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Posted: 15 Jun 2011 08:23 AM PDT by Level One Contracting As a homeowner, you are not legally permitted to perform your own renovation work, with the exception of the electrical, but it is strongly recommended amateurs not do this as disastrous results can occur. You are legally responsible for obtaining any building permits required. However, your renovator should look after this on your behalf, specifying which permits are required and who will get them. You will need to provide a letter of authorization before your renovator can apply for a permit for your renovation. A reputable contractor hires licensed trades to do your work. Any structural, heating, plumbing, electrical, gas or sprinkler changes require a building permit from the City. Avoid any contractors or designers who tell you otherwise. They must have a Building Code Identification Number to apply for a building permit. A permit is for your protection. Permits are based on building codes to promote health and safety, and structural integrity. Some minor cosmetic changes may not require a permit. Confirm with your renovator or check with your municipal building permit office to be sure. When do I need a permit? Generally, a building permit is required for renovations that involve changes to the structure or systems of your home. Types of Permits Whether you are building or renovating your home, there are basically five types of permits that may be required. Building Permits Permits may be required for many repair, renovation and addition projects in existing homes. Renovating a Strata Lot If you own a condominium or a townhouse, you may be subject to your strata bylaws and restrictions. This article was provided by Level One – Renovations Experts. For more details on the topics above and others such as: Who should get the permit – Me or my renovator? What happens if I don't get a permit? – visit Level One’s Blog.
About the ContributorLevel One Renovations Experts is a full service renovation company with over 12 years in the market. Specializing in kitchen and bathroom renovations from demolition to finish, our goal is to continue exceeding our client's expectations and building to the highest standards possible. |
Проекты реновации для того чтобы форсировать вашу стоимость имущества! Posted: 15 Jun 2011 02:34 AM PDT Flipping is a common terminology used when you want to sell your property and make a profit through renovation projects that will hopefully add a higher value to your home. The concept is to choose remodeling projects that will boost your investment return. However many of you assume big remodeling projects will achieve this, and the return will be big bucks. Unfortunately some of the larger projects don’t deliver the owners expectations. Below are some strategic ideas on how you can boost the value of your home when you are ready to sell.
Investors: Investors tend to use a more strategic approach and use the fix it and flip it concept. They go for low cost homes that are run down and complete the works themselves. Their starting point is taking a note of the surrounding properties in the neighborhood. There is no point over doing a home as this will make it significantly stand out and therefore may not sell easily. They concentrate on projects that take the least effort yet are effective enough to add higher value. Owners: Many owners tend to put in a lot more money towards their remodeling projects than investors hoping for a higher return.
First impressions count, so curb appeal is a must! Below are 4 points to bare in mind when hoping for that higher return on your investments: Curb Appeal: First impressions count so your homes curb appeal is a must. Make sure your lawn looks tidy and healthy and the garden is well organized and not over crowded. Always add a new coat of paint to the outside and inside, invest in new flooring or carpets and update old appliances. Basics: Buyers expectations differ but they do tend to have a similar set of basic standards on their list. Ensure the roof is in good condition and doesn’t allow leaks, and all outside guttering and downspouts are clean and functioning. Make sure your furnace is in good working order, so it’s maybe a good idea to get a professional to check it over. Inside the house check that all partitioning and solid walls are in top condition and any solid or wooden floors are clean and look like new. If properties around the neighborhood have swimming pools, garages or air conditioning then it may be worth investing in installing these. All of these requirements are basic and will not add lots of value to your home but they will upgrade it and make a start towards your return on investment. Adding a swimming pool could be a good selling point! Adding Value: These are the top favorite projects that will definitely add value. Create extra living space, add a brand new modern kitchen, update the bathrooms, install outdoor decking, replace old windows and add a new siding. These projects have been known to bump up investment returns by 80%. Personal Touches: Remember that potential buyers may not have the same taste as you so be wary when thinking of turning your basement into a games room, or adding sports courts or ponds to your outdoor space. It’s entirely up to you but these things can work out expensive additions and may effect your other selling points. Finally whatever projects you decide to embark upon remember this is your home. If you are not planning to sell just yet then add features that you want but carefully choose ones that won’t effect the future value. When you start to think of selling then start with the basics and add that fabulous curb appeal to kick start your plans for profit. We hope these idea’s and tips have been helpful, if you have any tips for adding value to a home then let us know! |
Красить экстерьер нашего ушата Clawfoot Posted: 14 Jun 2011 12:30 PM PDT Пока мы ждали вне влажность которая держала нас от заканчивать наши ноги когтя для того чтобы revamp, мы повернули наше внимание себя к ушату. После извлекать ноги когтя и очищать ее вверх, она была ясна что Clementine внешний был нужен wee больше помощи чем мы предвидела. Мы повернули ее вверх на одном конце против будущей стены нашей мастерской ванной комнаты и дали ей хорошее once-over. Были немного пятен ржавчины начиная около где ноги когтя прикрепленные, также, как отверстие стока. Были много мест где ее краска была откалывана, поцарапали, или в противном случае были blemished. Так после brainstorming для немногой пока на как остановить более дальнеишую ржавчину, покрыть ее несовершенства, И дать ей глянцеватый, самомоднейший экстерьер, мы пошли к нашему старому stand-by… Ржавчин-Олеуму. |
Eco-Friendly домашние идеи модернизации это лето Posted: 14 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT
Eco-friendly weatherizationSealing the envelope of your home will save a lot of money and natural resources. You don't want to be heating the outdoors! Neither do you want to be cooling outdoor summer heat! You can get a blower door test from a certified energy rater to find air leaks. You can do something similar by closing all the exterior doors and windows, opening all the interior doors, and running a big fan to blow air outdoors. You can also turn your furnace to 'fan' while you check for air penetration. You may want to have some incense or something else that smokes so you can see where air is moving most. Caulking and weatherstripping problem areasCaulk is your friend! Not very romantic, but oh so useful! Where?
Weatherstripping is an inexpensive way to prevent leaks.
Insulation is a great eco-friendly home investment
Eco-friendly HVAC, plumbing, appliance, et al upgrades for your home
In the Yard
Some of these projects are major, and some are minor and inexpensive. Don't try to do all of them at once! Make a priority list – those most desirable for you, those that will fit in your budget, those that need a professional, and those that you and your neighbors or a work party can accomplish. No matter which upgrades you choose, all will make your home more eco-friendly, save you money, reduce your carbon footprint, and save our precious natural resources. Eco-Friendly Home Makeover Ideas This Summer is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. No related posts. |
Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:19 AM PDT Когда это прибывает в выбирать новый ковер для вашего дома, качеств-уровень часто основан на бюджете, но цвет личне. Это долгосрочное облечение, поэтому выберите тщательно. Яркая бирюза могла быть как раз чего вы хотите сегодня, но как вы будете чувствовать в 5 летах? Координата с другим настилом Контраст между граничащими полами большой вариант. Темные деревянные пола смотрят сказовыми рядом с свет-цветами. Если 2 подобное, но не точное, цветы граничаще, то одно может посмотреть нечетным или даже пакостным. Если желающ равномерный взгляд, держите ваши тоны эти же. Don’ t устанавливает cream покрытие пола с основными желтыми тонами рядом с off-white настилом с розовыми тонами. Рассматривайте ваш образ жизни Тот красивейший белый половик isn’ t настолько красивейший после месяцев тяжелой пользы! Свет-цветы большой украшая выбор, делающ взгляд комнат более большой и координирующ с большинств цветами мебели и стены. Однако, если вы имеете детей, направляете доступ от outdoors к вашему ковру, или развлекаете часто, то выберите пятн-упорный тип и цвет который включает некоторые текстуру или flecking для того чтобы помочь закамуфлировать пятна. С всеми большими имеющимися выборами, вы будете найти совершенный цвет для вашего дома, вашего образа жизни и вашей личности. Когда давно пора для нового ковра, DirectBuy может помочь вам за исключением до 50% на ковре известной марки всех типов. |
Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT
But, how do you buy a sump pump? Are some better than others? What areas should you explore when looking to invest in one? Sump pump expert Cynthia Freeney from BasementSystems.com is here to help answer these. *** Every homeowner should know that a reliable sump pump is their first line of defense to protect you from basement flooding. Yet, when shopping for a new sump pump, homeowners are often baffled by all the choices. There are so many different models and features to choose from! So, whether you are installing it yourself or having a contractor or plumber do it for you, allow me to offer you some expert advice on the matter. This post can help you make sure you know what to look for and what to avoid when choosing and installing the right sump pump for your basement. Cast iron case sump pump vs. plastic caseThe most reliable sump pumps have a cast iron case. Many people mistakenly avoid cast iron submersible pumps because of corrosion concerns. Yet, the cast iron used in these pumps is treated against corrosion. Pumps break down more often due to overheating than corrosion. Cast iron disperses heat more easily than plastic, especially when submerged in cold water. This will keep your sump pump from burning out when run time increases due to weather conditions.
Vertical vs. tether float switch sump pumpsSump pumps are triggered by a float switch, which turns the pump on when the water in the pit reaches a certain level. Many sump pumps fail simply because the float switch has malfunctioned. If the switch gets stuck in the "on" position, it will cause the pump to run non-stop usually burning out the motor. If the switch fails to activate the pump motor, the basement floods. Both types of switch failures are more common in pumps with tether float switches, because the tether or cord connecting the floating device to the pump gets tangled in the sump pit. A mechanical, vertically oriented float switch is much more reliable because there's no cord to tangle up and very little clearance is required around the float. One more point about the float: avoid hollow floating devices because they can be punctured or develop leaks. Once this happens, they'll stop working. Solid floats will never succumb to these problems. Judging sump pump capacity Pumping capacity causes a lot of confusion due to misinformation when shopping for a sump pump for one simple reason. Many times, the advertised or rated pump capacity is less than what the pump actually discharges when installed in the basement. Keep in mind that the basement is below grade, and a sump pump is installed below the basement floor. To get water out of the basement, the pump needs to shoot it up through the discharge pipe until it's slightly above grade level, so that gravity can take over and allow the water to drain away from the foundation.
Battery-powered backup sump pumpsIf you are replacing your sump pump, it is a good idea to consider installing a backup pump as well, preferably a battery-operated model. The same storms that bring water into the basement also have the power to knock down electrical lines and put a standard pump out of commission when it's most needed. Consider sump pump systems that offer both the main electrically wired pump and a battery-operated backup pump with an alarm to let you know when the main pump is out of order. Protect your sump pumpThe truth is that the best sump pump in the world is likely to fail if it is not properly installed. A sump pump forced to run in a dirty pit, inside a rusty metal or improvised container, and with no pedestal to lift it above the silt and mud or a cover to keep debris out, will most likely fail prematurely. Also, the water contained in such a sump pit is evaporating into the basement, contributing to mold growth and other moisture problems. Consider installing a sump pump container with an airtight sealed lid. The best containers have a water alarm and a floor drain to address water from plumbing leaks and other spills inside the basement. A sump pump protects your investmentA single inch of water, even in an unfinished basement, can cause thousands of dollars in damages. When it comes to a flood, there is no safe zone. According to Floodsmart.gov nearly 20 % of all flood insurance claims come from moderate-to-low risk areas. A good quality sump pump system is one of the best investments you can make to protect your home from the hassle of a basement flood, and all the costly expenses that come with it. *** Thanks, Cynthia! Cynthia Freeney is the Social Media Marketing Coordinator for Basement Systems Inc., the world's leading provider of solutions for basement waterproofing and crawl space repair, including the most reliable sump pump systems With more than 20 years in the basement waterproofing business, and after serving a quarter of a million of homes all across the US, Canada, U.K. and Ireland, Basement Systems has seen it all. They have serviced, fixed, installed and replaced every type and model of sump pump available. Cheers, Rob. How To Buy A Sump Pump is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Премудрость окна: Очищать и заботить для Windows Posted: 14 Jun 2011 01:36 AM PDT
Common Window Problems Double Hung Window Issues Modern double-hung windows are constructed of more weatherproof materials and the double-hung from Marvin has an integrated tilt lever lock that allows the sash to be tilted in or removed for cleaning. Marvin has innovated even further with their Ultimate Casement Window that features an exclusive wash mode that rotates 160 degrees which allows both the interior and the exterior of the window to be cleaned from the inside. This saves time and is also much safer for cleaning exterior windows on upper floors. Ditch the Dirt You can use a mild detergent on the sashes and frames and for steel surfaces you should thoroughly clean them and paint with rustproof exterior paint. Weather stripping should also be inspected for cracking or peeling and sprayed with a cleaner to help wipe away dirt and build up. |
5 ярких звезд конструктора, котор нужно наблюдать! Posted: 14 Jun 2011 12:46 AM PDT Below are 5 talented interior designers who are making waves in the design world. In between some examples of their work we have shared some interesting information about each of them. Raphael De Cárdenas began his career at Rhode Island School of Design where he gained a B.A, then went on to work for Calvin Klein designing menswear. Three years later he embarked on a degree in architecture at the Columbia University and gained his master’s degree at the UCLA. He works from his studio in New York where he creates interiors focusing on mood and atmosphere rather than any particular recognizable style. His work has taken him all over the world creating unique interiors for boutiques, residential properties and restaurants. Being conscientious of the past yet looking towards the future! This boutique interior reflects the vibrancy of Miami! The Nicky Kehoe partnership was formed in 2004 when Amy Kehoe and Todd Nickey combined their design skills. Todd’s design background was based on retail and Amy’s was focused mainly on hospitality interior design. Between them they manage their interior design studio and their retail shop that houses their own brand products and various items from all over the world. As a duo they have provided some stunning work from hotel interiors and residential projects that have been featured in many top design publications giving them the recognition they have today. A cosy corner of their workplace! From their NK collection, they give the simple pouf a unique edge! Sara Story has many characteristics in her work that have derived from her love of the Far East and the contemporary edge she has gained from living in New York, California and Texas. She was born in Japan and fell in love with the exotic colors, landscapes and buildings it has to offer. In 2001 she went to The University of San Diego in New York and gained her degree in fine arts and later furthered her education to gain her degree in architecture at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. She combines all her inspirations resulting in a fresh eclectic mix of her experiences! Adding a touch of glamor with antique items! Aurélien Gallet was born in France, living in the cosmopolitan South and historic Normandy. He fell in love with architecture and design after attending his boarding school which was an old Renaissance Castle. It was in this 16th century building where he learned to sculpt, paint and draw. He went on to University and graduated with a degree in art history and law then headed for Paris. While on an internship in a famous french auction house he gained an Art Appraisal Certificate. He moved on to New York as director of a renowned interior design company where he worked alongside some of the worlds top artisans. Since setting up his own studio last year he has been chosen for some of the highest accolades in the design world. His style is distinctive with a traditional yet edgy approach! A place to contemplate! Beth Martin’s life has been all about design since she was born. Design is in her genes passed from her property developer father and her mother who was also an interior designer. She studied at The Persons School of Design and gained her BFA. She went on to work for an architect in New York as a graphic designer and also worked for advertising agencies and Vanity Fair magazine as an art director. In 2002 she brought all her past experience and inspiration to focus mainly on home decoration and interior design. A stunning Georgian style sofa adds glamour! Hints of french boudoir! Who is the most interesting and who’s style do you like the best?
Рабаты замены окна лета здесь на последнем Posted: 13 Jun 2011 06:15 PM PDT In love with summer sales? So are we. In fact, summer specials bring the biggest discounts on replacement windows you’ll find all year. And we’re happy to report that the savings are rolling in, with Andersen Windows and Doors launching their annual Summer Window Sale. We’ve checked it out, and it’s looking to be a killer deal. Here’s what you need to know. Summer Window SaleAndersen is now offering $75 off per window, or four months of interest-free financing on your installation. Qualifying window purchases must be made by July 9, 2011. To check rates from contractors like Andersen, click here. If your home was too cold last winter, or you’re hoping to save on air conditioning this summer, window replacement is the way to go.
Why is Now the Best Time to Replace Your Windows?In addition to the savings mentioned above, booking a replacement this summer qualifies you for federal tax credits on energy-saving windows. Tax credits bring a 10% return (with limitations) on the price of your window products. This makes a costly window replacement job affordable for more homeowners than ever. Just remember to choose windows certified by Energy Star. Need another reason to replace? How about awesome savings on energy bills? Amounts vary from one home to the next, but most of our readers report a 15-20% savings on utilities after replacing older windows. The more efficient your home, the lower your energy bills will be. Best of all, window replacement adds lasting value to your home. Energy-saving home improvements are a hot selling point for buyers right now, and at the top of the chart are double- or triple-pane windows. Their costs can be recouped when it comes time to sell. Get InspiredSo, what’s the first step in upgrading your windows? Get price quotes from contractors. They can be had quickly (and for free) by clicking here. Then, it’s time to window shop for fresh ideas. Check out our resources below:
Would you replace your windows this summer?Why or why not? Let us know in the comments! Photos via Renewal by Andersen |
Posted: 13 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Dad. Pa. Father. Pop. Whatever you call him, his special day is coming, and you want to show him your appreciation. Maybe too, you’re collecting ideas to send along to your kids, who are also looking to honor their Dad’s on Father’s Day. Either way, I thought it might be a good idea to search the interwebs for ideas about what to get your Dad this year. After all, there are only so many pairs of tube socks, ties, and bottles of Aqua Velva one man can use. So, here are some off-the-beaten track Father’s Day gifts. And the best part is, you can DIY! 1. The keys to the kingdom“Where the heck did I leave those keys!” Dad has been known to say, although I’m paraphrasing there a bit, I’m guessing. Well, when your Dad is looking for the keys to the garden shed, to locks for storage lockers, to car keys, to house keys, and beyond, why not consider an instant answer to his question? Why not make him a key rack? You and your kids can make, and decorate a key rack yourselves. Thanks to Alphamom for the idea. 2. The Upcycled ToolbeltWhen your Dad is taking care of those jobs around the house, particularly those that don’t involve a lot of heavy tools , a lightweight and non-bulky toolbelt may be just the ticket. And you can make it from items you’ve got lying around the house. Note that this Tool belt from repurposed fabric also allows for Dad’s beverage of choice to be carried while he’s working. Thanks to Curbly Videos. 3. The Customized CapWhile you’re Father’s Day recipient is working on home improvement projects, taking care of the kids, or exploring the great outdoors this summer, why not provide some headwear to help keep the sun at bay? You can buy a plain cap, and decorate it with the kids. Or, you can have your cap customized digitally and then shipped to you. 4. The old-fashioned mixtape (or disc, or playlist)I’ve found personally that music is a great motivator. So, if Dad is going to be spending time on home improvement jobs this summer, or you’re encouraging your Dad to explore the great outdoors, why not put some of his favourite music together in one place this Father’s Day so he has a cool soundtrack? Load up his iPod! Burn him a disc, and create your own sleeve art! Go really old school, and create a cassette tape from his vinyl collection! Kick out the jams! 5. DIY photo albumThis is the gift that really does keep on giving. Contrary to popular belief, Dad’s are sentimental creatures. They love to see little snippets of time, and precious memories recorded for all time – especially when it comes to the kids. Find out how to make your own photo album, and recruit the children to help decorate it. Consider customized frames, too. And they don’t have to be expensive. One of my most prized possessions is the frame my daughter made for me in pre-school, which involved a lot of white clue, popsicle sticks, and dried pasta. 6. Gift basketThis one is easy. And again contrary to popular belief, a gift basket is heartily welcome by your average male parental unit. They’re not girly if they contain cool, and personalized stuff that you know he loves. Small, thoughtful gifts collected together in one place to show that you and your kids know what Dad loves best is a way to remind him how much he’s known, and loved by you – favourite snack foods, coffee beans, novels, movie passes, CDs are all great choices. Once again, this doesn’t mean expensive stuff. It could even be a few things mentioned above all in a basket. Or it could be a new tape measure, a new screwdriver, or set of drill bits for his next DIY venture (if it’s not Mom who’s the DIY queenpin around your house). 7. Dad-themed eveningSome dad’s like to be at the center of attention more than others. Either way, a dad-themed night is a great idea to make your dad feel like the guest of honour in his own home. Sometimes, the best gift you can give to a Dad is time, and your company. Let us pick the movie, the meal, the family activity. And let us spend it with the people most important to us – you. Sure, we like to slink off to our mancave every once and a while. And we lose ourselves in home improvment projects around the house sometimes, too. But, we Dad’s love our families. And a simple evening sitting around a boar 7 DIY Father’s Day Gift Ideas is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Функциональность, обеспеченность и тип: Добавьте внешние штарки к вашему дому Posted: 13 Jun 2011 11:19 AM PDT Один из наших любимейших типов проекта проект викэнда. В как раз несколько днях, вы можете чувствовать что спешка урожайности и выполнения после производить съемку завершенного проекта который улучшает ваш дом--и возможно даже ваш образ жизни. Полно страстного желания для того чтобы решать ваш следующий проект викэнда? Мы получаем как раз вещь. Добавлять внешние штарки к вашему дому не только преобразовывает взгляд экстерьера вашего дома, но потому что они могут легко отбросить закрыно над вашими окнами, они форсируют вашу обеспеченность дома. И по мере того как эта старая дом указывает вне в их консультацию установки, штарки могут помочь защитить окна против сильных ветров шторма. Первые вещи сперва: вам будет нужно закупить штарки. Большая часть выполнена на заказ, поэтому вы снабдите измерения ваш поставщик. Согласно TOH, они могут заколебаться в цене от $350 до $700 в окно, в зависимости от типа, материала и других факторов. Если ваш бюджетя забота, то попробуйте установить штарки на окна вашего дома самые видимые; после этого вы можете добавить другие штарки на более последней дате. |
Домашний Remodeling с новыми приборами Posted: 13 Jun 2011 11:02 AM PDT Домашний remodeling обязательно не значит реновации или структурные изменения. Добавлять новые приборы может иметь главный импульс в доме, достаточно, котор нужно рассматривать remodeling работой. It’ s совсем о выходе по энергии Истинный дом 2його столетие должен быть энергией эффективной. Владельцы дома смогли соединить зеленый виток путем заменять старые приборы с более эффективными одними. Номинальность звезды энергии самый важный индикатор выхода по энергии прибора. Покупатели должны обратить сосредоточенное внимание технические данные использования ваттности прибора. Другой путь быть энергией франтовской использовать прибор который требует минимальных потребностей домочадца. Например, было бы расточительно купить холодильник емкости в 27 кубический футов для семьи 3. Подобно, владельцы дома должны рассматривать емкости стиральных машин и сушильщиков. Также, эти машины комнаты прачечного используют самую последнюю технологию для более быстрых циклов и более лучших результатов чем более старые типы. Дизайн интерьера Прибор может быть интегрирован в дизайн интерьера дома. В кухне, некоторые популярные темы цвета для современных дизайнов интерьера включают нержавеющую сталь, белизну, и черноту. Холодильники, замораживатели, судомойки, печки, и ряды широко - имеющиеся в этих популярных цветах. Холодильник французской двери может добавить completely different воззвание чем традиционный верхний холодильник держателя. Для комнаты прачечного, шайбы и сушильщики имеющиеся в уникально ярких цветах как голубое и красная. Энергия - сбережения и улучшенное нутряное воззвание главные преимущества такой домашний remodeling. Когда вам нужно бытовые устройства и другое домашнее вспомогательное оборудование, DirectBuy имеет чудесный выбор для вас, котор нужно выбрать от. Вы можете закупить большинств все вам для домашнего улучшения на ценах которые могут сохранить до 50% с розницы. |
Направляющий выступ естественных каменных Pavers типичный Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT At BuildDirect, we’ve dealt in natural stone surfaces for quite a while. And in all that time, the sheer abject beauty of these materials for use as tile, countertops, and (of course) as pavers hasn’t diminished one little bit in our eyes, folks! We still marvel at how versatile, practical, and beautiful they are. So, here’s a graphic representation of what some of the big benefits of natural stone pavers represent for you, the homeowner. This may sound like a sales pitch coming from us, perhaps expectedly. But, for that delicate balance of durability, longevity, and incredible natural beauty, you can’t go far wrong with materials that have been used to build civilizations for thousands of years. So take a look at our salute to natural stone pavers, and to the valuable qualities of granite, slate, travertine, and sandstone can bring to your outdoor spaces as the season for outdoor gatherings commences. To see a larger version of the graphic below, click on the image. This will open it in a new window or tab. Click it again to enlarge it. Would you like to feature our natural stone pavers ultimate guide on your own site? No problem! Just copy and paste the code below from this page and into your website page editor: Natural Stone Pavers Ultimate Guide is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Верхние директивы для арендовать вне ваш дом! Posted: 13 Jun 2011 01:29 AM PDT Many people contemplate the idea of renting out their property when the housing market is on a low! But renting out your property can turn into a headache so below are some tips to follow! First of all you need to understand the responsibilities of being a landlord. There are many reasons behind renting out your property for example, to generate some extra income, to help towards utility bills, and remember an empty property can attract criminals. The maintenance of your home will be your responsibility so be sure you can fit it in your schedule. If you are hoping to eventually sell your property then it’s important to check on how well your tenant is looking after your home, like cleaning the windows, floors, bathrooms and looking after the garden or backyard. Once you have prepared your property you need to take a note of all it’s good marketing points and features. Mention the space, security, and exterior living space, Eco-systems and look up rental terminology on the net. Then market your property on rental websites, in public local places, and in newspapers especially local ones.
Go and talk to professionals who can give you advice on rules and regulations so you know where you stand. Read up on the IRS rules about tax and any other expenses you can deduct. Also see an Attorney who will help you understand the laws as they can differ in each state. They should also be able to outline some house rules and give you contacts in case of an emergency. Check the market locally to set a reasonable rental price as tenants will look at several properties before they make a decision so remember to sell your properties best features! Screening tenants is really important, so check any references, proof of income and also make a note of their appearance. Remember these people are total strangers so find out as much as you can. Always take a reasonable deposit and arrange a payment system that suits you both. Finally in a low housing market both parties can benefit but it is your property after all so follow these simple guidelines above to help ensure you don’t get a rental headache. |
Получите Country-Style ищите ваша замена Windows Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:07 PM PDT Country-style дома положены назад, ослабляя и просто. Они оплачивают почтение к временам пойденным мимо пока выходящ множество открытого пространства на будущее. Сегодня I’ d любит делить некоторые фото которые выделяют сладостную простоту country-style окон замены. Взгляд шик, подлинно и легко для того чтобы создаться в вашем собственном доме. Для того чтобы сравнить оценку на замене окна, щелкните здесь. Заметьте пользу ярких белых стен сделать светлые рамки окна твёрдой древесины стоять вне. Полки кухни открыты, приглашающ больше естественного света внутри пока сохраняющ взгляд outdoors. Здесь, двойн-повиснутые окна и пропуская занавесы дают возникновение невесомости. Это room’ твёрдая древесина s богатая устанавливает тон для полной релаксации. окна Залив-типа и большие французские двери увеличивают доступ к патио. С планом открытого пола, деревенский остров кухни канделябра и страны, этот владелец дома знает вещь или 2 о жить хорошая жизнь. Чточто ’ s ваш фаворит? Препятствуйте нам знать в комментариях! Фото через Houzz.com |
Posted: 10 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT We’ve spent the month of May, and the early part of this month talking about ways to get your spring cleaning done, with the idea that the big spring clean isn’t just about a list of chores to do. It’s about reclaiming your space from clutter, about redefining your space, and about getting a fresh start as warm weather approaches. Really, spring cleaning is just another way to transform your space. And that’s what this blog of ours, and what BuildDirect as a company, is all about. So, just to recap, here’s a selected list of some of the posts you’ve seen here on that touches on the big spring clean. Spring cleaning checklistsWhen you’re starting on a project, sometimes writing it down can make it seem a bit less overwhelming. And that’s certainly the thread running through this post, helping you to narrow down what needs to be tackled to get you where you need to be for a new season. Spring cleaning game planAnd along with lists, when you’re taking on the big spring clean, you need to be able prioritize too. Every campaign needs a game plan, and this post helped you to start thinking about yours. Spring cleaning with kidsTransforming your space involves everyone in your house, even the children. This post helped you figure out how to involve your kids in cleaning your home, and how to give them a sense of ownership and a feeling of pride in the place they call home. How to make spring cleaning funMotivation on any big job is important. Here were some pointers on how to balance a big job with a big payoff, beyond the satisfaction of transforming your space. Spring cleaning and petsEven your four-legged family members need to be taken into account when you’re spring cleaning. This post talked about ways to see to a more thorough spring clean with your pets in mind, and how to see to the health of your pet at the same time. How to eliminate household odorsWith pets in mind, just as a for instance, reducing and eliminating household odors is not just a once-a-year pursuit, but rather a series of strategies all year around. This is what you read about here in this post, with an emphasis on green solutions and inexpensive answers to this perennial problem. How to reduce dust in your homeAnother perennial problem of course is that of dust, and the issues that it can cause. This post tackles that problem, with a framework for you to identify problem areas in your home, and ways to eliminate dust build-up. Choosing green cleaners for spring cleaningMeanwhile, over on the BuildDirect green blog, we talked a bit about the history of green cleaning products, what you WON’T find in them, and how to make them yourself. BuildDirect de-cluttering seriesDe-cluttering is a huge subset of tasks when you’re spring cleaning. This three-part series taught you how to think about the task, and how to do it efficiently. Yard sales and how to have themA big part of spring cleaning and de-cluttering too is clearing out the old. Sometimes, this means making way for the new. Or sometimes, just making more space, and greater peace of mind. But, either way, this post discussed the starting points of having a successful yard sale, to clear that space and make a few pennies while you’re at it. De-clutter by donatingSometimes, you can turn your impulse to clear your space toward your other impulse to give to a good cause. That’s what this post talked about; getting these two items off of your list at the same time. We hope that all of these posts were helpful. And we hope that the upcoming summer will be a time when you can make the memories you’ll look back fondly on in the years to come, as you continue to transform your spaces. Spring Cleaning Round-Up! is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Выбирать ковер? Здесь некоторые полезные вещи, котор нужно рассматривать Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:48 AM PDT Ковер важная часть домашнего декора для много людей. Он обеспечивает теплую гуляя поверхность в зиме и приятен для детей которые играют на поле. Необходимо принять некоторые вещи в учет перед выбирать разнообразие, однако. Чистка Некоторые разнообразия carpeting легки для того чтобы очистить и довольно жизнерадостно. Другие, однако, держат на грязь и трудны для того чтобы вакуумировать часто потому что возникновение может нести. Убеждайтесь выбирая которое тип кучи вы хочет что вы спрашиваете ли легко очистить – и попросите гарантия на этом. Стойкость Убеждайтесь что любое разнообразие вы получаете, оно прочна. Хороший carpeting должен продолжать минимум 5 лет перед требовать замены. Ходя по магазинам для вашего покрытия пола, спросите о на всякий случай гарантированности вы испытываете проблему. Цвет Которому цвету вы хотите быть в зависимости от ваш образ жизни, по большей части. Если вы имеете детей, то более темные цветы или картины могли быть более соотвествующими. Если вы имеете способность держать незапятнанное для того чтобы расквартировать и don’ t имеет много расслоин, более светлые цветы смог сделать очень наилучшим образом в вашем домочадце. Пока ковер чудесный выбор для того чтобы покрыть ваши пола, он должен приспосабливать внутри с типом и другим декором вашего дома, также, как ваше family’ образ жизни s. Carpeting приходит в тысячи цветов и текстур приспосабливать фактически любую район вашей дома что вы желаете использовать ее для того чтобы покрыть. Когда давно пора для нового ковра, DirectBuy может помочь вам за исключением до 50% на ковре известной марки для любой комнаты в вашем доме. |
Перед и после живущими комнатами Posted: 10 Jun 2011 02:00 AM PDT Back in the day, our mothers made the living room sacred ground. Sofas were not meant to be sat in, rugs weren’t meant to be walked on and any living that was going on in there had to be done neatly, cleanly and gingerly. Well, today it’s the total opposite. Living rooms are meant to be cozy, comfy and more than anything else, cool. In short, they’re made to be lived in. If your living room falls short in any of these categories, then read on because we’ve found some before and after living room examples that are sure to inspire you!: Talk about your mother’s living room! This living room is cramped, lacks style and with the “granny upholstered” high back chair, it looks like this living room is locked in the dark ages. What a difference! With a splash of paint, some lively colors and the reupholstered “granny chair”, this living room is now fresh, cozy and dare we say, tres chic! Old fashoned wood panelling, an overbearing fireplace and mismatched furniture makes this living room a dud. Now this is more like it! Fresh white paint, colorful cushions and a now unobstructed ocean view makes this living room a place now worth living in! Talk about dark and dreary. With the dark wood beams and out of style ceiling fan, this living room needs some TLC ASAP! It’s amazing what a splash of white paint can do! With the addition of exotic prints and furniture, this living room is now a breath of fresh air. How do you transform the shell of a living room into something beautiful and livable? Why with lots of elbow grease, muted earth tones and comfy furniture, of course! Too much furniture that just doesn’t match makes this living room a cluttered mess and takes away from the gorgeous ocean view. There’s nothing like the classic mix of black, white and wood that makes a living room look more chic, cozy and helps to accentuate the view Blah furniture makes this living room drab and depressing. Pale walls plus fun and comfortable furniture makes this living room a now cozy place to hang out in. While this living room isn’t bad with its all white furnishings and fixtures, it lacks a certain warmth and coziness. Ahhh, that’s more like it. With just the simple addition of natural colors and plants, this living room is now a soothing, calming space. This living room has such interesting features going for it like the vaulted ceiling and amazing shelves. What it lacks however, is a sense of warmth. With the addition of interesting objects and the bold pop of colors, this formerly cold living room is now a happy warm space. Nothing makes for a more drab and dated living room than wood panelling. What a big difference a little white paint makes! What was once dull and dated is now open, airy and cozy! Now we want to hear from you: what do you think of these living room makeovers? |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:40 AM PDT by Benoit Maneckjee Electric in-floor heating has become a popular upgrade for any kitchen or bathroom renovation project. In this article, ThermAtlantic Energy Products' president offers some useful tips and insight into what you should know before you decide to install this amenity into your home.Have you experienced the delightful feeling of stepping onto a heated tile floor with your bare feet? If you have then you probably promised yourself that you'd like to consider adding this amenity in your home the next time you renovated. However, now that the time has come to replace the flooring in your reno project you may be wondering what's involved and whether you can do it yourself. Floor heating can be accomplished either by circulating hot water under your floor or using an electric heating cable system. Hot water or hydronic systems are ideal for heating an entire home but not something you would consider installing yourself when renovating a room in your home. We will therefore focus this discussion on the use of electric heating cables & mats which are better suited for DIY renovations. Electric floor heating products can be used in under virtually any flooring but are most popular under tile and stone flooring which are normally quite cold and uncomfortable to walk on. The same property that makes tiles cold is what makes them the ideal flooring for use over an in-floor heating system. Tiles are fairly good heat conductors and therefore normally draw heat away from your feet. However, when the tiles are warm they act in reverse and easily transmit the heat to your feet and make you feel warm. Floor heating can also be installed under other finish flooring such as hardwood, laminate, cork, vinyl and even carpet but won't have quite the same dramatic effect as when used under tile or stone since these products act more like insulators and do not conduct heat as readily as their tile and stone counterparts. When planning or considering an electric in-floor heating installation there are a number of factors to consider. Below are some of the most important and common things you will need to consider: Electrical Considerations Before you start dreaming about your warm floors you better make sure you can get an electrical connection first. Have an electrician come in and determine whether they can provide the room with a new or existing 120/240V circuit to where your thermostat will be located on the wall. If you are upgrading a room where electric baseboard heaters were previously installed then most of the work is already done. If you are heating a room much larger than 150 square feet then you may need a 240V circuit capable of handling twice the load of a 120V circuit. Sizing the Heating System Heating cables and mats come in a range of fixed sizes measured in Watts. The wattage you will need depends on how cold it gets where you live, whether the heated floor will be your primary heat source or used for floor warming only. By default 12 Watts/square foot is the norm under tile or stone flooring but can go up as high as 15W/SF when used in cold climates or rooms with little floor space to heat. You therefore need to measure the exposed floor space in the room you will be heating and multiply this area by 12-15 W/SF to get an idea of what wattage you will need and pick a size that falls within that range. Choosing between Heating Cables or Mats Most vendors offer a choice of heating cables or mats for floor heating installations. Mats will cost more but should be easier and less time consuming to install than loose cable. However, mats are designed to cover exact areas at specific watt densities or W/SF. Before choosing a mat you must ensure that you choose one either the same size as your heated area or slightly smaller – but never bigger. Cables on the other hand are much more flexible in that you can adapt them to fit any room by merely placing the loops closer or farther apart. Sometimes both can be used in the same room by using a mat to do the larger rectangular part of a room and then using a cable to complete it and used to fill odd shaped areas. Sub-floor Preparation If you've ever installed tiled flooring before you know that you need to strengthen the sub-floor or de-couple it before it is safe to install tile or stone. Normally this means screwing down an extra sheet of plywood over the existing subfloor so that the overall thickness is at least 1" thick or more. Alternatively, diamond lath metal mesh and mortar may be used to strengthen a floor – especially when the floor is not level or needs to be raised more than ½". Before installing any type of floor heating system you will need to ensure that the floor is clean and secure. Installing the Heating System Each system on the market has different installation instructions which you must follow in order to ensure the system will perform as it was designed to, meet safety & electrical regulations and be covered under the manufacturer's warranty. Low profile cables typically require plastic fastening strips or the use of adhesive tape to fasten them to a subfloor while some thicker heating cable types may allow you to use special staples to fasten them to wooden surfaces. The more powerful the heating cable the less cable is required to heat the floor and the farther apart the loops need to be. Sometimes it may be necessary to purchase a thicker, more powerful heating cable product which can be embedded in a thicker "dry-pack" or concrete slab installation. Most installations, however, are likely to be over an existing subfloor and can be covered in self-leveling cement or thinset mortar before flooring is laid. Longevity Consideration One thing most people don't consider is how long they expect their in-floor heating investment to last. Left alone, most electric floor heating products should last as long as your home. However, their ability to survive future finish flooring changes is not likely unless special consideration is made to the heating product and installation method used. When taking-up an outdated tile floor you are almost certain to irreversibly damage any thin heating cables lying directly underneath. One alternative to traditional subfloor installation methods is to use thicker, tougher heating cables intended for interior use over subfloors and cover them with 1/8" thick diamond lath metal or plastic reinforcement mesh before embedding them in self-leveling cement. Reinforcement mesh is an accepted means of reinforcing wooden sub-floors under tile installations and should be nailed securely in place every 5-6" over the thick heating cables before embedding the whole works in at least 3/8" of self-leveling underlayment. This technique is recommended for new construction and some renovations but is not for novices. Thermostat Installation In-floor heating thermostats all require the installation of a small floor sensor in order to measure floor temperature. Try not to locate the probe where it may be covered by rugs, furniture or appliances since these will act as insulators and prevent the thermostat from working properly. All electric Floor heating installations are required by the electrical code to offer you protection from electrical shock in the unlikely event of a cable break. This is accomplished by using GFCI protected thermostats which automatically shut down the system if anything should go wrong. Note that the ground sheath surrounding the heating cable must be grounded in the thermostat box in order for the GFCI circuit to work properly. Shop around for the system best suited for your renovation and make sure you follow the manufacturer's installation instructions since not all systems are the same. Take care not to damage the heating cables before they are covered in mortar and be sure to test heating cables during installation and before finish flooring is finally installed. — About the AuthorThis article was written by Benoit Maneckjee, president of ThermAtlantic Energy Products Inc. which manufactures the ThermaWIre™ line of heating cables and mats. Benoit has over 10 years experience in this field and has overseen thousands of electric in-floor heating installations during his career. You may contact him directly with any questions you may have by clicking on this link. |
Установите оленей ограждая для того чтобы защитить ваш Landscaping Posted: 09 Jun 2011 09:54 AM PDT Склоненное мало вещей чем ваш красивейше, тщательно запланированное и, котор landscaping быть разрушенным пытливым визитером животного разнообразия. Если вы находите в этой ситуации, то мы предлагаем установить некоторый защитный ограждать, котор нужно помочь держать животных вне. Олени взятия ограждая, например. Оно приходит в несколько разнообразий, включая незримое, электрические и более традиционную конструкцию сделанную durable, тяжелого метала. Каждый тип ограждать приходит с своим собственным доводы за и против. Рассматривайте ограждать металла -- если вы высоки оцениваете астетическое ваш landscaping, то это идет быть очень более видимым вариантом который может умолить от взгляда вашей лужайки. Вы можете также найти ограждать оленей сетки полипропилена. Она дорого стоит но легко смешивает в фон, делая им очень более менее видимый вариант. Инструкции установки поменяют в зависимости от типа ограждать вас выбор, но все DIY-содружественны. Вам будет нужно рассматривать ваши бюджетю, предпочтение и количество загородки нужными перед делать решение. |
Обслуживание толя: Как позаботиться о ваша крыша Posted: 09 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT Summer is the perfect time to work on your roof. The snow has melted, the days are warm, and there is time to take on a big project if need be. Think of your roof as the protector of everything in your home. That's a big job that deserves a lot of respect. Take care of your roof, and it will take care of you and your belongings! I have a couple of roofing stories to tell to illustrate the importance of regular roof maintenance. How to take care of your roofing all year roundHere are a few things you should do every year to keep your roof in good shape: 1. Clean off debris, which holds water and causes deterioration. It collects behind all penetrations, like pipes, the chimney and skylights, as well as in valleys where roof sections meet at an angle. 2. Inspect the flashing to be sure it is solid and not deteriorating. Seal if need be, removing all old caulk and scrubbing the area clean. 3. Secure loose shingle tabs with a bit of roof cement. Replace damaged shingles. 4. Clean, inspect and secure the gutters. Replace if they are deteriorating and have holes in them. 5. Inspect and repair the mortar on the chimney. 6. Prune trees branches that touch or hang over the roof. This keeps them from rubbing on it, but also keeps squirrels and other climbing animals away from the house. 7. If you have any serious damage, hire a roofing contractor. Roof inspection reveals roof replacementMy first house was a summer camp, a 22' travel trailer with a large living room added onto it. One roof covered the whole thing lean-to style, and the slope was not very steep. I noticed there was no drip edge, so installing one was the first thing I undertook as a new homeowner. It was a small project, and a carpenter friend came over to help me. The surface of the roof was asphalt roll roofing, not shingles. We pulled up the edge of the roofing to install the drip edge, and the plywood decking was starting to rot. We decided to replace that row of decking, but when we removed more roofing, we noticed it had been patched in a few places. As we removed more and more roofing, we saw the decking was rotting in several places, and my little drip edge project turned into a complete roof replacement! A $50 job became a $500 job! Can you see how regular inspection and maintenance could prevent a scenario like this? Roofing is a vital defense against the elementsWhen I bought the house where I live now, the shingles needed replacing. It was December, though, and nothing could be done about it for months. Our spring winds came and blew off shingles that landed in the backyard. While I was doing some financial finagling to get a new roof, a leak appeared in my bedroom. Then it moved to the west by about four feet. It was dripping on my brand new $8000 oak floor! The roof became the priority when I realized how important its role is. Why fix the inside if water can come running in and ruin your work? Roof maintenance is a job for the prosConsider hiring a licensed roofing contractor to do an inspection. A pro knows what to look for and will give you recommendations on repairs and upgrades. Yes, they are looking for the work, but, nevertheless, an inspection is a great source of information for you as a homeowner. It was only when I got a roofer up on my roof that I learned where my problem was! So I recommend using professionals when you are in unfamiliar territory. Roofing care is a good investmentRoofing problems can be prevented with regular inspections and routine maintenance. Water coming out of the ceiling is a homeowner's worst nightmare! Regular maintenance is a good investment and can save you from expensive repairs down the road. When you're confident your roof is doing its job of protecting your whole house, you can start on your interior projects with peace of mind. Roofing Maintenance: How To Take Care of Your Roof is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Мебель акцента в домашней конструкции Posted: 09 Jun 2011 04:07 AM PDT Детали в домашней конструкции могут внести изменения между славными комнатой и одним которое выпытывает чувство ободрения. Большое часть из времени эти детали приходит в форме украшения или предметов стены помещенных на в противном случае функциональной мебели. Секрет к большой конструкции что мебель не должна быть функциональна быть эффективна. Более старые части которые все еще смотрят славными можно использовать как мебель акцента. Единственная цель они могут служить повысить визуально удар комнаты. Они могут добавить тип и элегантность или накапать теплую и приглашая атмосферу. Стулы и светильники к спасению Стулы наиболее существенный часть акцента. Установлено в углах или к стороне против стены, они могут добавить homey жить-в взгляде пока используемо больше как поверхностная мебель для того чтобы держать цветки или другое части конструкции. Светильники можно также использовать для атмосферы довольно чем функцию. С декоративными телом и тенью, светильник может показаться, что был скульптурой вместо источника света. Любая комната может извлекала пользу художническая часть extraneous мебели как раз филируя около. Вам только нужно один или два миллиона часть внезапно дать комнате вся новая жизнь. Широкий массив дома украшая вспомогательное оборудование на DirectBuy может помочь вам добавить меньший pizzazz к вашему домашнему décor. Нужен ли ваши живущие комнате, спальня или кухня подъем, DirectBuy может помочь. И вы можете сохранить до 50% с розничных цен на мебели известной марки и других деталях домашнего улучшения. |
Ingenius створки кухня прочь польностью оборудованная! Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:00 AM PDT Эта легкая кухня движимости польностью приспособленная была мозгами конструкции конструктора Goran Goci Bjelajac Белград. Она полностью функциональна и нет деталей пропавшей любой кухни необходимых включая холодильник, верхнюю часть плитаа, раковину и судомойку. Его работа здесь принимала космос сохраняя к шальному уровню! Гений и это действительно реальная кухня? Эта холодная принципиальная схема конструирована с независимыми блоками поэтому ее можно ухищренно спрятать прочь когда из пользы, совершенной для малых квартиры или студии! Элементы все зафиксированы на подвижные экраны которые могут вращаться и в тоже время изменяющ форму, поэтому вы можете иметь как много из кухни открытой по мере того как вы хотите! Все установленные приборы верхняя часть стандартов ряда высокотехнологичных и выбранная для их уровня самомоднейшей технологии. Подвижные экраны были конструированы для того чтобы держать установленные элементы на обеих сторонах, поэтому когда части кухни нет внутри пользы они могут стать перегородками! Это вся функциональная кухня которая будет предметом мебели, тогда просто складывает прочь к размеру вашего шкафа Goran, известный как Goci был рожден в городе Белград, Сербия в 1986 и начатого для того чтобы показать очень скоро талантливости дальше в его жизни когда он сперва упал в влюбленность с ART. Он изучил на факультете прикладных искусств в Белград и с тех пор зарабатывал всемирную выставку одобрения покрывая его работы на много выставок. He’ s также получил много пожалований которые включают красные конструкцию и D& многоточия; Пожалования конструкции студента ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ. Это определенно никакая обычная конструкция кухни, оно inaugurates специфические элементы поэтому вы можете сохранить космос и использовать любая часть вам нужна вовремя! It’ s отсутствие сярприза что Goci попытало создать эту уникально часть работы следуя за его красным пожалованием конструкции многоточия для ‘ Крен Up’ портативная верхняя часть плитаа! Она холодна или шальна? |
Ванная комната Remodeling для вашего здоровья Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:35 PM PDT Though the bathroom is meant to be your sanctuary, few homeowners take advantage of all this space can offer. And even fewer understand the health benefits that a bathroom remodel can bring, particularly for those with allergies, asthma, sore muscles, tension headaches and other daily ailments. Today I’ll break down some of the most therapeutic improvements you can make to your bathroom. For cost info on a bathroom remodel in your area, click here. Add a Steam ShowerEveryone knows that a good steam shower feels amazing, but there are tangible health benefits as well. Unlike dry heat saunas, the steam’s high moisture content clears your sinus, soothes the respiratory tract and alleviates congestion. It helps you breathe easier by replenishing hydration in your lungs, as well as your nose, throat and skin cells. In fact, dermatologists praise steam therapy for its ability to open and refresh pores, making your skin softer while improving acne and other skin conditions. Heat is also amazing for joint, muscular and skeletal pain. It can break up the lactic acid that accumulates in in your muscles, promoting healthy blood flow, movement and circulation. A steam shower can even help you get a better night’s sleep by relaxing the heart and helping your body unwind. If you’re planning a bathroom remodel this year, ask your contractor about incorporating a steam shower. They might cost more than a typical bathtub or shower, but it’s tough to put a price on health. For more great advice, check out 7 Steamy Bathroom Remodel Trends. Mold AbatementMold growth in your home can be a sneaky yet very serious problem. Producing allergens and even toxins, mold is often the culprit behind skin rashes, runny noses, red eyes, asthma attacks and other allergic reactions. Fortunately, there are steps you can take during your bathroom remodel to prevent mold. If ventilation has been an issue in the past, install a high-efficiency bathroom fan. Avoid putting in hardwood or carpet in the bathroom, as they facilitate mold growth and eventually rot. You can also use a dehumidifier in the bathroom if you notice excess condensation on the windows. And of course, if you see or suspect mold growth in your home, call a professional to inspect and remove it. We do not advise that you clean the mold yourself without proper protection. Window InstallationIf you lack windows in this most humid of rooms, it’s worth installing at least one or two for better ventilation. Plus, the more natural light you get in the morning, the more energized you’ll feel throughout the day. Check window rates in your area by clicking here. A vent installation may also be appropriate. Vents are usually installed in the wall above the bathroom door, or directing moisture upward to the ceiling. Frequent air circulation is key to preventing mold, countering indoor air pollution and keeping the bathroom nice and fresh. Natural ElementsDo you really want a health-conscious bathroom remodel? Go for green bathroom fixtures or naturally-sourced materials. Non-VOC paints and cabinet surfaces are ideal, as they won’t off-gas carcinogens into your bathroom. In addition, recycled materials usually come from companies that care about the components they’re made from, which is great for both your family and the health of the environment. What are your tips for a healthy bathroom?Let us know in the comments! Photos via housetohome |
Причины использовать плитку и Pavers травертина Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT Travertine is an ancient material, literally used to build an empire. The ancient Romans counted on travertine as a key building material. And even today, travertine tile and pavers are used to bring some of that imperial beauty and longevity into homes and public spaces all over the world. Our friends at Arcadian Home Decor, in this guest post, help to outline some common, and visually striking examples, of why you should consider using travertine tile and pavers in your own interior and exterior spaces. *** If you’re stuck for home decor ideas on how to re-tile or redo your floors, consider travertine tile and pavers. Travertine is a sedentary rock: a type of limestone. It is one of the most popular types of building material used today, even many famous buildings use it – Ludwig Mies van Der Rohe’s Farmsworth House and the Willis Tower in Chicago were both built using travertine. It’s also an excellent tile for both indoor/outdoor applications because it is heat resistant and it is naturally non-slip. Imagine your new home with kitchen floors re-tiled in travertine that opens up to your backdoor patio, also in travertine. Other ideas include tiling an indoor fountain or perhaps a fireplace mantel, or the entranceway to your door. It’s that versatile! Travertine is modern and timeless at the same timeBuildings throughout Europe have been built with travertine, but look how modern this tile is. You’ll often find that travertine is available in a wide variety of beiges, tans, creams and white. This is the natural color of the stone, and it will vary in color, depending on its source. Travertine pavers for indoor and outdoor surfacesHere, travertine tile is used in an outdoor dining area. This is a more traditional setting and while the tile may not be directly exposed to the elements of water and sunlight, it will hold up beautifully to wind and foot traffic. Travertine as a contrasting surface for outdoor livingHere’s another creative design idea: using travertine tile underneath your porch or veranda. These tiles complement the accent chairs and tables – perfect for an outdoor seating area. Travertine tile in bathroomsThis stone here, seen in this simple, tranquil bathroom is quite beautifully lain. Travertine pavers for sumptuous outdoor settingsHere is a truly gorgeous example of the versatility of travertine tile. This particular set of travertine tile has a sunny, gold-like hue and is actually ideal for surrounding pools because of its heat resistance. That means that, even in the bright sunshine, the stones won’t get too hot to walk on. Don’t you hate that? As you can see, travertine is one of the hottest building materials to use right now. Its look is classic, timeless and clean, and it holds up in most conditions, making it an ideal building material. *** Thanks! Arcadian Home Decor is a site that specializes in top quality home decor items at extremely affordable prices. Reasons to Use Travertine Tile and Pavers is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Рассматривайте ваши много вариантов для домашнего настила Posted: 08 Jun 2011 08:01 AM PDT Если вы любите взгляд древесины в вашем доме, то вы имеете 2 основных выбора насколько настил обеспокоенный. Вы можете выбрать прокатанный материал который можно свернуть в место и склеить вниз, или вы можете выбрать реальную древесину которая должна твердо быть помещена в место. Оба имеют их внешние стороны и downsides, которые вы должны тщательно рассматривать делая любой remodeling проект. Прокатанный материал Это тип материала который приходит в большой крен. Когда вы кладете его опустите, оно очень тонко. Оно имеет возникновение, однако, реальной древесины. Вы как раз должны отрезать края с ножом так, что оно приспособит комнату и клеите ее в место. Реальная древесина Вы можете потратить много деньги для того чтобы получить это, но вы смогли иметь его навсегда. Реальный деревянный настил прочен и сильн. Вы отрезать доски для приспособления комнаты, кладя их все вместе как головоломка. Под конец, вы как раз должны решить который аспект вы заботите о больше. Для того чтобы иметь много выборов и за исключением дег, ламинат самый лучший. Иметь грубый материал который выдержит испытание времени, вы должны пойти с реальной древесиной. DirectBuy имеет обширный выбор top-quality настила всех типов и ковра известной марки от изготовлений Америка ведущих на ценах до 50% с розницы. |
Фара на архитекторе гения - Ричард Rogers! Posted: 08 Jun 2011 02:12 AM PDT Over three decades Richard Rogers has become a world wide acclaimed architect, winning many awards for his ingenious works. He is best known for his work on the Pompidou Center in Paris, the Millennium Dome in London, Maggie’s Cancer Center in Hammersmith, London, the famous Lloyds building in London and also works on Heathrow Terminal 5 and the Barajas Airport in Madrid. He was Born in 1933 in the city of Florence, Italy where as soon as he was able he came to London and attended the Architectural Association School of Architecture, after completing his studies there he went on to gain a master’s degree at Yale School of Architecture. Quite hard to believe his achievements when he started ofF with a small company called Team4 which he formed with a fellow student Norman Foster and their wives. They soon gained a reputation and were followed by the media who promoted their work as high tech architecture. He has since collaborated with so many skilled developers, engineers, designers and skilled architects. Below are some of his famous works!
100,000 square meters of architecture costing a massive 43 million pounds! To celebrate the beginning of the Millennium much to political, public and media debate he was commissioned to work on this iconic building and landmark. In the Millennium year more than 6 million people went through the doors, it is now the popular concert venue The O2 arena. In this same year he was awarded a RIBA award, an award for European Structural Steel, The Civic Trust Award Commendation and Design award. Containing a 197 foot naturally lit atrium thanks to the glass roof! This famous London City Landmark at no.1 Lime Street was the first of it’s kind as the exterior housed the conduits, lifts, stair wells and plumbing pipes in order to make more usable and uncluttered space inside. The famous underwriting room is on the lower level where it contains the Lutine Bell that is rang to make important loss announcements especially if it’s a shipping vessel. Incredible architecture topped off by a roof that represents waves!
Heathrow Airport in the West London borough of Hillingdon is the busiest airport in the European union based on passenger traffic and the 4th busiest in the world. This beginning of a new era at Heathrow Airport was developed to accommodate it’s influx of passengers while including sustainable infrastructure. The British Museum based in Bloomsbury will retain it’s rich heritage as one of London’s gems! The concept here was to improve the existing building and add an extra 1,200 square meter gallery together with up to date contemporary studio’s and scientific laboratories. Camden council approved the 135 million pound development to support the museum and retain it’s popularity for many years to come as a favorable tourist and educational site for it’s visitors. Maggie’s Center creates an environment far away from this terrible disease! Maggie’s Cancer Centers came about by Maggie Keswick Jencks when she developed cancer of the breast that later developed into her liver, bones and eventually her brain. Her husband Charles a landscaper supported her in developing drop in centers for families and sufferers to be welcomed and feel human in the fight against this terrible disease. Richard Rodgers took on the job in Fulham Palace Road in London with the concept to develop a place that was welcoming, non-obtrusive and created personal areas, and a hub around the kitchen area. His smart mind turned this into a calm place – surrounding it with trees, far away from the clinical attributes of this disease our lifetime is suffering with. Richard is today is continuing his works across 3 continents, an office construction in Washington, the on-going project of the British Museum, a multi-use development in Scandicci, Italy and a variety of mastermind plans in cities all over the world. Paris is one which will move it into the 21st century very comfortably. We had to recognize this genius and celebrate his amazing achievements in high tech architecture! |
Подарите остаток или используемые строительные материалы: Повторное пользование в действии Posted: 07 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT In an ever-greening society, there's more concern than ever before about how we dispose of things, and more solutions available for doing so. Reusing items ourselves isn't always a feasible solution, so when it comes to home renovations and the cast-offs that come from demoing properties, it helps to know there's a place for usable products to go. Locally, there’ll be solutions for your area that you'll have to research yourself, but, throughout North America, Habitat for Humanity's ReStore is a building supplies depot where one can donate used building supplies of all kinds, and proceeds go to building Habitat homes on a local level — or, products can even get used by Habitat in a sparkly new local build. Great for RestorationsA place like ReStore, with everything from factory cast-offs and large-job leftovers right down to good-condition period pieces, can offer supplies solutions for lots of projects. When doing period homes, finding products that suit your build can be tough in today's retail market, resellers like ReStore or little independent shops might have that one-off item that's perfect for your restoration project. My town has the "Door Store," for instance, where an aging fellow sells only old wood-framed windows or artisan doors in his crappy rundown shack. I've even used his windows to make decorative mirrors for my living room. It'd be to resellers like this that I'd turn to if restoring a great craftsman bungalow from the '30s, for instance. Where do they get their stuff? Can I donate? Like what?These shops survive on the products they acquire from home demos, leftovers from construction sites, discontinued products, “factory seconds,” home renovation "refuse," and general donations. What can get donated? Everything from kitchen and bathroom cabinets, pipes, toilets, all through to stained-glass doors and weathered plank oak hardwood flooring, and sometimes even more can fit the donation bill. This California ReStore’s blog lists what they take, and is a good reference for most stores’ desired product, but each location may vary slightly. Call and ask. If you’re looking for other organizations in your area, here’s a great article with some links about donating used building materials that might take you in the right direction. Landfill or donation? How to decide, and what to doJunk is junk. So if that pipe you're removing has a leaky fit, they don't want it either. If your wood-frame doors and windows function great but ain't pretty, that's not a problem — most customers plan to refinish it to match their product. They make wood-filler for a reason. Wear and tear doesn't affect usage value if paint will cover it. Wood flooring can be scuffed and battered, so long as it's whole and mostly unsplintered, because it can be refinished as well. If you have a large donation to someone like ReStore, they'll often do a pick-up. Call your local ReStore to find out more about their practices. Along with everything else, they'll tell you that the proceeds from in-store purchases go toward building homes in your community. Homes for people who might not have them! Where you live! I know I love that. Don't you? If you're thinking you'd like to support leftover building materials resellers during your construction job, it may require you think about your demo differently. Can those cupboards be reused? Is that countertop something that needs another life-cycle? What about that bathtub, will it work in someone else's place? If so, remove it carefully to keep it in usable condition, so ReStore can use profits and build someone a home. Okay, so I should buy used, too?There are a lot of reasons to get things from a donated building materials outlet, whether from old-school product standpoints, or for community-giving. But there's good reason to buy new, off-the-list items from providers like BuildDirect, too. If you need a longer product warranty, if your client wants "all new," if there's a chance you'll have to reorder more of a product down the line, and so on, then sticking to a regular stock item with a stable supplier like BuildDirect might be a smarter move. But if you're looking for products for one-time, smaller jobs, maybe this is a solution for you. Some jobs I think would be great for ReStore or reused products:
Keep in mind, like any reseller, the stock is ever-changing in these places. What you saw last time might never come in again. You might find something great, or your visit might be a miss. Today’s choices resonate long into tomorrowToday, there's no reason everything needs to end up in a landfill. With care and forethought, many products can, and should, be reused. And if you're not doing demo, or buying from donated building materials resellers, but you want to start having more control over what hits the landfill in the future, then invest in quality products so they will last long enough to have a second life at a reseller, when it's time to make changes in a decade or two. That's all part of the solution to being less of a throw-away society:
With organizations like Habitat for Humanity funding their projects by creating multi-solution places like ReStore — who resells items to keep them out of landfills, then puts the proceeds into building for the community — then that's an even greater proof we're heading in the right direction with sustainability. It's not just on Habitat for Humanity, ReStore, and organizations like them, though. It's on all of us, and we all must keep doing our part to keep the cycle of sustainability churning. Bit by bit, by making conscious decisions like these daily, with every item we save from a landfill and reuse, we're changing our world. Donate Leftover Or Used Building Materials: Re-Use In Action is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Ковер и половики чистки путем вакуумировать и Shampooing Posted: 07 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT
There are many benefits to this, such as removing allergens or pet hair. In the end, it will make your carpeting last longer because the dirt and grime that breaks down carpet and the padding will be removed. Cleaning carpets and rugsCarpets have their soft layer that we walk on, but underneath they have the backing made of a flexible canvas-type material, then the padding is below that. Underneath the padding is the concrete foundation or wood flooring that the padding is adhered to with glue. Those layers can trap all kinds of things including dirt, pet hair and dander, as well as trap things from spills or old food. All of this can create a dingy-looking floor, cause odors to be present and decrease the life of the carpet. Carpets and rugs preparation for annual cleaning
Shampooing carpets and rugsIf you do not own a carpet shampooer, there are many out there for rent in local hardware stores, and even large chain grocery stores. Read the users manual before beginning, and then prepare to clean your carpets and rugs. Get hot water to fill the tank, and add your cleaning solution with the recommended amount. You don’t want the carpets to have too much soap, or they can feel tacky later on. Begin to shampoo with slow, smooth strokes against the weave of the carpet. The machine should place soap on the carpet and then suck it up through one motion. Do this two to three times, refilling when necessary. Rinsing your carpet is the next step. Getting all that soap up is an important step in making sure your carpets and rugs will look perfect for months. With just plain hot water, repeat the shampooing process until the water begins to look clear. It might not ever be totally clear, but get it so that you are not seeing the silty film on the bottom of the tank. What shampooing does for carpeting and rugsWhen you follow this process and get your carpets shampooed thoroughly on a seasonal basis, you are cleaning all the way down to that padding level. This means that all the materials collected over that period of time that is under your feet is being removed, helping to restore your carpeting and rugs to their original state. By doing this, you will increase the life of your carpets, give you a fresh-smelling home, and brighten up the look of your decor all around. Remember though, shampooing is something that should be done no more than twice a year, as intense cleaning can actually begin to break down the carpet construction. So have fun with this project, take your time with it, and get your flooring spring clean. Cleaning Carpet and Rugs By Vacuuming and Shampooing is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
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