также не думайте что все взрыватели сгорют в таком же образе - некоторые пойдут очень более быстро чем другие (примечание: освещать черных котов пока не порекомендован держать их после этого бросая их) пожар 2. реальная опасность Проблема с феиэрверками что вы должны осветить их в зонах faraway от других людей но это кладут вас вне в древесины, пустыня или щетка где они будут больше из опасности пожара чем если вы осветили их на вашей улице. Убеждайтесь вы для того чтобы иметь большую зону расчистки перед освещать ваши дисплеи. | ||||||
Хорошие новости о заменах окна в San Jose Posted: 01 Jul 2011 09:39 AM PDT When the time comes, replacing the windows in your home is a great idea. Not only do new windows improve the curb appeal and overall look of your San Jose home, but can increase your energy efficiency, saving you money in the long run on heating and cooling bills. And more good news: window replacements often qualify for incentives and rebates when you choose energy-efficient solutions. For those of you living in sunny California cities like San Jose, this can be an cost-effective home improvement. For pricing on window installation in your area, click here. In 2010, President Obama signed a law that allows homeowners to claim a tax credit for purchasing energy-efficient windows, doors, and skylights. In fact, homeowners can receive a tax credit equal to 10% of the product cost (often including installation), which means up to $200 for eligible windows. To qualify for such savings, the new windows have to meet a simple set of standards. They must:
While homeowners may receive no more than $500 total for all energy efficiency tax credits, the cap shouldn't stand in the way of homeowners seeing a relief in cost for window replacements. How Much Can You Save with Replacement Windows?
For a typical San Jose home, replacing your single-pane windows with Energy Star options can save in energy (not including the rebate) up to $500, and the equivalent of 196 gallons of gasoline in energy. Because your windows are better insulating, your home itself becomes more efficient. In a major way. This is especially important for San Jose and other California residents who, when their home runs efficiently, can rely less on expensive air conditioning costs. Such eco-conscious windows put an end to overheated spaces and warm drafts in the summertime (not to mention cold drafts in the winter). Your home's temperature remains consistent in the warm sunny California weather. The window glass itself offers protection from damaging sun, keeping your furniture and interior looking fresher, even in bright summer sun. To find out about how to replace your windows with Energy Star qualifiers, contact your local contractor. We can help you find the best professional in your area so you don't have to sweat if you're meeting rebate qualifications. Many companies in California have partnered with Energy Star. It's just a matter of knowing who, and what they offer. | ||||||
Домашняя тяга вспомогательного оборудования все совместно Posted: 01 Jul 2011 04:49 AM PDT Remodeling имеет способность принести новую жизнь к дому с самым последним cabinetry кухни, glistening полами твёрдой древесины и свеже покрашенными стенами. Однако, как только вы получаете все обеспечение в месте, вы все еще не сделаны. Обеспечить что декор кохезионн и приглашающ вас должен добавить правое вспомогательное оборудование для того чтобы вытянуть все совместно. Типы вспомогательного оборудования Домашнее вспомогательное оборудование включает все от художественного произведения и зеркала, к вазам и статуям, к подушкам и половикам зоны. Без этих экстра, комнаты покажутся холодными и неурожайными. Ключ к делать полностью работу частей совместно вставить с специфической темой или конструировать схему которая идет вместе с remodeling. Создайте новые взгляды Ornamentation и утески самый легкий и наименьший дорогий путь изменить чывство любого космоса. Много людей любят изменить некоторые элементы, как подушки, занавесы и половики, каждый сезон для того чтобы держать окружающую среду свежим и интересным. Хотя тонкий, эти изменения сделают главный импульс, специально когда огромное изменение цвета или картины. Домашнее вспомогательное оборудование последний штрих для того чтобы завершить дом remodeling проект. Большинств люди находят что самая приятная часть опыта реновации. Для каждого типа и каждого вкуса, DirectBuy предлагает широкий диапазон top-quality, продукты им-тавра всех типов. Вы можете обеспечить ваш весь дом и сохранить до 50% с розничных цен на мебели спальни, живущей мебели комнаты и симпатичном домашнем вспомогательном оборудовании. | ||||||
Воодушевленность искати от конструктора Showhomes Posted: 01 Jul 2011 04:45 AM PDT Исповедь? Я люблю увидеть где люди живут и работают. По мере того как я гуляю улицы моего городского района на сумраке, я peek вверх для того чтобы получить мимолётный взгляд в окружающие просторные квартиры, надеясь для взрыва воодушевленности (иногда, я получаю больше чем я торговал для. И это все я говорю о том.) Также? Я люблю просматривать места для работы, слишком. Она завораживающа для того чтобы увидеть вкусы других людей и предпочтения и тип в действии, всем из этих элементов mingling совместно для того чтобы создать идеально космос. Если вы находите в потребности воодушевленности для вашего следующего изменения проекта или декора, то примите сигналы от других космосов--и в этот случай, я говорю о showhomes конструктора. Если вы бедный человек уже присутствовали на витрине, то большинств города хозяйничают они в течении года. Профессиональные дизайнеры по интерьеру заданы работу с создавать комнаты кассеты распространять-достойные, и после этого визитеры могут путешествовать законченный продукт для цены билета--обычно $15-$25. Кроме быть путем потехи пройти немного часов, путешествуя showhome может jumpstart ваши творческие способности. Возможно вы будете воодушевляны смешать картины и цветы в непредвиденных путях, или соберите эклектичное смешивание мебели которая, под конец, смотрит целево вызывающий вместо случайного. | ||||||
Напольные Manutti холодные охлаждают вне собрание! Posted: 01 Jul 2011 02:38 AM PDT Manutti is a Belgian company that designs and manufactures stunning, elegant, contemporary outdoor furniture. They not only create beautiful items but also pioneered the outdoor modular sofa allowing clients to create their own seating arrangements. Their focus on attention to detail like the same color stitching offers clean finishes bringing cool class to outdoor terraces all over the world. Here we take a look at their latest 2011 collections: The fuse collection is pure contemporary elegance giving any terrace a super trendy look. The cushions are made from 100% recyclable Lotus fabric and are extremely comfortable. Clever little items like the stackable chaise longue and the folding sunshade add more elegance to the collection with pragmatic touches. As mentioned above the modular seating can be arranged any way you wish!
Soak up the rays in style! The Mood collection offers high and low level chairs that have an ultra light framework designed with translucency in mind. This collection is ideal for any terrace, a dining table, outside bar or even an interior. Combining cool materials with simple lines! The Swing wicker collection has a combination of two distinctive elements, bold and classic! I can see these designs in a chill out bar or even on a hotel terrace. The lounger has a special feature that allows you to adjust the position for extra comfort, and the clever foot rests allow you to really kick back and relax. The whole collection of tables, chairs, sofas, and side tables compliment each other perfectly offering high quality with classic comfort. Pure poolside luxury! Named after the ancient Greek goddess the Enyo collection offers durability with total relaxation in mind. The light aluminium frames can be coordinated with your fabric color choice. Enyo is for poolside long lazy lunches followed by a siesta then a dip to cool off! Simple elegance with a hint of zen! The Aspen collection is all about pure sophistication, and countless design decisions again with the modular sofa. This just reminds me of the absolute chill out factor with a cocktail in hand, a soft summer breeze and cool jazz playing in the background. Giving celebrity status to any terrace! Manutti are creating a new generation of outdoor contemporary furniture, ideal for anyone who appreciates purity with style. They will be featuring some of their collection in Paris at Maison-Objet home influences trade show September 9th to the 13th 2011.
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Спайк установок кондиционирования воздуха Сан-Франциско 35% в Джун Posted: 30 Jun 2011 12:16 PM PDT It’s the season for air conditioning. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you may have noticed that air conditioning installations in full swing. CalFinder contractors have reported a whopping 35% increase in upgrades this June alone. But if you haven’t had your own system replaced in nervous anticipation of summer heat, don't sweat it. You can upgrade your HVAC while keeping costs low for your pocketbook, not to mention being gentler to the earth. How to go about checking pricing and system sizes for your home? It’s simple: click here. Our locally based, accredited HVAC contractors specialize in providing the most efficient-sized systems at the lowest costs. In fact, more and more San Francisco residents are choosing to install high-efficiency air conditioners. There are actually a huge variety of options available to choose from. From long-term whole-house cooling options, to smaller mobile units, you have an array of choices at your fingertips. The basic five categories of air conditioners include: To read more about these individual choices, click onto Air Conditioning Types. Rebates for New Air Conditioners
Not to mention that you save money on your cooling bill immediately — and in the long run. California has been allocated over $35 million in federal ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funds to participate in a statewide rebate program. Basically, the program will do several things, including saving energy by replacing inefficient appliances with more efficient air conditioners—and make rebates available to residential customers that care about living greener. Launched in 2010, the program has already saved tons of residents money. Rebates fall into three categories: clothes washers and refrigerators—and air conditioners, which can receive a rebate of about $50. To qualify, the unit must be Energy-Star listed, meet CEE tier standards, and meet all the state and federal appliance efficiency standards. For more information on the state's participation in this federal program, visit Energy Star. If replacing your air with an energy-efficient model is right for you, talk to a contractor about how to save you money now and in the long run—and save you weeks and weeks of needless sweating. Photo via Flickr | ||||||
Определять правильный кондиционер воздуха размера для ваших дома или офиса Posted: 30 Jun 2011 12:05 PM PDT by Jocelyn Ann Without the proper knowledge, searching for a portable air conditioner can become an overwhelming experience. Between trying to figure out a plethora of acronyms like EER and BTU and wading through numbers all over the 1,000s, the confusion can multiply. But, with a basic foundation, a confusing and/or time consuming experience can quickly become a breeze that leaves you lingering in the comfort and bliss of a perfectly cooled and de-humidified room. To get you started, we'll define the terms you may encounter and then give you a foolproof method of measuring that's guaranteed to leave you satisfied! Basic AC Terms "W" "BTU" "EER" You will often see "energy consumed" represented by a "W," and EERs can also be listed as BTU/W. This means if you have two ACs, "A" vs. "B" and both have a BTU of 10,000, but "A" has a 1,000 W rate and "B" has a 1,500 W rate, you can simply divide 10,000 by 1,000 and 1,500 respectively, to figure out the EER. Thus, "A" would have an EER of 10, and "B" would have an EER of 6.6, making unit "A" the better choice in terms of energy consumption. Note that you will typically have to pay for the higher EER ranking, but should save money over the long run. "SEER" The SEER takes things to the final step and tells you the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which is determined by BTU divided by watts within in a given cooling season. As with EER, the higher the SEER, the more energy efficient the AC is. Now, with the right terminology in mind, you can follow a simple guideline to figure out just how many BTUs you need. This is important, because if you have too few BTUs, your room will not be properly cooled off. (Which basically means you'd be paying to run something and seeing none of the potential benefits you could have if you had the proper size.) If you have too many BTUs, your AC will cycle off too quickly, which means that the room will be very chilled but not properly dehumidified, making for a cold, damp room that few would want to spend any time in. So, guarantee your room is cooled properly by following this easy guideline: 10,000 BTUs – 250 square feet 12,000 BTUs – 350 square feet 14,000 BTUs – 450 square feet. It's really as easy as starting by measuring your room and multiplying length by width. If you've got a 20 foot by 20 foot room, you're looking at 400 square ft. and are going to need an AC with BTUs between 12,000 and 14,000. This article was provided by Air & Water, Inc. Find your own portable air conditioner that's measured properly for your space at Air & Water. If you have any questions at all, call their super friendly staff that will walk you through this process to ensure that your AC keeps you cool and happy all summer long. |
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