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- Плитка отклоняет 2011, часть 2: Плитка, котор нужно прийти
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Оно ОДОБРЕНО принять пролом от реноваций Posted: 07 Dec 2010 07:53 AM PST Вы извинить нас. Мы смеемся над по мере того как этот столб начинает, потому что мы не можем помочь только подумать «пролома» Ross и Rachel fated во время друзей. Но на примечании a (немножко) более серьезном, принимать пролом от вашей домашней реновации нет плохой вещи. Если вы на останавливая этап перед начинать другие главные проекты, то вы можете как раз хотеть принять немного неделей для того чтобы остановить, замедлить, и насладиться прогресс вы делали. Кроме восстанавливать вашу физическую и умственную энергию, кратко пробел может работать интересы для ваших творческих способностей. Если ваша временная последовательность по реновации позволяет, то это время года большой вариант для пролома. Вы вероятно найдете с более социальными обязательствами как праздники ближайше, и вы будете хотеть больше времени потратить с друзьями и семьей. Добавочное, ухудшая состояние погоды ограничивает работу вы можете сделать снаружи. |
Организовано и раскройте Shelving кухни Posted: 07 Dec 2010 04:00 AM PST Большинств шкафы характеристики кухонь с твердыми дверями. Если вы поистине авантюрны, то возможно вы попробуете немного блоков шкафа с стеклянными дверями для того чтобы showcase ваш самый лучший фарфор. Но одевающ в ваши ежедневные изделия кухни дисплей? Сметь! Эти организованный shelving характеристики кухонь открытый, доказывая то it’ s возможный для того чтобы воздержаться двери и все еще иметься стильный космос. Пребывание организованное с визуально умоляющими стеклянными опарниками, крюками, и корзинами. Если все имеет свое правое место, то it’ s гораздо легке для того чтобы держать вещи посмотреть опрятен. (Кредит) Попробуйте установить ваши тарелки и более привлекательные малые приборы кухни на открытых полках. It’ s легкий к плитам и шарам содержания организовал потому что они штабелируют, в отличие от более непослушных деталей как Tupperware или bakeware. (Кредит) Покрасьте ваши полки и стены белизна хрустящей корочки для последовательности. Добавьте немного шипучек цвета для того чтобы держать его интересной. (Кредит) Отыщите вилку ваши открытые полки с твердыми шкафами, поэтому он создает естественный форзац и визуально рамку. (Кредит) Если устанавливать все из вашего содержания кухни на дисплее кажется подавляющий, то добавьте несколько полки и заселите их с частями искусства. Выберите один или два миллиона цвет, в этой сини aqua случая сногсшибательной, и покажите питчеров, ваз и других деталей которые падают в эту цветовую схему. Держите остальнои ваших местных помех за закрытыми дверями. (Кредит) |
iPhone/iPad App для поиска недвижимости Posted: 07 Dec 2010 01:44 AM PST С условиями недвижимости сегодня остает очень много рынком «покупателя,» но то не значит что легко фактически быть покупателем. Но длиной & приёмная недвижимость, самая большая, котор независим-держат селитебная фирма недвижимости в стране могла как раз иметь путь делать им бит более просто найти тот мечт дом. Компания объявляла отпуск своих apps iPhone/iPad. От ладони handheld потребителей смогите использовать этот свободный загружаемый app для того чтобы искать перечисления везде и более важно в любое время. Клиенты могут искать для близрасположенных свойств, уточняющ поиски основанные на типе свойства, диапазон цен, количество спен и другое «должно иметь» желания для их мечт дома. App можно установить для того чтобы сообщить потребителей когда свойство сопрягая критерю по поиска приходит на рынок. Добавочные потребители могут сохранить примечания, фото и даже видео о их любимейших свойствах, пока восстановляющ информацию о демографии района включая характеристики населенности, образование и даже средний доход местных жителей, вместе с датой школы - и общественно и приватно. |
Профиль Hackerspace: Насосная установка одно в Чiкаго Posted: 06 Dec 2010 09:31 AM PST Как часть представление-буфф праздника опыта мастера, они пригласили hackerspace Чiкаго, насосную установку: Одно, котор нужно участвовать и строить некоторый праздник проектирует как глобусы снежка приведенные в действие шлифовальными приборами Мастера орбитальными и ручной вентиляторами также, как средство праздника, показанное здесь. |
Плитка отклоняет 2011, часть 2: Плитка, котор нужно прийти Posted: 06 Dec 2010 09:00 AM PST
In part 2 of Roger’s journey into the history and future of tile, we get to see into the crystal ball to help you get a jump on mapping out your home décor to include the latest trend in tile for 2011… ***
If you look back over all those different style and color choices of the past [see Tile Trends, Part 1] you will notice a couple of things. Firstly, the shades of tile remained, or came back around to, white or lighter shades of color. There were sporadic periods deep, rich colors or bright contrasting styles, but it always ended up back at lighter tones and shades. Secondly, what people chose to decorate their homes with has always been a way to differentiate it from their neighbors, while still using an acceptable (and livable) design and look. They wanted it to be different, but not so different as to be completely off the grid (or make their home unsellable). ![]() Travertine: texture as well as color are important to consumers. Natural stone like this fits the bill nicely. Lastly there was a consistent move toward patterns and textures which continues now. At first it was the incorporation of differently colored tiles interspersed throughout the sterile white installations. Then the colors became more common. As the colors became commonplace, some began being produced with white or colored ‘speckles’ in the glaze. This gave the tile depth and ‘feel’. The move toward natural stone really brought the texture and feel into the mainstay. The popularity of travertine is a large part of this move. Every piece of natural stone is different. Travertine, with its large amount of fissures and holes adds a great deal of texture and depth to an installation. While granite and marble both have natural colors and striations which add to this, travertine has the ‘feel’ to it as well. Currently the popular aspects of design are lighter or earth tones. Texture, feel and depth all play a large role in preferred designs and people are always looking for that one little, subtle aspect that really sets and installation apart from all the others and takes it to the next level. Where do we go from here? Tile Into the Future
Manufacturers and fabricators are beginning to pick up on this and create tile mosaics in several textures. By this I don’t mean the texture and feel of the face of the tile itself, I mean the individual tiles in the mosasics are created with height and angles in the z-axis rather than simply a flat plane. In essence the tiles are 3D. Rather than a simple flat (or nearly so) surface they have different angles and surfaces which give the tile a literal feel. They can have sharp, angled cutbacks to the inner-depth of the mosaic or literal rounded tops, much like a river stone, but manufactured to be uniform in size and shape. As you run your hand over them they have several different levels of depth. Shapes Unusual shapes, something unexpected like circular glass tiles, are becoming popular and the availability continues to rise. Tile manufacturers are starting to get back to the ’tile as art’ frame of mind and are producing different, unusual and specialty tile which don’t ‘conform’ to everyone else’s idea of what tile should be. While they are mostly used as an accent tile or band through a traditional tile installation, these very different tiles add a layer of ‘pop’ to an otherwise normal space. A centerpiece – something different. Neutral is in. Neutral has always been in, and will continue to be so long as tile is being used for interior surface coverings. When you walk into a kitchen with a neutral backsplash you will hardly ever notice it right away. It fits, it’s normal. If, on the other hand, that kitchen has wild, unusual, bright neon colored tile you would not only notice it right away, it would overwhelm anything else in the kitchen. You would likely run from it – I would. ColorsThe current, most popular designs incorporate cool, earth tones. They are readily available, match nearly any decor, and are simply comfortable. By varying the shades of the many earth tones the choices are many. A beige tile has hundreds of variations. Coupled with that special mosaic band or insert these can create a truly one-of-a-kind installation while remaining functional and livable. Neutral is in. Neutral has always been in, and will continue to be so long as tile is being used for interior surface coverings. When you walk into a kitchen with a neutral backsplash you will hardly ever notice it right away. It fits, it’s normal. If, on the other hand, that kitchen has wild, unusual, bright neon colored tile you would not only notice it right away, it would overwhelm anything else in the kitchen. You would likely run from it – I would. If, in the example of this kitchen, you were to walk in and it had a nice, neutral colored tile on the wall with one specific design aspect, perhaps a specialty tile design above the stove or an unusual glass tile running through the center of the installation, it would hit that fine line between boring and atrocious – unique. That, after all, is what has remained through the entire time period we’ve explored – the struggle for uniqueness. While unique is fairly easily accomplished (install your tile upside down – that’s unique) it must also be livable and even (gasp!) comfortable. With some good research, and a plan to stay unique to your tastes, you can have all three. The struggle to differentiate your particular installation from everyone else’s will continue – it’s human nature. It should however be accomplished in a way that does not stray far from the normal styles and colors, but should incorporate that one particular, very special aspect which makes it your own. Find a nice, cool toned tile which is readily available then search to the ends of the earth for that one very special thing. You don’t actually need to look that far, check out Builddirect’s stone or glass tile pages for some great choices! *** Thanks, Roger! For more great insight into tile, and tile installation, make sure to follow Roger @FloorElf on Twitter. Also, check out tileartcenter.com, too. Cheers! Rob. Tile Trends 2011, Part 2: Tile To Come is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 06 Dec 2010 04:00 AM PST Below are 10 beautiful basement remodels by Candice Olsen that we just had to share with you! Be prepared to be amazed by her skill and concepts. This large basement space seemed to be used as somewhere to just dump clutter the owner didn’t want upstairs. Once the owner was persuaded into utilising the space Candice got her creative mind into gear.
Before - Somewhere to dump objects of non -desire! As a result she created a cozy atmosphere with a funky look. She covered the basement walls with charcoal grey which compliment the carpet shade she used on the basement floor and chose clever lightning essential for these naturally dark rooms.
After - WOW a real space to kick back! These guys really needed some creative help with this dull and inefficient basement space. The basement walls are about as interesting as the basement floor, both crying out for color. They desperatley needed a place that could really work for them as a usable area, and extra sleeping quarters.
Before - A dull nonentity! Here Candice chose rich vibrant colors with modern fixtures to create a functioning space to work rest and play in. She mixed texture with a heavy peppery shade of orange on the basement walls and a durable hardwood type flooring made of vinyl excellent for any basement floor.
After - A guilty pleasure! This family truly is in love with France by the décor they have chosen in their home, however the basement appears abandoned! At least the concrete basement walls have been primed ready to make a start.
Before - Not much French chic here! Ooh la la! Stunning bright geometrics have been superbly blended with checks, stripes, toils and rich vivid colors. The terracotta basement floor tiles are in perfect unison with the cream walls while the focal point here is red leather wall paper and clever carpentry.
After - French chic achieved with clever visionary!
Storage was needed here with some style and structure in this otherwise jumble of a basement. There’s lots of family stuff here that needs to be hidden away in an organized state and the bare concrete basement walls need some immediate attention!
Before - No room to manoeuvre in this chaotic existence!
Voila - Candice took the bull by the horns here and got this space organised with loads of colors and some stunning detail. The fireplace becomes the centerpiece while the warm earthy colors just ooze relaxation.
After - An enticing space to curl up and enjoy!
Four D’s describe this dark, dull and dated basement painted in dreary colors. This room is just crying out for a bit more pizazz and thought. Again the concrete basement walls have at least been primed ready for some action.
Before - Cold uninviting space in need of pizazz!
Candice sets to work here with some neutral paint and decides to create a separate media pit and relaxing lounge area. She has featured an elevated fireplace decorated with gorgeous glass tiles complimented with a dark wood basement floor giving off a rustic vibe while adding warmth to a once non existing atmosphere.
After - A warm and desirable place to hang out!
This basement is the perfect blank canvas for Candice to add her expertise. We thought what an amazing opportunity for a designer of Candice’s experience to encounter. At least the wall insulation was in place, and the ceiling insulation ready to go in. We were intrigued to see how far her creative mindy would stretch.
Before - An opportune moment to go wild with imagination!
Elements of modern furniture and a rustic touches gives this room 5 star status, that has bags of style, elegance and comfort. The separate media zone is perfect for giving the teenagers space while the workout room is perfect for mum and Dad. Candice has thoughtfully given all the family a piece of this room while at the same time given the illusion of space through her silk drapery.
After - Design and vision at its best!
A boring and dull space with a wasted splash of purple and a boring basement floor needs some inspiration. This space is crying out to be transformed into a modern and contemporary entertaining venue.
Before - crying out for inspiration!
Candice introduced some cool cream and created 2 zones a sports and bar area. The funky bar area boasts a state of the art fridge and beautiful quartz bar equipped with stools for hanging out in style. To show off the sports memorabila Candice used glass with dark wood for pure show off style.
After - cool, calm and collected!
A quirky 1960’s property has a very big problem down below! A huge dingy den of iniquity is in desperate need of innovation. This huge space desperately needs some TLC (tender loving creativity) however the only good thing is the neutral hard wood basement floor.
Before - Shouting out for tender loving creativity!
Stone veneer and wood are the natural elements here that turn this space below into a replica of an alpine ski lodge. The earthy feeling and the luxury of chenille and velvet gives off a pleasurable vibe to relax in or have fun.
After - Anyone for apres ski fun!
Toy space needs to be tempted into adult space here. This is truly a waste of basement floor space needing a celebration of people and atmosphere to give it some worth.
Before - Toy story!
Here Candice created a beach house in a basement with colors of the golden sand, blue sea and sky with lots of natural corals giving a hint of summer breeze ambience. Such a clever innovation of color and use with an elequant finished retreat.
After - Beach beauty at last!
Overlooking the swimming pool and a golf course this basement has the best start. We think this could be a special project for candice and can’t wait to share with you what she does with it.
Before - Overlooking the green with lack of density!
Candice modernized all the features by brightening up the area and adding perfect fixtures. This family refuge expresses just what can be done in a space like this. She has added neutrals with function and the wonderful hardwood basement floor with a distressed finish. Truly magnificent workmanship!
After - Overlooking the green with renewed vitality! Remember with basement remodeling to help reduce energy costs always have proper wall insulation, a good hardwood floor to avoid damp, and check the ceiling insulation is sufficient. To repair a basement is a costly affair. Image - Credits hgtv Tell us which one of Candice’s basements ’after’ is your favorite ?
Взрыв блога DIY: Обрамлять, туалеты, плитка и больше Posted: 06 Dec 2010 12:30 AM PST Быстрый round-up проектов от некоторых из наших блогов фаворита DIY/remodeling. Обрамляя уроки от ремонта учредительства амбара дивы DIY от проектов Dover Контролируйте Remodeling пыль от плотника согласия Отремонтируйте сломленный фланец туалета от одного проекта более близкого Делать рамку плитки с Bungalow23 Направляющий выступ изоляции подвала от домашнего улучшения конструкции Используя воду для того чтобы греть вашу дом от 1916Home плюс домашнее просмотрение камеры слежения Система безопасности Logitech DIY от Unplggd |
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