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Как экранировать в крылечке или палубе Posted: 30 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT Having a screen around a porch or deck area is a great way to protect yourself and your friends and family from bugs while enjoying the outdoors. It’s also a way to enjoy the summer breeze and sunshine without the glare of direct sunlight when on your previously uncovered deck. The process to screen in an outdoor area like this can have different design elements to accommodate. The first is a porch that has posts and a roof, making the screening process a bit more simple. Additionally, a deck typically has only handrails, creating more construction for screening the area in. Screening a porch with an existing roofIf the porch has a roof and posts, then the screening process is quite easy.
The porches with a roof make the project much easier because most of the construction is already in place. With the exception of a few details, this project could easily be completed in a day. Keep in mind that rolls of screen are very heavy, so having a friend to help is strongly recommended. Deck considerations for an enclosed screenMany deck areas are characterized by the presence of deck railings alone, often without roofs of their own. This means two things. First, that a roof and posts will need to be installed. Second, and depending on preference and placement, only a portion of the deck needs to be screened in. If the deck extends further than 12 feet from the anchoring structure (i.e. house, building, etc.), there will need to be additional weight bearing posts attached. This process can require extra permits and code approval from the local municipality. Be sure to get your extended deck plan approved before you start the project. Prepping the deck for screeningUse joist brackets by attaching them to the eave or side beam of the anchoring structure. They should be spaced to be every 24 inches. If the area is not very big (less than 20 feet), consider spacing them 18 inches apart. The beams will need to be at least 2 x 6 inches thick in order to hold the weight of the plywood on top, so make sure to get brackets that will accommodate this size of wood. Place flat faced brackets on the handrails, preferably on top of posts that are in place for support. This will help to ensure that the handrail is not compromised during the construction or while in use. Deck construction and screening processPlace the beams in the proper slots of the brackets, and nail them securely to the anchoring structure. It is best to begin with the side beams. Join them at the top using another 2 x 6 beam that stretches across the length of are set to be screened in, on top of the side beams that you have just installed. The cross beams coming from the house will then attach into this main beam. Cover the top with a plywood finish. In order to prevent water damage, it is recommended that a roof be installed as well. Once the construction has been completed for the deck, the screening process is quite easy. Complete steps four and five of the porch option to complete this project. Again, if your plan requires a new load bearing beam or anchoring structure, before you begin, make sure your project is in line with local building codes. Get an official approval before proceeding with your project. Other screened in outdoor area optionsThis type of project can be as basic or as elaborate as you want it to be. There are kits available that can make this project very easy, but most do require that certain construction elements exist in order to install. For installing the roof of a screened in area, you can choose oak or a pine that you can stain later, giving the area the feel of an open living space. Most importantly, and not to overemphasize the point, it is imperative to check local building codes to make sure that your home is safe and within proper code regulations. Now, bask in the breezy outdoors; you deserve it. How To Screen In A Porch or Deck is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Нужен новый домашний офис? Попробуйте Archipod! Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:01 AM PDT Я имею втихомолку сновидение покупать дом с большим ярдом, и после этого получать, что один из тех наборов дома одн-комнаты построил мо очень для того чтобы иметь домашний офис. Он звучает как большой сценарий, право? Разделен офис, пока все еще на дому, давая вам seclusion вам нужно быть поистине производительно. Если вы имеете такое же зрение, то здесь что-то попробовать: Archipod. Смотрит холодным, не делает оно? Круговая обитель изогнутая коробка переклейки структурная с помещенной изоляцией стеклоткани, высокопроизводительный изоляцией фольги и внутренней отделкой plasterboard. Экстерьер Archipod предусматриван в западных гонт красного кедра, которые вы можете выбирать для того чтобы обработать или необработанно. Archipods «построено predominately от тимберса, конструкционные материал мира replenishable, изолированного к стандартному превышающ ту из настоящих регулировок здания. Структура полуфабриката в разделах малых достаточно быть снесенным через дом,» согласно компании. |
Освобождать воздух: Правда о печи и фильтрах AC Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:06 AM PDT by AtlasCare When it comes to breathing in healthy air, and keeping asthma and breathing problems at bay, furnace filters and AC filters are much more important than you think. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. This article will help you make informed decisions as to the replacement of your furnace filters and air conditioner filters and how to care for them. True or false: AC filters and/or furnace filters need to be changed every month. True. You should be changing your filter every month, especially if you have allergies or asthma. By changing your air conditioner filter monthly, you'll prevent dirt from contaminating the system, thus extending the life of your system. Many filters have the ability to provide relief for allergy and asthma sufferers because they trap mold, pet dander, pollen, bacteria, and many airborne particles. Simply changing your air conditioner filters or furnace filters once a month is not enough to ensure healthy, clean air. You should also have your air conditioning and/or furnace unit serviced by a licensed Air Conditioning/Furnace Contractor at least once a year. True or false: You can only purchase HEPA Air Filters. False. There are many types of air conditioner filters and furnace filters to choose from. They work as air cleaner filters and vary in level of efficiency, design, and quality. There is no "best" air conditioner or furnace filter, as there are positive and negative characteristics to each. It's important to research the different types of filters and find one that suits your individual needs. The type of AC filters and/or furnace filters available include:
True or false: The brand names are important when it comes to air conditioning filters and furnace filters. False. Actually, brands have little, if any, importance at all when it comes to home air filters. The brands of most AC filters and furnace filters are interchangeable. True or false: When shopping for a replacement air conditioning filter or furnace filter, you need to know the exact size of the filter. True. In fact, you need to know the exact length, width, and thickness, as the dimensions are usually not exact. If you have an unusual size, most online suppliers offer custom sizing. True or false: All furnaces have a filter. False. If you have a warm air furnace then you have an air filter. If you have a boiler or radiator, chances are, you most likely do not have an air filter. —About the ContributorAtlasCare provides exceptional service and complete home comfort solutions in Toronto, Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Hamilton, and everywhere in the GTA! From furnaces and air conditioners to indoor air quality equipment, custom HVAC solutions, and more, we will work tirelessly to earn your trust. Visit AtlasCare.ca for more information. |
Головная боль-Свободный Remodeling Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:17 AM PDT Наблюдать remodeling выставки может быть большим источником идей. Проблема что эти выставки делают легким получить снесенными прочь и взятие на больше чем вы может отрегулировать. Здесь немного подсказок, котор нужно во избежание иметь вашу дом объявили зону бедствия выполняя любой тип remodeling проект. Начните малое с одним проектом одновременно Любое who’ сделанный s некоторому дому remodeling скажет вам it’ s не хорошая идея принять на больше чем один проект одновременно. Пока it’ s легкий для рассмотрения комнаты или даже вашей всей дома как один проект, it’ s важный для того чтобы сломать работу вниз в более малые задачи. Это обеспечит что вы don’ t имеет много половин-завершенные проекты ждать быть законченным. Вспомните тому начинать малый позволяет вам закончить чего вы начинаете и останьтесь на вашем spouse’ сторона s хорошая. Профессионалы найма для более трудных задач Remodeling ваш дом, it’ s важный для того чтобы знать которые работы вы можете сделать быстро и легко. Довольно чем пробующ для того чтобы сделать все себя, it’ s часто более рентабельный нанять кто-то для того чтобы отрегулировать более грубые работы для вас. Большинств важная вещь, котор нужно вспомнить о доме remodeling что оно doesn’ t должен управлять вами шальными. Держите его просто и you’ ll сохраняет много головные боли. DirectBuy предлагает продукты для любой комнаты в вашем доме - приборы, настил, countertops, неофициальные советников президента и больше известной марки - все на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. |
Верхние домашние типы Siding для затратыэффективности Posted: 29 Jun 2011 01:24 PM PDT Restructuring your home siding can seem like a daunting task. Not only do you want your home to look beautiful, but you need an exterior that can withstand the elements and years of wear—without showing its age. Luckily there are plenty of materials and options for siding. By doing some initial research and choosing the right type, then maintaining your exterior with simple steps through the years, you can have a beautiful exterior that will last for decades. Here are some of your options. To get pricing on siding in your area, click here. Solid Board SidingWood siding has long been an obvious favorite for its beauty and uniqueness. Giving an exterior a warmer feel, wood siding looks to nature and more organic elements. Made mostly from those wonderful cedar and redwood trees, wood siding offers strength and durability as well as quaint aesthetics. Be aware that any wood siding should be properly maintained to avoid any cracking, warping, or tree-loving termites. This means simple basic upkeep through the years, such as painting ever 3-5 years and sealing properly before and after installation. The cost is widely dependent upon the specific materials chosen, as well as the cost of installation. To get you started on the right foot, it’s best to talk to a contractor about how to install and maintain this option. Solid board siding is a great alternative to solid wood siding—and you can expect that, with proper care, solid board wood siding can last from 30 years to the life of the home. That's sustainability. Shingle SidingOffering an equally warm and charming curb appeal, shingle siding adds a look of quality and uniqueness. The drawback of shingle siding is its comparative susceptibility to rotting, splintering, and losing color over time. Simple upkeep and proper treatment can help prevent and remedy the natural aging process of wood. Staining and treating the wood can help as well, and the good news is that each shingle is one piece in the whole puzzle, and can be replaced individually with ease. Cleaning requires a simple low-setting power washer spray. Heat and humidity can lower the life expectancy of this choice, but if properly maintained, the siding can still last up to 40 years. Shingles generally cost around $4 to $7 per square foot, and can range slightly in quality. Brick and Stone Veneer SidingThere are of course non-wood options, such as aluminum and fiber cement—and brick and stone veneer. Without having to actually construct a home with brick and stone, you can have the realistic look for less. In fact, this siding type looks so realistic that usually only industry experts inspecting closely can tell the difference. Less expensive, of course, than the full materials, this siding runs from around $11 to $15 per square foot. However, brick and stone veneer can be a difficult siding in extremely humid climates, since installation leaves a gap between the two exterior walls for moisture to get trapped in. And because it’s porous, extreme and extensive rainwater can also eventually seep between the brick and mortar. However, brick and stone veneer is a comparatively durable siding option, and can protect a home from damages such as fire better than other materials. Proper siding installation is the most important part of your project. Click here to search contractor pricing and information. Photos via Houzz |
Устанавливайте гамак для самого лучшего сна всегда Posted: 29 Jun 2011 11:30 AM PDT На последние несколько лет, я держал список характеристик я хочу в моей доме мечты. Они включают архив с полками пол-к-потолка, гигантской кухней и возможно даже втихомолку переходным люком. Другая вещь, котор нужно добавить к тому списку? Гамак, который я установил бы в мой совершенно manicured задний двор. Гамаки длиной образец отдыха. И хотя я думаю что они идет наиболее наилучшим образомнаилучшим образом с песчаным пляжем и несколько зонтик-покрынные пить, гамаки большое добавление к вашему ярду если вы хотел были бы тихое, то, ослабляя место, котор нужно прочитать, nap или просто наслаждаются вашими окрестностями. Нужно больше мотивировки установить гамак на дому? NPR недавно опубликовал блог который исследует почему гамаки помогают облегчить легкий, глубокий сон. Shute Нэнси пишет что швейцарские исследователя нашли что нежное тряся движение произвело людьми причин гамака для того чтобы понизиться уснувшая быстрая и поспаться глубоки. |
Архитекторы гения: Норман приёмное & Оскар Niemeyer Posted: 29 Jun 2011 08:34 AM PDT Здесь мы свели воедин 2 пионера бразильское рожденное Оскар Niemeyer и приёмного гения архитектурноакустических Норман принесенного в Британия. Niemeyer известно для специализировать в ультра самомоднейшем зодчестве и похвалено вокруг мира для создавать высоки оригинал работает оба профессионалами и публикой. Воспитайте кто имеет международное агенство конструкции главным образом известно для его много официальных зданий наземного ориентира, как мост тысячелетия, корнишон (швейцарский Re) и новый стадион Wembley восшхищенный всемирно. Его портфолио датирует назад от 1963 и включает работу для господина Ричард Branson, и he’ s работал наряду с конструктором Филипп Starck и гнусным архитектором Ричард Rogers который часть олимпийского проекта парка. Они имеют и много архитектурноакустических и конструируют написанные похвалы, продайте вне книги и даже сделанные кино. Врежьте изображение на вашем месте < align=" div; center" > < b> Щелкните изображение к enlarge< /b> < br/> < " http://fixr.com/blog/2011/06/29/genius-architects-norman-foster-oscar-niemeyer/" > < width=" img; 620" height=" 5753" src=" http://fixr.wpmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Oscar-Niemeyer-vs-Norman-Foster-v2_go_blog.jpg" " Оскар Niemerery против Норма Foster" border=" 0" /> < /a> < br/> Через: < " http://fixr.com" > FIXR.COM< /a> < /div> |
Получающ деньги назад от домашнего улучшения Posted: 29 Jun 2011 04:05 AM PDT 2 путя взять некоторые из ваших цен домашнего улучшения. Одно через кредиты государственного налога, которое награждает владельцев дома для использования energy-efficient продуктов. Другое через улучшенное значение недвижимости вашего дома. Налоговые скидки для улучшений Федеральное правительство предлагает разнообразие налоговые скидки через американский поступок спасения и перефинансирования. До 30% продуктов которые улучшают погод-закрепленность вашей основной резиденции можно взять, как двери, окна, и изоляция. Другие детали, как кондиционирование воздуха и обогревательные агрегаты также покрыты до 30%, и их установка включена в цене. Проверите вебсайт IRS для директив. Значение недвижимости Инвестировать в некоторых видах домашнего улучшения имеет значение денежного возврата вниз с дороги. Что-нибыдь которое улучшает воззвание обочины вашего дома вероятно будет взято в более высокой отпускной цене. Модернизирующ с новым siding, новые окна и двери, landscaping, палубы и патио увеличивают показы риэлтора. Внутренн, подъемы кухни приносят большинств возвращение для дег, но только до пункта. Исследуйте сперва для того чтобы знать какие виды подъемов правоподобны для того чтобы принести значение и стоить в линии. Немного well-spent долларов могли принести в тысячи более поздно дальше. Домашнее улучшение легко и бюджети содружественное когда вы ходите по магазинам с DirectBuy где вы найдете все типы продуктов известной марки для того чтобы сделать вашу домашнюю окружающую среду более приятный - все на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. |
Перед и после модернизациями шкафа Posted: 29 Jun 2011 03:05 AM PDT “A place for everything and everything in its place”. When it comes to having a neat and orderly home, nothing beats clean and organized closets. Do your closets however, look like they were hit by a tornado? Well, have no fear! We managed to find some amazing examples of before and after closets that are sure to inspire you: While this closet isn’t the messiest, the sliding door is a total space waster as it blocks access to the center of the closet. Here’s a novel and eye-catching idea. The curtains not only allow full access to the closet but they also add interest to the design of the room! A typical closet features a shelf and a rod. Doable, but why not kick your closet up a notch and install a a “T” divider that separates the closet into two efficient compartments–one for long items and the other for shorter items. Hanging canvas units allows space for t-shirts, jeans and shoes that you tend to wear most often. Consider using only one type of hanger and color code them by type of clothing. Also try to keep your closet only 75% full. This will make it easier for you to find things, keep your clothes from getting wrinkled and also allow room for new purchases. This hallway closet is crammed full with coats, shoes and dog leashes. What a mess! With the addition of shelving, compartments and an umbrella stand, there’s now plenty of room for actual coats! Okay, this one is scary! The single closet rod is positively overflowing and the attempt at a second tier hanging rod (hanging clothes from other hangers) is a bad idea. What a difference! With the addition of bi-fold doors, a tower of baskets and some shelving ,what was once a disorganized mess, is now a highly functional dream. Talk about looking for a needle in a haystack! Kim admits that the disorganization of her closet is the reason why she’s always late for work in the morning. This is more like it! With its hanging canvas shelves (which are much cheaper than custom built shelves) and clear plastic boxes for her shoes, Kim now has a much clearer view of the contents of her closet. Not enough drawer space forced Kim to hang clothes that she otherwise wouldn’t have. This made for heavy sweaters that were stretched beyond recognition. With the addition of large canvas boxes, Kim’s bulky sweaters are now neatly stored away. Instead of shuffling through her old oak dresser for underwear and other assorted items, Kim now has clear plastic drawers to store them in. Along with being a space saver, these drawers hold more items and are much more user friendly. This HUGE closet is one HUGE mess! When there’s too many heavy hangers on a rack, gravity is bound to take over just like it did here. Ta da! Thanks to the installation of a ClosetMaid organizer, things are looking up! Making things even more organized is the addition of the Antonius Drawers from IKEA where folded items are stored and the Componobili storage unit where the hair dryer and other assorted items are stored. Hooks from Ikea are where scarves and belts can now be hung with care. Now we want to hear from you: which closet makeover is your favorite? |
Posted: 28 Jun 2011 01:19 PM PDT После терпеть 5 душных, дни A/C-free более раньше этот месяц, я имею newfound уважение для тех которые выбирают brave месяцы лета без A/C. Его можно определенно сделать, однако, специально если вы имеете немного вентиляторов, некоторых сверхмощных заволакивания окна и меньшюю мудреность. Я нашел воодушевленность для этого столба на статье опубликованной естественной домашней кассетой, большом источнике информации если вы в зеленый цвет и в отношении к окружающей среде содружественное прожитие. Редактор паутины Сьюзан Melgren имеет большой round-up подсказок на жить без кондиционирования воздуха, и я был удивлен увидеть сколько мои супруг и я unintentionally включали для того чтобы получить через наше A/C повреждение. 1. Вентиляторы: Я не могу завысить важность вентиляторов! Устанавливать их на ключевых положениях повсеместно в ваш дом поможет создать циркуляцию воздуха, которая пойдет длинний путь в держать ваш дом холодной. Разные виды попытки смешивая вентиляторов: положите вентиляторы, осциллируя вентиляторы стойки, и даже малые вентиляторы в коробку которые вы можете закрепить на сторону вашего стола для того чтобы остаться холодными пока работающ. (Исповедь? Я иногда потел пока получающ готов в утре, поэтому я закрепил вентилятор на сторону нашей тщеты ванной комнаты. Не только я остаюсь холодным, но я чувствую как супермодель когда мои волосы дуют вокруг!) 2. Держите его темнота: Держите ваши окна покрыто во время дня. Вы можете чувствовать как вы живете в подземелье, но уменьшение количества солнечного света который приходит в ваш дом будет держать температуры вниз. Мы пошли до тех пор о крышке наши окна с досками и после этого понизили шторки над досками, создавая двойной слой крышек окна. |
Remodeling ваша ванная комната с долгосрочными сбережениями в разуме Posted: 28 Jun 2011 12:16 PM PDT
There's a reason you've heard us preach bathroom remodeling with gusto. With about 80% return on investment, new bathrooms remain at the top of the list for value-adding home improvements. And, while some remodels are lengthy and difficult, a bathroom is a comparatively easy renovation that will forever benefit your home. In other words: a big bang for your buck. To get pricing for bathroom remodels in your area, click here. A quality bathroom renovation pays off substantially for two main reasons. First, the renovation increases the value of your home as well as its competitiveness against other homes on the market when you go to sell. When potential buyers are looking for quality and sustainability, they are going to look at major appliances in the kitchen and bathrooms. Secondly, before it's time to sell your home, you can enjoy how a new bathroom revolutionizes your everyday living. While many homeowners are staying put and building upon their existing dwellings rather than selling and moving, a redone bathroom can be an important step in such longevity. And if you're a renter, some simpler steps in the renovation process can get you the bathroom you want without having to own. I suggest five steps to completely remodel your bathroom. While some are more involved and comprehensive, others can be accomplished as a simple weekend project. 1. Replace major elementsEspecially working with older appliances, updating the old for the new is essential. Newer and more efficient toilets can look great while saving money on your water bill. Consider also replacing the bath and sink. This can be a larger project, and doing it right can save you money and the need for future renovations. Talk to a contractor on how best to go about this process. 2. Incorporate green fixturesReplace your faucets with green water-conserving devices. Not only can you get a better return on investment when selling to buyers who are looking for eco-conscious choices—you can save money and water in the meantime. Talk to a contractor on how to incorporate more earth-friendliness into your bathroom. 3. Invigorate with paintIf you want a fresh feel in your bathroom, a great paint job can be a brilliant step. Consider swinging the opposite direction from what you have been looking at. If you've had bright wall colors, consider going a spa-like white or mint. Try light gray. If you've had a monochromatic theme, consider deep purple, an invigorating green, or even black. Don't forget to have fun changing out your towels and accessories. 4. Upgrade your tubOne of the most impressive one-choice changes we have seen in a bathroom remodel is simply replacing the bathtub. Take out old tile and put in a clawfoot tub. Replace the outdated porcelain with modern, sleek tile. Don't forget to look into replacing your sink porcelain in the process. 5. Hardware and AccessoriesReplacing bathroom hardware is also a simple process that personalizes a bland bathroom. Replace drawer pulls, handles and doorknobs. Towel racks and hooks. Get new art. Splurge a bit on a unique mirror. For more ideas, see 8 Surprising Before & After Bathroom Remodels. How are you going to remodel your bathroom?What’s most important to your home? To your family? Let me know in the comments! Photos via Houzz |
Как оттолкнуть москитами естественно Posted: 28 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Mosquito and summer go hand-in-hand. Some of the staples for the season, aside from BBQ items, include sunscreen and bug spray. Mosquitoes can spread disease, and make you very uncomfortable with the itchy little bites they leave behind. However, there are natural ways to make mosquitoes stay away from you and your family this season. Be aware of what mosquitoes loveKnowing what a mosquito is attracted to will go a long way to repelling mosquitoes without having to use chemicals. According to Wesley Frazee, a contributor for the Eco Home Source website, and DoubleDanger.com contributors, some of the favorites conditions for mosquitoes include:
Basically, they love an unkempt yard with old puddles and cooling shade made by debris or trash. They are attracted to both scents that we enjoy and scents that turn up our noses. Once you figure out what the insects are attracted to, you can then begin to make a plan to reduce their presence in your outdoor living experience. Beyond that, there are three ways to attack this summertime party pooper. Keep your yard clear and dryThe first is by making your yard the best that it can be. Keep the lawn and vegetation nicely manicured with short grass. Eliminate trash or debris, like piles of old wood or tools. And make sure there are no obvious instances of standing water, where mosquitos lay their eggs. This has nothing to do with vanity, and everything to do with pest control. By eliminating the spots they love, mosquitoes will no longer want to call your yard home. Reduce odors, good and badThe next tasty treat that mosquitoes find lovely is the way people smell, even if they try to cover it up. In fact, perfume and deodorant make it worse. So , think about reducing your use of heavy perfume smells, and add a few new odors while you’re at it. A commercially available vapor rub has a distinctive smell, which is a big turn-off to mosquitoes. Just a bit on your arms and legs while outdoors will likely be enough to repel mosquitoes searching for victims on summer evenings on the deck or patio. Some strategies for odor-based mosquito repellent can be achieved by adding certain things to your diet. A mosquito’s kryptonite, according to Eco Home Source, includes vitamin B-1, and garlic supplements. There are capsules available for putting B-1 and garlic into your system over a few weeks, which add an odor that only mosquitoes, and not your friends, will detect. Plant an aromatic herb gardenMany of the herbs that are used for cooking happen to be something that is repulsive to a mosquito. Beautiful basil, luscious lemongrass, and sweet-smelling citronella, the oil of which is commonly used to repel mosquitoes in various forms) are all called anti-mosquito herbs. Not only will you have a beautiful garden to enjoy, but you will be bug free as well. Make this a fun family project while knowing those pesky critters of summer are moving on to green and wet pastures somewhere else. Winning the battle against bloodthirsty mosquitoes without chemicalsThese tips will not eliminate all mosquitoes in your life. There will always be those stubborn few that will come to call. However, if these three steps are taken around your home, you can guarantee that there will be a major reduction in the amount of insects you see flying around. If you find that mosquitoes in the evenings is still an issue, consider making s’mores over a fun camp fire, or lighting some Tiki torches, many of which contain citronella oil that is a deterrent to roving insects. In any case, mosquito’s are repelled by smoke, and their instinct is to avoid it. The point of all of this is of course to use natural ways to repel mosquitoes, and to reduce, and ideally eliminate the use of chemicals. The active ingredient in insect repellent, DEET, is reported to have a negative impact on human health, and the health of eco-systems. A healthier, and simpler means of living in the natural world comfortably without chemicals is a great strategy for the summer, and for all seasons besides. How To Repel Mosquitos Naturally is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Исследуйте ваши варианты освещения и приспособлений освещения Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT Finding ways to light up a room is more than about practicality. It’s about style, too. And more importantly, it’s about creating a mood, an atmosphere, and about securing a great first impression. The folks at Arcadian Lighting offer some advice in this guest post on some of the moods, vibes, interior design styles that can be achieved with just the right lighting, and lighting fixtures. *** A light fixture can make or break a room – choose the perfect one to match the decor of a space and a room will look streamlined, however opt for an outdated lighting fixture and the style factor goes way down. From pendant lighting to wall sconces, chandeliers to under cabinet lights, the choices are endless. Explore your lighting options by using some of these snazzy rooms for inspiration. Inset and in-style lightingArchiThings (via) Pot lights, or recessed lighting fixtures, are integrated into the ceiling for a seamless look. They work well in utilitarian spaces, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Utilitarian minimalism lightingLolalina (via) A light fixture doesn’t have to be ornate to make a statement – sometimes the simplest set-up, such as a single ceiling light over a countertop, is striking on its own. Candle chandelier lighting fixturesHomey Designing (via) Pillar candles propped over a formal dining room lends a soft, rustic feel when paired with wrought-iron hardware and dark wood furniture. On the wall lightingHome-EE (via) Sometimes a light fixture, like this wall-mounted extendable lamp, is the perfect mix of form and function when perched next to a bed. Stylish sconceshouzz (via) While wall sconces have been popular options for hall and entry ways, they can also be used higher up on a wall in order to extend a room’s height. Overhead opulenceHomeDesignInterior (via) Dramatic lighting can turn a bedroom into the centrepiece of the home – these modern flush ceiling lights are incredibly striking. Chic teardropsEclectic Revisted (via) Pendant lights are oh-so-chic and inviting when used to accent a conversational area of a home, such as a casual dining room. Under-cover decor agentCanada LEDS (via) Under cabinet lights, either used with kitchen cupboards or stand-alone armoires, add the perfect amount of ambient light. *** Thanks! Arcadian Lighting specializes in top quality lighting fixtures at extremely affordable prices. Arcadian Lighting is the best source for home lighting accessories at discount prices. Founded in 2002, Arcadian Lighting started selling decorative home lighting fixtures and lamps online, and has become one of the top Internet retailers for home lighting products. Explore Your Lighting and Lighting Fixtures Options is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Решать на мебели домашнего офиса Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:50 AM PDT В today’ рынок труда s, работая от дома привлекательная возможность для тех telecommuting или начинающ дом-основанное дело. Конструируя план домашнего офиса, один из самых важных выборов, котор нужно сделать та из мебели домашнего офиса. Стулы и столы офиса Сегодня широкии диапазоны выборов для посадочных мест и столов которые держат совершенный баланс в функции и формируют. Эргономические стулы офиса и самомоднейшие проложенные роторные стулы предлагают большой комфорт и избежание от задней и совместной боли. Как центральная точка офиса, стол офиса показывает личные тип и ориентацию профессионала работать-на-дома. Конструкция стола может заколебаться от просто, классицистической, деревянной конструкции к более самомоднейшему взятию на части. Today’ столы s можно конструировать с не только фокусом на обеспечивать поверхность сочинительства, но с хранением и совместимостью компьютера в разуме. Делать информированное решение в офисной мебели Принимая во внимание количество времени профессионалы потратят в их домашнем офисе, решении на домашнем офисе мебель должна быть информированное одним. С большим блоком стулов, столов, и вспомогательного оборудования имеющегося к today’ профессионал работать-на-дома s правая мебель вне там ждет быть найденным. Мебель и вспомогательное оборудование домашнего офиса имеющиеся в широкие диапазоне типов и конструкций на DirectBuy. Вы можете закупить все вам нужно создать совершенный домашний офис на ценах которые могут сохранить вас до 50% с розницы. |
Как проводить кампанию успешное война на засорителях Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:45 AM PDT Я не вспоминаю как старо я был когда я сперва узнал что яркие, солнечные одуванчики я полюбил так много были засорителями. Как смогло что-то поэтому жизнерадостно быть расклассифицировано в такой досадной, группе в составе заводы? Но увы, засорители кошмар каждого садовника (наилучшим образом, одно из их, в лубом случае.) Если вы получаете ситуацию засорителя, то вы можете всегда возглавлять к вашему самому близкому магазину лужайки и сада и выбирать вверх бутылку убийцы засорителя. Но если вы в рынке для некоторых других идей (включая eco-friendly алтернативы), то мы получаем некоторые идеи для вас спасибо некоторая помощь от Ридерза дайджест. Пути убить засорители 1. пищевой соды: Это большая тактика для того чтобы остановить засорители от расти в отказах ваших подъездной дороги или тротуара. Взбрызните пищевую соду на конкретной поверхности, тогда подметите в отказы. 2. Отбеливатель: Как пищевая сода, это идеально разрешение для засорителей которые растут в отказах тротуара или подъездной дороги. Полейте немного undiluted отбеливателя на засорителях, тогда вытяните их вне на другой день. Отбеливатель будет держать засорители от расти снова. |
Recap премудрости окна: Оцените, ходите по магазинам, позаботьте Posted: 27 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Этот месяц мы покрывали 3 главным образом шага когда это прибывает в заменять окна. Оценивать ваши настоящие окна, ходящ по магазинам для новых окон и как позаботить для ваших новых или существующих окон. Мы хотел были бы возблагодарить Марвин Windows и двери для обеспечивать воодушевленность конструкции и знание окна специалиста. Они всегда большой ресурс для нас и мы впечатлены с некоторыми из их новых продуктов как окно планера (показанное выше) и они получают 9 форм окна специальности которые могут добавить большой визуально интерес к любой комнате. Проверите назад эту неделю по мере того как мы навещаем торговец Марвин Windows который погуляет мы через некоторые из самых важных характеристик их окон что любой владелец дома считал важной. |
Как Re-Surface ваша подъездная дорога Posted: 27 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Driveway resurfacing is a great way to save money on replacing old concrete, and to revamp a tired looking portion of your home that may be an eye sore when it come to curb appeal. Driveway resurfacing projects can fix cracks, replace broken concrete, and fix staining caused by oil and other fluids that can leak from a car. If done properly, this can be a significant improvement to the value of your home. Driveway resurfacing: where to startThere are specific re-surfacing kits that will contain all the materials and instructions needed to complete this project. It will require some time for the different mixtures used in the process to set and cure. The best part about the materials used in this process is that they are polymers and have an elastic memory to them. This make using them tacky, but they settle and dry smooth with little use of a trowel. This is a project that will use many of the same tools as a dry-walling project. You will need to have the following on hand:
These elements will need to be used over the span of 48 hours, and will make your driveway look like a fresh poured concrete surface. Prepping the driveway surfacePrepare the surface of the driveway by completing a thorough cleaning. Any type of debris that is left over on the surface will become part of the finished product once the resurfacing mixture cures. The folks at concretenetwork.com suggest a thorough power washing as the best type of method to use in order to guarantee that the surface is free of any particles. This will also clean out additional concrete that is chipping away so that the polymer can penetrate and close the gap. Applying the solutionsAfter cleaning the surface, you can now begin to apply the first coat of polymer. Mix the product in a five gallon bucket according to the manufacturer instructions. Using a smooth trowel, scoop out some of the solution and begin to press it into the cracks. It is important to really press this is in so that air bubbles do not interfere with the setting process. Once you’re done applying the first coat, cover the repaired surface using strips of the cheese cloth. This is followed with the resurfacing agent. Concretnetwork.com suggests finishing by spraying a thick coat of polymer to competely resurface the area. Make the driveway look like newThe cloth will protect the polymer from settling into the old cracks. After the drying process has taken place, you can begin with the last step of painting the surface with outdoor driveway paint. This paint is specially crafted to be able to tolerate the abuse that a driveway receives. There are many colors offered, but concrete gray is the most popular. According to the concretenetwork.com professionals, this paint layer needs to be thick and generously spread with standard rollers. The finished product should look like a freshly poured slab of concrete. This will not only improve your home’s curb appeal, but can also improve the value of your home. Importance of water drainageThere is another important point to hit on the idea of driveways, and that is water drainage. In this age of greater water conservation, the simple addition of a green driveway designed to allow rainwater to filter back into the ground. When it comes time to see to driveway maintenance, factoring in a strategy for proper drainage and efficient rainwater runoff is also a conversation to have with local building supplies retailers when seeking to resurface a driveway. Enjoy your new (or new looking!) driveway! How to Re-Surface Your Driveway is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Рынок недвижимости США: Как он эволюционирует? Posted: 27 Jun 2011 09:20 AM PDT
The state of property values and real estate markets depends on a delicate economic balance. On one side, a robust industry as it relates to an equally robust economy overall is dependent on a widening tax base that looks to other markets to support continued growth. On the other side, of course, is the danger that domestic pricing on properties will become so inflated as a result of that influx as to lock out the average buyer from investing in a home in the city in which they seek to live. ![]() To view this infographic, click on it. It will open in a new window. Then, click on it again to enlarge it. Let’s take a look at the tax base question first. Foreign investment can revitalize domestic Real Estate marketsHere in Vancouver British Columbia, where I’m writing this post, I believe we’re experiencing a significant Real Estate bubble. This can be explained largely by offshore investments, mostly from Hong Kong and Mainland China, who seek to invest here due to the city’s reputation as being one of the most livable cities in the world. This reputation speaks well for the long-term value of property here. Another aspect of this, of course, is that Vancouver is a part of a country, Canada, that encourages immigration and multiculturalism. There is, in many respects, a built in welcome to people seeking to move here, which helps to support a standard of living that may arguably otherwise be out of reach were we to take a protectionist stand when it come to both immigration, and offshore property investment. And with that welcome, Vancouver enjoys an influx of tax revenue from a fresh market that happens to be one of the biggest in the world. What does this have to do with the U.S market? Revitalizing U.S housing marketsThe implications here have to do with the traditionally protectionist stance of U.S investment laws . With an increasingly older population, and with birth rates beginning to wane domestically, an injection of new life may be found in these same markets. Foreign buyers are eager to immigrate, importing their tax dollars along with them. If those buyers were to shift away from one market, Vancouver for instance, to another market due to one that is more favorable, then they will – if they are empowered to do so. Where one market collapses, another one is fostered elsewhere. And parallel markets, like Brazilian condo buyers in Miami for instance, can illustrate the point of how foreign investment is a strategy to reduce surplus. More buyers from outside markets potentially shorten the inventory age of properties, stabilize listing prices against selling prices, all the while creating and maintaining more demand as populations shift. But, as I mentioned – there’s a balance to be struck. Real Estate market growth and the average buyerAs to the domestic Real Estate market here in Vancouver, the ballooning housing prices that are the result of foreign investment here represent the other extreme upon which a balance when it comes to a supportable market is concerned. With a huge influx of foreign investment, the over-inflation of market value, and the creation of scarcity, this often has the impact of creating property values that expand beyond the financial reach of the average buyer. Also, often foreign investors are not necessarily residents. Some wealthier buyers invest in foreign property purely as an investment to build on personal wealth, not as a means to contribute to a neighborhood as a community member and citizen. As a result, many communities characterized by empty, character-less homes instead of vibrant neighborhoods. This dynamic can leave the domestic buyer behind, losing cohesion in communities even when they can afford to buy into them. Perhaps it’s this fear which makes many regions in the United States wary of opening up immigration laws and foreign Real Estate investment regulations. Yet to restore balance, new blood is needed to infuse a once-vital housing industry. A revitalized housing industry in turn can infuse the whole domestic economy at times like these, when surplus must either be waited out as it is consumed by a dwindling domestic buyer base over a longer period of time, or made available to a broader base and consumed over a shorter period. How to find balance in revitalizing Real Estate marketsThe ideal scenario is simple enough wherever we happen to live, it seems to me. We need to welcome in foreign investment and the wider tax base it represents, while also making sure that existing citizenry who seek to invest in property are not shut out of the evolving market. What isn’t simple is how. Cheers, Rob. Would you like to feature the U.S housing graphic featured above? Sure! Just copy and paste the code below. The U.S Real Estate Market: How Will It Evolve? is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Создавать совершенный центр домашнего развлечения Posted: 27 Jun 2011 07:26 AM PDT Сновидение каждой ванты для того чтобы создать большую комнату домашнего развлечения где он может потратить некоторое из его свободного времени ослабляя на кресле или в recliner пока наблюдающ его любимейшую игру команды. Осуществьте ваше сновидение путем принимать действие и инвестировать в центре домашнего развлечения. TV и звуковая система Если вы имеете вертеп или комнату семьи, то вы можете повернуть ее в совершенное место для того чтобы ослабить и размотать. Разбивочная характеристика, конечно, большой экран, высокое определение TV. Вы должны получить самый большой экран вы можете позволять и одно которое поместит proportionately в комната вы используете для вашего центра зрелищности. Затем, вам нужен хороший звук. Хорошие дикторы и стерео приемник, чд-плеер и любая другая радиотехническая аппаратура которые могут увеличить ваш опыт могут быть частью вашей системы. Для оптимального удобства, попытка иметь все компоненты эксплуатироваться дистанционным управлением. Обеспечение вашей комнаты Вы должны иметь удобную мебель для вахты ваш новый TV или слушать к вашим любимейшим настройкам. Посадочные места театра работают большой в комнате обозначенной для зрелищности. Добавьте кресла, салоны фаэтона и recliners для больше вариантов посадочных мест. Таблицы и журнальные столы конца обеспечат совершенное пятно для напитков и заедок. Сотниы вариантов конструкции для создавать вашу зону домашнего развлечения. Выберите домашнее вспомогательное оборудование для того чтобы снабдить последнии штрихи ваше “ укомплектуйте личным составом den”. DirectBuy предлагает широкий выбор оборудования домашнего развлечения на сразу оптовых ценах человека внутри. Вы можете закупить радиотехническую аппаратуру и больше качества домашнюю на сбережениях до 50% с розницы для того чтобы помочь вам остаться в пределах вашего плана траты. |
Posted: 27 Jun 2011 04:39 AM PDT Assemblyroom are getting ready to showcase their new collection this September at 100% Design. They are contemporary furniture designers and manufacturers who use renewable materials. Recently their new collection was featured in the magazine Cabinet Maker and they also participated in Grand Designs Live 2011 the ever popular consumer show exhibition. They are proud to be included in the ICON product year book 2011, so we thought we’d take a look at their work. Below are the main items in their new showcase collection. A modern chair ideal for any room! Modern style armchairs and sofas are made from FSC plywood, packed with good quality graded resilient foam, and covered with luxurious 100% pure wool. Not only are they cool to look at but also extremely comfortable and can be made in various colors.
Cool and stylish, would suit any modern home or office! Perfect compliment against a patterned background! The featured stacking chairs are hand made and designed with minimal contours to keep with the contemporary theme. Again the seat is covered in 100% pure wool and can be made in a variety of colors. The framework can be either walnut or ash wood which can be coated with clear or colored laquer. The collection comes nicely together with the sturdy yet elegant dining table and side table that are made in either oak or walnut wood. The circular center piece is a clever addition as it’s biologically degradable, heat resistant and will never harm the environment. All the materials are recycled and renewable. An elegant collection of environmentally friendly modern furniture! Assemblyroom was founded by Cathy Spooner and Peter Wall in 2003. Cathy gained a (BA Hons) in furniture and product design at Kingston University and Peter gained his (BA Hons) in interior design at Middlesex University. Both are clearly talented young designers and are now frequenting all the important design exhibitions. Peter has also studied at the Furniture Design National College of Art and Design in Oslo. They have also designed interiors for Puma International, Puma Soho London, Puma Manchester, Puma UK Accessories, Duty Free Clothing, various offices and 3 London residences, proving their versatility in interior design.
Dwell на конструкции 2011 получает большле и более лучшим Posted: 27 Jun 2011 03:27 AM PDT По мере того как другие торговые выставки заключали контракт, Dwell на конструкции продолжается вырасти. Нет большой выставки но поставщики наилучшим образом curated и вы можете изобразить любое из их в страницах кассеты Dwell и много из их вероятно. Этот год мы заметили еще многие более большие тавра специально в районе кухни и ванны как Kohler, TOTO, Duravit. Ford Lincoln также имело большую зону дисплея и было все еще множество космоса для малая компании для того чтобы делить их самые последние самомоднейшие продукты. Мы также полюбили магазин Remodelista на фронте выставки и специально насладились будочкой Regalia разведчика. Если вы имеете, то время заканчивало связь их вебсайт по мере того как они имеют множество самомоднейших продуктов и планов DIY, котор нужно построить их которые будут держать ваши викэнды полной. Для фото случая см. наш альбом на нашей странице Facebook. |
Насколько оно стоит для того чтобы заменить ваше Windows в Лос-Анджелес? Posted: 24 Jun 2011 04:18 PM PDT Window replacements should be at the top of your renovation to-do list, especially if you're living in the sunny city of Los Angeles. It's equally important to let in that golden light as it is to keep your home's temperature regulated in a comfortable and eco-responsible way. But the choices available with window replacements can be overwhelming. There are so many brands, types, and functions (not to mention sticker prices), that it can be hard to decipher what is really a good bang for your buck. Replacement windows cost between $7,000 and $20,000 for the typical residence. Luckily, we have some answers for you, and your pocketbook. To get cost information for window replacement, click here. Reducing Your CostsReplacing windows can initially seem like a huge shock to your wallet, but you can do some things along the way to help reduce cost. For one thing, most replacement windows can qualify for a credit from the federal government, which comes right off your taxes. Not to mention that replacement increases the value of your home, which benefits you immensely when you go to sell in Los Angeles' competitive housing market. Finally, replacing windows and increasing your home's efficiency can save up to 25 percent each year on your heating and cooling bill. Knowing the savings available to you, make sure you also begin with a firm budget in mind. Plan the specifics in the preliminary phase to fully understand the ranges of materials at each price grade. Windows may seem like just glass, but there is a huge range between the Home Depot options (around $100) to Andersen specialty windows, which can run over $1,000 each. Average Window Prices in Los AngelesBut what is average, you ask? Plan to spend around $300-$700 for one window inserted into pre-existing frames. A 48 inch x 30 inch window can range from $150 to $500. Being such a huge range, it can help to consult an estimator as you plan. Take a look at CalFinder's extensive list of contractors who can get you started on your way. Consulting a professional from the start can help you navigate those unexpected issues that seems to always arise in renovation projects. For instance, in some situations, the window frame must also be rebuilt, as well as surrounding insulation and any damage that needs repair. Not to mention all of the screens, hardware and small details included in the project. But not to worry—you can get help. While it is true that you’ll save a pretty penny on installing the windows yourself, it's not recommended. Unlike repainting a room, installing windows can be quite tricky, and doing so incorrectly will void your warranty. In such a beautiful sunny city, getting the right windows for your Los Angeles home can make a huge difference in your living experience. With an investment in new windows, you can revolutionize your home's flow, as well as look and value. Get started here. |
Директивы представления статьи Posted: 24 Jun 2011 12:38 PM PDT Домашний блог направляющего выступа реновации, Северная Америка ’ источник s любимейший для энтузиастов реновации и Remodelling ищет умоляющие статьи, подсказки и просмотрения продукта! Статьи должны быть около 500 слов в длине (хотя не максимальный предел) и они должны поговорить к домашнему энтузиасту, дизайнерам по интерьеру, оформителям, контракторам, поставщикам и другим домашним профессионалам. Предпочтено содержание информативные подсказки или полезное сведение для домашнего предпринимателя, однако, уместные официальные сообщения для печати, объявления нового продукта, состязания и звоноки отливки так же, как просмотрения или интервью продукта, etc., отнесенные к участку домашнего улучшения также радушен. Статьи ясн, well-written и включение хотя бы одного изображения (авторского права свободно) который apt к теме (минимуму ширины 400 пикселов на dpi 72) предпочтены. Пожалуйста включите кратко компанию или author био с соединениями. Вы будете связаны если ваша статья принята для опубликовывать. Пожалуйста не пошлите тангажи рассказа. Пожалуйста пошлите статьи к editor@homerenovationguide.com (в теле электронной почты или как приложение фаил документа слова). |
Подсказки и выходки для Refinishing ваша палуба Posted: 24 Jun 2011 11:32 AM PDT Жестковатые состояние погоды, износ и разрыв -- правоподобно что вашей палубе будет нужно быть refinished каждые немногие леты, котор нужно держать его в основном состоянии. Это вообще проект вы можете решать над викэндом, при условии вы собирали вверх правые поставкы. На outset проекта, refinishing палуба много как обнажать и перекрашивать шкафы или мебель. Вы будете хотеть начать с чистой, обнажанной поверхностью. Она до вас для того чтобы решить как очистить вашу палубу. Вы можете использовать сил-шайбу, или используйте щетку жестк-щетинки и уборщика как OxiClean напольное для того чтобы scrub палуба поверхностной. Как только палуба чиста и сушит, используйте химический стриппер для того чтобы извлечь любое остальное деревянное пятно. После того, вы готовы приложить отделку. Вы будете иметь серии вариантов, котор нужно выбрать от на вашего магазина местного оборудования, включая формулы которые покрашены, подкрашивано, semi-transparent и даже ясно. |
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