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Как исправить поврежденная плитка Posted: 18 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT
The type of damage to the tile will determine how to repair it. For the most part, this is a common sense type of project, and can be considered similar to fixing a cavity. Here are some scenarios for tile repairs: 1. Loose tile. If the tile feels like it is not attached the floor, is wobbling, or has a popping sound when you walk over it, then you will need to consider removing the tile, and replacing it, or if it can be lifted out, re-adhering the tile to the floor. For all of these scenarios, there is a quick fix that does not have to take a long time to correct. The best part about this type of project is that there is no detailed measuring that is necessary, rather you just have to make sure that you replace the tile with one that is the same size, color and pattern. If you do not have a ready supply of extra tiles, you may need to consider finding the closest possible match. There are lot of free samples and other freebies available that can make your project easier. Otherwise, follow these simple steps to remove and replace a damaged tile. 1. If the tile already has a crack, use it! Using a chisel and a hammer, place the chisel on the fissure line of the crack. Hammer it until the crack is defined and separated enough to begin getting under the tile. This will help protect the surrounding tiles. Another technique that you could use is to use the same chisel and hammer to begin to break down the surrounding grout. Grout is very brittle and can be destroyed without affecting surrounding flooring. This is the best technique if there is not crack present. Once the space is created, you can begin to pry off the damaged tile. 2. Preparing for setting. Once the old tile has been removed, you will need to prepare the floor for the new tile. This process is the same for installing a whole floor, as the surface needs to be cleaned and free of debris. Having old thin set on the floor can make for an uneven fix, and create issues later on with lifting thin set. Using a scraper, clear of all the old thin set. This might also require the use of a hammer to chip away the thin set. 3. Ready, set, tile! Once the area is cleaned and prepped, you can place the new thin set on the floor or surface. Do so using a trowel or, for a single tile, even a spatula would work. Place the tile on the new thin set, making sure to use a level to ensure a matching height. You want to make sure that the thin set is thick enough and spread evenly enough to grab the entire underside of the tile. Allow the thin set to dry approximately 24 hours before walking on the surface. 4. Fine finish! After the thin set has dried, you can now add the grout. Make sure you have color matched the grout with the existing grout. You can place the grout right over the spaces that are existing and there is no harm in placing grout over existing grout. Wait for the grout to dry, then use a sealant on the new area. How to Fix a Damaged Tile is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Diggerslist: Craigslist вещества домашнего улучшения Posted: 18 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT Чего вы делаете с собирать тех поставк домашнего улучшения запылиться в вашем подвале? Или где можете вы найти детали на умеренных ценах от индивидуальных продавецов в вашей области? Ответ к обоим из этих вопросов одно в этих же: DiggersList.com. DiggersList, Craigslist-тип место для проектов домашнего улучшения, было ранее только имеющимся в немного отборных городов, но теперь энтузиасты DIY на всем Соединенные Штаты могут поужинать преимущества. Matt Knox, CEO компании и сооснователь объясняют, «мы получали поток запросов на всем страна раскрыть вверх по новым городам. Так мы решали fast-forward наши планы и принести DiggersList к вся страна раньше расписания.» Если вы не знакомы с принципиальной схемой, то DiggersList позволяет вам и к надувательству и закупает разнообразие детали для того чтобы покрыть весь восстанавливать, строить, или украшать потребности. Вы можете найти запасной пиломатериал, drywall, светлые приспособления, мебель, и електричюеские инструменты, как раз для того чтобы назвать несколько. Но преимущества не останавливают там. Если вы не можете продать ваши сверхнормальные части или инструменты на DiggersList, то они лично подарят ваши детали к среде обитания для восстановления гуманности. Как только детали продают, все выручки помогут среде обитания для причины гуманности. И конечно, вы будете иметь больше комнаты распространить вне на дому. Так, следующее время вы ищете фантастичные новые освещение или потребность получить освобожданными того старого дрессера, головки дальше сверх к DiggersList. Оно может сделать ваш проект домашнего улучшения oh так много более легким. |
Индустрия домашнего улучшения США сразу Posted: 18 Mar 2011 05:13 AM PDT Согласно национальной конторе экономического исследования ниже полное расходование типа проекта процентом и домашнее улучшение усредняет сразу от 1995 – 2009. приложения – 3% внешние; ремонты – бедствия 5%; ванная комната 5% remodels – кухня 9% remodels – добавления интерьера 11% и замены – системы 12% и оборудование – 16% другие добавления свойства и замены – добавления и замены экстерьера 19%. Щелкните изображение для того чтобы увеличить Источник:: Fixr Средние заключения ниже: 1.156.108 проектов добавлению и изменению комнаты с расходованием $23.141.745.151 9.462.782 проекта системы и оборудования с расходованием $15.061.419.820 549.917 внешних приложений с расходованием $3.560.131.931 кухня 1.052.211 remodels с расходованием $10.638.971.786 ванная комната 1.030.736 remodels с расходованием $6.475.917.156 5.636.949 внешние добавления и замен с расходованием $23.734.265.908 5.186.460 из нутряных добавлений и замен с расходованием $ острословие 520.062 ремонтов бедствия расходование $5.448.663.562 3.758.351 другие добавления и замена свойства с расходованием $19.767.613.249. |
Процесс печи настила твёрдой древесины суша Posted: 17 Mar 2011 12:00 PM PDT Co-Founder of BuildDirect Rob Banks and I went to a hardwood flooring mill in Quebec. There, we observed the making of hardwood floors from end to end. It was pretty fascinating, and the people on the floor were very helpful in showing us how they take raw materials and turn it into flooring. One of the most interesting aspects to the process was the kiln drying element. Green lumber is taken off of the lumber truck, palleted, and then placed into large kilns. In the case of the mill we visited, each one is about the size of a small warehouse space. The reason that lumber is dried before it is processed ‘on the line’ into flooring planks is to lower the moisture levels in the wood. The moisture naturally found in the wood has to be reduced drastically in order to allow the wood to be at its most stable when it’s eventually installed as wood flooring. With the moisture levels too high, swelling and warping is more likely. Efficient hardwood flooring kiln drying means a more reliable product less likely to lose its stability. But, what are the details of the process? And how is modern kiln drying more efficient, and more eco-friendly than ever? To start with, the cutting edge technology used in modern hardwood floors kiln drying allows a lower temperature at which the hardwood is dried. This lower kiln temperature accomplishes a couple of things: 1) It puts less stress on the wood. This means less cracking, less wastage, and better use of resources all around. 2) It makes better use of the energy output of the kiln itself by containing and recycling the heat instead of venting it into the air. This is simply a better use of resources once again, and is more sensitive to the surrounding environment. Take a look at the video in which Rob explains this part of the process further. Cheers, Rob. Hardwood Flooring Kiln Drying Process is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
За исключением космоса с штабелированными шайбой и сушильщиком Posted: 17 Mar 2011 11:36 AM PDT Если вы имеете малую комнату прачечного, то воздержитесь side-by-side шайба и сушильщик в пользу штабелированного блока. Эт малая шайба и более сухие combos пакуют большой пунш для того чтобы получить ваши одежды как чистым и сухим как традиционный определенный размер прибор. Увеличьте силу вашего компактного & шайбы; Сушильщик Когда вы имеете stackable шайбу и сушильщика, вы лимитированы на количестве одежд вы можете помыть и высушить в тоже время которые может быть хорошей вещью - это предотвратит вас от препятствовать кучам и кучи прачечного устанавливают вверх. Часто моя более малые нагрузки последовательно каждая неделя не только сохранят вас усилие но приурочат также. DirectBuy предлагает широкий выбор приборов известной марки, включая шайбы и сушильщиков и больше для того чтобы сделать ваши домашняя функциональную и стильно - все на изготовлени-направляют оптовые цен. |
Самомоднейшее украшение для малых квартир Posted: 17 Mar 2011 11:26 AM PDT Great news–you just moved into a brand new apartment! Bad news?–it’s the size of a shoe box (a very small shoe box) and you’re at a total loss as to how to decorate it while still having room for all your things. Well, have no fear, FIXR blog is here! With a just a little creativity you can make your tiny space look like the palace you want it to be!
So now that we’ve inspired your mind, here are some design ideas for smaller spaces that will surely inspire your creativity!: Don’t have enough room in your living space for a bed? Then why not go UP? This tiny apartment in New York City has barely enough room for the people inside it, never mind a bed, but thanks to the designers at KSWA, all the necessities of life are up in the air! Think you have a small space? Well, how about 200 square feet of space for a WHOLE apartment? That’s the total size of this tiny apartment in the Warsaw area of Poland. Thanks to the cleverness of Polish architect Jakub Szczesny of Centrala, this space was transformed into a fun and funky home that includes an all-in-one dining-plus-kitchen area that folds out and flips down with simple flip of the wrist! Tres cool! Think there’s nothing more charming than living in Paris? Well how about if your apartment in Paris is the size of a small hat box (a TRES PETIT hat box!) Well, thanks to interior designer Christian Pottgiesser, the Sant Louis house has been very cleverly redesigned. Firstly, to let in as much light as possible, Pottgiesser installed glass doors and huge glass windows. Then he made the center space the main living area while the surrounding “corridor” holds the bedroom, bathroom, storage and kitchen. Another bedroom can be accessed via the Swedish style staircase, or through the trap door above the eating area. Oooo-la-la! This next one is for those people whose space is the size of a really small closet. Called Room In A Box, this handy dandy box, designed by Isis, actually holds a bed, table, desk and chair – even some cabinet, shelving and night-stand space! And for a splash of color, each piece is accented by a dash of orange! No matter the size, every apartment has a kitchen, living room and dining room. But not every apartment has enough room to furnish these spaces. Well, thanks to CookLounge, the dinette, kitchen bar and seating have all been integrated into one neat space. The cooking area is tucked behind sliding enclosures while a table moves up and down on a track allowing room to dine. The seats can be positioned in any way and can be adjusted for laying back. Now that’s cool! Have a lot of stuff but nowhere to put it? Well, “columnize” them! Designed by Sophie Mensen, these marble and wood columns look like typical architectural supports but they’re actually storage systems that feature a series of shelves and drawers. Bet the Romans never used their columns this way! Now we want to hear from you: Do you live in a tiny apartment and have trouble furnishing it? |
Posted: 17 Mar 2011 09:45 AM PDT Национальная ассоциация домашних строителей недавно выпустила специализированный рапорт который детализирует несколько домашних характеристик которые вероятно станут нормой к 2015. Ожидано, что будут зеленые характеристики как низкие-E окна и проектированные деревянные продукты более превалирующими, менее-чем-удивительно находками, котор дали постоянно увеличивая осведомленность eco-friendly продуктов и выхода по энергии. Немного сярпризов Одна из более непредвиденных сводок в рапорте? Теория которая живущие комнаты исчезнут, или была включена в другие комнаты. Конечно, прикладывать этот рапорт к дому зависит тяжело на определении живущей комнаты. Мы росли вверх с живущими комнатами как официально космосы которые были обычно сдержанно для компании--они не имели телевидения, и типично имели более славные меблировкы и декор. «Подавляющее большинство респондентов не надеется живущую комнату остаться в своей настоящей комнате,» согласно отчету о NAHB. «Вместо, больше чем половинно (52 процента) надейтесь живущую комнату слить с другими космосами в доме, пока 30 процентов ожидают его для того чтобы исчезнуть для того чтобы сохранить на квадратном отснятом видеоматериале.» |
Ремонт Siding штукатурки: 6 шагов для того чтобы улучшать экстерьеры штукатурки Posted: 17 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT Making repairs to stucco can be an intimidating process, but if you have noticed areas where the stucco has begun to fall, crack or bubble, then it is in your best interest to fix the area as soon as possible. These are all signs that there is a problem with the way the stucco is adhering to the wood beneath, or that there could possibly be water damage beneath. Having the right tools and know-how can make this project a simple and rewarding endeavor. The supplies are basic, and can be found at any local hardware store. For this project you will need the following:
After you have gathered all of your supplies you are ready to take on the challenge of repairing the stucco. If you have not yet purchased your items for this project, and need ideas, you can find free samples and other freebies to help you out. Stucco Siding RepairThe process for completing this project works well in this order: 1. Clean the area. This is where your hammer and scraper will come in handy. Crumple the current stucco with the hammer. This will cause the stucco to flake off the wall. You can scrape the remaining stucco off the wall in order to make sure the area is clean, and all remaining stucco is removed. 2. Prepare the surface. This is where you will staple the siding felt to the side of the wall, and prepare to attach the mesh. These materials protect the wood surface from weather exposure, while creating a surface for the stucco to adhere to. The mesh will go right over the felt and does not have to have a uniformed pattern, but it must cover the entire area where stucco will be placed. 3. Sling the stucco. At this point you should have mixed the stucco according to the package’s instructions. It should be a gritty texture that is the consistency of a very stiff batch of mashed potatoes. If it is too stiff, then it is too dry and will not set properly; if it too wet, it will run and not remain affixed to the wall. You should be able to dip your trowel into the bucket, scoop stucco out, and literally sling it onto the wall surface. This helps to ensure that the stucco grabs onto the mesh. 4. Smooth the stucco. After the initial coat of stucco has been placed on the wall, you can begin to smooth it out with the trowel. This does not need to be uniform as this is not the final coat. Place lines in the stucco with the trowel in a messy fashion, criss-cross lines, diagonals and so on. This will help the next layer adhere. At this point you should repeat steps three and four one more time. 5. Wait. After the first two coats of stucco have been applied, you should cover them with the plastic that you have purchased. Allow the stucco to dry for approximately 72 hours, or for the time amount recommended by the manufacturer. 6. Finish. After the drying time has passed, you can now apply the final coat of stucco. Depending on the type of pattern or finish that the existing stucco has, you may find that you will have to use another technique in order to mimic the current look. Once the final coat is dry, you can paint the surface. There are also color coat additives that you can add to the mixture of grey stucco, so that you are applying a color coat and painting is not necessary. Either process is effective. Your repaired stucco section should blend right in with the rest of the stucco, and should also match in color. There are many different techniques on how to complete a final surface, and if you have questions, your local hardware store should be able to help. Stucco Siding Repair: 6 Steps to Better Stucco Exteriors is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Викторианск-Самомоднейшая дом сплавливания глоток свежего воздуха Posted: 17 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT Интересный спуск к самым малым деталям, Melbourne’ дом s Vader нечетная но освежая бленда самомоднейшей и викторианской конструкции. И каждый элемент совмещает в одно большое, уникально все. Этот восстанавливанный дом первоначально был построен в исторической викторианской эре прежде чем селитебные ограничения высоты были положены в место. Когда предприниматели хотели восстанавовить, они могли использовать невероятную высоту первоначально стен как контрольная точка. И эти стены высоки. Эта принципиальная схема строить на прошлом был центральным фокусом архитекторов Maynard, Сидне-основанной фирмой, которая посмотрели, что преобразовала традиционный дом кирпича и граничащий двор в интерес 21st-century. Красивейший разбивочный двор дома Vader граничится на одной стороне старой домом, и на другом самомоднейшим выдвинутым жизненным пространством. Двор поэтому будет центром не только дома самей, но принципиальной схемы сливать в прошлом с настоящим моментом. Творческий decking, подвижные стены, и подвижная палуба сама позволяют для легкого преобразования в пределах плотной внутренней городской местности Melbourne. Пока работающ с первоначально высокорослой рамкой, самомоднейшие реновации раскрывали вверх по дому даже более для того чтобы препятствовать внутри естественному свету. Открытая нутряная лестница. Холеная (но uninviting) кухня. И естественный свет который льет через это необыкновенное жилище гораздо ярке чем даже когда оно сперва было построено тем много лет тому назад. |
Депо коек катания John Deere на дому Posted: 16 Mar 2011 05:27 PM PDT Последний месяц мы посетили один из заводов John Deere около Augusta, Грузия и были первыми заканчивали связь их новая компановка общего назначения тракторов, нул-поворачиваем косилки и косилки катания. Эти тракторы и косилки катания пристрелны к селитебным едоку или хуторянину хобби и в виду того что мы имеем почти нул-опыт используя это оборудование мы могут vouch для как легко это хмель на борту и получить, что работали. Ключ здесь легкий в использовании по мере того как любое которое инвестирует в косилке катания больше всего вероятно имеет бит больше лужайки чем они может отрегулировать с традиционной косилкой нажима и ищет легкость и простота резать их лужайку с косилкой катания. Вам нужно бит больше космоса хранить ваша косилка катания но не думаете этого как тяжелое оборудование. Косилки катания от John Deere и других включают много большие приятности как держатели чашки, фары, бортовое хранение и удобные места. |
Posted: 16 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT
1. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). According to the Energy Star website (http://energystar.gov/), CFLs use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer for energy savings of $30 over the life of one bulb. They also produce less heat, which will reduce your cooling costs in summer. They are most effective in rooms that are used often, such as kitchen and living areas, or where lights are on more than 15 minutes at a time. Call your electric company for possible rebates or reduced prices on CFLs. Some communities are banning incandescent bulbs, so now's the time to get used to the change! 2. Buy energy efficient appliances when it's time to replace them. Do NOT go out and buy green appliances (or anything, for that matter!) just to be eco-conscious. That is unnecessary energy use and waste, and it's the opposite of what you want to accomplish. Wait until something needs replacing, then research the most efficient and eco-friendly according to your needs. Energy Star appliances typically use 10-15% less energy and water. An Energy Star washing machine can cut your energy bill by 1/3 and your water use by half. Refrigerators have historically been energy hogs, but they now use half the energy they did in 1993. An Energy Star refrigerator uses 20% less energy than required by federal standards and 40% less than a 2001 model. Check the Energy Star website (http://energystar.gov/) for details. 3. Use native plants or drought-tolerant adaptable plants. Native plants need no extra care, since they are in their natural environment. Adaptable plants tolerate local conditions well, even though they are native to another region. Install a drip irrigation system to save water. Sprinklers waste water, because they soak outside the targeted area. Water is also lost to evaporation. If you are building new, save as many native trees as possible, and disturb as little of your lot as you can. 4. Collect rainwater from your roof. This can be an elaborate system of catchment and filtering for indoor use, or as simple as 5-gallon buckets for watering outside. For domestic water, install gutters along the edge of the roof, and place downspouts on the corners. They lead to an underground cistern, then a pump sends the water through a filtering system in the house. This water needs to be tested regularly for human consumption. I have friends with this set-up, and their water is fine to cooking and drinking. For outdoor irrigating, run downspouts into 55-gallon drums with spigots at the bottom where you will attach a hose. Several drums can be connected to catch overflow. I have 5-gallon buckets lined up in the flower gardens under the roofline, and I carry them to the garden or just scoop water out for specific needs. Sometimes I just dump them out right there to water the flowers! Your hair and your plants love the pH of rainwater! 5. Insulate your ceiling. Heat rises, and the first place it will leave your house is through the ceiling and roof, increasing your heating costs. It is estimated that 45% of your heat can be lost through a ceiling with no insulation. Summer sun beating on the roof can heat up your house increasing your cooling bills. Ceiling insulation will keep you comfortable and keep your energy bills low year round. Consider using cellulose insulation, which is shredded newspaper that is blown in. This is a great way to recycle! 6. Install window coverings to keep heat indoors in winter and outside in summer. You can get insulated shades in custom sizes, or put up drapes or heavy curtains. The point is to create an air space between your room and the window. Even energy efficient windows need to be covered at night. Speaking of windows… replace old windows with low-e windows. Whether you are remodeling or building new, place new windows where they will receive enough natural daylight to cut down on the need for daytime lighting. Place them in a south-facing wall for passive solar gain and free daytime heating. If you have objectionable views to the south, consider a trombe wall for radiant heat or a clerestory window. 7. Replace water-wasting toilets with low-flush or dual flush. When I remodeled, I bought low-flush toilets at Lowe's for $44. Not a lot of money to cut your water use by half! A dual-flush toilet has two ways to flush, depending on how much water you need. If you insist on flushing pee, you can save water doing so with a dual-flush toilet. 8. Add a solar thermal system for domestic hot water and/or radiant floor or baseboard heat. My domestic system cut my gas bill from $1000/yr to $200/yr. It will pay for itself in about 6 years and last about 20. Or more. A solar thermal system preheats the water in your hot water heater, reducing the need for gas or electric to heat the water. 9. Add a solar PV system to produce electricity. Net metering is the cleanest method of solar electricity. The home is tied to the electric company's grid. The system creates electricity during the day and sends it to the grid, reducing the need for coal-generated electricity. At night, the home draws from the grid for power. There is no need for batteries to store electricity, making net-metering a cleaner power source. Never feel like you are not doing enough. If you replace one incandescent bulb with a CFL, you can save ½ ton of CO2 from going into the atmosphere. You don't need to do a lot, but please do something. 9 Ways to Green Your Home is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Microhouses для малюсеньких бюджетей Posted: 16 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT С битом воображения и много мудрености конструкции, Дерек Diedricksen достигает невозможной: микро--укрытия для меньш чем $200. Беседа о быть оборотлив. Одна определенная aptly названная структура, цыганским Junker, компенсирует свой скудный квадратный отснятый видеоматериал (24 квадратных фута, котор нужно быть точна) с удивительно выполнимый конструкцией. Да ведь это фактически большой моделей Diedricksen. Hickshaw структура слипера измеряя только 2.5 фута широкой 6.5 футами глубокими. Другая названная структура, Boxy повелительницей, стоит только 4 фута высокорослой. Несмотря на разницы, однако, вся из конструкций Diedricksen уникально имеют одну вещь в общем: польза материалов которые, к другим, взгляд как погань. Цыганский Junker сделан из паллетов перевозкы груза, окон шторма, и отверженных неофициальных советников президента. Boxy повелительница также использует серию паллетов, плюс поражая окно цветного стекла художником Стефани Atlee. Другие касания конструкции включают окно porthole построенное от стиральной машины передн-нагрузки, и двер-поворачивать-countertop металла от такой же шайбы. Большая часть из структур также имеет прозрачно крышу для того чтобы дать взгляды treetops и исключить потребность для искусственного освещения. Цыганский Junker, показанный выше, также имеет подогреватель который бежит на постном масле. Для Diedricksen, строить microhouses больше чем как раз хобби-оно увлекательность и образ жизни для того чтобы укомплектовать его предпосылку плотничества. Он собственн-опубликовал его собственные дома книги инструкции озаглавленные, всепокорные, просто лачуги, уютные коттеджи, ветхие отступления, в стиле фанк форты, и работал на вызванной серии YouTube, «малюсенькая желтая дом.» Но спрашивано почему он только строит малюсенькие структуры, Diedricksen устанавливает рекордная прямую: «Я имею только так много площадь скотного двора и мой супруга только настолько веротерпим.» Достаточно сказано. Через Curbly; Фото Эрик Jacobs для New York Times |
Posted: 16 Mar 2011 06:45 AM PDT Оно маленькое над 6 месяцами в виду того что мы ввели самый маленький renovator к нашему экипажу, и мы решали несколько довольно большие проекты с больше чем как раз нашим menagerie животных underfoot. С 2 малышами под 2, мы здесь дать вам некоторые подсказки на пересекать те домашние проекты реноваций вашего списка суеты между изменениями пеленки и полуночными feedings. Поймите что вы себя не может сделать его вполне Конечно, с одним малышем могло быть легко решать некоторые из более малых проектов во время naptime или путем хлопать в кино. Однако, как только вы имеете так много (или больше) маленькие людей по мере того как вы делаете большие людей, тот вариант вообще вне. Как только вы получите ваши руки пакостным, кто-то будет нужно вы позаботить для их справедливо которые момент времени. Также, немногая одни любознательно, поэтому очень трудно держать их далеко от вещей как острые предметы или влажная краска когда вы единственный наблюдая взрослый вокруг. |
Posted: 16 Mar 2011 05:02 AM PDT This stunning family home made of concrete and wood sits in a residential area of no high rise buildings, with beautiful lush green parkland close by. This unusual home features raw concrete and natural wood throughout and offers 119.73 sqm of living space!
The designers Yutaka Yoshida Architects and Associates thought about leaving it at 2 storey’s but then came up with the concept about adding another floor to emphasize the connection with the house and the outside area. The large windows at the back of the house allow light to flow through, however this also creates atmosphere at dusk from the lights in the interior. From Dawn to dusk light is an important factor! The sliding glass door and windows enable the family to enjoy the outdoors from the comfort of the inside. This concrete arm protrudes from the side of the house towards the rear creating a first floor terrace, somewhere to relax and enjoy the views. The concrete facade somehow sits quite peaceful among the greenery! A genius way of creating outdoor space! To be enjoyed at night also! Connecting the 3 story’s together is a stunning burgundy colored spiral staircase that adds a splash of color to the greyness of the concrete. It sits fee-standing in the corner of this area and leads all the way up to the top story where they placed a wooden floor to compliment the starkness of the concrete. The wooden slats placed inside this concrete shell add depth and warmth bringing in some more natural elements to heat up the otherwise cold concrete shell! The color of the spiral stairs certainly draws attention against the wooden floor and the stark concrete. As the property is close by to a river to avoid heavy weight effecting the ground, the top floor was hung by a steel frame! The clever placed openings still allow light to pass through the concrete facade, creating a light airy spatial interpretation. There is plenty of unique generous space here! Colonnades were formed on 2 levels by combining materials like glass doors, creating a corridor that shapes up like a draining board. A unique concept, and an unusual piece of architecture in Kohgo, Hiroshima Japan!
Loveseat нет как раз для любовников Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:32 PM PDT Я одиночный gal и пока кажется, что только сидит мое loveseat одно в последнее время (bummer!), совершенное добавление к моему вертепу. Вскользь уют Loveseat Иногда я не чувствую как сидеть на моем официально кресле в живущей комнате. Я значу что он удобн и все исклучая там что-то действительно уютное и утешая о моем loveseat. Я короток, поэтому когда я завиваю вверх на ем, как раз право. Положительная величина, оно не принимает вверх много комнату в моем вертепе давая мне комнату для других деталей как мои стол и bookcase. DirectBuy предлагают обширный выбор мебели всех типов для того чтобы помочь вам создать тип и ambiance вы хотите для вашего дома. Закупите мебель комнаты известной марки живущую, мебель спальни и больше на сбережениях до 50% с розницы. |
Хотят помощь, котор: Идеи конструкции для строба подъездной дороги Posted: 15 Mar 2011 11:46 AM PDT Читатель недавно связался мы относительно строба подъездной дороги он планирует на устанавливать. Его дом французского типа Норманди/Storybook, почти как что вы нашли бы в швейцарском альп, и он хотел был бы остаться истинным к этому взгляду путем конструировать стробы которые отражают это уникально астетическое. Вопрос с таким уникально типом что никакие разрешения конструкции вне---коробки не существуют поэтому вы должны пойти таможня, но это поднимает вопрос выбирать правильную конструкцию строба которая остает истинной к взгляду дома. Он также могл найти много воодушевленность и идеи для пешеходных стробов но ничего которое работало бы на маштабе подъездной дороги. Мы вывешивали больше деталей и его вопрос. Мы полюбили бы услышать ваше мнение! Пожалуйста выйдите ему ваш комментарий ниже. Дорогое C&H, я кладу мой мозг на полку ища изготовленное на заказ разрешение строба подъездной дороги. Можете вы помочь? Я получаю круговую подъездную дорогу с входом около 30 FT широко и выход который приблизительно 20 FT широок. Я не хочу строб быть что-то которое пересиливает дом и идеально я хотел был бы строб для того чтобы быть что-то просто, деревенский и прелестно. |
Рециркулировать строительные материалы после реновации Posted: 15 Mar 2011 10:00 AM PDT As the 21st Century rolls on, we’re beginning to realize that we have to take a greener approach when it comes to being responsible consumers. This extends to home improvement and renovations as much as it does to anything else. This doesn’t just mean in the way that we buy building materials, but also in what we do with some of the old materials we remove from our sites as we transform our homes. Guest poster Drake MacDonald of constructionmanagement.net weighs in on this very topic, to help you get a handle on what to do with what’s left over from your home improvement projects … ***
These terms commonly refer to specially hired teams skilled in the deconstruction and salvage of building components in a teardown or remodel. Yet utilizing green demolition teams often causes more time to be spent on the job and at a higher cost. Luckily, you don't need a specialized team or even a construction management degree to do your part to reduce, reuse and recycle. Simply implement the following tips during your next renovation project, and you will leave the world a little greener. One Person’s Trash …Once you have renovated your home it, you will probably want to outfit it with new and improved appliances and furniture. However, this does not mean you should simply throw your old items in the trash. Objects like old tables, chairs and microwaves can easily be resold or given away. Web sites like Craigslist and Freecycle are great online places to connect with people who can take stuff off your hands. Similarly, second hand stores take donations and some even have pickup service. Sometimes passers-by will even take away discarded objects left on the curbside. Fixtures such as wall boarding, molding, windows, floor and ceiling tiling, doorknobs and drawer pulls are sometimes considered vintage or antique and can also be given away. Salvage stores may want to buy some of them or neighbors with a similar vintage house may be able to refinish these features for their own remodeling projects. Used and re-used building materialsYou may think you are out of luck it comes to the recycling the heavy materials, such as any metals, wiring, glass, plastic and brick, used to build your home. However, according to Eric Brennan, many recycling programs now accept used building materials, which include everything from asphalt roofing materials to masonry. Alternatively, scraps from your remodel also can be used in landscaping. Bits of concrete can be reused as landscaping stones and salvaged wood can chipped for plant beds. Ask your remodeler, consult local recycling programsEven if you do not hire a profession green demolition team to help clean up after your renovation, your contractor or local building official can be a great source of information when considering how to dispose of these materials. Or if you want to be completely independent, a quick skim through the local yellow pages or search on the Internet will give you a good idea of the recycling opportunities in your area. These days everyone from government organizations to common citizens is working to find ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Thus, before your throw all of your construction debris in the trash, spend some time looking through it for things you can sell, give away or recycle. A quick post on Craigslist or trip to a salvage yard can give new life to what was once considered only fit for the dumpster. *** Thanks, Drake! Cheers, Rob. Recycling Building Materials After a Renovation is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Подсказки установки Decking кедра Posted: 15 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT Cedar decking is a beautiful addition to any home. It adds a natural color, as well as provide a functional space for entertaining and visiting. Creating a nice deck space is not difficult, but there is some planning involved. The best way to prepare for installing your own deck is to look at some idea books, draw out a plan of what would work best for you, and look for places that offer free samples where you can get great ideas to help make your project all that you hoped it would be. The supplies are basic for building a deck, and can be found at any hardware store. Below is a general list of what to have ready before you begin construction.
Tip: Make sure you check with your local building code enforcer to make sure that all permits and licenses have been properly obtained. Frame your cedar deckOnce you have acquired all of the necessary supplies, you can begin working on your deck. The first step is to frame the deck that you desire using 2 x 4 inch boards for joists that will run perpendicular to the house, 2 x 6 inch boards for cross beams, and 4 x 6 inch board for supporting beams. This will help support the weight of the deck, and the weight of those on the it. Place the joist beams 16 inches apart to allow for proper fastening spacing for the boards. Once the frame is complete, you are ready to attach the decking. Lay out cedar decking planks in a dry run before cuttingStarting from the wall of the house in a parallel run the first board. You will screw this in to the joists below using galvanized or non-corrosive screws. You want to avoid using nails on your deck as they may pop up later on when the cedar decking slats flex with the different elements. Continue running board, avoiding any cuts. You want to save cutting for last. This will save time and energy as you will be able to do all the cuts at one time. When you are running the boards together, place a nail between each one. This will provide a necessary 1/8-inch gap between each slat. This is also necessary to allow for flexing in the material. Once all of the boards that can be placed have been set, your can see your deck coming to life. At this time you can place the butt joint board that will need cutting in place. Temporarily fasten them to the joists so that you can make chalk line markings that will guide your cutting. Once the chalk lines have been made, you can remove the boards and using a miter saw or skill saw, make the cuts. Once this has been completed, you can fasten the decking to the joists.Sealant for cedar decksOnce the deck has been constructed you can prepare it for a sealant. This is vital in prolonging the life of your new deck, and should be done right away. You can choose to stain your deck or use a clear sealant. Either way it will be protected and beautiful. Following these steps and taking your time is the best way to guarantee a remarkable result with your cedar deck. Make sure that you follow all of the recommended manufacturers suggestion so that you can have optimal results with all of the materials used. And enjoy your new cedar deck! Cedar Decking Installation Tips is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Звездная современная кухня Remodel Posted: 15 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT We’ ve упомянул как восстанавливать кухню может принести самую большую рентабельность инвестиций. Не упоминать того такие реновации улучшают эту высок-торгованную комнату и делают ваш дом больше персонализированный в процессе. Наилучшим образом, одна пара предприняла их реновациям более далее, плотно сливающ высоки индивидуализированную функциональность с красивейшим современным типом. Перед реновацией; кухня имела остала главным образом нетронутый с 1964 С закупать их устаревшие 1960s домой вокруг 10 лет тому назад, предприниматели медленно remodeling-и реновации кухни и прачечного находились вверху их список. Не только была кухня в потребности модернизировать, но прачечный «комната» неудобно была tucked в малый шкаф с главным образом прихожей. Двери шкафа прачечного сползают прочь для полного доступа к шайбе и сушильщику Пары посмотрели крепко на чем их желания и специфические потребности были. После рассмотрения они решили двинуть их комнату прачечного в кухню. Это принципиальная схема все еще популярная в европе, и пары решили что в виду того что они тратят много из их времени в кухне, включать прачечный в систему будет славным улучшением. Ое черепицей backsplash кухни облегчает вверх часто свет overcast в Орегон Адресовать специфический образ жизни нужны, говорит пары, оплачивал majorly. Они любят их изменения. Высокорослые встречные поверхности над шайбой и сушильщиком также добавляют необходимый поверхностный космос к кухне. Самый трудный выбор типа для пар был материалом countertop. Пока любящ взгляд бетона, они хотели что-то более прочное, и шли с счетчиками кварца ворона Caesarstone. Они получили их конкретную починку с их таблицей, и довольный с усилиями создать теплый, уютный, и современный космос. Так что вы думаете? Эта кухня воодушевляет вас в ваших собственных реновациях? |
Используйте земли кофе для садовничать Posted: 15 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT Искать для путя садовничать немного зеленая пока создающ меньше отход в кухне? Посмотрите не более дальнейшей чем ваш trusty создатель кофе для одной из самых лучших удобрений, composters, repellants черепашки и кухни глиста! Здесь список путей использовать земли кофе в ваших ярде и саде: Добавьте земли сразу к почве в вашем саде Вы можете поцарапать его в верхний дюйм почвы, или как раз взбрызните земли на поверхность почвы. Взбрызните земли кофе около заводов One которые подлеубежал infestations куска металла или улитки. Земли кофе и истирательны и кислотны, поэтому барьер земель установил около куск металла-прональных заводов сохраняет их от бичей сада. |
Как использовать образ жизни Wabi Sabi для того чтобы украсить ваш дом Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:41 AM PDT Wabi Sabi. No it’s not the latest sushi craze or musical group from Japan. Wabi (which means “humble and unmaterialistic”), Sabi (which means, “the bloom of time”), is a Japanese mindset based on the spiritual concepts of Zen Buddhism and embraces the notion that beauty is “imperfect, impermanent and incomplete”. It’s about finding joy in the simple, natural things in life as well as respecting the beauty in old, imperfect objects. In terms of interior design, and as we described in our previous article, Move Over Feng Shui – Wabi Sabi is Here!, “Wabi Sabi is taking interior design away from the usual contemporary perfection, and looking more towards teaching us to accept the natural beauty of things just as they are.” In short, it’s flea markets versus department stores. It’s an old, oxidized silver platter versus the upscaled red laquered Crate and Barrel version. It’s the colorful yet slightly tattered blanket passed down from your great-grandmother versus the cashmere throw from Ralph Lauren. Wondering how to incorporate the Wabi Sabi aesthetic into your lifestyle and home? Well, here are some tips to get you started:
So now that we’ve given you the practical info, here are some examples of the Wabi Sabi aesthetic at work that are sure to inspire you!: It’s Wabi Sabi minimialism at its finest! Designed by Andrey Gorozhankin of Decolieu, this apartment in Moscow, Russia was renovated using the Wabi Sabi aesthetic. All the walls in this apartment was remodeled using an all natural combination of lime and wax. Continuing with the Wabi Sabi aesthetic, the table was crafted from pieces of driftwood and the sofa is pure vintage. Wood, one of nature’s most natural (and beautiful) materials was used to craft this eye-catching staircase. The walls meanwhile, are covered in thin layers of marble. Crafted from walnut, the floors of this bedroom offer an air of peacefulness and harmony with nature. Talk about totally Zen! This kitchen has elements of the all-natural with its bamboo cabinets and marble floors. Adding to the Wabi Sabi aesthetic are the vintage chairs. From the floors to the tiles, every piece of material used to create the bathroom are all eco-friendly in keeping with the Wabi Sabi aesthetic. Though he’s designed for the likes of Sting and Bill Gates, Belgian antiques dealer and designer Axel Vervoordt admits he’s not comfortable living with expensive things and fully embraces the Wabi Sabi lifestyle. “I love everyday things like baskets, a beautiful wood tray, a nice wood candlestick”, Vervoodt says. Following are photos of Vervoordt’s unique and Zen-like Antwerp home. The comfortable armchair paired with the bare floorboards, spare furnishings and plaster walls combine to create a space that encourages calmness and meditation. Magnificent in its spareness, this space evokes a sense of the spiritual. Furnished with only the barest of necessities, the bedroom gives a sense of peace and quiet, suitable for relaxation and reflection. Called “The Pavilion of the Rain”, Vervoordt modeled this cottage after the tea houses in Japan. Vervoordt sitting in his favorite chair under a rhododendron tree. Now we want to hear from you…would you ever consider following the Wabi Sabi lifestyle? |
Вы узнаете 5 предупредительных знаков плохой домашней конструкции? Posted: 14 Mar 2011 04:48 PM PDT В вашем поиске для совершенного дома вы несомненно придете через много которые полное старье, и от точки зрения астетического и конструкции. Плохая домашняя конструкция приходит в много различных флейворов но здесь некоторые предупредительные знаки которые могут помочь вам управлять ясно от беспредела. Не получите милый Добавлять элементы конструкции и типа как раз ради добавлять конструкцию нет хорошего знака. Всегда более лучшее работать с чем добавить больше и много хода людей времен идеи проекта до покрывают вопрос. Углы вырезывания Много строителей виновны создавать красивейшие дома но с другой стороны заполнять их с crappy дверями, низкого уровня светлыми приспособлениями, и дешевыми шкафами. Заменять те детали кончается вверх в вашем внапуске более поздно. Какой тип? Каждое имеет различный вкус но домашние типы которые строители должны придерживаться если вы не будете решать пойти с ресервирования и после этого вы действительно не заботите о плохой конструкции. Важно определить тип дома как то подтверждает как оно конструировало оба внутрь и вне. Конечно вы можете отклонить от того типа но если вы не можете сделать вне, то что тип после этого остается прочь. |
Posted: 14 Mar 2011 01:59 PM PDT by Karen Yuen I've worked at Latitude for over 6 years and finally, my family and I decided to replace our laminate countertops with granite countertops. For a long time, we weren't able to afford or take the time to upgrade our kitchen and bathrooms. But after almost 20 years of living in the same house, it was time. As with most home renovation projects, it started with one thing that we wanted to replace – the toilets (they were gross and the ceramic was yellow) – but became a large, all encompassing project. Our thought that was since we're replacing the toilets, we should replace the bathtub and the sinks so they'd all be white. The bathtub and tiles also needed to go; they had mildew and were gross. Well, if we were changing the sinks, might as well change the countertops. If we were changing the bathroom countertops, we should change the kitchen countertops. Now we can't have beautiful countertops and ugly cabinets, so we'll paint them (when I say we, I meant me)! Plus, we wanted to do everything on a budget. We saved a lot of money by painting the cabinets, removing the countertops ourselves and we purchased granite countertops from Latitude's remnant material. The prices are marked down so much that essentially, you are only paying for the labour and even that had been discounted. Since I work at Latitude, I've been scoping out the remnants as jobs get cut. For the kitchen, I found a beautiful piece of Crema Bourdeaux and for the vanities I got Black Galaxy. I'm lucky because our kitchen is small and there are no seams. When looking for remnant granite and quartz for your kitchen countertops and there are seams, you must find pieces that are from the same lot or be able to get it from the same piece. Any time two pieces are seamed together they must come from the same block, piece or lot, so that when the pieces meet, the colours are matched as closely as possible. I had a templator come in and template all the bathrooms and the kitchen. They come in with a digital plotter that is accurate within the millimetre. Of course I knew all this before they came to my house, but it was still impressive to see how the granite fits like a glove around the odd corners in the kitchen and in my mom's bathroom. The night before the installation I removed all our countertops, disconnected the plumbing and installed shut-off valves. Removing the countertops was easy; disconnecting the plumbing and installing the shut off valves was a little trickier – considering that before this I didn't even know where the main shut off for the water was in the house (I found it close to the water heater). Once you shut the water off, don't disconnect the faucet right away. It’s a good idea to turn all the faucets on to drain any water that is caught in the pipes; even then, keep a bucket with you. I had a few unexpected "fountains". You will need 2 wrenches to detach the plumbing. I used compression shut-off valves and purchased them from the Home Depot. Not knowing what size I needed, I armed myself with a nut that I removed from the pipes and headed out to the Home Depot. There, I matched the nut that I removed to the nut that was on the bottom of the shut-off valve (the handle of the valve points down in the open position and a quarter turn up will stop the water). To install the shut-off valves: I unscrewed the nut and removed the bearing from the bottom, placed the nut, then the bearing, then finally the actual shut-off valve on the pipe and screwed the nut on to the shut-off valve. It says to “not over-tighten” on the package but that doesn't mean “finger” tighten; I learned that after another set of fountains when I tried to turn the main water back on. You will need to tighten with a wrench! Detaching the sink for the piping was easy. So was detaching the laminate countertops from the wall and the cabinets. First thing you do to remove the countertops is to take a knife and score between the wall and the laminate backsplash. Next, unscrew everything that holds the countertop to the cabinets. The vanities and the countertops without the kitchen sink I was able to remove myself, but the kitchen countertop with the sink is easier to remove with help so that the top can be lifted straight up. Lifting it at an angle makes it harder for the Sink to disengage from the pipes. The same issue can occur when removing the bathroom countertops but because of the smaller size, you can lift it out straight up yourself. I removed all the cabinet doors before the installation so that I could paint the cabinet frames before the installation but it is recommended that you keep the cabinet doors on so that the installers can ensure that the doors and drawers can open with the countertop on. The Installation The installers were great!! First thing they did when they came into the house was lay down drop cloths! They have to keep their steel toe boots on for safety reasons, which is completely understandable. I don't even want to think about how much it would hurt to drop a piece of granite on my toes. They inspected all the cabinets to make sure they were level (which they were). This is very important since an unlevel countertop can cause cracks and the seam to break in the future. The installers can shim it up a little bit but how much they can shim it will depend on the edge you choose (can't shim ¾" and 1 ¼" edges since the shims will show). They check to make sure the sinks will fit in the cabinets. The Powder Room If they don’t fit, they (the installers) will cut away at some of the cabinet supports (don't worry, they wouldn't cut any gables that would compromise the integrity of the cabinets). Then they brought in all the pieces and placed them on the cabinets for a dry fit and made any adjustments to the tops. The tops were then siliconed into place along with the sinks. Before the sinks were installed, I attached the faucets to the top (a great idea from Bob Gilson, the CFO of Latitude) since it would be really difficult to install them after the sink is in. I would have had to wedge myself in the cabinet and try to tighten and screw things in and knowing me, I'd probably get stuck and create a third fountain if I waited till the sinks were in. The installers took a lot of care when they siliconed the wall and the countertops to prevent gaps where water could seep in. All in all, they did a beautiful job. I was very impressed! AND they cleaned and vacuumed after themselves, which I really appreciated. I had a plumber come in to reconnect the plumbing. The last thing I need is Niagara Falls in my house. Definitely a great experience that gave me a lot of confidence on the company I work for! |
Reupholster ваши стулы столовой Posted: 14 Mar 2011 10:00 AM PDT Наше друг Antonella до ее старых выходок снова… делая ее красивейшую дом даже более красивейше. Когда мы на последнем месте навестили она, она преобразовывала ее размеры офиса. Теперь она двигала на столовую и брала 6 стулов обедая таблицы с смелейшей новой печатью. Эта щегольской маленькая интервенция стоила $68 и принимала меньш чем 6 часов. |
Как выбрать самую лучшую палубу для вашего местного климата Posted: 14 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT Choosing decking materials, like choosing any sort of building materials, isn’t just about how it looks. Although look is extremely important, function and longevity are just as important. A lot of what affects function and longevity when it comes to decks is your local climate. And, just to circle back to the way your deck will look, thinking about the kinds of climate your deck will need to stand up to will affect that too, in the long term. It may be that you choose a certain type of decking material because of certain unique advantages it offers. Most natural wood decking, for instance, is chosen because many wood species used for decking have natural resistance to wind, rain, and UV rays. Many of these kinds of wood decks are extremely robust no matter what your climate throws at them. But, choosing your deck according to climate can save you the time on maintenance. And time is an important commodity, right? So, with that in mind how do you choose deck materials with your local climate in mind. Well, take a look at this resource that should help get you started, so that you can invest in the right deck for your location just in time for Spring deck-building season! To view the below image in full, click on it and it will open in a new tab or window. When it does, click it again to see the full-sized version. Would you like to display this resource on your own site? No problem! Just copy and paste the code below from this page, and onto the editing section of your post. How To Choose The Best Deck For Your Local Climate is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
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