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- 5 фантастичных модернизаций ванной комнаты!
- Добавьте тип, функцию к вашему напольному космосу с ковром
- Сварите вверх некоторый цвет в кухне
- Отказ праймера
- Как установить качание крылечку
- Взрыв с бульдозером на раскопках это в Лас-Вегас
- Организовать рабочую группу домашнего улучшения района
- Варианты для того чтобы изменить декор дома
- За исключением космоса с Stepcase
5 фантастичных модернизаций ванной комнаты! Posted: 24 Jun 2011 08:33 AM PDT Below are some amazing inspirational bathroom makeover ideas. If you are thinking of doing a bathroom conversion then here’are some of the best. Before – This former bedroom was totally stripped down to its crumbling plaster, moldy walls, and decaying window frames.
In a desperate state! After – new windows were fitted, new plumbing and electrics were installed and new plaster was applied to start the transformation. The old chimney breast was covered in to allow 2 vanity units with storage to be installed. The free standing tub sits just below the window in perfect view of the television fitted into the mosaic tiling. Now smart and elegant! Before – The idea of converting the loft into a bathroom was all about creating extra space. A mass of clutter and decay! After – The roof window takes away the focus of the sloping ceiling and even though the shape is long and slim the result is successful. To enhance the ceiling height a light color theme was used, this also gives the feeling of space. The balance in the room is perfect, everything slots into place even though the room is an awkward shape. An elegant transformation with the perfect balance! Before – This family bathroom needed a complete renovation as the whole room was in bad shape and decay. The whole room had to stripped bare! After – To start with the chimney was blocked off, a new floor was put down and the ceilings and walls had a new coat of plaster. The tub was placed to be the main focal point sitting in front of the old chimney and clever storage space was created within the walls. The practical heating system warms up the room and also dries the towels, and some decorative touches add a touch of creativity. The walk in shower adds a contemporary feel and the floor tiles leave a slick finish to this fabulous new family bathroom. Now a stunning contemporary conversion! Before – This cramped pink eighties style bathroom is ugly and dated, it needed a total revamp to freshen it up and bring it up to date. A very ugly dated room! After – The wall with the boxed in plumbing was brought forward which also allowed for a storage cupboard, this gives the room sleeker lines. The metallic patterned tiles glimmer in the natural light adding some depth. The towel rail was placed at the end of the bath and the glass screen helps to give the illusion of more space. A glamorous new face lift! Before – This large room was in desperate need of modernizing and every fixture and fitting needed to be replaced. A very disorganized room in chaos with color! After – The bathroom now has a spa like appeal and offers a relaxing experience. The color theme is all about water and gives a calming effect along with the waterfall shower. A wonderful spa inspired design with a calm feel! Some tips to remember: Glimmering wall paper or tiles add depth to small spaces and reflect natural light. Water colors give the feeling of calmness. Heated towel rails serve 2 functions. Glass screens give the illusion of more space. Add a window to sloping ceilings to take away the focus. Cover in an old chimney breast for sleeker lines. If you are stuck for space then create storage in the walls. Have you got any bathroom design tips to add to ours? | ||||
Добавьте тип, функцию к вашему напольному космосу с ковром Posted: 24 Jun 2011 07:00 AM PDT С качанием лета полностью, районы вашего дома напольные правоподобны получающ много пользу. Мы уже говорили о как создать круглогодичное напольное жизненное пространство, полно с мебелью и сезонными элементами. Когда вы создаете такую область, вы можете также хотеть рассматривать добавить настил--и какой лучше чем напольн-содружественный ковер? Не кажется, что смешивают, а не тревожатся ковер и outdoors--мы не говорим о ковре плюша вы нашли бы внутри помещения. Примите внутренность полов Shaw - вне собрание, например. Собрание включает несколько категорий как естественные изображения, естественные комплекты и естественные повышения, которые конструированы для разнообразие напольных космосов включая крылечка, патио, стыковки, сараи potting и poolside, среди других. Внутри - вне carpeting имеющийся в блоке цветов и картин, делая его вероятно что вы найдете совершенный настил для того чтобы укомплектовать ваш существующий напольный космос. Пола Shaw делают легким ходить по магазинам для настила, слишком, хотите ли вы искать семьей, диапазоном цен или типом цвета. | ||||
Сварите вверх некоторый цвет в кухне Posted: 24 Jun 2011 04:40 AM PDT Кухня; it’ часть A.S. существенная дома. Сварены еды и гости и сбор семьи. Никакая кухня не должна чувствовать хмурой, устаревший, или пакостной. Независимо от того, какой ваша кухня remodeling бюджетя, переделать цветы может помочь сделать вашу кухню чувствовать и смотреть brandnew! Смелейше хорош! В виду того что большинств приборы кухни консервативные цветы как бежевое, белое, черная или сталь, добавлять смелейшие цветы к вашей кухне может добавить славный контраст. Типично, кухни don’ t имеет тонну космоса стены. Включая смелейшие цветы к тем космосам могут помочь убеждаться кухня doesn’ чывство t вежливое. Популярные смелейшие цветы включают золото, медь, котор сгорели помеец, и горят красный цвет. Не, смелейше слишком много для меня! Если вы don’ t любит идея добавлять смелейшие цветы к вашей кухне, that’ s одобренный, смелейшие цветы aren’ t ваш только вариант. Много владельцев дома предпочитают более мягкое или более тонкое чывство к кухне. Рассматривайте, что более холодные цветы как желтая, бежевое, зеленая, или мягко красный цвет дают вашей кухне более естественное чывство. Цвет вашей кухни идет длинний путь в общих взгляде и чывстве космоса. Посмотрите все красивейшие цветы имеющиеся к вам во время вашей кухни remodeling проект. DirectBuy носит большой выбор продуктов кухни известной марки для того чтобы помочь вам создать кухню ваших сновидений. Вы можете выбрать от широкого выбора приборов кухни, мебели кухни, неофициальных советников президента, и много другая кухня remodeling продукты на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. | ||||
Posted: 23 Jun 2011 10:49 PM PDT I know it's been six months since my last update here but there hasn't been much DIY stuff to blog about at Brooklyn Row House... not even something worthy of a Facebook status. Fact is, most of the work here is done but now I'm facing Phase 2 -- maintaining all the new stuff which has begun to show the wear and tear of the years and the many boisterous animals. For that reason I think I'm going to jog this blog into slightly different direction, beginning with this post.
Far less impressive however was the paint job I did on my back deck. With my new, blue wall I wanted something other than a black steel deck. So I went to my local Home Depot and had a custom light gray Rustoleum mixed for me. After I pressure washed and wire brushed the deck, I laid down a coat of rusty metal Rustoleum primer. Because of the ornate metal railings, it was a lot of work with a 2" brush but it looked great. Fast forward one year and the deck didn't look so great. There was definite foot traffic wear down to the primer, especially on the stairs. To me, this showed a failure of the paint. I knew it was only going to get worse so I repeated the clean/prime/paint ordeal, this time with a stock Rustoleum gray color. Perhaps the failure was the fault of the tinting. Who knows? Well, that one started flaking off last fall too. WTF?? This is Rustoleum paint, after all. It's the stuff that professional painters use on steel fire escapes every 20 years or so. It's among the most durable of retail paints. So last weekend I once again power washed, brushed and carefully laid down yet another coat of Rustoleum rusty metal primer. But before painting on the top coat I decided to check Rustoleum's web site to see what I might have overlooked. It was there that I found the source of my problem. Note well: you won't find this information posted on the can nor on the product page on the web site. You have to dive into Rustoleum's FAQ to learn it.
Bingo. In other words, Rusty Metal Primer should never be used on already painted surfaces. I made a foolish mistake that I always warn others about: don't trust the expert advice of box store "associates". I told the saleman what I was doing and he recommended Rustoleum Rusty Metal Primer as "the best all around primer", especially if there is any sign of rust... which of course there always will be with ordinary steel. So I used the same primer the next time I painted, and the next, and that's why my paint job was failing! So there I was left with a red primed deck against a light blue back wall and a guarantee that any top coat I put on it would also fail within probably a year. I fired off an email to Rustoleum's customer support department asking what I should do next. Let the primer sit for a few months? Wipe it down with mineral spirits? Paint on another kind of primer? I was dreading a response telling me to rent a sandblaster but instead got a nice condolence email back from Armando, a Rustoleum product support specialist. He said to let the primer sit for at least a week with no traffic. Then wash it down with soapy water and rinse. That should remove the oil. Then I should be able to paint it. I only barely dodged a third bullet. | ||||
Как установить качание крылечку Posted: 23 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Installing a porch swing can be an attractive addition to any home. Most swings come pre-assembled, so the process of attaching it to a porch is usually quite easy. Some of the benefits of doing this task correctly include a relaxing place to be while outdoors, a place to entertain on a lazy afternoon, or aesthetics that give your home have a welcoming appeal. Features of a porch swingPorch swings have different features to consider when preparing for installation. For instance, there is a one chain mounting system that can help eliminate the clutter of multiple chains, but require the help of two to three friends in order to hoist the piece in place, especially if the swing is already attached to the chain. There are others where this is not the case. So it is important to look at your resources for help when finding a style that you prefer. Assembled vs. unassembled porch swingsThere are porch swing kits available to buyers that offer unassembled porch swings. While they do come with lengthy instruction packets, this style is optimal for those that do not expect to have a lot of help on hand in the process. Pre-assembled porch swing units are bulky and heavy, so help is required for loading, unloading, and mounting the swing. However, some styles of swings, like wicker swings, only come pre-assembled, and tend to be lighter than a solid wood swing. Tools to have in place for a porch swing installationWhile the instruction manual will have a list, it is wise to be prepared so that you feel confident about going forward with the project. Some of the tools that you will want to have handy include:
Once these tools are assembled, the next step is to ensure that there is enough room for the swing to move about on the porch it’s placed on. Measuring for the swing arcThe area for swinging motion, or the swing arc, is the most important measurement. You need to install the chains for the swing in a spot that will allow the swing to move freely without bumping into porch fixtures or your home. Follow these steps to measure for the swings optimal location:
Single chain porch swing installationSome swings are designed to mount with only one chain. This simply means that the chain is in the shape of a triangle, attached at one point on the ceiling. It is joined on both sides of either the arm rest or backboard. The mounting is a little different because there will need to be some additional brackets to detur spinning. It is key to find a stud for placement as the weight of the swing from a single point can cause damage to the structure of the home. Double chain porch swing installationThis process is easier on the structure of the home, but does require additional measuring in order to place the chains properly for straight presentation of the swing. This type of design does not have the threat of spinning, but there is a tendency to have slack on one side or another. Taking the time for careful measuring during installation will be rewarded later on. Pre-assembled porch swingIf the swing is already assembled, follow the steps below to optimize the installation process:
The swing will weigh a considerable amount, so, for safety reasons, it is wise to enlist the help of others in order to complete step number three. Unassembled porch swing Having an unassembled swing is the perfect way for a DIY’er to get the optimal experience from installing a porch swing. It is important to follow the step listed on the instruction guide with the swing, but know that there can be some improvisation. Follow the steps below for additional ideas: Measure the space for the chains and swinging room as listed in the pre-assembled instructions. This is a great way to piece together the swing when working alone, and having a solid unit completed as per manufacturers suggestions. Enjoying lazy days outsideEnjoy the new porch swing on a lazy day, or any day for that matter. Once the unit is installed properly, there will be occasions for use that pop up all around. Decorate the new swing with attractive cushions, and make your porch an extension of your home. This will go a long way in making your home feel even more welcoming and comfortable for not just you, but guests and passersby that see your beautiful new swing. How to Install a Porch Swing is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. No related posts. | ||||
Взрыв с бульдозером на раскопках это в Лас-Вегас Posted: 23 Jun 2011 09:54 AM PDT Oh Vegas… мы любим вас. От пирамидок к Париж вы никогда не перестаете изумить нас поэтому оно приспосабливает что вы нажимаете границы еще раз на какой тематический парк может быть путем служение как дом раскопок этого. Самая последняя притяжка Vegas на пакостной стороне но не в типичном путе Vegas. Выкопайте это тяжелая спортивная площадка оборудования где визитеры могут привестись в действие сверхмощное машинное оборудование конструкции, как след-тип бульдозер гусеницы D5. Этот тематический парк конструкции детище нового Zealand-рожденного Ed Mumm, которое имело такой опыт потехи пока арендующ землечерпалку для того чтобы построить его дом которому он вычислял почему не доля опыт с другими. | ||||
Организовать рабочую группу домашнего улучшения района Posted: 23 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT
Last summer, I put my house up for sale. The hardest part was getting it in shape to list. Closets needed to be cleaned out, clutter removed, every corner cleaned, paint touched up, and the yard cleaned up. After a couple months of chipping away at it, I wanted to give up! Eight high school girlfriends, who are scattered around the country, were coming out for a long weekend. One of them suggested we take half a day to work on my house. She had done this at her own house many times – friends got together to work on big projects to reduce the overwhelm factor. I hadn't thought of this, but it sounded like it would provide relief, which it did. In a morning, we got two cords of wood stacked, the flower beds cleaned, weeded and mulched, windows and doors painted, and two bedrooms completely ready for painting. I couldn't have done that in two months, let alone in a few hours! Neighborhood work groups reduce stress and create communityThis is the essence of a neighborhood work group, except the workers are your neighbors, and you return the favor by working on their home improvement projects. Not only does this minimize stress and save time, it creates community. And think of the money you'd spend on a contractor or handyman! A neighborhood work group saves all the participants money. To organize a workgroup in your area, contact neighbors and friends, and see if they are willing to commit to a group. If you have a neighborhood association, you can send out a memo to everyone and see who would like to participate. In your communication, outline what the group will need and ideas on how it could operate. What your neighborhood work group will need1. People with home improvement experience, from professional contractor to DIY handyman to hobbyist. 2. People with a variety of skills. Ask what skills people have – plumbing, carpentry, electrical, landscaping, etc – and their proficiency. Some people are good go-fers or have muscle, but no professional skills. These are important, too! 4. Structure – Frequency of projects (once a month, every other month, emergencies), a day and time (Saturday mornings, for example). Let people know this is flexible and that you can determine the details as a group. Once you get a group together, create a list of contact info with names, phone numbers and email addresses. Plan a preliminary meeting over brunch or coffee. How to structure neighborhood work group projectsSome details your group might want to include and/or tweak: Create a schedule for projects. Once you know how often you want to get together, you can schedule everyone's projects. You might want to keep your schedule to summer months, depending on where you live. For example, March through November is a good window for home improvement where I live. Participants need to commit to every project in order to get their own project included. Commitment is what makes this work. If someone can't come, be flexible in rescheduling. Make a plan for emergencies. If something crops up unexpectedly, again, be flexible. Someone may have to forgo their project to help with the emergency, but they should be given priority in the next scheduling. Or maybe you would want to work an extra day. These are group decisions, but try to put something in place before an emergency arises. The owners of the home where the project is based should be organized beforehand. Send out a summary of their project with skills and tools needed. They provide materials, which should already be on the site. Be ready to put people to work when they get there! Water and snacks, or even lunch, are a courtesy. Your group will morph and settle into a rhythm as you get to know each other and your competencies. Community, socializing with and trusting your neighbors are human needs. In these days of disconnect with the internet, working from home, and full time jobs and family, we don't spend old-fashioned time with others. I'm sure your group will naturally expand outside of its original purpose and create friendships. Organizing a Neighborhood Home Improvment Work Group is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: | ||||
Варианты для того чтобы изменить декор дома Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:48 AM PDT Один из самых лучших путей улучшить общее значение к дому путем увеличивать воззвание или свое домашнее décor свойства астетическое. Это может быть сделанной комнатой комнатой, или как один массивнейший remodeling к интерьеру или экстерьеру дома. Также важно вспомнить что décor значит далеко больше чем добавляющ новые обои или краску. Здесь 2 идеи помочь дать вашему дому весь новый взгляд. Мебель для типа и комфорта Décor дома может изменить просто путем добавлять новый тип мебели. Например, в 90's, мотив Югозападн-типа была популярной тенденцией showcasing более американский индийский пирофакел. По мере того как 90's дали путь к новому столетию, настолько слишком сделал воззвание этих бирюз-гружёных, югозападных картин. Если ваша мебель более традиционна в природе, то рассматривайте закупить новые подушки хода или возможно иметь часть быть reupholstered в новых ткани или конструкции. просто уточнять мебель дома, домашнее décor изменено также. Приспособления для типа и функциональности Добавлять новый вентилятор потолка или свет к комнате с сопрягая светильниками таблицы или sconces стены может также работать для того чтобы изменить décor дома и уточнить свой взгляд. Эти можно сделать относительно недорог и в относительно короткие периоде времени, не принимать никакую дополнительную электрическую работу нужно быть сделанным. В реальности, сотниы путей изменить décor дома. Выберите метод который работает наиболее наилучшим образомнаилучшим образом для вас для того чтобы дать вашему дому весь новый взгляд. Для каждого типа и каждого вкуса, DirectBuy предлагает широкий диапазон top-quality, продукты им-тавра всех типов. Вы можете обеспечить ваш весь дом и сохранить до 50% с розничных цен на мебели спальни, живущей мебели комнаты и симпатичном домашнем вспомогательном оборудовании. | ||||
За исключением космоса с Stepcase Posted: 23 Jun 2011 04:45 AM PDT Одна из самых больших возможностей сторона много малой жильцов космоса хранение. Имеет ли ваша обитель большой набор шкафов и шкафов или как чуть-чуть как косточка, когда каждый квадратный дюйм подсчитывает, вам нужны разрешения хранения которые оптимизируют каждый возможный угол. Дэнни Kuo конструкции Дэнни Kuo создало near-perfect блок памяти для людей которые имеют серии вертикального космоса стены, только не много другого космоса для того чтобы пощадить. Созерцайте, Stepcase! Предпосылка это -- нижние 3 (полно - функционально) shelving/блоки storgae bookcase вытягивают вне для того чтобы сделать лестницы поэтому вы можете достигнуть детали, котор хранят в верхних отсеках. Как внушительно то? |
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