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Вы купили бы дом Франк Ллоыд Шригют? Posted: 03 Dec 2010 07:49 AM PST Вы имеете экстренный $2 миллиона положить вокруг? После этого вы смогли быть предпринимателем разваливаясь дома Франк Ллоыд Шригют в Лос Banos, CALIF. известном как дом Fawcett, остальные дома 6-спальни на 80 акрах земли. Согласно рассказу в New York Times, конструкция дома «основана на равносторонних треугольниках, с районом комнаты и кухни сердечника живущей, и 2 крылах.» Одна из характеристик дома более поразительных 12 ноги камином в 6 ног который смешивает плавно в окружающий пол. Бит сотряша для того чтобы увидеть такой открытый камин, но конструкция делает Wright дали конструкцию чувством, котор открытую астетической что embraces подача космоса. |
7 мест с свободной землей для принимать Posted: 03 Dec 2010 04:30 AM PST В сегодняшней downturned экономии, может показаться почти невозможно найти где-то для того чтобы жить где работы, доступное снабжение жилищем, и кренят завещать одобрить ем. Если вы не удачливейши достаточно для того чтобы жить в одном из самых доступных мест для homebuying, то (представлять Dayton!), но удачливейш достаточно для того чтобы иметь карьеру которая позволяет вам жить как раз около везде, не потеряйте сердце -- 7 мест по всей стране которые в буквальном смысле слова дают прочь acreage для всего от селитебных свойств к коммерчески земле. Пока каждое положение имеет их собственные условия и обручи, котор нужно поскакать до конца, эти места делают им возможной к собственному землю вы в реальном маштабе времени или работа дальше, которой в этих дне и времени, что-то замечательное в и себя. |
Интервью с Prachi (purplehomes) Posted: 03 Dec 2010 04:00 AM PST Мы хотел были бы дать огромное благодарим вас к Prachi симпатичная повелительница от Purplehomes которое давало нам время от ее многодельного план-графика завершить интервью с нами. Мы следовали за ее внушительный сочинительством блога и хотели найти ключ к ее успеху. Она дала нам некоторые большие честные ответы что любой новый или опытный blogger будет считать интересным, и также проницательность в ее жизнь, как она работает и куда она получает ей воодушевленность от. Почему вы решили начать blogging? Когда я начал blogging было существенно космосом где я смог bookmark идеи которые воодушевили меня, записываю мое & опытов; проекты, памяти помадки захвата; все с конструкцией как основная тема. Над временем также стало местом куда я получил возможность встретить поэтому много творческих людей и сделать некоторые близкии друг. Прочитайте Prachi’ интервью s полное здесь Вы снова и смогите ваши страсть и успех для сочинительства блога продолжать. |
Posted: 02 Dec 2010 01:09 PM PST Вы имеете много выборов когда это прибывает в домашним настилом. Добавленное плюс сегодняшняя технология делало эти материалы более прочным и более longer-lasting. Важно посмотреть как вы используете каждую комнату и движение ноги каждая область должно вытерпеть на ежедневное основание. Настил облечение и вы хотите сделать правый выбор основанный на пользе каждой комнаты. Естественно против искусственных материалов Естественные материалы как травертин хороши для кухни как искусственные материалы как линолеум. Вы хотите что-то которое может выдержать движение ноги и все расслоины которое естественно происходят в кухне. Ковер все еще популярный выбор для спен, вертепов, столовой, и живя комнат. Ряд выборов ковра основанных на как он задерживает под движением ноги поэтому запрашивают о этих вариантах. Настил имеет такой удар на общем взгляде наших домов. Препятствуйте вашим образу жизни и пользе каждого предписания комнаты правый выбор настила для вашего дома. DirectBuy предлагает большой выбор жизнерадостных вариантов настила для того чтобы помочь вам создать красивейший, стильный дом который также легок для поддержания. Найдите настил и большинств все вам для вашего дома на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. |
Французск-Настоянная историческая реновация Posted: 02 Dec 2010 12:20 PM PST Doug Turshen и Rochelle Udell информированный и воодушевляны. От быстрого решения, котор нужно пожениться 30 лет тому назад, после работать совместно на & эсквайра и дома; Сад, к их импульсной покупке дома XVIII век в Ossining, нью-йорк, пары смог быть рассмотрен массивнейше импульсным. Но, принимая во внимание их успех на обоих фронтах, что-то быть сказанным для смелости пары. «Мы всегда принимали преимущество информированного момента,» Udell говорит. И оно служил они наилучшим образом в их Французск-настоянном, красивейше плотном доме недавно отличаемом на декоре Elle. Дом «самая лучшая представляет кто мы,» Turshen говорит. Почти аномалия в пригороде который расквартировал Ричард Yates, Джон Cheever, и выдуманные Drapers сумашедших людей, свойство включает дом 1789 которая служила как гостиница на один этап. Даже окружающие свойства были сохранены и помогают составить исторический городок Ossining. В действительности, твердое самое лучшее известное для Эмпайра Стейта Билдинга (Shreve, & овечки; Harmon) даже способствовало к эстетике. Для их собственного проекта реновации, пары наняли архитектора Dick Bories и конструктора Джеймс Shearron, обоих из кому специализируют в классицистических проектах. Выходящ экстерьер как, 2 сфокусированное на изменениях внутри. Они работали для того чтобы обстрогать вниз деталь и создать «большое чувство роскоши,» говорит Shearron. Просторные ограничения информированные их выбор и размещение мебели. Они держали только что имело смысль, включая таблицу Sarrinen обедая, rococo часы стены, и таблицы входа которые принадлежали к бабушке Turshen. Остальные закончились вверх на eBay. Книги их только одержимость, теперь расквартированная в встроенных полках повсеместно в дом. Как в эстетике, так и в факте их замужества) большого успеха этого дома (и после того как такие быстрые решения завет к вкусу пары большому, или больш везени-или обоих. Вся съемка William Waldren |
Гимно для нового владельца дома Posted: 02 Dec 2010 12:05 PM PST |
Большинств доступные города для Homebuying Posted: 02 Dec 2010 11:45 AM PST Описать недавний рынок недвижимости как неустойчивое более обширное преуменьшение. Но, несмотря на хозяйственную американскую горку, истинная правда что люди все еще двигают и все еще изыскивают дома. Хотя определенно выгодная рыночная конъюнктура вне там, хорошие дела можно все еще иметь--если вы знаете где посмотреть. Покупать доступный дом не только отпускает давление на вашем бюджете, но может также дать вам финансовохозяйственную гибкость сделать улучшения нескольк DIY. Согласно списку составленному Forbes Magazine более раньше этот год, самые доступные города для homebuying являются следующими: |
Сальто просмотрение видеокамеры ультра HD Posted: 02 Dec 2010 11:33 AM PST Мы имеем нашу видеокамеру сальто ультра HD на около 2 месяца теперь и честно тщательно наслаждаемся ей. Мы часто не рассматриваем электронику но мы поэтому впечатлено с этим блоком который мы хотели для того чтобы делить наши заключения. Мы имеем различное пункт-и-снимаем цифровой фотокамера которые снимают большое видео (не HD но все еще высокое качество) и мы знаем множество цифровой фотокамера и DSLRs которое теперь снимают видео HD но для дег сальто ультра HD изумительно. Обнажанная вниз простота Вы получаете видео высокого качества и путем обнажать прочь много колоколы и свистки вы получаете камеру которая фактически более приятна для использования. Фронт просто встроенный объектив, никакие двигающие части. Задняя часть камеры состоит из красной рекордной кнопки и четырехпроводной шкалы для того чтобы просигналить и перечислить через видео в режиме воспроизведения. Кнопка delete и игры напротив одина другого и то оно! Камера почти немедленна дальше с давлением кнопки настолько там никакой fiddling с меню или шкалами. |
Идеально домашний офис в 6 легких шагах Posted: 02 Dec 2010 09:00 AM PST
He enjoys blogging on the office theme generally including office set-up, home office, office decoration and office lifestyle issues. *** In this constantly changing world where the daily commute is increasingly expensive, time consuming, and harrowing, more and more of us are choosing to work at home. This is possible due to the increased dependability and speed of communication with high speed internet, cell phones, faxes, etc. Even if we don't actually work "from" home, most of us do (to some extent) work "at" home. Both of these situations require some area set aside to actually perform the work we need to do. For families with children who must have a place to study, the work area will need additional consideration. For the purposes of this article, let us consider some tips for a home office which will work well for the whole family.
1. Space 2. Utilities
While water is not required for a home office, it would be great if there were an adjoining ½ bath or washroom and toilet. This will help eliminate much stopping and starting for children studying and help them to stay on task. 3. Storage
5. Decoration 6. Comfort These six suggestions are not rules written in stone; everyone has some unique ideas of their own which will work better for them. My only intention here is to point out some areas to consider in the planning of your personal home office. A little pre-planning can save a lot of future headaches. Every home needs a place read, pay bills, take care of correspondence etc. But more and more, those needs expand to require more space and equipment. As previously stated, many homes will do quite well with a corner of the kitchen or lounge and this is fine if it works for their needs. But as needs change, a larger more private space might be the answer. For a home based business, the development of the right work environment can be quite challenging. Whatever your needs, I hope these suggestions will be thought provoking enough to help you plan and create a home office which works for you and your family. *** Thanks, Lloyd! Cheers, Rob. The Ideal Home Office In 6 Easy Steps is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Создайте аккуратный, выделяющийся вход в Entryway вашего дома Posted: 02 Dec 2010 08:43 AM PST Entryway дома может быть неимоверно гибким космосом -- и в зависимости от вашего дома, размер и форма могут поменять широко. Но имеете ли вы nook или sizable космос, мы получаем некоторые подсказки и выходки для добавлять астетическое воззвание и организационные возможности к эта важной но иногда запущенный район вашего дома. По мере того как имя подразумевает, entryway должен служить как фокусная точка входа для вашего дома, поэтому чувствуйте свободным добавить краску, освещение, обои или все другие декоративные касания для того чтобы создать начальный визуально удар. Малые таблица и светильник большие добавления которые создают выделяющийся список и также функциональны: светильник добавляет теплое, приветствующее зарево, пока таблица может быть идеально catch-all для ключей, почты и других родственных деталей. Добавьте декоративный шар для ключей и изменения, и малую сортировщицу почты для того чтобы держать почту отделено получателем. |
Кухня акрополя концентрическая Posted: 02 Dec 2010 05:00 AM PST The Acropolis kitchen designed by Pininfarina and manufactured by Snaidero adopts a circular form unlike the square or rectangular kitchen design we are familiar with. A new world of minimalism has replaced the traditional home, where designers have lent towards simplicity. There is nothing simple about this kitchen except for the circular concept!
A perfect place to rendezvous They took a simple shape and created a spectacular place to rendezvous, with a sense of openness. With its curvy approach and no harsh walls, corners or boundaries the Acropolis kitchen can be a stunning central focal point. The future hub of family life All the usual appliances and gadgets nest into this thoughtfully ergonomically futuristic design that so incorporates the minimalist approach. Curvy contours replace harsh corner’s with no boundaries In today’s demanding world where we are laden with responsibilities the modern home has had to develop alongside our lifestyle, to allow us to have some simplicity in our lives. A thoughtful ergonomic futuristic design The stimulus of the Acropolis kitchen represents exactly that! In context Pininfarina and Snaidero have created a kitchen that enhances the quality of daily life, by getting the balance right between aesthetics, function and space. The usual gadgets and utensils nest in perfectly The kitchen is the hub of family life, an important space with centrality for socializing! With it’s open contours and the circular concept creating a spatial experience, the Acropolis kitchen is a phenomenon, a true inspiration for the future of kitchens The perfect balance between aesthetics and function As in ancient times the Acropolis was the most important area, for example the center of a city, the citadel, as in a stronghold or fortress in a commanding position! Enhance the quality of your daily life Pininfarina and Snaidero have designed the perfect gravitational center of the home which places food and all that it symbolizes right at the heart of daily home life. Check out more exciting kitchens designers in our directory.
Posted: 01 Dec 2010 04:47 PM PST Даже если вы пропустили черные сбывания понедельник пятницы и Cyber (некоторые чего пройтийте через месяц от декабрь, вы можете все еще считать большие дела он-лайн от авторитетных розничных торговцев. Мы также будем предлагать больше бесплатные раздачи и состязаний в течении месяца поэтому держите проверить нашу страницу бесплатных раздач для больше деталей. Убеждайтесь что вы друг на Facebook и Twitter как то куда мы ломаем новости на много наших бесплатных раздачах, некоторые чего только имеющаяся на Facebook. |
Почему вы должны рассматривать страхсбор прибора Posted: 01 Dec 2010 01:10 PM PST Читатель недавно информированный мы положительных опытов они имели с множественными сломанными приборами потому что они правильно были предусматриваны с страхсбором прибора от AHS. Это нет объявления для AHS (американского домашнего экрана) но потому что эти владельцы дома были поэтому признательно для их облечения в страхсборе прибора и их опыта общаясь с AHS и repairman мы хотели делить его с вами. Эта печь владельцев дома встроенная пошла на fritz и была надежным совершителем на больше чем 20 лет. Вместо купить новую печь полис страхования от AHS покрыл замену. |
Состязание титра для карточки подарка $50 Юоме Депот Posted: 01 Dec 2010 11:47 AM PST Настолько много вещи неправильно (или право) о этом фото. Мы хотим увидеть что вашим самым лучшим титрам в комментариях ниже и победителю получит карточку подарка $50 Юоме Депот. Правила просто: 1. Впишите так много времена по мере того как вы хотел были бы 2. Как можно творческа. Делите это состязание с вашими шутливыми друзьями и если они выигрывают, то имейте их разделено карточке с вами. Мы выберем победителя 12-ого декабря поэтому убеждайтесь вы для того чтобы вписать действительный адрес электронной почты поэтому мы смогите связаться вы. Политика бесплатных раздач |
Малюсенький зеленый Hideaway в древесинах Posted: 01 Dec 2010 10:43 AM PST Вы слышите “ writer’ s hut” и вы думаете возможно Thoreau на Walden Пруд-или Tolstoy, в последних летах. Но это writer’ хата s отличаемая на Dwell что-нибыдь но устарелые. На острове 0.7 квадратная миля 20 миль с свободного полета Мэн, портера Брюс и его портера Алекс Scott дочи архитектора построили зеленую и самомоднейшую гавань. Когда портеры сперва пришли к зоне в 1971, Брюс уже затаивало желания построить что-то. Журналист и выбытый профессор на средней школе публицистики, Брюс Колумбийского университета были многодельн-и он не будет до 1990s что он серьезно рассматривал строительный проект. («Если не теперь, то когда?» Брюс спросило.) Он не был до тех пор пока Брюс divorced, remarried, и примет его третью дочь, Hana, который он начал строить. К тому времени, его дочь Алекс росла вверх и начато ее собственным портеру Конструировать-и Брюс Алекс Scott фирмы зодчества хотел ее зрение. Она изобрела жилище которое принимает в взгляды океана пока защищающ коттедж. В отличие от строительных проектов материка, этот дом было строением без електричюеских инструментов, и с травокосилкой катания потянуть материалы назад и вперед. Малюсенькая кухня отличает холодильником Sunfrost, холодным, самомоднейшим прибором который смешивает справедливо в геометрию космоса. Положительная величина, весь дом приведена в действие этим малым солнечным блоком, держа след ноги Брюс минимальной. Беседа о эстетике. В пятне в мире где казалось, что регрессирует технология довольно чем выдвижение (приятно), портеры используют личный генератор, панели солнечных батарей, и подогреватель по требованию воды. Запах комнат свежей сосенки. Здесь, система микрорайона дождевой воды собирает воду для напольного ливня, но фильтрует вне более пакостное H2O. С кабиной в условиях труда для в первый раз этот сезон, Брюс запланирует пойти вне на месяц написать в уединении. В простоте. Thoreau не смогло попросить больше. |
Наличные деньги для скидок приборов все еще имеющиеся Posted: 01 Dec 2010 10:36 AM PST Наличные деньги для приборов программируют что запущено этот год все еще имеющеся в много положений. Оно до отдельных штат для того чтобы dole вне эти деньги стимула и некоторые фонды уже бежали сухое но для много из вас все еще возможность получать наличными внутри. Скидки колебались от $50-$250 и вы можете проверить эту карту для того чтобы увидеть если наличные деньги для скидок приборов все еще имеющиеся в вашем положении. Согласно большинств положениям любое подходящ но некоторые положения которые ограничивают фонды к малообеспеченный владельцам дома, поэтому читают точную печать перед получать к excited. |
Сейф пребывания пока копающ снежок Posted: 01 Dec 2010 10:00 AM PST Да, мы сказали его -- ая шпага! По мере того как снежок начинает падать в части страны, давно пора, котор нужно думать о запасать вверх на поставках зимы и том больше всего боялось работ по дома -- копать снежок! Копать снежок нет легкой работы, специально если вы пробуете двинуть тяжелый, влажный снежок в отличие от более пушистого разнообразия. Roy Berendsohn, сочинитель для популярных механиков, направлял опыт 42 лет в список 16 подсказок. Его рекомендации? + простирание и побежка Сделайте некоторый свет протягивая прежде чем вы начинаете копать, много по мере того как вы и перед бегом или другой разминкой. И как только вы начинаете задачу, сопротивляйте позыву быстро пройти в его. Построьте устоичивую побежку и скорость вверх если вы чувствуете вас, то может. |
Счастливый Hanukkah 2010 от BuildDirect! Posted: 01 Dec 2010 09:00 AM PST Happy Hanukkah, everyone! From today until the 8th, The Jewish Festival of Lights called Hanukkah (sometimes Chanukah) will be observed by Jews all around the world. To reflect on the holiday, today’s post is from Katie of BarefootFloors.com, which is a comparison shopping engine for home improvement products. Katie tells us a story of her time in Prague, and a Hanukkah celebration far from home … *** Most people who celebrate Hanukkah have their first one when they're babies, surrounded by their family, and grow up with the tradition. Those people also tend to be Jewish. I was 22, studying abroad in Prague, and didn't know much about the tradition except that my Jewish roommate wasn't going to have anyone else to celebrate with. Before the first night of Hanukkah, we gathered all kinds of candles from girls down the hall (the dorm smelled a little funny, so there were plenty). We bought a roll of aluminum foil to make a makeshift menorah, walked around until we found a corner shop with thin, tall candles, and set it up in our bedroom window. She told me that the point of the menorah is not to light up the house it's in but to glow out the window for other people to see and think of the miracle of oil lasting in a Temple for eight days instead of one. Another thing we wanted to get right was the food. Luckily, her family's traditional meal is pretty simple: cheese and anything fried in oil. So, after class, we opened up the little table to bread the chicken and roll out pastry dough. Our tiny dorm stove was just big enough for two frying pans at once, but we managed not to burn ourselves or the food. We got a little weepy, thinking about friends and family, and from chopping onions for the latkes. It got so hot in there that we had to open the window, where I almost knocked the menorah down three stories to the cobblestones, and we set it down on the table. We were in good spirits and argued about whether the potato pancakes needed applesauce, ketchup, or sour cream. We also found out a little too late that what we had bought, with a Czech label we hadn't read right, was not sour cream. Once it got fully dark, we got a few people from down the hallway to join us. We lit the first candle on the menorah with the center shammosh candle and then lit our strings of colored lights and all the other candles in the room. We filled our plates and ate everything. The two lit birthday candles burnt to a stub in less than the full half hour they were supposed to be lit, but we let the other flames flicker all night as we stayed up sharing stories about faith and our traditions. We bought more little candles and replaced them every night. The room smelled like pine and flowers from the scented candles, and all the lights reminded me of falling asleep next to a Christmas tree when I was a little girl. I was honored to be part of her celebration, to learn more about Hanukkah than I would have if we hadn't been stranded half a world away together. *** Wow. Thanks, Katie. And Happy Hanukkah to everyone! Cheers, Rob. Happy Hanukkah 2010 From BuildDirect! is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 01 Dec 2010 04:52 AM PST ‘Position’ are a selective group of young designers who specialize in interior design, graphic design, architecture, branding and now furniture design. They have given us here a taste of the young Hungarian design scene with their debut furniture collection Hypha where parasite organisms are said to be behind their inspiration. Rumour has it they are already onto their next collection thanks to the popularity of Hypha.
This cool urban furniture has cutting edge design! This multi-talented design team can manage their own projects and design methods thanks to the diversity of design levels and areas between them. Considering this is their first home furniture collection launch Hypha has impressed the design world which is a great start for this studio. The style has an urban, modern edge that would look cool on any outdoor patio, or on any floor space with the right accessories and decor. Cool and smart on any floor! Each product structure is based on a steel tube that is manipulated into the required shape. Depending on the product, the collection is either covered in a unique textile that resembles woven ropes or a powder coating that gives it a contemporary feel while giving each piece a unique personality. This coating also offers protection from the elements making the collection suitable for the outdoor patio or for the home as indoor furniture. The rope textile add’s character to a once steel tube! It’s kind of hard to imagine the life of this smart pair was once some steel tube. The concept is so clean and precise it almost seems too simple. You could easy find yourself dreaming of the summer and patio parties etc while viewing the images. The syle just oozes summer urban chic. Clean and precise concept with characteristic results! Here we have a lounge chair with a difference! This piece of floor furniture has the same concept however possessing a more laid back attitude. Chill out in here indoors or outdoors. Chill out in this laid back style! The coffee tables and side tables compliment the seating perfectly, with the lower tables working perfectly with the lower seating. Tables with distinct modernistic elegance! The wheel type design below shows more imagination with a steel tube. The result causes striking patterns in the shadows, showing the complexity of the clean lines of the support and the added detail of the circular centre piece. Clean lines of sophistication come out of the shadows! Again the emphasis is on clean lines and circular design. This table would sit comfortably with the low level seating and the floor lamp indoors or outdoors. As this table is 80cm in size this would be perfect as the centre point of any socializing. Socialize in style! Finally, it’s been quoted that in this 21st century, designers have a new job in communicating with us their innovative concepts. Their work has become more relevant as communication, creativity, originality and information are the key factors to success in today’s world. The architectural rythem of the lines create stunning patterns! Hungarian design certainly has a place amongst the international trends! It’s obvious ‘Position’ have clearly very thoughtfully researched their designs before turning them into a reality. Image credits - Position |
Пребывание теплое без поворачивать дальше жару Posted: 01 Dec 2010 03:45 AM PST Здесь на Charles & Hudson, мы совсем о сохраняя энергии -- и деньги сбережени, слишком! В зависимости от вашего теплового источника дома, счеты могут стремительно подниматься во время зимних месяцев, специально если вы живете в частях страны, то которые чувствуют зверскую ярость сезона. Вы можете держать вне на поворачивать дальше вашу жару для того чтобы сохранить меньшие наличные деньги, и если то случай, то, мы имеем немного подсказок для вас. Он определенно помогает если вы живете в просторной квартире, кондоминиуме или жилом доме. Если здание наилучшим образом-изолировано и вы находите на среднем поле, то вы можете обычно получить мимо много более длинними без спасибо жары к вашим соседям. Но если вы в более старых здании или доме, то вы вероятно никакой незнакомец к проектам. И говорящ от моего личного опыта, окна в моей просторной квартире неимоверно слишком большой и не правильно загерметизированы. (Бортовое примечание: Мне открыли отказ волосяного покрова под уступчиком окна до который я могу увидеть дневной свет, поэтому я нужно законопатить его КАК МОЖНО СКОРЕЕ!) |
Подсказки для выбирать самую лучшую рождественскую елку Posted: 30 Nov 2010 11:33 AM PST Мы получаем некоторые подсказки для выбирать правую рождественскую елку для вашего дома. Выбирать правую рождественскую елку Убеждайтесь вы измерение точно область вы будете держать ваш вал. Не как раз высота потолка но также диаметр и ширина максимума. Вспомните вичесть высоту вашей стойки и экстракласса вала вы хотите использовать для того чтобы получить максимальную высоту вала вы можете приспосабливать. Также ясно космос куда вы положите вал и увидите как глубоко оно. Различные виды различные girths, поэтому вы хотите быть уверены вы не будет squishing ветви против стены. Как раз как ходить по магазинам для органических фруктов и овощей от вашего рынка хуторянин вы должны ходить по магазинам local для самого свежего и самого здорового вала. Большинств рождественские елки отрезаны около 3 до 4 недели прежде чем они приезжают на серию--обычно викэнд после благодарения. Выбирать правый вал как плодоовощ рудоразборки зрелый: вы должны запахнуть и коснуться валом. 1. Испытайте ветви. Схватите любую ветвь на вале между вашими большим пальцем руки и forefinger, нежно зажмите вниз и вытяните к себе. Если вы кончаетесь вверх с пригорошней игл, то вал уже за своим главным. 2. Задавите иглы В вашей руке и после этого проверите нюх. «Если вал не пахнет достаточно, то не купите его» |
Деревянная пыль добавленная к упорке 65 Калифорния: Должны вы быть испуганы? Posted: 30 Nov 2010 09:00 AM PST
In accordance to Proposition 65, once known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (1986), substances listed in the proposition must carry warnings that they are carcinogenic. Wood dust has been added as a result of a study conducted in the summer of 2010 by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) based in France. And this isn’t just in the case of trade in California. According to October 4/11 issue of Floor Covering Weekly, spokespeople for wood flooring giants Shaw, Mohawk, and Anderson, as well as the NWFA will be making changes to their packaging across the board as it is impractical to package separately for the state of California. We at BuildDirect will, too. This could mean some pretty major implications as far as product perception goes for the floor covering industry. Here’s my take on this: it’s bonkers. Here’s why. First, I should put this into perspective. California has been a leading force in improving environmental concerns at the state level as it comes to bear on public health when thinking about building codes, and also about household air quality. CARB (California Air Resources Board) has been a particularly effective force in making sure that air quality, both in the home as well as emissions where car traffic and industry is concerned, is held to a strict standard. And well it should be. It’s air. We need air to be of good quality in order to ensure the good health of communities and people living in the regions where local legislation is in effect. It doesn’t take a scientific study to determine that. So, kudos to these kinds of efforts. But, labeling wood floor packaging using the word ‘cancer’ is another matter entirely. In actuality, here’s the full statement as it must appear on wood floor packaging, for your reference:
So, the question is: who is this new set of packaging standards serving, exactly? I honestly don’t know. As far as educating the public about possible health concerns, let’s put this in context with a not-so-fun fact: Drinking too much water can kill you. This is because water flushes out the electrolytes from your system when ingested excessively. There have been documented deaths from excessive water drinking along these lines. So, why no warnings about water as there are about wood dust? The reason there are no warnings posted on public water fountains, bottled water, and household faucets, is simple; it would be absurd. Without some kind of context about how much water you’d have to drink for injury or death to occur, the warning would be meaningless. There would be no frame of reference provided to judge the risk. All that would be left would be fear, and not very rational or well-informed fear, either. Common sense is the only recourse to understanding that every public or consumer product warning like this must, must, be put into context. When you’re a full-time wood floor installer, cutting wood products with no protective gear at all on a regular basis just isn’t very smart. But, putting the word ‘CANCER’ on product packaging like wood flooring, a product that most people will install once in their lives, to me is akin to lighting the candle of public enlightenment with a flamethrower. Cheers, Rob. Wood Dust Added to California Prop 65: Should You Be Afraid? is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Ванным комнатам нужно мусорные баки и вспомогательное оборудование Posted: 30 Nov 2010 08:54 AM PST Я навещал кто-то которое не имело мусорный бак в ванной комнате. Я искал место для того чтобы положить пустой крен туалетной бумаги и закончено вверх по принять его к мусорному баку кухни. Стильные неныжные корзины для ванной комнаты Совместно с любой другой областью штепсельная розетка погани, вы можете найти много типы, формы, и размеров совершенных для любой определенной размер ванной комнаты. Вы можете также получить шикарные сопрягая комплекты которые включают держатель зубной щетки, тарелку мыла, крышку ткани, и неныжную корзину. Выберите материалы неныжной корзины как wicker, фарфор, мрамор, etc. не кладут вас или ваши гости в неудобной или дискомфортной ситуации в погани могут-менее ванная комната. Выберите совершенную неныжную корзину для того чтобы добавить некоторые тип и удобство к ванным комнатам в вашем доме. DirectBuy может помочь вам разрешить вашу ванную комнату remodeling дилеммы с широким выбором раковин, тщет, ушатов, ливней и больше - все на изготовлени-направляют оптовые цен которые могут сохранить до 50% с розницы. |
Получите наличными внутри на рабатах электроники и построьте домашний театр Posted: 30 Nov 2010 07:45 AM PST Они почти неизбежный последние пары неделей, если вы (удачливейшие достаточно быть) не будете жить под утесом. Рекламы зазывая самые последние дела розницы праздника заполняют воздушные волны и печатные СМИ с объявлениями сногсшибательных торговых сделок, одной из основных причин почему теперь самое лучшее время года сделать покупкы HDTV и домашнего развлечения. Как раз другой день, мы подслушали, что кто-то прокомментировало о массивнейшем падении цены в плазме TV в предыдущем 2000s, когда они сперва появились на рынок, к теперь. Конечно, то всегда кажется, что будет тенденция с электроникой (и другими деталями, слишком) -- раз новизна технологии носит (и начинает быть дублированным), цена понижает и поставка будет более широко распространённый. Создавать домашний театр как не пугающ как оно звучает -- и нет, вам обязательно не нужна отдельно комната скрининга. Large-screen TV и surround - звук может пойти длинний путь в увеличивать ваш кино-наблюдая опыт. |
Как во избежание Landscaping ошибки Posted: 30 Nov 2010 05:00 AM PST Whatever the space, always consider the hardscaping first, and don’t even think about planting anything until your hardscaping is completed. For the design you need to look at the whole picture and think about the whole space, and how you will use it right down to your landscape lighting. Many people tend to concentrate on the back yard, the bit that is not on show! The front yard also requires some attractive landscaping, just think of all those people passing by, and how nice it will feel walking up your front yard and admiring your work. It doesn’t have to be extensive, just keep the grass neat and tidy, plant some color, and paint your door in a color that blends in with the rest of the house. A nice approach below!
Curb appeal goes a long way! Below, is a classic example of a lack of imagination as this front yard and home is hidden by a boring hedge that could have been so much more interesting. Incorporating other shrubs and plants would easily break up this monotonous blandess. A boring edge to this front yard! Crazy paving here has resulted in over grown grass before the landscaping has been completed. There is every chance you will be inspired by your hardscaping and want to add a pond, swimming pool or pathway. So, leave your plans open until the end and save yourself any extra work, then you can enjoy putting in the pretty bits. Overgrown out of place paving wasn’t the end vision here! Research is the key, you don’t want to see your hard work going horribly wrong in a couple of years down the line. When considering the final goal think hard if you want it as a permanent feature, and whether you will be easily able to re-design if you get bored. Ivy on a house looks nice but in reality it is a menace as it needs so much maintenance and also attracts termites and other pests. Ivy should never be allowed to grow over gutters or windows for obvious reasons. Below is a classic example of not thinking ahead.
A little top heavy here and out of control! If you have a nice view it would be a shame to see the same thing day in day out. Below, these trees look pretty but what will be left to look at after Fall? Here a variety of trees and plants would have added interest and style. Maybe the idea here was low maintenance, however I am sure there is a local lawn care service that could have spruced up this uninspiring landscape. Evergreens for winter and flowering plants and trees for spring and summer will not only add color and vitality but each season would bring excitement and anticipation as the landscape changes. This landscape is crying out for excitement and density! It’s so easy to get excited about your landscaping, but take note that your choice of trees is very important or you could have problems with the foundations of your property. Also, unfortunately trees attract birds that come with ugly bird droppings. These trees appear to overpower the property, and just think of all that sweeping! Creepy heights are a bit too close for comfort! Mixing and matching your stone work is a must for any landscape or it will just look dis-jointed. Try and use at least thee colours so it’s not bland, and a tip is to match them up with the color of the exterior wall of your property, this way you get a nice fluid transition from inside to out. Below is a good example of color matching stonework. Subtle brickwork blends in perfectly! When your landscape is completed you may want to think about landscape lighting, not just to look pretty but also for security reasons. A good idea is to have a soft set of lights for when you are entertaining and a brighter set of lights for those dark corners and when you are not home. Don’t however over do it, too many lights can have an adverse effect and make your garden look like a Christmas decoration. They got it right below! Light and bright enough! If you are on a budget then another lighting option is to use solar lights. Not only are you saving energy but they are really inexpensive and easy to install as most just slot into the ground. They conduct the light from the sun all day and then light up at sundown adding a nice natural ambience to your outdoors. Stay out at sundown with simple solar! If you are planning to grow a lawn then the simple rule is to plant your seeds and just keep watering. You will not get grass if you don’t water regularly. Mowing is quite tricky part of looking after your grass so check with a lawn care service what height your particular grass prefers to be cut to remain healthy. Unfortunately below this lawn is in need of a bit of care. A lazy lawn in desperate need for some texture and color! Images - Credit hgtv Above all, employ a reputable maintenance and lawn care service if you don’t have the time yourself as landscaping needs looking after and will soon look out of shape if neglected. |
Дома сказки для самомоднейшего жильца Posted: 29 Nov 2010 11:23 AM PST Однако слово “ cottage” могл заколдовать вверх привлекательно старомодный домены принадлежать к сказкам, эти жилища очень много реального мир. В действительности, они за самомоднейшим в их эффективных размере и следе ноги. Коттеджи сами всегда близко осведомлены земли. Первоначально конструкции страны-scapes и взморь, эти структуры были созданы из материалов земли вокруг их. Что было первоначально середины скромного прожития становил путь избеубежать урбанскую жизнь и соединиться с более медленным естественным миром. Обозначено их thatched толем, и их уникально формами и пользами материалов, кажется, что смешивают эти ностальгические убежища в землю, позволяющ всем визитерам сделать эти же. |
Плитка отклоняет 2011, часть 1: История плитки до тех пор Posted: 29 Nov 2010 09:00 AM PST
In this first segment, Roger gives some background on the trajectory of tile trends through the 20th century to today, which puts where tile trends for 2011 are going into helpful perspective… *** With the new year just around the corner it’s time to step back and take a look at where design trends are headed with tile. While not necessarily a topic that changes right when the new year hits, understanding the direction in which design preferences are going helps you plan an installation which will last and not be out of style in 24 months. To understand where to go from here it is always best to look at past style trends over a significant amount of time. Looking at a wide span of time will give you a solid foundation of what works and what people keep coming back to. So let us begin there. Rooted in the past As the century moved along, as centuries will, colors began making their way into the mix. The ‘colors’ at this time tended to be either black or very pale colors – more like pastels. I believe the pastels were mainly due to keeping with the lighter look rather than stark contrasts. The black being, around the 1920′s and 1930′s, the only real dark, contrasting choice available. There were dark red and dark blue available as well, but used less often, perhaps a matter of availability rather than choice. 1920s – 1940s 1950s – 1960s Toward the end of the 1950′s and into the beginning of the 1960′s is when ‘tract’ housing really, and I mean really, started becoming popular here in the States. Although popular from the 17th to 19th century in Inner-Europe, builders here figured out how much money they could save by building the same house over and over. Every house was either identical or a mirror-image. Yay conformity! One key way people could distinguish their home from their neighbor’s was with different colors, and even shades, of tile in the bathrooms and kitchen. Yeah, Nancy over there has the pale pink tile but have you seen my dark yellow bathtub with matching tile? With white speckles??? I’m the queen of the neighborhood! Around the mid-1960′s the choices of tile colors and patterns exploded. With every homeowner desiring a look which would differentiate their home from everyone else’s, the demand for something different became ever-present, and has continued to this day. The variations in colors, shades and patterns from the basic white or pastel colored tile remained up through the (gulp!) 1970′s. 1970s – 1980s Then the 1980s showed up. Black. Just black. Well, that’s not completely accurate, sometimes we would have an ‘offset’ colored tile in dark forest green. When I say dark I mean you could only see the ‘green’ aspect if you shined a spotlight on it. Black was it, man. Go dark – that’s different. The more dark tile you had in your house the more money you had in the bank. Dark wins. That mindset lasted about ten minutes. Okay, maybe a bit more than ten minutes. The number of houses built during this time period of temporary insanity, however, saw the construction of a LOT of homes and, in turn, a lot of dark bathrooms. I am a child of the ’70s and ’80s. For everyone from my generation I’d like to apologize for that. I don’t know what we were thinking. I don’t know that we were thinking. But I do believe it was necessary to have that period because as the 1990′s rolled around a very curious thing began to happen, trends started moving back toward lighter colored tiles. 1990s – 2010 Warm beige tones along with natural textures have been very common for about the last fifteen years. Travertines, tumbled stone and muted shades of polished stone coupled with offsetting inserts and listelles were incorporated to give spaces a warm and inviting feel. Along with these gradual steps back toward lighter colors and more textures designs began incorporating larger format tiles. This really started in the 1980s, but the overbearing look of the dark tones all but negated the size aspect of designs – it simply went unnoticed. As the tile colors lightened, however, the larger size of the tile became a key part of the designs. *** Thanks, Roger! Stay tuned for part 2 next week, when we take what the past decades have taught us to help us see into the future of tile, 2011! In the meantime, for more tile-centric pearls of wisdom, you should consider following Roger @FloorElf on Twitter. Cheers, Rob. Tile Trends 2011, Part 1: History of Tile So Far is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 29 Nov 2010 08:16 AM PST by Robert Wright I again have been asked to look at a home that has been recently purchased. The thought the family had, was to buy a home that needed some work and then improve it to suit them. Many people do this, and they rely on the home inspector to guide them on this major purchase. I won't be asked to inspect a home before a purchase.
They did what they should have…they walked through the home with the inspector and discussed various issues. However the issues raised by the home buyer were not considered of great importance to the inspector. The problem is that these issues might indicate additional problems, which could be of major concern. The next issue is that the costs suggested by the inspector and/or real estate agent for repairs in no way reflect the reality of the actual repair costs. So while they bought the home at less than listing price, the less than anticipated purchase price did not leave them enough to cover the cost of the repairs and issues that are now apparent, due to neglect by the previous home owner. In addition, I noted other problems that were missed by the inspector. The only saving grace – maybe – for the homeowner is that a form was signed by the previous home owner, which indicates that all work done on the home was done with permits. A lot of wo rk was done, that would not pass inspection and was clearly done by non professional trades.
First understand how the system is set up. Next, look for some independent help. While I will not do or be asked to do a home inspection, I have been asked for my opinion on issues and thoughts on the work being considered for a home to be purchased. So look for a renovation contractor to help you confirm if issues you see are major or not. You may also want to hire trade contractors to look at things like the plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems. Ensure that your real estate agent works for you when purchasing a new home and keep looking for the home that is right for you. When I look at home, I have a very good idea what the problems are and what it would take to fix them. Do you? When you are planning the biggest purchase in your life, take some time and really understand what you are buying. About the AuthorRob Wright has grown up around construction and in the mid 1990's, Rob joined and took over Citadel Renovations in Ottawa. Rob has presented seminars at the local home shows on various renovations subjects and is a contributor to the Home Renovation Guide. Rob has been active in the Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association for many years and previously served as the Renovation Council Chair. For more information, visit CitadelRenovations.com. Looking for a local contractor? Visit the Home Renovation Guide's Complete Directory or Get a Free Quote. |
Бесплатная раздача: Триммер/Edger Блачк & Дечкер 24V Posted: 29 Nov 2010 08:10 AM PST Вы знаете те внушительные триммер/Edger Блачк & Дечкер 24V бесшнуровые что мы рассмотрели последнюю неделю? Это наша следующая бесплатная раздача и только для наших друзей поэтому головки Facebook сверх к нашим странице и «комментарию» Facebook и «как» фото для шанса выиграть триммер Блачк & Дечкер который продает в розницу для $139. Мы объявим победителя на воскресенье на Facebook поэтому убеждайтесь вы проверка назад для того чтобы увидеть если она вы! Наши политики бесплатной раздачи |
Подсказки для поддержания вашей рождественской елки в реальном маштабе времени Posted: 29 Nov 2010 03:45 AM PST Так вы слушали нашу консультацию внимательно, выбирали ферме рождественской елки и считали ему -- совершенный вал который заполнит вашу дом с стремительный нюхом сосенки и обеспечивает сочный (если не шиповато), то фон на котором показать ваши treasured орнаменты и sparkly света. Мы уже видели управлять нескольких автомобилей вокруг при связанные валы в реальном маштабе времени к крыше, поэтому мы вычисляли что никакое время как настоящий момент делить немного подсказок обслуживания рождественской елки, специально если вы предпочитаете показать ваш вал более скоро довольно чем более поздно. Валы в реальном маштабе времени представляют больше из риска пожара чем искусственние валы, которые можно обычно приписывать к сухому валу который нуждается адекватней воде. Так, то приносит нас к нашей первой подсказке: + убеждайтесь вы для того чтобы иметь адекватнюю стойку. Согласно национальной ассоциации рождественской елки (да, Вирджиния, такая вещь), стойка должна быть большой достаточно держать одну кварту воды на дюйм диаметра стержня. И убеждайтесь что вы проверка повседневность уровня воды, котор нужно обеспечить ее не падает под основанием вала. |
Posted: 29 Nov 2010 03:20 AM PST Andrés Silanes, Fernando Valderrama, and Carlos Bañón are the super star pro archictect team behind Subarquitectura and this genius architectural conglomerate Casa 360°. This stunning residential property mirrors an expressive observatory nestling on a slope with unspoilt views of the mountains just outside of Madrid in Spain. The prime focus here being that the landscaping surrounding it can be seen throughout the structure.
An impressive observatory with a twist! The significance of this unconventional residential design was to adhere to public life yet retain privacy simply at the turn of direction. Although surprisingly beautiful there is a distinctive modern folly that captures the essence of the fluent movement of a freeway intersection or subway style terminal while remaining stagnant and content in its surroundings. Joined in perfect harmony! (Image by Subarquitectura) The client Arco Design Projects was the reason behind this residential masterpiece! They gave Subarquitectura the challenge to create this wonderful form, that resulted in this magical existence. The concepts here are unique and socially relative yet still focus on family life in an urban yet rural style.
Rural life yet socially relative! There has been no theoretical consideration here, building a house like this as a function has been designed with a precise directive. In a strange way it poetically manipulates the landscaping surrounding it. They have created an infusion of domesticity with engineering that changes in direction offering 360° of architectural supremacy.
Curving out which direction to take! These guys searched and finally achieved a combination of engineering with poetry as functional residential living with movement. The cylindrical loop shape appears to represent various motions that are created through the air depending on which view you take. Pure panoramic genius! The views are generated from the centre of this curvacious structure creating a large space. In one respect it appears in harmony with the surrounding landscaping then by changing directions you get total privacy and isolation. The isolation point gives no light only 100% design and no landscaping. A clever point of the design was to determin the interior design had a larger space for privacy which you will find at the most obvious point of the building, at the end. An intersection with one direction! The wing of the structure supported off the ground actually looks unfinished as it rests on the support and the ground. It creates an illusion of architectural movement, yet from the rear swimming pool view it looks like it is falling away from the rest of the structure. Either way it seems to create a tranquil balance against the exterior landscaping in an otherwise conflicting situation. The prime focus here is viewing all that surrounds it! The large curves almost contradict themselves into straight lines, adding to the powerfully mysterious fascination of this remarkable construction. Spanish architecture is renowned for it’s geographical diversity however the ingenuity here is practically cunning against any hint of the distinctive characteristics expected. This schematic representation is a total surprise. Functional but pure and simple! The starkness of the white interior contrasts with the black slate of the exterior giving the interior deeper clarity. Even inside this structure you feel motion as it truly identifies the lifestyle that will happen here. The color will come with the people! Appreciation of the beauty outside! Thoughtfully placed floor to ceiling windows in contrast with smaller rectangular and square windows take advantage of the light on offer in that particular space, while the long sinuous curves transport you along to your destination with purpose. Taking advantage of the light available! The structure has true meaning and understanding of it’s surroundings with the interior being formulaic in graphic form. The thought behind this has given each living area of the structure the ultimate in practicality. Moving around quickly is made easy with deep stairwells or ramps to cut a few corners. Cutting corners with a purpose! You get the sensation that you are on a conveyer belt of light with ramps and turns, while the windows also represent the concern for seeing the landscape wherever possible. Enjoy the landscape as you move around! Which ever direction you go you will pass privileged and underprivileged views. There is no real way to describe this unique Spanish residence except that everyone will be inspired by the relationship between the exterior and interior. There is no -esque about this design! We hope you have enjoyed learning about this stunning yet unique residential property! We were attracted by the cool idea of mixing engineering works with residential architecture, and the relationship the structure has with the landscaping. Images credit - David Frutos Ruiz |
Перед и после комнатами малышей Posted: 27 Nov 2010 05:00 AM PST Designer Dan Vickery, has concentrated here on projects to transform some kids rooms here and has updated them into fabulous hang outs with inspirational designs and simple detail. It’s time to take this kids room from a preschooler’s space to a big girl’s space. Most importantly, there are special collection of dolls that can still be included.
Before - bland and colorless! Here Dan has created an up to date elegant space by adding pink to the walls and painting the existing furniture with a glossy black paint. He has displayed the dolls in a clever storage valance and has dressed the window so it becomes a focal point.
After - girly elegant sophistication!
Before this sloppy room is in need of some clever organising. The clutter needs to a home and a touch of elegance would be nice.
Before - a cluttered nursery !
He creates a colorful nursery with storage in abundance for both children. The canopy above the crib can also hold fluffy toys, diapers, lotions and powders. He also created an activity center with games, craft work and puzzles. The walls are kept white but he’s added color through the bedding, drapes and accessories.
After - bright and functional!
Another shared room to divide up cleverly. Although quite happy to share a room these 2 older children need their own space. Before - overloaded shared space!
A clever shelving unit is used as a divider which creates the perfect space for each child without harshness. He selected 3 vibrant colors one for each child and then a shared color. Each space is painted in the child’s color and the shared parts and items of the room are painted in the shared color. After - two rooms in one!
This is obviously a boys room considering the collection of comics, baseball caps and toys. He appears to be a collector. Before - in need of storage!
Dan designs a themed room based upon a super hero superhero. He adds a creative headboard that has doors that slide open, ideal for the collector to store his valuables. The graphics are comic book inspired to go with the theme of things, but can be removed easily if they become stale .After - A modern superhero design! Images - credit HGTV Why not consult our interior design directory about remodelling your kids room! |
5 подсказок для поддержания вашего камина Posted: 26 Nov 2010 09:00 AM PST
But the most enjoyable fireside experience is the one by the fireplace that has been well-maintained. So, what are the steps to do that? This guest post is contributed by Kate Willson, and here she outlines the basics. *** Although the winter months bring with it chilly weather, by far one of the best parts of the holiday season is snuggling up in front of a warm fire with your loved ones. A fireplace isn’t just a decorative piece, nor is it merely a useful heating method it’s a center for socializing and sharing special memories. As wonderful as fireplaces can be, they do require quite a bit of care and maintenance. Here are some tips to ensure that a safely running fire is ready for the holiday warmth and good cheer. 1. Clean your fireplace often. 2. Prevent creosote buildup. 3. Get your fireplace checked by a professional once or twice a year. 4. Before setting up your fireplace, check for blockages. 5. Make sure the wood is hard and seasoned. *** Thanks, Kate Kate Willson writes on the topics of top online colleges. Feel free to leave your comments on this post. Kate also welcomes your comments at her via email: katewillson2(at)gmail dot com. Cheers! Rob. 5 Tips for Maintaining Your Fireplace is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Текстурированное Wallcoverings Posted: 25 Nov 2010 04:00 PM PST Ceramiche Coem Although paint on drywall may be the cheapest way to refinish a wall, it often leaves rooms lacking an added dimension, more specifically, a third one. Certain wall tiles and wallcoverings provide an appealing textured look. The variance in dimension provides depth to the wall creating shadows that give a room a more dramatic feel. ![]() Photo source: kireiusa.com Coco Tiles from Kirel Made from reclaimed coconut shells, low-VOC resin, and sustainably harvested wood backing.
![]() Photo source: gagecorp.net Gage Corporation, International - Copper wallcovering
![]() Photo source: gagecorp.net Gage Corporation, International - Copper wallcovering
![]() Photo source: mod-craft.com Clay Tiles from ModCraft
![]() Photo source: nemotile.com Rios porcelain tile by Nemo Tile give the illusion of stacked stone
![]() Photo source: genevievebennett.co.uk Genevieve Bennett's stucco leather wall covering panels ![]() photo source: genevievebennett.co.uk Genevieve Bennett's stucco leather wall covering panels ![]() Photo source: interlam-design.com/ Interlam decorative Diffusion patterns ![]() Photo source: interlam-design.com/ Interlam decorative Diffusion patterns ![]() Photo source: dunisstudios.com Dunis Studio's Washer Tile ![]() Photo source: dunisstudios.com Dunis Studio's Bolt Tile ![]() Photo source: apartmentzero.com Elbac Wall Panel by Anne Kyyro Quinn ![]() Photo source: apartmentzero.com Elbac Wall Panel by Anne Kyyro Quinn ![]() Photo source: modulararts.com Modular Arts Interlocking-Rock Sculptural Wall Panels
![]() Photo source: modulararts.com Modular Arts Interlocking-Rock Sculptural Wall Panels ![]() Photo source: modulararts.com Modular Arts Interlocking-Rock Sculptural Wall Panels ![]() Photo source: modulararts.com Modular Arts Interlocking-Rock Sculptural Wall Panels ![]() Photo source: sourceonewallcovering.com Source One Wallcoverings
![]() Photo source: sourceonewallcovering.com Source One Wallcoverings
![]() Photo source: artistictile.com Artistic Tile South Sea Collection
![]() Photo source: artistictile.com Artistic Tile South Sea Collection ![]() Photo source: sebastianmariscal.com Wall and ceiling of Pio Pio in New York City by Sebastian Mariscal Studio ![]() Photo source: marazzitile.com Marazzi Tile, Soho Collection Marazzi Tile from the Soho Collection is a uniquely shaped, porcelain tile that gives any wall a great textured look in any room ![]() Photo source: marazzitile.com Marazzi Tile, Soho Collection ![]() Photo source: marazzitile.com Marazzi Tile, Soho Collection ![]() Photo source: urbanarchaeology.com Urban Archeology Ceramic Tile ![]() Photo source: urbanarchaeology.com Urban Archeology Glass Tile ![]() Photo source: coem.it/ Ceramiche Coem Ceramiche Coem Marfil porcelain mosaic tile uses different sized tiles to create shadow and a unique textured look. |
Как получить начал построить изготовленный на заказ дом Posted: 25 Nov 2010 09:00 AM PST
*** When it comes time for you and your family to make a large purchase like a custom home, much conversation is bound to occur. Where do you start?
Due diligence is a must to get it done right, the first time. One of the biggest purchases made by most Americans is that of a new home. Getting exactly what you want is of great importance, not only because of the cost, but due to the fact that you and your family will spend a vast amount of time living in the home. Many people are satisfied with simply buying something "on the market" and trying to make it fit their family's lifestyle. What is often overlooked is the chance to get exactly what you want in a home. How, you ask? Custom built homes are not "for the wealthy" or a thing that is out of reach; custom home builders are available to help you build the home of your dreams, regardless of size or budget. So what happens when you know nothing about building a home? What happens if you have a vision, but don't know how to translate that onto paper or put it into action? Custom home builders are capable of answering all of your questions and walking with you throughout the entire process to ensure your dreams are realized. There are a number of things to consider when you decide to build a home, all of which deserve your time and attention. Many of the leading builders in the marketplace can assist with architecture, design, build, engineering, landscaping, site preparation, permitting and more. Finding this type of company to work with is key to making the project run smoothly, on time and according to budget.
When considering the size of your home, build it to suit your family's needs both today and in the future. If you're going to put in the effort of building to suit your wants and needs, make sure you plan for family growth (more children, in-laws moving in, etc). There is nothing worse than building a home and outgrowing it in a few years. There are additional expenses that come with owning a home: insurance, property taxes, maintenance, upkeep, repairs and renovations. Knowing what you're getting yourself in to, financially, is a key to getting started. Be sure to do your homework on how much these expenses will cost to make sure you can afford it all. Once you're comfortable with the budget you can plan for the construction of the home itself. Location, Location, Location Make sure that your home, regardless of your needs, fits with the surroundings. There is nothing worse than having a home completely out of place in a given location. While your home should boast a unique design to incorporate your personal taste, it's also important to make it fit well into the surroundings. Your home should be a beacon that welcomes friends, family and neighbors. Anyone passing by your home will notice that it is reflective of who you are. First impressions are everything, so why not put your best foot forward in a way that is inviting and welcoming, but also a nice touch on the neighborhood. Work with Professionals When you're making a major investment like building a home, you want all of your ducks to be in a row so that you have nothing to worry about. Reputation in this line of work is key to survival. Ask for references from your builder, ask to visit homes they've built, talk to homeowners the builder has worked for and get everything you are on put into writing. At the end of the day, building a home is not a difficult task when done properly. A few parting words to summarize the process and help you get started:
*** Thanks, Shea! Cheers, Rob. How to get started building a custom home is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Обедать благодарения восхитительный Posted: 25 Nov 2010 04:04 AM PST
Setting up the table for Thanksgiving should be a pleasure not a chore, so get ready to give thanks in style whether your taste in table settings is simple or sumptuous. Below are 10 beautiful table settings and centerpieces for Thanksgiving along with some unique accessories to get you inspired. When thinking of a theme, think of the season and look towards natural ways to embellish some elegance on your table top. Create the season of Fall on a table top by adding rich colors, placing pumpkins in her centerpiece and adding a pear to each, your little touches will be remembered.
Use natural elements to create stunning place settings! Look around your kitchen or dining room for items you can get creative with. Give your guests an unexpected twist like here, they took some plain candle holders and placed a mini pumpkin on each adding a quirky theme. Converting candle holders into an unexpected table piece! This table top tells you that simplicity is more and so a table top was created with dashes of the colors of Fall and natural colored tableware for an elegant yet classy look. Subtle but sweet, less is definitely more here! Flowers are hugely popular at Thanksgiving so if you are florally minded then mix together berries, pumpkins and flowers in rich Fall colors for a dramatic centerpiece. This floral centerpiece is complimented with pale blue table mats for a stunning contrast. Get creative with fall florals! If you are feeling creative then mix textures with different patterns to create a rich looking table top. Below, by mixing gold with burlap an exciting table top with a touch of glitz is created. Create rustic elegance by mixing textures and patterns! The little things mean a lot so make an impact on your Thanksgiving guests and instead of placing a card at there place setting add their name to a mini pumpkin they will be impressed you took the time to make them feel special. Table design by Holly Mathis Interiors. Little things mean so much! If you are on a budget then you can pick up inexpensive decorative plates with vibrant colors to add a bit of pizzazz to your Thanksgiving table. Decorative dishes add a touch of pizazz! If you have opted for a simple table design then spruce it up with a dramatic centerpiece like a tall vase filled with Fall branches, it will give your table a focal point. Turn simple into strong with a soaring centrepiece! Your Thanksgiving table doesn’t have to be limited to just the table top. You can dress up your chairs too and add a glamorous finishing touch. Dressed up chairs add a touch of glamour! A table cloth can add texture and depth to make dining a delightful experience. Take some fine china and subtle candles to create a table with ambience and style. Add intrigue to a setting with clever cover! Images - credit roomzaar rate my space! Why not consult our home decor contractors for advice on Thanksgiving table ideas. |
Эта белая кухня Remodel дает кивок реветь к 20's Posted: 24 Nov 2010 10:53 AM PST Когда этот график-дизайнер пошел восстановить ее кухню, она wasn’ t ягнясь вокруг. Одна из последних комнат кровати - и - позавтракайте что она и ее супруг были восстанавливать, получая детали этого права кухни был очень важн. Они хотели держать его подлинным к периоду но также создавать высоки функциональный космос, поэтому они установили для работы конструирующ кухню через компьютер сперва. С тщательными запланированием и конструкцией, этот кашевар космос повернул вне точно по мере того как они хотели, выпрямляет вниз к гидровлическим вырываниям и декоративному клобуку печи. Countertops Carrera мраморные не только обеспечить продолжительное качество, только hearken к старым счетчикам магазина конфеты, и загораны канделябром выше. Период-специфический remodeling настолько не неупотребитен сегодня. Много конструкторов хонингуют искусство наилучшим образом-в факте, тип вы можете запланировать для с правых контрактора и зрения в разуме. Эти выполненные на заказ шкафы сделаны в истинном типе двадчадк, и включают трап архива завальцовки для верхнего shelving. Пошущенное над матированное стекло самого высокого shelving прячет меньш-используемые и меньш-красивейшие детали как баки глиняного кувшина и экстренные книги. От своего год сбора винограда справляться до подземки tiling-и даже врем-соотвествующих деталей как час-эта кухня реветь с жизнью 1927. |
Самомоднейшие конструкции ковра: Carpeting слишком холодный для того чтобы погулять дальше Posted: 24 Nov 2010 04:00 AM PST Nothing makes a house a home more than the softness and ease of a carpeted floor. And today, choosing a carpet or area rug for your home floor is now almost like choosing a work of art. Patterns, designs, textures and material are almost as varied as your imagination. But before choosing which design and texture is best for you, here are some practical tips to keep in mind:
Now comes the fun part! Following are some carpet designs that we think will awe, impress and inspire you! Tibetan Rugs Contemporary Tibetan rugs breathe new life into modern interiors and can easily complement any design style, from muted minimalism to vibrant colors and patterns. Here are some we feel are the most unique! We think this contemporary Tibetan floral patterned rug from Stark will add lightness to any contemporary room! Want to feel like you’re floating on air? Then put this light and airy Tibetan motif rug on your floor. ![]() Contemporary motif Tibetan rug from Stark Source: Stark We think this modern Tibetan carpet from Karma Carpets is cool, yet so elegant! ![]() Modern Tibetan rug from Karma Carpets Source: Karma Carpets Got a space that needs some warming up? Then how about this cozy handwoven Tibetan rug from Verde Home. ![]() Handwoven Tibetan rug from Verde Home Leather Carpets Definitely a contemporary floor-panel covering, leather carpets bring an exotic edge to any room in your home. With their unique look and natural softness, leather carpets give boring floors–and your feet!–the luxury treatment! We love this fabulous leather carpet from fashion floor company, Belgium-based Limited Edition. Using traditional weaving methods, the 100% smooth leather strips overlap in an artful way to give your home an instant touch of glamour! ![]() Limited Edition woven leather carpet Source: Limited Edition Inspired by the circle – a perfect form representative of heavenly bodies, the universe and eternity – the new Eclipse collection of leather rugs from Pachamama, features leather rugs all centered on the circle motif. ![]() Source: Pachamama ![]() Source: Pachamama ![]() Source: Pachamama ![]() Source: Pachamama Wood Carpets If you love wood floors but want to steer clear of typical hardwood, these contemporary carpets feature the natural look of wood, presented in an unconventional, unexpected way. We think this unique wooden carpet from Boewer is not only a cool carpet…it’s also a true work of art! ![]() Wooden carpet from Boewer Source: Boewer What makes a bolder statement than this beautifully sculptured wooden carpet. ![]() Boewer wooden carpet Source: Boewer One Of-A-Kind Rugs HZL Rugs prove that the floor is the perfect place to make a massive contemporary statement! Unforgettably bold, the art on some of these limited edition rugs can be transferred to print and oil canvas as wall artwork–such is the artistic merit of these rugs! ![]() Source: Henzel Designs ![]() Source: Henzel Designs ![]() Source: Henzel Designs ![]() Source: Henzel Designs Now we want to hear your feedback: Would you consider putting any of these rugs on your floor? |
`Tis сезон для Siding: Защитите ваш дом с цементом волокна Posted: 23 Nov 2010 01:10 PM PST Много владельцев дома любят теплый и астетически угождая взгляд деревянного siding, но не имеют время или энергию поддерживать ее. Удачливейше, более лучшие варианты которые дают вам профи без жуликов-именно, siding цемента волокна. Так что оно, точно? Siding цемента волокна сделан цемента, песка, и целлюлозного волокна вылеченного с надутым паром. И, в виду того что оно делал естественных сырий (песок и вода), один вставая на сторону вариант который весьма устойчив. Термит-доказательство, water-repellant и огнезащитно, siding цемента волокна гарантировано для того чтобы продолжать импрессивные 50 лет. Оно во избежание повреждение от оклика и ураганов далеко более лучших чем древесина и не запреет, buckle или не снует над временем. Улучшайте пока, оно стоит и держит краску на леты после установки. Установите новый siding перед зимой и вы смогли получать наличными внутри на празднике экстренный-получают, что немного цитат цены учите какой цемент волокна стоил бы для вашего собственного дома. Его можно закупить как гонт или трястиет, также, как вертикальные и горизонтальные планки в разнообразие цветах, зернах и типах. Порекомендованные вставая на сторону тавра Для siding который и зеленый цвет и низк-обслуживание, мы рекомендуем Hardiplank Джеймс Hardie. Сделано от устойчивого цемента волокна, это вещество смотрит большим и продолжает навсегда, слишком. Другой сказовый вариант Siding Truwood Collins. FSC-аттестовано, он делал от 40% рециркулированного деревянного волокна и смотрит красивейшим. С правильным периодическим обслуживанием, siding цемента волокна может легко дать владельцам дома взгляд они жаждают на леты к приходить-без всем вопросам которые приходят вместе с древесиной. И то один вариант siding убийцы. |
Этичные деревянные продукты: Lacey сводка поступка Posted: 23 Nov 2010 09:00 AM PST
An important point where forestry products are concerned is where our lumber is coming from. This isn’t just an economic question. But, it’s also a question of ethics. After all, with a rightly rising interest in sustainability in the Twenty-First century, the question of where natural products are sourced, how they’re sourced, and how that information is tracked is tremendously important, perhaps even more so than ever before. With this rise in awareness, has also come new legal permutations as well. So, what are they, and how do they affect you, the consumer? Well, let’s take a look. *** One of the most important series of regulations where ethically-sourced lumber is concerned is the Lacey Act, named after a turn of the century – 19th to 20th, that is – U.S Senator John F. Lacey, who sought to put a wildlife and natural resources protection act in place to deter poaching and illegal importation of plants and animals. In more recent years, the Lacey Act has been evoked to extend to wood products. A good deal of the reason for this has been to curtail illegal logging practices, and to ensure that the species are protected from clear cutting and other drastically damaging practices that endanger them. The act was amended in May of 2008 in the light of widespread cases of these kinds of practices, and the result was, among others, a unification of process where the forestry industry, and wood products vendors are concerned. An important addition that calls wood products vendors to be accountable is the requirement for documentation. The path of a product from harvest to sale must be documented, judged against strict standards to ensure the ethical quality of the entire supply chain. This means vendors like us who wish to import wood products into the United States (which we do), and suppliers have to be on the same page, with the paperwork to all sourced products tracing the steps along the way. There is good and bad with this, of course. Companies who respect the values of sustainability as we do can clearly appreciate being associated with an industry, more specifically with suppliers, who care about the same issues we do when it comes to ethical harvesting and importation practices. Yet, there has been controversy over jurisdiction, with some countries upholding different standards than those outlined in the Lacey Act. The results have been misunderstandings in many cases, resulting in some pretty draconian consequences for those who may not necessarily be “the bad guys” that the spirit of the Act is seeking to penalize. But, overall the Act is in place ideally to increase safeguards against unethical harvesting and importation practices across a supply chain where natural materials like wood products are concerned. Part of this process clearly is in place to protect the species being drawn upon for a source of saleable goods. But, another part of it is about protecting the values and sensibilities of the end user; you the consumer, or the contractor working on behalf of a client. To learn more, you can read the details of the Lacey Act on the U.S Department of Agriculture site. Cheers! Rob. Ethical Wood Products: A Lacey Act Summary is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Реновация резиденции Сан-Франциско зодчества Feldman Posted: 23 Nov 2010 05:00 AM PST Beautiful home renovations make us want to sing, and there is no one better to harmonize with than pro architect Jonathan Feldman, principal of San Francisco's award-winning design studio, Feldman Architecture. When his firm was recently presented with modernizing a boxy 1940s stucco house, Feldman did what he does best, created a home that celebrates light filled open spaces and has a strong connection with the outdoors. ![]() After, modern stucco exterior The original house was a series of small, dark rooms with a completely unfinished ground floor and little connection to the outdoors. By working within the existing envelope and reconfiguring the floor plan Feldman was able to greatly expand the living space. He had walls knocked down to combine the kitchen, living, and dining room and transformed the unfinished ground floor into a bed, bath, and family room trio. ![]() Before, seperate kitchen, living, and dining room ![]() After, open living space He was also able to further enhance the feeling of spaciousness by bringing the outdoors in. Carefully placed windows maximize sunlight, garden views, and privacy. Large folding glass doors in the ground floor family room stack to one so the room can be completely opened up to the landscaped garden, while upstairs a massive automated skylight hatch acts as a rooftop door leading to a deck overlooking stunning San Francisco. The skylight combined with open riser stairs, open guardrails, and tall side windows, floods the interior of the house with outdoor lighting. ![]() Before, ground floor garden ![]() After, large folding glass doors ![]() Before, unfinished ground floor ![]() After, finished ground floor The modernization of the residence was made complete with a contemporary, earth-toned interior design. Translucent penny round glass kitchen tiles, and a custom-made breakfast bar complete the San Francisco house renovation. Can you hear the music? ![]() Before, closed off kitchen ![]() After, kitchen with translucent penny round glass tiles Does your home have a strong connection to the outdoors and the environment you reside in? Written by Rachel Thomas Photo credits: dyerphoto.com |
Бамбук использован для того чтобы создать красивейшую меблировку дома Posted: 23 Nov 2010 03:28 AM PST Мы слышим много о бамбуке хорошим выбором для настила и шкафов когда это прибывает в в отношении к окружающей среде содружественными выборами. Правда bamboo использована в творении много меблировки дома. Bamboo детали для каждой комнаты дома Бамбук не только прочен, оно красивейш. Бамбук использован для того чтобы создать все от машинных плит к половикам зоны. Тоны цвета бамбука одалживают наилучшим образом работая наилучшим образом с не только другими цветами, но большинств любые конструируют тип. Bamboo таблицы очень популярны как вазы для частей акцента. Бамбук доступен и имеющеся в много самонаведите детали. Добросердечен окружающая среда и выберите меблировку дома сделанную от бамбука. DirectBuy предлагают обширный выбор мебели всех типов для того чтобы помочь вам создать тип и ambiance вы хотите для вашего дома. Закупите мебель комнаты известной марки живущую, мебель спальни и больше на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. |
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