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- Энергосберегающие продукты Ltd. - строить более лучшее здание
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- Нужен проект викэнда? Преобразуйте шкаф!
- Выставка BC дома & конструкции начинает сегодня!
- Более зеленые шкафы для вашей Eco-Friendly кухни
- HQ MTV в работе и жизни балансов Берлин!
- Просмотрение ботинка работы Helix Timberland ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ - облегченный и удобный ботинок
- Remodel ваша ванная комната с более большим ушатом
- Вы Собственн-Установили бы ковер?
- Eco-Friendly Landscaping: Где начать
Prefabs Гринбелт в полностью их славе Posted: 03 Mar 2011 07:00 AM PST Вы вероятно уже знаете что дома prefab, с их pre-cut, низк-расточительствуют части конструкции, уже зелене чем большинств традиционные дома. Но теперь Wieler, в товариществе с Ральф Rapson и сподвижницами, принимало то eco-friendly принятие окончательного решения к всему новому уровню. Войдите собрание prefabs Rapson Гринбелт. Свет-заполнено и самомоднейше в конструкции, собрание Гринбелт имеет 3 общих конструкции, котор нужно выбрать от: стартер, который имеет 1 спальню, 1 ванна и 576 квадратные футов космоса, Гринбелт 1 с 3 спальнями и 1.560 квадратными футами, и окончательно Гринбелт 2 с 5 спальнями и обширный 2.660 квадратными ногами. Если ваш вкус бит более уникально, то вы можете выбрать от Гринбелт Piloti для малых или трудных домашних мест, выхода Гринбелт для склоняемых мест, и Townhouse Гринбелт для multifamily прожития. Как раз как первоначально конструкция prefab Ральф Rapson 1940's, эти дома используют пассивное собрание солнечной энергии через естественный солнечний свет в большом количестве окон. Не только это оптимизирует естественные топление и охлаждать дома, но также режет назад на пользе электричества. В добавлении, конструкция prefab позволяет для строить на дом как необходима. Так молодая пара смогла потенциально начать в доме стартера и продолжить добавить на модулях по мере того как их семья растет, приводящ к в более управляемом следе ноги углерода. Правда, эти дома как раз более не лучшая для окружающ-они импрессивно шик также. И то самое лучшее обоих миров. |
Предыдущий контрольный списоок обслуживания весны Posted: 03 Mar 2011 06:23 AM PST Мы можем получать, что бит впереди себя, но давно пора подумали весна! Даже если вы нет довольно из древесин погоды зимы, мы получаем короткий список задач вы можете решать для того чтобы получить ваш дом--оба внутрь и вне--подготавливайте на более теплые месяцы. Задачи обслуживания весны: *Inspect экстерьер вашего дома. Как только снежок и лед вполне плавили, примите прогулку вокруг вашей дома для того чтобы проверить для любого повреждения. Обратите сосредоточенное внимание ваши крыша и сточные канавы. Жестковатые условия могут иметь вредный удар на ваших гонт или других внешних областях, поэтому вы будете хотеть заметить любое повреждение и сделать расположения для того чтобы иметь его быть зафиксированным. утечки *Repair. Прежде чем ненастно удары погоды весны, проверка, котор нужно убеждаться вы не имеют никакие утечки, специально в подвале или чердаке. Double-check ваша дверь и уплотнения окна, слишком, в случае если они могли свежее пальто конопатят или новый weather-stripping. |
Posted: 03 Mar 2011 04:30 AM PST Let’s say you’re lucky enough to live in an amazing apartment in the urban jungle and with this amazing apartment you have an amazingly huge rooftop terrace. But you’re at a loss as to what to do with this amazing terrace. Well, have no fears…the Fixr blog is here! Following are some practical tips on how to turn your rooftop terrace into an amazing urban oasis:
Now that we gave you some practical tips, here are some cool, modern rooftop terrace designs that should really get you motivated: Simple yet striking. That’s the look of this thoroughly modern outdoor terrace designed by BlueSky Landscapes. With its chic lounge chairs, all natural landscape and striking bits of color, we think this is one rooftop terrace that’s just a little piece of heaven! Chic yet cozy. That’s how we describe this ultra modern New York City rooftop terrace designed by Rogers Marvel Architects. (We think the great view of the Empire State building isn’t too bad either!) We totally love the view of the Brooklyn Bridge. But what really gets us excited is this unfolding rooftop terrace designed by Terrain-NYC Inc. which offers a modern, yet calming balance to the urban surroundings. Nothing brings on calm feelings more than sitting outside on your very own rooftop terrace surrounded by lush plants and your very own mini waterfall. Well, that’s what you’lll get if you go for this rooftop garden created by H20 Designs. Cool, elegant sophisticated. That’s how we descibe this amazing rooftop terrace created by Amir Schlezinger. Now we want to hear from you: What do you think of these rooftop terraces? |
Энергосберегающие продукты Ltd. - строить более лучшее здание Posted: 02 Mar 2011 12:40 PM PST Energy Saving Products Ltd., manufacturer of Hi-Velocity Systems, has unveiled its brand new 23,000 square foot facility, on the site of the arson that completely destroyed the building and its contents on January 27th, 2009. The Hi-Velocity System is a small duct heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality system, manufactured since 1983. CEO Leon Prevost was in Chicago attending the AHR Expo in January 2009 when he got a phone call from his wife (ESP President Elaine Prevost) telling him of the late night fire. Although devastated, Leon's determination set in, and he began immediately to look forward. "I was not going to let this tragedy get us down" he said. With great resolution and a lot of hard work from employees, suppliers, customers, friends and family, the company was up and running in a temporary facility within two and a half weeks of the fire. The design of the new building was completed by Leon and his sons (Tim, in Technical Support and Training, and Daniel, in charge of Electrical Research and Development), working closely with the General Contractor on the reconstruction of the new manufacturing plant. "We came up with our own plans from the start of the design to the finish," says Daniel. "We wanted practical energy-efficiency, and of course we also wanted to showcase our Hi-Velocity System for everyone visiting the factory." As a result, ESP has introduced a much improved training area to better instruct customers and showcase their products. The company has invested 22 months to build a leading edge manufacturing facility, which will be certified under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program. This program encourages the adoption of sustainable green building design techniques and construction practices, through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools, materials and performance criteria, pertaining to all aspects of the building. "The whole idea behind LEED is not only energy efficiency, sustainable design or indoor air quality (IAQ), but also an overall improvement of construction practices to reduce waste and/or contamination caused by the construction process," said Daniel. "The new factory reduces our energy usage by 60 percent." High-efficiency chillers, boilers and solar panels were also included in the new plans. For Leon, "it was only natural to go to the next level of sustainability." The warehouse and office space are outfitted with multiple air handling systems with numerous zones allowing each occupant to control the temperature in their own space. This promotes productivity, comfort and well-being, as well as demonstrating a fully energy efficient system. Each air handling unit utilizes a heat recovery ventilator (HRV). These recover thermal energy from the air being exhausted and transfer it to the fresh air being brought into the building. This will save energy by minimizing the heating load in the winter. Each air handling unit also uses the company's own HE PS air purification system, which utilizes photo-catalytic technology to eliminate VOC's, CO, and odours from the air. The air handling units are also equipped with CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) monitoring sensors that modulate the amount of fresh air and exhaust air to provide the building with optimal indoor air quality. Another renewable energy system being incorporated in this building is a solar collector system to supply supplementary heat to the building and hot water tank. These are constructed of a bank of tubes that absorb thermal energy from the sun and exchange this heat to water flowing through the tubes. This is done to reduce the load on the boilers and take advantage of our planets free energy. What began as a disaster has turned into a new vision. ESP offers it's customers a solid core of youth tempered with age and experience in their combined commitment to improve and develop the Hi-Velocity System. "We look forward to our Grand Re-opening in May, and greeting existing customers as well as welcoming new customers," said Leon. "Now, we not only talk the talk on efficiency and sustainability, but also walk the walk and lead by example." You can find a video featuring the new building on YouTube by searching 'Energy Saving Products New Facility'. This article was provided by Energy Saving Products Ltd. 12615 – 124 St., Edmonton, Alberta Canada, T5L 0N8 PH: 780-453-2093, Fax: 780-453-1932, Toll Free: 1-888-652-2219 Email: info@hi-velocity.com Website: hi-velocity.com |
Домашние приспособления для престарелого Posted: 02 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PST Today's guest post is from Claire Bradshaw. Claire has personal experience of caring for elderly grandparents and knows the difference small changes to the home can make to their quality of life. Amongst other projects, she writes for a website that offers advice on stairlifts and she tries to incorporate practical tips on how to live a greener lifestyle into her work. ***
Thankfully, many issues are easily solved with some minor adaptations which will allow the elderly to live independently and remain in their beloved homes much longer. The goal of any changes should be to prevent falls, make mobility easier, and to provide additional safety precautions. Through careful planning, many of these adaptations can be done in an eco-friendly way. Ways of Preventing Falls For the ElderlyAbout a third of all falls in the senior population are caused by some element within the home. The following adaptations may need to be made to decrease the likelihood of falling. • Place handrails on all outer steps, beside the bath or shower, and next to the toilet. • Consider height adjustable furniture, such as chairs and beds. These may also be purchased second-hand, but they should be carefully checked for structural problems. • To make the stairs safer, look into the option of stairlift rental to spread the cost, or purchase a reconditioned model from a reputable supplier, which will be a cheaper and greener option than buying new. Easing MobilityGetting around is not quite as simple for the elderly, and many need canes, walkers, or wheelchairs to move from one place to another. The following changes may be necessary at some point: • Replace steps with ramps to make navigation easier. • Widen all doorways and narrow passages. • Remove any loose rugs from the floors. These are one of the biggest causes of falling. • Replace tubs with walk in showers which contain a seat. Added Safety Precautions in Homes of the ElderlyWhile it is difficult to prevent every accident through adaptations in the home, this is the objective. The following ideas may also be useful changes to make to improve life for elderly people: • Place plenty of environmentally friendly fluorescent lights throughout the house, and lower the switches so that they can be reached from a seated position. • Because seniors tend to be colder and less active than others, it may be necessary to add additional insulation to the walls and attics to prevent heat loss. This will keep heating bills manageable and make them more comfortable. • Reorganize cabinets so that the items used most often do not require bending or reaching. • Consider a personal alarm that will notify someone quickly in case of a fall or other emergency. Aging brings new challenges every day, but most elderly people want to stay in their own homes as long as possible. While many children want their parents to have a new home that has been custom fitted for senior living, most prefer to upgrade the one in which they have lived for years, and this is the best option for the environment as well because it uses fewer of our valuable natural resources. *** Thanks, Claire! Cheers, Rob. Home Adaptations for Elderly People is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Нужен проект викэнда? Преобразуйте шкаф! Posted: 02 Mar 2011 08:45 AM PST Шкафы волшебные места. Они держат серии (и СЕРИИ) сокровищ, делают большие пряча места и необходимая часть образа жизни любой покупк-преследованной персоны. Потому что они клонат быть overfull, возникновение шкафа иногда упущено. Если вы решали давно пора для того чтобы спасти ваш шкаф от non-descript жизни, то мы аплодируем вам! Revamping шкаф делает для большого проекта викэнда -- оно слишком ужасно не требующий много времени, и вы начнете следующая неделя с чувством выполнения -- и привлекательный шкаф. Единственное оборотная сторона к работе на вашем шкафе? Вы опорожнить его сперва. Но hey - думайте этого как время к declutter и организуйте! Вы также будете хотеть думать о космосе и как вы можете улучшить его. Возможно вам нужно добавить некоторые shelving или бункеры для того чтобы помочь corral своенравные детали. |
Выставка BC дома & конструкции начинает сегодня! Posted: 02 Mar 2011 07:26 AM PST Hello there home and design lovers! If you haven’t pre-bought your tickets to the show yet, it’s not today. The show starts today and you can save $3 if you get your tickets online – use the code: RENOVATION. Enjoy! RESTORE, REFRESH, and RENEW your home at the 2011 BC Home + Garden Show. Get help from top celebrity experts and shop over 425+ exhibitors where you can find the latest in new products for your home. Opening Night Backyard Party! Help us kick off the 2011 BC Home + Garden Show in true country style with a Backyard Party presented by JRFM on Wednesday, March 2nd from 6 – 9pm. Get immersed in Home + Garden entertainment including food stations provided by the Vancouver Community College Culinary Arts Team, springtime country music by local artist Chad Brownlee and surprises sprouting from every corner of the show. Consider it our version of a tailgate party, tailored to every home and gardener out there. You'll give it two green thumbs up! Discover a revolutionary take on recreational property and secondary suites in the modular, affordable and eco-friendly Karo Cabin by Karoleena Homes, landscaped by Arcon Rock & Waterscapes with appliances from Trail Appliances. Coming soon to CBC’s Dragons’ Den, the Karo Cabin redefines the modern dwelling while showcasing the latest in décor and design trends for 2011. Renovation Gallery: The Greater Vancouver Home Builders' Association (GVHBA) presents the ever-popular Renovation Gallery with 1,000 square feet of exhibit space showcasing before-and-after photos of professional renovations that will educate and inspire. Pros will be on hand to answer all your renovation questions. We’re so sure you’ll love your day out at the show that we’ll refund your admission if you’re not satisfied! Any attendee not completely satisfied with the BC Home + Garden Show may visit the on-site Show Office to fill out a survey to receive a full refund. Refunds will be sent by mail and received no later than April 2nd, 2011. |
Более зеленые шкафы для вашей Eco-Friendly кухни Posted: 02 Mar 2011 07:00 AM PST As we become more aware of how the materials in our homes affect the environment around us, kitchen remodels are indeed becoming more eco-friendly. One way you can keep your environmental impact to a minimum is by purchasing green kitchen cabinets. Here are a few stylish yet responsible options. Formaldehyde-Free Kitchen CabinetsEco-Friendly 'Origins' series by Armstrong Did you know that your kitchen cabinets could be impacting the air quality in your home? Cabinets made with pressed wood, for instance, are made with glues that emit harmful gases. Squelch this problem by going with cabinets that are certified to be formaldehyde free and made with low or no VOC's. Sustainable Wood Kitchen CabinetsKenichi Kitchen Design via Jeff Clark Formaldehyde-free plywood is great, but still somewhat hard to come by. If you're set on the idea of beautiful wood cabinetry, consider going with a less traditional species. One such option is bamboo. Not only is bamboo aesthetically pleasing and durable, but it's a quickly-replenished renewable species. Or, go with recycled wood to cut down on deforestation. The kitchen above uses bamboo nearly everywhere—the cabinets, cabinet doors, flooring, island countertop, and more. Wood Veneer Kitchen CabinetsAmerican Millennium style by Brookhaven Maybe you'll know that your wood kitchen cabinets aren't made with the real thing, but no one else will be able to tell the difference. Better yet, veneers use far less wood than traditional wood cabinetry and aren't treated with the harmful chemicals, either. Kitchen cabinets made from agricultural waste by Neil Kelly Cabinets Picking a manufacturer for your green cabinetry needs can be tough. That's why the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) created the Environmental Stewardship Program. This program helps consumers rightly identify eco-friendly products by looking for the ESP seal. Only manufacturers that have proven their commitment to the environment in different areas—air quality, product and process management, environmental stewardship, and community relations—earn the seal. A whopping 150 cabinet manufacturers now show this eco-friendly distinction, so no more excuses. Get to picking out those kitchen cabinets today. |
HQ MTV в работе и жизни балансов Берлин! Posted: 02 Mar 2011 04:39 AM PST MTV HQ in Berlin improves working life with the help of German branding agency Dan Pearlman who has created a whacky yet chic office! MTV re-branded last year steering away from their music video image and concentrating on their MTV Networks worldwide, so the re-vamp needed to reflect this!
The carefully selected furniture has given new life to the atrium and as the lunch and meeting rooms house 250 people it was necessary to give the interior a modern sophisticated approach while utilizing the space. This lavish center point is an area for employees to gather their thoughts, swap ideas or simply enjoy the natural green and wood surroundings. Throughout this generous space both freedom and private areas are on offer! The designers have totally set the scene for this companies ID; Modern and contemporary, with unique futuristic design tones, yet able to cater for large numbers without compromising style! Dan Pearlman has taken on a feel for the network giving associated names to rooms like the Network kitchen, the Blue lounge, and the Brand garden, he has turned MTV HQ Berlin into a grown-up media corporation! This chic seating area can be easily described as a first class modern day airport lounge, the designers have been inspired by the image of this famous brand and taken the design to modern supremacy. The Network kitchen is the perfect place to mingle with colleagues and bash out new ideas! As the lunch rooms and meeting rooms cater for large numbers of people, it was important to connect the people together in comfort yet sophisticated interiors. First impressions really count hereas you enter the new reception area! It sets the tone of the rest of the building, adding to it’s super trendy brand image! The individual design of each area contributes towards all the visual attributes of this amazing work place! Fun areas to spend a break, build up a competitive way of thinking or just let off steam! The design of this building represents the vibrancy of this modern popular city! Following German reunification in 1990 the city has regained it’s status as capital of Germany, and is gaining a reputation for amazing architecture. I am sure you agree that the interior design and materials used here compliment the characteristics and project the image of what MTV Networks are all about; A catalyst for the future in music media. Working here would be an inspiring experience! |
Просмотрение ботинка работы Helix Timberland ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ - облегченный и удобный ботинок Posted: 01 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST Я использую пару старых ботинок работы пальца ноги Стэнли стальных на прошлые 7 лет которые обрабатывали меня хороший но они окончательно начинают сломать вниз. В виду того что большое часть из моего времени потрачена на столе и не jobsite, мои ботинки работы не положены через такие же требования и строгостям которые говорят плотник и, только я все еще нужен удобный ботинок работы для задач вокруг того дома который носить тапку или стандартный ботинок как раз не был бы прав для должного к вопросам безопасности и представления. Последняя неделя я приняли некоторое время восстанавовить наш домашний офис/студия работы также, как устанавливаем некоторые новые разрешения хранения которая была совершенной возможностью испытать самый последний ботинок работы от Timberland ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ Helix. Этот ботинок работаемый весьма наилучшим образом для меня вся неделя и здесь почему. Удары: Удобно и облегченно, охват безопасности Misses: Отсутсвие вариантов цвета и несколько пешеходного типа |
Remodel ваша ванная комната с более большим ушатом Posted: 01 Mar 2011 01:33 PM PST Если вы не будете иметь роскошь иметь мастерскую спальню, вы вероятно находите, что купаете в малом ушате. Если you’ re главным образом персона ливня, размер вашего ушата не имеет значение а если вы любите принять длиной, то выдерживает как я, you’ re идя хотеть более большой ушат – предпочтительно размер сада к типу jacuzzi. Во-первых, план вне ваш космос Прежде чем вы даже думаете о устанавливать новый ушат, вы должны запланировать вне ваш космос. Вы don’ t хочет ушат ванны принимая вверх по большой части из вашей ванной комнаты так it’ s хороший иметь профессиональное профессиональное домашнего улучшения приденное внутри, измерение и видеть что может реалистично приспосабливать. Каждый дюйм подсчитывает Если вы находите что вы don’ t имеет комнату для действительно большого ушата, don’ беспокойство – t; иногда как раз немножко более большой ушат ванны более обширное улучшение. DirectBuy имеет красивейший выбор ванной комнаты remodeling детали на изо дня в день оптовых цен. Универсальный магазин для всех ваших обеспечения, домашнего здания и потребностей remodeling, DirectBuy имеет фактически все - включая большой выбор вспомогательного оборудования ванной комнаты - для в и вокруг вашем доме. |
Вы Собственн-Установили бы ковер? Posted: 01 Mar 2011 11:54 AM PST Большинств проекты настила можно хранить под категорией DIY. Но что о устанавливать ковер? (И мы не говорим плитки FLOR, хотя они определенно привлекательный вариант настила--и смогите быстро быть установлено.) Над на вашим пятым блогом стены (таким большим путем думать пола, не так ли?), общее мнение то устанавливая ковер наиболее наилучшим образомнаилучшим образом выйдено к профессионалу. Почему? Список инструментов daunting, процесс сам осложнял, и общаться с всеми кренами ковра может быть трудный, громоздкий работой по дома. Но мы потакаем вам, oh brave DIY-er. Здесь список что вам было бы нужно для того чтобы установить ковер, в DoItYourself.com через YourFifthWall.com. |
Eco-Friendly Landscaping: Где начать Posted: 01 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PST
Landscaping season is just around the corner. This is the time of year to plan your garden. Seed and nursery catalogs are coming in the mail, and gardening articles are all over the web. Think about and plan now for easy, organized planting and maintenance all season. Think ecology and nature when you design your yard. This should have been taken into consideration as the house was designed, but more often than not, it isn’t. Usually the yards are trashed by heavy equipment, instead of being gingerly tread upon, or left alone. If your particular landscaping project is after-the-fact when it comes to construction, and you need to hire a landscape architect or landscaper, make sure they understand natural principles, ecology and permaculture. Design with the local vegetation, topography, and awareness of water, drainage, and wildlife in mind. Here's four areas to concentrate on how you can have an environmentally conscious landscape. And, always, please garden organically! Water Use
Drainage• Building and gardening with the topography of your land leaves the natural drainage in place. Don't try to change the direction of water flow. Water is stronger than your intentions, and you will fail. Parking, Driveways & Patios (Hardscaping)• Hardscaping should be permeable so storm water can seep back into the ground instead of running off. When rain runs off a concrete patio or asphalt driveway, it takes soil with it and creates a flood down the road or at the neighbor's house. Crusher fines, gravel and permeable pavers are preferable to concrete or asphalt to keep water where it should be – in the ground. Wildlife Habitat• Plant for the animals as well as for yourself. They need food, water, shelter and a place to nest. Native plants will attract wildlife by providing food and shelter. *** Work with your environment instead of against it, and you will truly be 'living with the planet'. Eco-Friendly Landscaping: Where To Start is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
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