среда, 26 января 2011 г.



Эта старая дом: Проект дома Лос-Анджелес взгляда украдкой предварительного

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 12:10 PM PST

Сегодня мы имели уникально возможность путешествовать этот старый проект дома Лос-Анджелес дома. Первый проект дома который эта старая дом принимала дальше в LA. Крепко верить в виду того что они на ем для больше чем 30 летам и сделать 2 дома как раз вверх по PCH в зоне Santa Barbara. Дом дом типа возрождения 1930's испанский колониальный который сидит ход камней от серебряного резервуара озера. Реновация водится этим старым экипажем дома специалистов также, как ангел Леон и его твердая домашняя сфера. План состоит из расширить на оригинале 1.500 sqft путем дуть вне задняя часть и раскрывать вверх кухню и добавлять другой уровень который включает 2 спальни которое сидит только над задим дома. Задняя часть дома также включала бы 3 отдельно напольных района палубы для того чтобы принять в взгляды серебряного озера. Это добавление принесло бы размер до грубо 2.400 sqft. Скромный номер рассматривая размер некоторого из сегодняшнего remodels. только добавлять второй этаж к задней части дома они сохраняли некоторые ближние взгляды и от фронта дома вы не видите высокорослое roofline, только первый этаж при второй этаж peeking над тем. Владельцы дома усиливали что они хотят повторно использовать как много из строительных материалов по мере того как возможно и также воссоздают первоначально элементы конструкции в каждой районе дома. Это самые очевидные в арках повсеместно в дом которые даже были построены в зоны ванны и ливня так же, как неофициальные советники президента поддерживают что corbels спички напольные. Ангел и его экипаж также сохраняли элементы первоначально освещения, уравновешивания двери и они покрыты холстиной после того как стены и медальоны потолка.

Самомоднейшие зеркала на стене

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 03:32 AM PST

The mirror–the innocuous object that allows us to gaze upon our beauty. Well, today mirrors are far from innocuous and are now deemed objects of beauty themselves. Are you looking for the perfect mirror as an addition to your room? Well, have we got goodies for you! First however, are some interior decorating tips on what to look for when choosing the perfect mirror:

  • Size–First, look at the room you will be hanging the mirror in and decide whether you want a full length, vanity or wall size mirror. Then carefully measure the area that you will be hanging the mirror on and choose accordingly. (Here’s a free interior design tip: if you want to make a small room look bigger, think about choosing a full size mirror–the room’s reflection in the mirror creates an illusion of depth. It’s almost like an instant room upgrade!)
  • Shape–Mirror shapes are as endless as the styles of the rooms they will be hanging in. When shopping for your mirror, look at the dimensions of your room and the style and then decide on the shape of the mirror you think would look best. Standard mirror shapes are architectural (rectangular with a curved top), circular, octagonal, oval, rectangular and square.
  • Frames–This is where choosing your mirror becomes fun! While there are plenty of frameless mirrors, there are just as many different styles and varieties of framed mirrors to choose from. But before you go mirror shopping, do your homework first. Look at the design of your room and decide if you want the mirror’s frame to match your wall paint or are you looking to mix and match colors and patterns. Deciding on this first will save you a lot of time and money. And remember, when it comes to contemporary decoration, sometimes just adding the right mirror in the right frame is all you need as the perfect room addition!

Now comes the good stuff! Here are some mirrors that we think are rather cool–and that’s no illusion!

Like to sing in the shower? Well, we have a mirror for you. The Maitre touch screen mirror from Stocco allows you to listen to your favorite music in the comfort and privacy of your bathroom. The mirror also features a de-mister which makes getting pretty in a steamy bathroom a whole lot easier!

Stocco touch screen mirror

Is there a funky cowboy/cowgirl living inside of you? Well, the Gaucho mirror from APF Munn is the mirror for you. Framed in its dazzling pony-skin pattern, the Gaucho mirror will add some serious funkiness to any room.

Gaucho mirror from APF Munn

Face it, everyone has a bit of the narcisisst in them and with the Narcisse collection of mirrors by Domestic, you won’t be able to decide which you love more–gazing at yourself or at these fanciful mirrors. Created by various designers, there is a mirror in the Narcisse collection for everyone: the 'I love me' designer mirror features a mod yet charming heart pattern; the 'Spline' mirror is quite elaborate and tres chic; the 'Apricot Sunday' mirror is quirky and whimsical.

Narcisse I Love Me mirror

Narcisse Apricot Sunday mirror

Narcisse Spline mirror

Hate to miss watching your favorite TV shows just so you can take a shower? Well, thanks to Porter Lancastrian Ltd., there’s TileVision, a waterproof mirror LCD TV. Featuring a 23″ wide-screen with a 170 degree viewing angle, Tilevision reverts to being a waterproof, tamperproof, condensation proof mirror once the TV is turned off. We think this is the must have mirror of the electronic generation!

Tilevision by Porter-Lancastrian

If gazing at the moon is one of your favorite pastimes, then gazing at your reflection in one of the Full Moon mirirors by Alchemy Glass & Light will definitely make you swoon! Entirely one-of-a-kind, each mirror is crafted with precious minerals, metals and fused glass. When turned on, these mirrors give off a spectacular halo effect which is reminiscent of the moon during a solar eclipse. We admit we don’t know so much about lunar science, but we do know these mirrors are breathtaking!

Alchemy illuminated mirror

Alchemy illuminated mirror

Alchemy illuminated mirror

If you like furniture that speaks for itself, then these mirrors by Opinion Ciatti are for you. With their fun and funky looks, these mirrors are as whimsical and ornamental as they are utilitarian.

Opinion Ciatti mirrors

Talk about minimalism! The Mirrorwall by Duravit is for those people who like the sensation of endless space and minimal clutter in their bathrooms. Featuring the sink, storage system and light all in one unique mirrored product, we think the Mirrorwall is practical yet very pretty!

Duravit mirror wall system

Duravit mirror wall system

It’s the use of the natural beauty of wood that makes these mirrors so unique. The River Mirrors designed by Caryn Moberly, are elegantly simple pieces that would make a rough and rustic addition to any room in your home.

River mirrors by Caryn Moberly

Talk about smart and pretty! The Robern M Series mirrored cabinet features an LED night light and sensor that detects low light conditions and switches on its soft glow automatically. How intelligent!

Robern M Series mirrored cabinet with night light

Now we want to hear from you: What do you think of these mirrors?

Тонкие выходы GFCI от Leviton

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 12:29 AM PST

В усилии сохранить космос в электрической коробке и поэтому сделать его легко для do-it-yourselfer проводить, тонкий выход SmartlockPro GFCI серии от Leviton уменьшал глубину выхода GFCI грубо 25% которое позволяет для больше комнаты провести маневр проводы и поэтому легко для того чтобы установить. Другие характеристики включают * уменьшенная глубина делает его более легким установить в любую электрическую коробку, даже отмелые одни * сохраняют время на работе * " выступание только 1.026 в wallbox * стержни прибавлять на легкие варианты проводки - задние и бортовые проводы способные * External задние струбцины провода указывают визуально правильный зажимать * зажимы стандартной латуни собственн-заземляя

10 предотвратимых Remodeling злоключений

Posted: 25 Jan 2011 12:19 PM PST

You’ve likely heard of as many “headache” stories in home renovations as you have success stories, and we’ve got 10 tips to help you fall into the successful category—and to experience less stress and more fun along the way.

Break out the bubbly to celebrate a successful renovation by avoiding these mistakes:

1. Gutting Everything Too Soon

While inertia and excitement abound at the beginning of a project, make sure that all details have been planned before taking the sledgehammer to every inch of your home. You don't want to get caught in a project that ends up going beyond your budget or capacity. Even if details change, you need an initial game plan to work from.

2. Taking Inaccurate Measurements

Preciseness may not seem as important in the planning stages, but small mistakes in sizing or placement can take something that would be perfect and turn it into something that looks cheap and off. Take time for exactness.

3. Going Too Trendy

Although you want to add renovations that are hot and of the moment, avoid a look that is too trendy. Within a couple of years, you will begin to regret decisions that quickly outdate your home.

4. Disregarding Chaos Potential

You may be calmly sipping coffee during planning stages, but be smart and anticipate the chaos that a renovation can bring. You'll feel crazy in the thick of it, but a well-planned renovation will turn your (improved) home back to running order in no time.

5. Not Using Green Materials

Maybe you don't know about green materials, or you wouldn't consider paying up a bit for them, but going with eco-intelligent products is by far better. Not only are you easier on the environment and promoting higher quality products—you're also instantly increasing the value of your space.

6. Choosing Wrong Paint

Compared to more complex processes, choosing paint seems easy. But there are specific paints for every surface. Talk to a contractor (find one here on CalFinder!) or at least consult with the paint store employee on what you need. You will regret putting that flat paint in your kitchen. Think ahead and plan accurately.

7. Not Doing Your Homework

Just as the success in painting comes with prep work, prepping for a project and knowing all there is to know will help the overall project go more smoothly. Especially if you're doing some work yourself, know what to look for and do.

8. Ignoring Your Style

While a new kitchen might be your dream, a new kitchen that completely doesn't flow with your home's style can quickly turn into a nightmare. Consider the overall aesthetics and style of your architecture as well as décor.

9. Avoiding Permits

If you complete a renovation without a permit and something happens, your homeowner's insurance won't cover it. You may anticipate smooth sailing the entire renovation voyage, but put in the effort to acquire permits to avoid potential catastrophe.

10. Hurrying

Of course renovations are either urgent or completely exciting, and it can be tempting to rush the process or expect to be able to finish fast. But sometimes the best things require waiting. Patience and temperance through a focused project will turn out a much more pleasing result.

Photo Credit: Hustek Remodeling, Party Aficionado, HGTV, & Murifield Homes

Вздохните легкой с очистителем воздуха

Posted: 25 Jan 2011 09:16 AM PST

Фильтруйте вне примеси в вашем доме и улучшите ваше качество воздуха с очистителем воздуха. Очистители воздуха идеально для любого которое хочет вздохнуть более лучшим воздухом но они очень полезны к людям которые терпят от аллергий. Преимущества очистителей воздуха Независимо от того, как чисто вы держите ваш дом, вы всегда бежите риск иметь излишние поллютанты которые вы как раз не можете во избежание или принять внимательности с традиционных методов чистки. Пока они всегда не видимо к глазу, вы тело можете иметь отрицательный отклик к этим поллютантам которые включают цветень, дым табака, dander любимчика и лепт пыли. Как только очиститель воздуха в месте, вы можете найти что вы дышать более легкий. Как раз вспомните держать его дальше крыглосуточно во время сезона аллергии. Как часто вы выходите оно во время других времен единственно до вашего усмотрения но держать его дальше постоянн идеально. DirectBuy носит приборы и дом remodeling продукты от изготовлений известной марки и их утверженных поставщиков для того чтобы помочь вам создать удобную окружающую среду для вашего дома на больших сбережениях.

Вентиляторы и сбросы ванной комнаты: Воспрепятствовано ему вздохните

Posted: 25 Jan 2011 09:00 AM PST

Today’s guest post is from Lee Johnson, Charleston North Carolina resident, and one of the founders of Aero Pure Fans (aeropurefans.com). The company specializes in energy efficient bathroom fans and vents.

When it comes to remodeling your bathroom, while at the same time taking a look at how bathroom moisture affects the rest of your home, what signs should you be watching for to figure out whether or not you’ve got a problem with excess condensation?

Taking her expertise in vents and fans in bathroom remodeling projects, Lee applied her knowledge of fans and vents to her own home, to help create better air quality while also extending the life of other elements in her home. Here’s how she did it


In my house, we live by the green- the green in our wallet! And we are always looking for ways to keep the green in our wallets.

It's been a cold winter in the south and we have been house-bound. What a perfect time to undertake some of the bathroom 're-do's" we had been talking about!

As I prepped our bathroom, I noticed peeling paint. At first, I thought the peeling was due to poor quality paint or application. A little online research quickly dispelled that thought and left me slightly anxious. Peeling paint, condensation-drenched windows, fogged mirrors, and mildew ringing the wooden window grills were the telltale signs our master bathroom was not "breathing" properly.

Opening the window to vent the room is not practical for us- in the hot humid Carolina summers, opening the window is like throwing money out. Besides, the window is slightly warped and difficult to push open. The exhaust fan in that bathroom is ear splitting loud and never seems to clear the "stinky" air out!

Before we could paint and install the new vanity and fixtures, we needed to deal with the growing moisture problem in our master bathroom. We knew this problem would only grow larger and could lead to structural and health issues. Once again, I went online and learned that it was not going to cost us an arm and a leg to properly ventilate our bathroom and in fact proper ventilation would save us money!

We invested in an Energy Star qualified bathroom fan that was properly sized for our bathroom. The new fan cost us a little more than the noisy eggbeater fan we were taking out, but used appreciably less energy and was much quieter. We installed a timer that runs the fan for 20 minutes after we've left the bathroom. We wanted to reduce any excess moisture buildup and we didn't want to worry about remembering to turn the fan off. Our old fan was so loud; there was never a chance of forgetting to turn it off!


Thanks, Lee!

For more information about what Lee and her company Aero Pure Fans, be sure to ‘Like’ Aero Pure Fans on Facebook. And find out where to buy Energy Star rated fans in your area, too.



Bathroom Fans and Vents: Let it Breathe is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more.

Related posts:

  1. 7 Ways to Reduce Window Condensation and Indoor Moisture
  2. Lighting Style Guide: Lighting In Your Bathroom
  3. Redoing Your Bathroom Using Old Furniture?

Удостоверение личности 2011 имеет великие стратегии на Канада!

Posted: 25 Jan 2011 03:18 AM PST

Approximately 14 years ago Canada became a hub of design! Designers from all areas of space design started creating inspiring environments and personal space. The media world, design companies and stores helped to spotlight it into the industry. We celebrate this time with IDS, the largest contemporary design fair in Canada. The worlds most creative minds will all be under one roof, so if you are in love with design or work in design IDS will be your haven!

The 13th show is almost here, beginning with the opening night on Thursday January 27th, the professional trade fair on Friday 28th and then on Saturday the 29th and Sunday 30th general admission. This year see’s designers putting their creative minds together and collaborating with others in some exciting projects. Below is a selection of those exciting projects along with a taster of exhibitors who will be there.

The Globe and Mail, Dekla and Scavolini invite you to share your love of design!

The opening night party is all about sharing your love of design with new and old friends. Enjoy the tantalizing array of food and drinks and some interactive performances while being amongst 300 of the most up to date design products. From the quirky objects and furniture by Trash Bonbon to 18 Karats simple organic contemporary furniture, everyone who visits IDS this year will gain inspiration from something or someone. A special feature exhibit will take place on opening night when Plan B, Vitra and Swarovski Elements will present FIRST SEATING – where you can place a bet for your chance of winning one of the 20 unique famous Vitra Panton chairs re-designed by some of Canada’s top architects and designers.

A retooled iconic Vitra Panton chair and a quirky Trash Bonbon graffiti inspired mirror!

Relax in the DWR lounge (Design Within Reach) one of the top contemporary designs of interior and exterior hospitality. Sit within reach of some of the brand new collections, and brand new bold products from Canada’s top designers.

Relax amongst some of the newest additions, and collections from Canada’s topdesigners!

‘Off the Wall’ brings you an area dedicated to the most trendy wall coverings and finishes from top industry leaders including Graham & Brown who will be showing their latest hot designs! See the most up to date textures, patterns and colors schemes all in one place!

They say a change is as good as a rest! (credit)

Studio North is an exhibit showcasing the most extensive edgy, forward thinking designs from all over Canada. Designers and ateliers have joined together to create Studio North where you can see the very latest cutting edge products, Trash Bonbon’s graffitti inspired furniture and objects, hand made wood objects and furnishings by Shawn Place Design and skilled textile weavings from Armstrong Textiles. Rollout, Nicole Tarasick and Manor 12 will be showcasing the very top trends in prints, wall coverings and textiles and experience the unique glass exhibit ‘The Wonders of Glass’ by Gregor Herman, Trio Design and Tsunami.

Trash Bonbon’s latest graphically inspired furniture! (credit)

Design journalist Rachel Gotlieb and Dupont Corian challenged 7 of Canada’s top talented architects and designers to get innovative with the solid surfacing of Dupont originally used for kitchen countertops. There will be five installations collaborated by landscape guru’s Earth Inc, design studio Rhed, designer Cecconi Simone, Gau design and design consultants Pascale Girardin. This featured exhibit is especially for IDS11, it will be interesting to see what they do with this solid surfacing!

From counter surface to a design surprise ? (credit)

North on Sixty architects/designers base their business on the cycle of life – from design, build, restoration and forest management. They believe in staying involved with a project from start to finish with the environment in mind. They have very often salvaged wood from a variety of sources like old barns, warehouses, old bridges, and farms to name a few!

Contemporary living yet designed with comfort in mind!(credit)

Earth Inc convert plain and simple outdoor areas into spectacular designer spaces. They focus on lifting the spirits by creating areas that your senses will tune into. They are genius in creating comfortable, inviting, designer spaces to entertain or just relax.

Creating designer spaces outside! (credit)

American Standard a leading North American kitchen and bathroom manufacturer will be exhibiting their very latest whirlpool tubs, furniture, faucets and fixtures and other new products. The quality of this manufacturer exceeds perfection!

Bathroom perfection! (credit)

On the 27th of January IDS are pleased to offer a 2nd all day design symposium called ‘Conversations in Design’. A meeting of creative minds from the industry discuss new technologies, materials,practices and new products. Conversations in design encourages the spectators to ‘think outside the box’. This method is commonly know as creative crowsourcing in the design world. Last year over 300 spectators from the design industry and students attended to discuss what was going on in the design world!

Keep in the know!

Don’t miss ‘Sibling Revelry’!

Some of Canada’s most talented siblings have joined together to design together especially for IDS11. These 4 teams will be designing an exclusive space together for the first time!

The teams are:

Ladies fashion designer David Dixon and his designer brother Glenn – Jason and Lars Dressler – twin woodworkers – Sarah Richardson, lifestyle TV star and brother Theo co-founder of design trio ‘Rich Brilliant Willing’ – My and brother Thien Ta -Trung design duo ‘Periphere’.

Клей Элмер для DIYer в вас

Posted: 25 Jan 2011 12:37 AM PST

Длиной для их почти иконических древесины/плотников клея, клей Элмер перерабатывал их компановку продукта также, как их бутылки клея и пристреливает толпу DIY. Новая компановка состоит из 4 клеит совсем сделала основано на определенных пользе или проекте. Здесь чего Элмер должно сказать о каждом. Клей плотника Элмер деревянный - больш для нутряных проектов, нетоксическо, легко для того чтобы очистить вверх с водой, sandable и paintable. Оно также создает более сильное скрепление чем древесина, древесину сломает прежде чем скрепление сделает. Клей МАКС плотника Элмер деревянный - формула Элмер самая новая неразъемная деревянная решает крытые и напольные проекты. Водоустойчиво, sandable, stainable, paintable, нетоксическо, легко очистить вверх с водой и скреплениями более сильными чем древесина. Оно также сопротивляет жаре, прессформе и mildew.

Резать реальные цены на вашей реновации ванной комнаты

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 10:57 AM PST

Если вы хотите переделать ваша ванная комната пока сохраняющ деньги, то вы могли подготовить получить ваши руки пакостно. Но это doesn’ t значит принимать на реновацию ванной комнаты по мере того как проект DIY. В действительности, вы можете поразить счастливый баланс между сохранять немного самецов оленя и все еще получать работу профессионал-качества. Here’ s как: Пролом вне кувалда. Пока вы определенно хотите сорвать вне правое вещество, стучать вне деталями как раковины и cabinetry принимает очень маленькое искусство. Положительная величина, препятствовала нам смотреть на его: разработка вашего усилия (и возмущения к той старой ванной комнате) с кувалдой и ломом звучает потеха. Покрасьте стены себя. Вы можете не иметь никакую идею как установить настил плитки или бамбука ливня, но вы себя можете сделать большую работу краски. Вспомните 2 очень важных узлового пункта: получите отделку лоска которая будет работать наилучшим образом с влажностью, и потратьте больше времени на работе приготовления уроков чем картина сама. Выпушка и детали что сделает комнату посмотреть профессионально законченным. Очистьте вверх беспорядок. Хотя он сказов для того чтобы думать гулять в вполне законченную и дотошную ванную комнату, вы себя можете очистить вверх отаву, режущ вниз на времени и ценах. Вы себя можете даже арендовать тележку и потянуть вне твердые частицы. Вспомните что неповрежденные детали полюбите раковины, туалеты, зеркала и шкафы микстуры можно повторно использовать на местах как среда обитания для гуманности, держа место захоронения отходов более менее полными. Установите оборудование. Пока более затейливое вещество должно быть выйдено к профессионалам, вы себя можете установить вещи как зеркала и ручки. Вы сохраните на общих ценах и погулять прочь знающ вас способствовал, если даже в малом путе, к вашему новому bathroom’ конструкция s. Кредит фото: Отборные ванные комнаты, Valspar, & Домашняя директория конструкции

Верхний настил отклоняет на 2011

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 09:00 AM PST

Whether you are planning on replacing the floors in your current house or picking flooring for a new house, you should check out one of these top flooring trends for 2011. Sustainable flooring, from wood to carpets, will have a strong influence on this season's trends.

1. Bamboo Floors
Bamboo is a popular flooring choice for the eco-conscious crowd because it is considered a rapidly renewable resource. In other words, bamboo grows so quickly that when it is harvested for flooring, it can be replaced very quickly. Bamboo flooring also has several other benefits including its relatively easy upkeep, the strength of the wood and its overall adaptability making it suitable for a variety of applications in a variety of climates.

Photo: Chris&Rhiannon/Flickr

2. Cork Floors
Cork flooring is another eco-friendly flooring option to consider in 2011. Cork is harvested by stripping the bark from cork oak trees. The process doesn't harm the tree and the bark regrows in just a few years. While it isn't as rapidly renewing as bamboo, it is still a renewable resource. Cork is fire and mold resistant by nature and cork flooring is easy to clean, is very resilient, is noise reducing and it comes in many colors, shapes and patterns.

Photo: BigEd Stitites/Flickr

3. Reclaimed Hardwood
Although reclaimed hardwood isn't exactly a renewable resource, it is still environmentally friendly. Wood is reclaimed from a variety of resources, from river bottoms to old wine barrels, and refinished into flooring. The results can be as varied as the sources but you're sure to have a great flooring story to tell when you entertain guests.

Photo: GollyGForce/Flickr

4. Shag Carpet
Yes, shag is back. However, this isn't the shag carpeting that you may remember from the 1970s. Today's shag is chicer (more chic?). Modern shag carpeting features shorter pile heights, a variety of color choices, and modern carpet technologies that can eliminate wear patterns and improve performance and durability.

Photo: Jeff Sandquist/Flickr

5. Recycled Carpet
Carpet made from post-recycled consumer goods became increasingly popular in 2010 and this trend will continue for 2011. Carpet can be made from several different products including plastic bottles, recycled textiles and discarded carpeting. Even big name manufacturers are jumping on the go green bandwagon by offering recycled carpeting including Mohawk with its EverStrand line and Shaw Floor's Anso nylon brand.

Photo: Luciano Ghersi/Flickr

6. Concrete
Most of today's houses have concrete installed under the tile or carpeting and believe it or not, this concrete can be transformed into a beautiful new floor. Concrete can be stained with acid, stamped, colored, patterned and more. With a talented concrete flooring expert, you will be able to create a custom one of a kind floor.

Photo: proforged/Flickr

7. Marmoleum
This is not the linoleum made popular in the 1980s, instead, Marmoleum is a much trendier product. Marmoleum is made from all natural ingredients, it is perfect for high traffic areas, it maintains a consistent temperature even during the cold winter months and as an added bonus, it is great for individuals with allergies. In fact, Marmoleum click was the first flooring product to receive asthma & allergy friendly certification from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Photo: litlnemo/Flickr

8. Anti-Bacterial Tile
Although there are some concerns about the proliferation of anti-bacterial products in the marketplace today, it didn't stop tile manufacturers from developing anti-bacterial floor tiles. The tiles reduce indoor air pollutants and eliminate common strains of bacteria including e-coli and staph. While some tile products are made from start to finish with anti-bacterial properties in mind, there are also coatings that can be applied to existing tile floors that offer the same benefits.

Photo: DesertRecluse/Flickr

9. Engineered Wood Flooring
Engineered wood has the luxurious look of solid hardwood without the price tag. Engineered wood is not only less expensive than its solid wood counterpart, it also has an eco-friendly side. The primary ingredient in many engineered wood floor products is wood pulp and chips. The pulp and chips can be reclaimed as a byproduct from other wood manufacturing processes and engineered into beautiful flooring for your home.

Photo: Mr. Thomas/Flickr

Article Sources:

Flooring Trends: Decorating: Home & Garden Television




Shaggy, Shaggy Chic


National Floor Trends (general research)


Top Flooring Trends for 2011 is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more.

Related posts:

  1. Hardwood Flooring Discovered Underneath Wall-To-Wall Carpeting
  2. Choosing Carpet Types For Floor Coverings
  3. Laminate flooring installation over an existing floor

Deconstruction против подрывания

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 07:45 AM PST

Так вы готовы начать тот большой проект реновации -- новая кухня, обновленная ванная комната, или возможно даже вся дом! Прежде чем вы устанавливаете новую, вы должны позаботиться о старая. В прошлом, большинств обычная практика подрыванием, было ли выполнено путем кувалда-владея владельцы дома или well-equipped профессионалы. В этих более зеленых дне и времени, однако, другая практика вытекает: deconstruction. Идея все еще это же в что существующий космос сорван вниз для того чтобы сделать путь для новой конструкции. Но с deconstruction, обращено тщательное внимание процесс так, что материалы полюбят древесина, плитка, приспособления и настил можно спасти и повторно использовать.

Самомоднейшая Eco-Friendly мебель

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 03:00 AM PST

From clothes to food to household goods, everybody is looking for items that are eco-friendly. Now the eco-friendly movement has also taken over the furniture design industry. Here now are some interior design tips on what to look for when buying eco-friendly furniture:

  • When shopping for wood furniture, look for the The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label which ensures that the product you’re purchasing is crafted from sustainable wood.
  • Consider bamboo. It does all the things wood can do and it’s good for the environment.
  • Only purchase pieces made from metal or glass as they are less likely to contain toxins that are bad for the environment .
  • Buy local/artisan. Look for locally produced and artisan furniture in local newspapers and classified ad sites, and at craft fairs.

Now of course, going eco-friendly doesn’t mean that you must sacrifice style and comfort. Here then are some examples of modern eco-friendly furniture for everything from your kitchen to your floors that will make your home look eco-cool and save the environment too!:


Constructed from a single sheet of recycled and recyclable aluminum, we think these benches from The Botanist Blank Canvas project are both beautiful to the eye and thanks to their recyclablity, beautiful to the planet, too!

The Botanist eco-friendly bench


Need a place to store your clothes but want to stay kind to the environment? Then how about these armoires from Environment Furniture, Inc. Wood for the construction of these armoires come from three sources: reclaimed, recycled or certified. All we know is, they’re a work of art!

Armoires from Environment Furniture, Inc.

Kids Furniture

Think only grownups have the handle on eco-friendly furniture? Well, think again. This table and chair set from Knu is constructed with Forest Stewardship Council certified Baltic birch plywood with table legs composed of steel which contains 40% recycled content. And of course, there are rounded edges for kid safety. What more can a kid ask for!

Knu eco-friendly kids furniture

This play set from Skyline Design is made with recycled, renewable and low impact materials.

Green children furniture from Skyline Design

DucDuc of New York has a line of kid’s furniture crafted from materials that are not only kid friendly, they’re eco-friendly, too!

DucDuc eco-friendly children furniture


Following the design principles of Feng Shui and the Vastu Shastra, John Wiggers has created this uniquely beautiful desk crafted from exotic FSC-approved hardwood. Wow, furniture that’s beautiful to look at, good for the soul and the environment…what more can you ask for!

John Wiggers' award-winning desk


Looking for a sofa that’s stylish, sexy and good for the environment? Then Robert Craymer’s line of eco-friendly sofas are for you. Craymer’s design label rcgreen, creates “green” sofas and sectionals with fabrics crafted from cotton, linen, bamboo and hemp while the sofa frames are made from recycled steel and sustainable wood. Now that’s sexy!

rcgreen Couch

rcgreen Sectional

Greener Lifestyles' line of sustainable sofas and chairs are crafted with eco-friendly materials, so you can breathe easy while lounging about.

Greener Lifestyles sofa

Greener Lifestyles lounge


Inspired by nature, award-winning Phillipine designer Kenneth Cobonpue translates that inspiration into exquisite furniture designs using sustainable materials. Constructed with hand woven buri, placed over a steel frame and tied with abaca rope, his Voyage bed is sure to give you sweet dreams of tropical destinations.

Cobonpue Voyage bed


There is absolutely nothing excessive about these sleekly elegant yet eco-friendly chairs! The Bodyform chair designed by J. Persing is molded from a single piece of wood which results in 87% less lumber used for construction. To further the material efficient green process, J. Persing uses non-toxic, water-based finishes and adhesives. These chairs are such works of art, they’re even featured in the permanent collection of The New York Modern Museum of Art!

J. Persing eco-friendly chairs

J. Persing eco-friendly chairs

Manufactured from half post-consumer soda cans and half post-industrial manufacturing scrap, these sleekly designed aluminum chairs, bar stools and tables from Emeco are built to avoid landfills. Who knew scrap could look so cool!

Emeco recycled aluminum chairs

Emeco recycled aluminum-chairs

Bathroom Furniture

Luke Works has created a line of eco-friendly yet sleekly elegant vanities that’s hand crafted from sustainable bamboo and recycled concrete. With a vanity this cool, you may never want to leave your bathroom!

Lukesworks eco-friendly vanity

Kitchen Cabinetry

Who needs wood when you can use bamboo? That’s the motto of Richard Goodman, owner of Laguna Bamboo, who uses this rapidly reproducing material to create his line of custom-made cabinetry for kitchens. Who knew practical could be so beautiful?

Sustainable Cabinetry from Laguna Bamboo

Floor Coverings

Once you’ve chosen all your eco-friendly furniture, it’s time to upgrade your floor coverings, too. How about these 100% natural rugs from Merida. Merida’s rugs are made from abaca are not dyed, have no backing and are 100% natural. How natural! How stunning!

Merida natural fiber floorcovering

Merida natural fiber floor coverings

Now we want to hear from you: would you furnish your house with eco-friendly furnishings?

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