среда, 22 июня 2011 г.



Держите мебель спальни в пропорции

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 04:31 AM PDT

Remodeling ваша спальня, меблировкы внутри комната могут сыграть главную роль в удовлетворительных результатах которые вы получаете. Для самых полезных результатов на доступных ценах, здесь немного идей помочь вам remodeling ваша спальня. Работа внутри бюджетя Люди часто тратят наилучшим образом над их бюджетей для remodeling проектируют что они завершают внутри их спальни. Только купите что вам нужно для типа и хранения. Возможно вы don’ nightstands потребности 2 t или возможно вам действительно только нужен дрессер и не дрессер и highboy. Overcrowd комната Remodeling их люди спальни также клоните overcrowd комната с обеспечивая деталями. Ваша remodeled спальня будет чувствовать приглашатьле только устанавливать мебель в комнате которая необходима для пользы. Специфический размер вашей спальни определит специфическое количество меблировк которые будут соотвествующие для области. Для большинств людей это включит вашу кровать, 2 прикроватного столика и большого дрессера. 2 более малых дрессера можно заменить для одной более большой модели. Вы будете чувствовать более менее ограниченными и ослаблено когда толпиться будет исключен в вашем космосе. Работа внутри предопределенный бюджетя для того чтобы купить мебель пропорциональную к имеющемуся космосу в вашей спальне. Делать эти 2 задачи увеличит шансы вы больше будете удовлетворяться с вашей заново remodeled спальней. DirectBuy предлагает широкий диапазон больших выборов мебели спальни. Вы можете выбрать мебель известной марки для каждой комнаты в вашем доме на ценах которые могут сохранить до 50% с розницы.

Будущее воздушного путешествия - T2 на авиапорте Сан-Франциско!

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 03:05 AM PDT

The remodel of Terminal 2 at San Francisco Airport sets a new standard for modern flight travel and shows the power of modern architecture. The design reflects many cultural aspects of the famous Bay Area and what it has to offer. As a metropolitan region you will recognize hints of its new age characteristics including stunning art installations, alternative architecture, and concerns for the environment.

In its first year T2 expects 5.5 million air passengers!

The design gives prominence to its passengers offering them a more comfortable and less stressful travel experience. They now have more options on how to spend their waiting time in the terminal with the focus on quality and comfort.

The options available offer a more pleasurable flying experience!

Passengers are treated to an array of the finest Bay Area’s cuisine which offers wholesome, organic and locally grown food. There are diverse seating options where you can enjoy a healthy snack while admiring the iconic installations in the airy, uncluttered environment. For those who have more waiting time you can enjoy a breakfast lunch or dinner in one of the fine dining restaurants. Renowned American/Greek chef Cat Cora opened her newest restaurant in the terminal (Cat Cora San Fransisco) offering everything from smaller snack plates to a fuller meal.

Work, rest, or play while you wait in the club house ambiance!

Due to high security levels we all know the implications of passing through security control. We understand the importance of course, but having to take off coats, shoes, jewelry and other items causes a great inconvenience when gathering our belongings and re-dressing once through into the concourse. Gensler the commissioned architects recognized this and designed a specific area for passengers to compose themselves, aptly name Recompose. Recompose also offers passengers flight display systems, information about shopping and food and also a flood of light from the unique hanging installation designed by New York artist Janet Elchelman.

Stunning art installations offer hints of the Bay Area’s new age culture!

Another genius concept are the water re-fill stations where passengers can re-fill their empty bottles after passing through security. The departure lounge has a cozy atmosphere with lounge chairs, special seating arrangements for groups, working area’s with free wifi and power outlets, and children’s play areas. All the gates can be seen from all areas so passengers can relax while shopping, working or dining.

Passengers can expect comfort and hospitality at the highest level!

The sustainable features of T2 are to reduce water usage, encourage recycling, educate passengers, eat local produce and reduce energy costs up to 15% more than required by California’s strict code. Parts of the infrastructure were made from reusable materials, reducing the impact on global warming up to 12.300 tons of CO2. The finished project also connects T2 directly into the city through the BART transport link enabling passengers and employees to travel on mass.

The first terminal building in the USA to receive a LEED Gold Certificate!

Passing through security control is now a more relaxing task!

The facts:

Gensler architects teamed up with building contractor Turner Construction one of the largest in the USA and started work on the project back in April 2008. The terminal opened its doors in April this year 2011. The cost to build this 640,000 sq ft project was $383 million. In its first year 5.5 million air passengers are expected to pass through the 14 gates serving Virgin America and American Airlines. T2 is the first terminal building in the USA to receive the LEED Gold Certificate.

We think this is the future of air terminal design!

How many of you have used T2?

Отказы были пойдены: Как залатать тротуар

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 12:34 PM PDT

Что нет полюбить о тротуаре? Вы можете нарисовать на их с мелком, и они безопасная гавань на которой погулять, велосипед, jog, веревочка скачки, hopscotch игры--вы получаете идею. Но над временем, тротуары могут треснуть и стать поврежденными. На этой стадии, они не только будут уродствями--они также опасность безопасности, слишком. Хорошие новости? Относительно легко залатать тротуар себя. Прежде чем вы получаете начатыми, уверен очистить вне отказ насколько вы можете. Извлекайте любые засорители или грязь от области. Вы можете использовать веник малого, жестк-щетинки, или шланг сада с приложением которое создает тонкий, сконцентрированный двигатель воды. Для небольших отказов, заполнение с смешанным заранее конкретным заполнителем (она приходит в пробки подобные законопатить.) Если вы имеете большой отказ в тротуаре, то DoItYourself.com рекомендует использовать кузнечное зубило для рубки в холодном состоянии и молоток для того чтобы расширить вне нижнюю часть отказа так, что вы закончитесь вверх с перевернутой формой «v». Это обеспечит что достаточно из смеси заплаты заполнено в отказ для того чтобы помочь отремонтировать его.

Определять 4 общих проблемы внимательности лужайки

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 12:07 PM PDT

by John Tracy

The biggest challenge in regards to good lawn care is correctly identifying your lawn's problems. Subsequently, it is also important that you implement the appropriate treatments before your problems spiral out of control.

Here are 4 of the most common lawn problems and easiest ways to identify and resolve them.

  • Lack of water. There will be a bluish, grayish shade to your lawn due to improper hydration. The grass will be turning unto itself and leisurely strolls across the lawn will leave foot imprints because of the loss elasticity. The immediate answer to this problem is to deluge your lawn with at least an inch of water. Get your sprinkler system going and place a can near in the water's path. Once the can is has filled up with an inch of water, discontinue the sprinkler. Remember to water your lawn regularly, especially during the hot summer months.
  • Over-abundance of water. Water saturation of your lawn is harmful and can appear in a myriad of ways. The lawn might turn yellow because of a lack of oxygen or nutrients. Nutrient leaching is often an overlooked problem. A surplus of water is frequently a signal of the following problems: poor draining soil, a layer of top heavy clay, or a bad location like at the bottom of a hill. Improve your soil’s foundation and water flow by adding moisture-absorbing compost. Keep in mind how much rain you get so you don't over water your lawn as well.
  • Menacing Grubs. If you have noticed a lot of moles in your lawn, there is a good chance you have a grub problem since moles feast on them. Grubs are the larval stage of the life cycle of many unwelcomed insects. Japanese beetle grubs can easily devastate your lawn in a short amount of time. Use milky spore, a powerful and effective bacteria that decimates grub populations. A single application can provide up to ten years of protection against grubs. Milky spore is readily available at many home improvement retailers like Home Depot and Lowes. A 10oz can is usually priced around $20.
  • Incorrect pH. The most detrimental effect an imbalanced pH has on soil is the lack of nutrient uptake. Your lawn won't grow properly if the pH level is too acidic or basic. To determine your soil pH, get a professional soil test done. You can alter the pH level easily by adding lime to increase it or adding sulfur to decrease it. It is critical that a soil test be administered before trying to balance the pH level of your soil. You can permanently ruin your soil by slightly increasing or decreasing your lawn's pH level.

Identifying lawn problems is the first step of defense in choosing the appropriate lawn care solutions. Superior lawn care strategy starts here. For more information on Atlanta Lawn Care, check out our Lawn Care Service website.

Энергия эффективное Windows

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Photo: _Circa_

I love windows. There is very little wall space in my house for art! Not only do I like natural light during the day, I also like to bring the outdoors in.

I installed a few windows about 12 years ago, when I first moved into this old ranch house. There were huge expanses of sunny, blank exterior wall, so I decided to bring in the winter sun as passive solar supplemental heat.

I'd found a local warehouse full of brand new double pane windows that a couple of guys had bought at an auction. The prices were amazing as they tried to sell out and move. I felt very fortunate! I had sun, heat and more views for little expense!

Those windows still do their job today, but there are much more advanced and efficient windows on the market now. When I remodeled in 2007, I replaced a lot of my older windows with vinyl low-e windows. What a difference in my heating bill, and the summer sun does not heat the house up!

Low-e windows

Low-e stands for low emissivity. A thin coating is applied to the glass, and it reduces infrared radiation and the transfer of hot to cold. Think of it as a reflective barrier that bounces heat away from the window and back to its source. The coating is applied on the inside in cold climates to keep heat in, and on the outside in hot climates to keep hot air out. It is also used on the outside for east or west facing windows and unshaded south facing windows.

The cost of low-e windows might be 10-15% more than a traditional window, but they can save you 30-50% on your utility bills. As fuel prices rise, low-e windows will have a higher and faster ROI (return on investment).

Low-e coatings are applied to new windows during manufacture, but you can buy low-e film at a home center and apply it to your existing windows. It has a 10-15 year life span and does not peel. It's a less expensive alternative to window replacement.

The benefits of energy efficient windows

The benefits of high performance windows are the same as all energy upgrades:

  • Save money
  • Save resources
  • Increase your comfort
  • Reduce your carbon footprint

Efficient windows will reduce glare and fabric fading, and will produce little or no condensation.

How energy efficient windows are rated

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is a non-profit organization that has created a window rating system based on whole product performance. Windows are labeled with that information:

U-factor – the lower the number, the more efficient the window, based on the glass, frame and spacer material.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) – This figure lets you know how much heat a window transmits. For passive solar gain, this number should be higher than .6. For windows on the north side that let sun in during the summer, this number should be lower to block the heat.
Visible Transmittance (VT) – This number, between 0-1, states how much light comes through a window. For passive solar, this number should be high.
Low-e – low-emissivity. A thin, invisible coating on the glass controls the amount of heat moving through it in both directions, in and out. This affects the U-factor and the SHGC. Low-e windows can save you 30-50% on your energy bills.

For passive solar applications, you want:
• A high SHGC
• A low U-factor
• A high VT
• Low-e windows

For northern orientation, you want:
• A low SHGC
• A low U-factor
• A low VT
• Low-e windows

As you can see, you want different ratings for different orientations. Notice how much direct sun you get through your various windows and what you want to the sun to do. Do you want it to heat the house? Do you want the light but not the heat? These things will determine which windows to purchase.

Energy efficient windows: what next?

Talk to a reputable window distributor, read the labels on the windows, and check out these websites for more information – energysavers.gov and the website of the NFRC, nfrc.org.

Go to the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency to find out about federal and state tax credits. Also, check with your local utility for incentives, funding and tax credits. These incentives can bring down the cost of new windows considerably!

Energy Efficient Windows is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more.

Related posts:

  1. Green Construction Materials For Energy Efficiency
  2. Home Dehumidifying the Energy Efficient Way
  3. How To Choose Replacement Windows

Добавьте личное касание с домашним вспомогательным оборудованием

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:24 AM PDT

Если вы не будете иметь выполненную на заказ мебель, другие люди вероятно идут иметь такие же сопрягая детали большого билета. Будут много других домов с такими же обедая таблицами, софами или комплектами спальни. Добавьте уникально касание к вашему декору с домашним вспомогательным оборудованием. Ваш выбор в половиках зоны, художественное произведение, зеркала или скульптуры добавляют личное касание которое сделает вашим домом отражение вашей индивидуальности. Художественное произведение Покупая первоначально искусство может быть дорогим. Однако, воспроизводства в печатях и плакатах могут быть относительно недорогими путями украсить без ломать бюджетю. Их можно таможн-обрамить для того чтобы сопрягать ваш декор. Половики зоны Половики зоны другое чудесное вспомогательное оборудование. В open-plan доме или квартире, несколько половиков зоны могут определить каждое из жизненных пространств. Половики зоны могут также добавить цвет и тепло к нейтральной комнате без пересиливать как wall-to-wall ковер. Добавлять размер Добавлять размер и глубину к комнате может быть accomplished используя вспомогательное оборудование. Зеркала могут сделать чывство комнаты более большим, и они также добавляют немногую искра. Если комната чувствует плоской, то скульптуры можно добавить, что дали текстуру комнаты. Ваши выборы в домашнем вспомогательном оборудовании отражение вещей вы наслаждаетесь. Они дивный путь добавить касание индивидуальности к вашему дому. Широкий массив дома украшая вспомогательное оборудование на DirectBuy может помочь вам добавить меньший pizzazz к вашему домашнему décor. Нужен ли ваши живущие комнате, спальня или кухня подъем, DirectBuy может помочь. И вы можете сохранить до 50% с розничных цен на мебели известной марки и других деталях домашнего улучшения.

Как выбрать подогреватели патио

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT

Patio heaters are a great addition to an outdoor space because they allow for entertaining and comfort outdoors to continue after the sun goes down, and throughout the year. It is important to pick the right one for your patio, and some of the main considerations include the weather that is experienced, the size of the patio area, and the type of heater needed in that space. If there are large events that will occur during the cold months, you will need to have as specific heater to to meet the need.

Different types of patio heaters to choose from

There are a few different types that are safe and user friendly for your outdoor patio area. The most important consideration is the type of fuel that it will burn. The fuel type can dictate the size and any smells associated with the heater. The fuel options include:

  • Butane
  • Propane
  • Oil
  • Gasoline
  • Electric

Butane patio heaters

Butane is a clean burning fuel in the form of a gel that has a slight odor, but produces a clean heat. The flame is self contained, the fuel is in a canister, and it can last up to eight hours. The nice part about this type of fuel is that it is easy to find, readily accessible, and is water proof. The fuel burns inside the unit, which heats a core that produces an even, external heat.

Propane patio heaters

Propane is another type of clean-burning fuel, but unlike butane, the size of the flame has to be regulated through a valve that restricts the flow of the gas. Propane can produce a hot burning flame, which is funneled into a core that releases the heat without fumes or smoke. The internal metal of the heater is warmed by the flame produced, therefore, regulating the temperature is manually controlled.

Oil patio heaters

Oil is a somewhat antiquated fuel source by this point in history, but is still reliable and burns well. The major problem with this type of fuel is that it can create a sludge inside the heater, requiring maintenance, and it is extremely flammable on external surfaces. This type of product works well with industrial sized heaters, and those that are used in large open areas.

Gasoline patio heaters

Many of the heaters that use gasoline are also being used in conjunction with a compressor or generator, which makes them harder to come by. These types of heaters are used in wide spaces that require a large, free-standing heater. For a better idea of the size, heaters like these are often used in orange groves to keep the trees warm during a frost. For a patio area, however, a gasoline heater is palced on the edge of a large section property to provide heat for the entire area.

Electric patio heaters

Electric heaters are the most popular of all the heater types, because they are inexpensive, easy to use, and fuel does not have to be prepared in advance. Using an indoor/outdoor cord is important in helping to prevent fire hazards. The core of the heater is heated through electricity, and can be adjusted via settings on the unit.

The size that matters

After researching the type of fuel you are most comfortable with, the next step is to investigate the actual style that will work in the patio area in question. There are a few styles, and they include:

  • Dome covered, or roofed units, that range in height from three to 12 feet
  • Open core heaters that have a perforated core that allows the heat to escape, but can have an open top exposing the core to the surface
  • Enclosed tube or canister heaters where the entire unit is encased in aluminum and radiates heat off of the entire surface of the heater

It is important to pick the right one so as to prevent burns, or potential fire hazards.


Choosing the right heater for your patio

The key to making the right choice for you patio is to take the size of patio into consideration. If the patio area is 10 x 10, then a three foot dome covered heater would be perfect. It would let off enough heat to make the entire space comfortable, while remaining safe for guests or even children. The unit has a presence with its shiny aluminum, and would be easy to tuck away in a corner while remaining a safe unit to operate.

Larger spaces would accommodate big heaters that run on any of the fuel choices listed. They do need more room and open space available, as they get quite hot. The best heater for a large open space would be a dome covered, 12 foot, propane fueled heater. It creates a lot of heat quickly, and can easily warm an area of 150-200 square feet.

Climate considerations

Climate can also prove to be a factor for space heaters. For electric use heaters, it is a good idea to ensure that the external outlets are up to code, that there are no building codes or city guidelines for burning certain types of fuels with heaters, and to check for inclement weather restrictions. This is for the safety of your home and of your neighbors.

Fuel source availability

Before making a final decision on a heater, make sure that the fuel source you prefer is readily available. For instance, oil heaters may require a specific heating oil that may not be available in certain areas, so check to make sure that the fuel product needed is easy to find.

Cool summer evenings, and into autumn!

Enjoy the warmth after the sun goes down this year with your patio heater. You’ll be able to entertain and enjoy the outdoors by starting your outdoor living as summer warmth ramps up, while also extending the comfort of summer into the autumn months. By choosing the best unit for your needs, you are guaranteeing satisfaction and relaxation for many seasons to come. Of course, keep safety in mind for all use with these units, for an event free, user friendly experience.

How to Choose Patio Heaters is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more.

Related posts:

  1. Deck and Patio Round-Up!
  2. The Ultimate Patio Lantern Guide
  3. Choosing Patio Furniture

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