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- Покинутый гараж будет `Hub в Мадрид!
- Просто переконструкция камина для
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- Составные подсказки установки Decking
- Sugru сладостно как сахар для DIYers
- Напольное запланирование жизненного пространства: Расширьте вашу жизнь снаружи!
- Как получить освобождано земных молей
- Культурный шедевр в Гуанчжоу Кита!
- Как потопить вашу систему водообеспечения
- Продавать дом: Что, котор нужно предпологать эмоциональн
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Покинутый гараж будет `Hub в Мадрид! Posted: 23 Mar 2011 05:02 AM PDT An abandoned garage since the 1940′s has been given a fabulous new life in the shape of the Hub Offices in Madrid right in the beat of the city centre. The garage was in very bad condition but is now home to a group of entrepreneurs who rent it on a timeshare basis. They use it as their headquarters where they work on various projects in order to change the world. The architects behind this cool work space are Churtichaga + Quadra + Saloedo Arquitectos and instead of totally remodelling it they chose to use the rawness and incorporate it into the design.
Going greener just got more cool! Their raw approach to design left the concrete walls in their original state, along with scratches, engravings, with just a coating of resin to keep them solid. It would have been far to easy to have turned it into a contemporary office design with plush carpet, and wall art, but the sobriety and nudity offer a unique working interior design with attitude. Changes in the world could come from in here! With so many environmental issues today both virtues of function with the aesthetic provide sustainable space.that is energy efficient and therefore supporting our environment. The designers have also given us an insight into the future of saving abandoned buildings with our environment in mind. The Hub offices also provide a great heating and cooling system hidden underfloor that offers a more effective distribution system in summer and winter. The memories of it’s previous life are kept alive! The wooden floor is simply large planks of wood, that do give a warmer feel than the existing concrete floor. The skylight allows daylight to pour through into the centre point of the work space thus saving on lighting, another way to be energy efficient. They constructed a type of steel mezzanine that houses smaller wood lined rooms, for private meetings or quiet work rooms,. A versatile space where ideas matter over luxury! Almost nothing is new in here, most of the furniture is recycled which also adds a vintage era to the finished result. Wooden fruit crates have been re-born as stools, supports, coffee tables and the modular combinations.An old ladder and ticket box have been painted up and randomly place to fill in a gap, and as this office is a timeshare type space it can multifunction into a social or cultural space, that will for sure be the topic of conversation from visitors. Recycled wooden crates offer you privacy in modular style! They even create a funky reception area! An airy Space yet full of warmth from the buzz and energy of the occupants! Functional – Untouched yet intact! The greatest challenge was not to design! Clever hidden under floor heating keeps the whole space warm! Almost nothing is new in here, most of the furniture is recycled which also adds a vintage era to the finished result. Wooden fruit crates have been re-born as stools, supports, coffee tables and modular combinations. An old ladder and ticket box have been painted up and randomly place to fill in a gap, and as this office is a timeshare type space it can multifunction into a social or cultural space, that will for sure be the topic of conversation from visitors. Light pours in from the skylight saving energy! Private areas have been created for meetings or a quiet place to work! Donated chairs add a vintage touch! Churtichaga + Quadro + Salcedo took on this formidable challenge of creating a sustainable, energy saving, environmentally friendly work space to inspire future designs of abandoned buildings . The result is a functional cool working space with yet virtually no design, yet genius! |
Просто переконструкция камина для Posted: 23 Mar 2011 04:00 AM PDT Камин фокус живущей комнаты, поэтому важно иметь что-то которое не делает вас свить каждое время оно улавливает ваш глаз. Мои друзья вереск и Нейл имели эту несчастливую реакцию когда они двинули в их дом 1940s традиционную в Santa Monica. Живущая комната тонула в древесине. Пола, banister, и камин были всеми сделали дуба в средств-темных тенях. Типично, это нет проблемы (более лучшей чем ковер, право?). Но для этой пары, отвесное количество древесины доказало бит утеснительный. Они хотели фокусную часть которая укомплектовала бы естественный свет. «Пока она больш иметь камин, и одно фланкировало окнами, оно было dated и ужасно и не наш вкусы на всех,» вереск говорит. Вереск и Нейл начали на плане для того чтобы модернизировать камин и сделать им их. Изыскивающ яркий и воздушный взгляд, они прикладные 2 пальто праймера прилипания (исключая потребность зашкурить ее) последовали за 2 пальто белой краски. Доски на фронте и верхней части камина были изменены для того чтобы приспособить телевидение. И окончательно, они преобразовали sconces фланкируя камин с ыми молотком RustOleum тенями отделки серыми и новыми от амбара гончарни. |
Posted: 22 Mar 2011 08:59 PM PDT Я perfectionist когда это прибывает в моей мебелью. Я замечаю любую царапину, царапаю, врежу или bump. Я пробую держать все опрятной и аккуратной все время, поэтому я себя удивил даже когда я повернул к моему стулу сини неба кожаному как один из моих любимейших предметов мебели в моей живущей комнате. Она начинает показать свои покрынные кожей износ и взгляд, сморщено и побить вверх, но я нахожу, что люблю его больше и больше каждый день. Не значены, что будет кожа совершенна Когда вы ходите по магазинам для вашего очень имейте часть меблировк кожи, вспомните что оно не посмотрит совершенными и имеет различные зерна, текстуры, и линии. Совершенная кожа не существует, но то что дает ему такие уникально шарм и красотку. DirectBuy предлагает большое разнообразие красивейшей кожаной живущей мебели комнаты для того чтобы дать вашему дому типичное чувство типа. Вы можете закупить мебель качества кожаную и сохранить до 50% с розничных цен. |
Составные подсказки установки Decking Posted: 22 Mar 2011 12:00 PM PDT First of all, what are composite decks? Composite decks are made from a material that is a combination of plastic and recycled organic fibers. The slats are intended to last for many, many years with low to no maintenance. There is no painting or priming, and sealant is not necessary. Composite has very minimal fading, and therefore does not require staining. It can be purchased in an assortment of pre-dyed colors, giving homeowners many options when choosing their deck style. The composite is intended to imitate the look and feel of real wood, with the ease and durability of a plastic. The supplies for this project include:
Make sure your composite deck is building code compliantThe beginning process of deck building will remain the same with the installation of composite decking. You will still need to gather the proper permits and licenses from your city, county or township. Make sure to mention during your permit application that you will be using fire-resistant composite decking materials. This could make a difference for your permit status. The following is a great reference on how to prepare for, and install your new composite deck. Frame your composite deckFrame the deck using wood 2″‘ x 4′” strips. This is what the composite will be resting on, and it will also be covered. This frame lends strength and function to the deck. You should include a slope of 1/16 inch per foot to allow water to move away from the walls. This will be part of the code structure for permits. Include studs in the framing that are 16 inches apart. This is a good distance for the attaching segments of decking to the frame. Take note to make sure that joists are spaced appropriately, as there are weight limits that the composite decking can handle while over empty spaces. Tip: refer to the manufacturers suggestion and recommendations for installation on the weight bearing tolerances. Composite decking layout
If using interlocking slats, you will need to screw them into the joists below. This is the same for flush sided pieces and butt joints. Once all of the pieces are installed, you can sweep the area clean and admire your work. Composite decking has no priming, painting, or sealing requirements, so once the project is complete you just need to enjoy it. To help you choose composite decking, you can get free samples from us here at BuildDirect. This allows you to see first-hand the types of materials that are available. Enjoy your new composite deck! Composite Decking Installation Tips is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Sugru сладостно как сахар для DIYers Posted: 22 Mar 2011 10:32 AM PDT Если you’ ve всегда даже думал о решать проект DIY, тогда Sugru для вас. Никак-если вы живете в доме любое добросердечного, тогда Sugru для вас. Осуществляете ли вы его или не, вы будете на потребности нескольк пункта этот продукт чуда. Вид глины которая твердеет в гибкий силикон, Sugru лечит серии дома болеет. От шнуров отладки к делать ваши собственные крюки, это вещество шально охлаждает. Когда вы сперва извлекаете его от пакета, Sugru как глина моделирования. Как только отрегулировано и подвергано действию к воздуху, однако, оно toughens к гибкому силикону всю ночь. По-существу, вы имеете 30 минут прежде чем 24-часовой процесс лечения начинает. Или/и, как только он установлен, материал остает гибким, поэтому он значит что вы можете отремонтировать вещи как тканья и кабели. Sugru может выдержать температуры от -60 градусов c до 180 градусов C. Оно не треснет или не расплавит. Силикон качества, материал водоустойчив и поэтому durable для outdoors. Он даже выдерживает морскую воду. И все вам нужно просто мыло и вода очистить ее. Это даже сейф судомойки. Sugru конструировано для того чтобы вставить к по-существу что-нибыдь. Формирующ сильное скрепление к алюминию, стали, керамике, и стеклу и пластмассам, этот материал чуда совершенн для вокруг дома и в любой комнате в доме, коль на то пошло. Этот продукт нерукотворн. Серьезно футуристическо и уникально в своем составе (вы, Ni Dhulchaointigh Джейн изобретателя). Единственный вопрос остает: сколько сценариев можем мы думать до польза это для? Чему вы использовали бы Sugru для в вашего собственного дома? Уверен препятствовать нам знать в комментариях. Спасибо к нашим новым друзьям на Dadand для головок-вверх о этом внушительном домашнем продукте. |
Напольное запланирование жизненного пространства: Расширьте вашу жизнь снаружи! Posted: 22 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT Questions to Ask When Planning An Outdoor Living SpaceBefore you begin to actually design your yard by yourself or with an architect or landscape architect, ask yourself a few questions. 1. What activities do you want to provide for? Adult entertaining? Children's play areas? Pet needs? Kitchen garden? Write down all the possible uses. You can narrow this down later to what fits in your budget and space. 2. How much space do you have, and how much of it can you realistically allot? 3. What is your budget? Do you need to get financing, or will it be a build-as-funds-allow project? Be realistic about what you can spend. Also, do not overbuild for your neighborhood! Always know what homes in your area are like and what their value is. You don't want to be adding $50,000 of improvements if you cannot recoup that money. Make an outdoor living area an investment, not a financial loss. 4. Do you want a garden? Are there existing plants to consider? Plants provide shade and absorb the heat of the day. They will visually soften the edges of a patio or deck. You can build a kitchen garden, which could be beneficial if you do a lot of outdoor cooking. 5. Do you only want to install hardscaping (patio, deck, walkways, etc)? 6. Do you need privacy? You can put up a wall or fence, or plant vines or a hedge. Proximity to neighbors is a consideration, as are your views to block or retain. 7. What time of day will the space be used? How much sunlight will be in the area when you want to be using it? You don't want your guests to be having cocktails in the late day heat of the sun. Plan for shade. 8. What sort of lighting will you need? You can light pathways to and from the house and living areas, spotlight plants and focal points, and have subtle lighting near the kitchen and patio. In the northern hemisphere, our outdoor living season is upon us. After tolerating months of cabin fever, it's time to take advantage of warm weather, fresh air, and longer days. I had a landscaping client who had just bought a new home. There was no landscaping included, so we sat down together to design. The front yard had a long, wide covered porch and a 4' high wall that created a small, private yard. This allowed a view of western desert mesas and our gorgeous sunsets. I planted native trees, shrubs and flowers and a small patch of grass (about 500 square feet) within that walled area. I also installed a small three-tier fountain. A door from the master bedroom led to the porch at one end. A couple of chairs and a chaise lounge created a seasonal sitting area. My client said she would frequently get up and sit outside in summer, instead of going to the kitchen first. What a wonderful way to begin a day! There were chairs and a coffee table at the other end of the porch closer to the living room and kitchen. The family spent quiet time in this area, and it was an inviting entryway for guests. At the back door, there was only a small covered porch and a 5' high wall to block road traffic. Mountain views were visible, and they became the focal point for a huge outdoor living room. Aside from more native plantings and a larger piece of lawn, we installed:
This place had it all! Obviously, my client loved to entertain, so this was very elaborate. The outdoor space equaled the size of her interior living and kitchen areas. She could have large parties or smaller, more personal gatherings. The front yard was simple for intimate conversation or quiet relaxation. Either way, she had created more square footage for her house with outdoor living areas. Take advantage of summer weather, and create an outdoor living space that will suit your needs and be as comfortable as the inside of your home. This is also a wonderful, effective and inexpensive way to seemingly increase the square footage of a small home in all seasons. Outdoor Living Space Design: 5 Best PracticesHere are some best practices to keep in mind when designing an outdoor living space. 1. Create unity 2. Divide your yard into various rooms 3. Think about your outdoor living space in all seasons 4. Think about continuity and space 5. Choose the right lighting The Benefits of Outdoor Living SpacesAs you can see, designs can be simple or elaborate. From a grill and some patio furniture on a deck to an extensive system of fully furnished outdoor rooms, you can expand the square footage of your home and increase its functionality and value. This is especially important now that energy efficient smaller homes are becoming more popular. You don't need to feel as though you live in a small home if you design for outdoor living. The health benefits of fresh air can't be overlooked, either! Start planning and designing now for a summer outdoors. Outdoor Living Space Planning: Extend Your Life Outside! is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Как получить освобождано земных молей Posted: 22 Mar 2011 08:01 AM PDT Более теплые температуры значат что critters на движении, и внутри ваших дома и снаружи. Вчера, один из наших друзей Facebook вывесило мольбу для методов удаления моли, поэтому после меньшего исследования, мы имеем немного вариантов для вас. Помочь решить как получить освобождал burrowing тварей, вы будете хотеть определить удлинять вашей проблемы моли и который тоннели активны. Просто испытание -- найдите тоннель моли и stomp вниз na górze его так, что он частично выдалбливает внутри. Если это активный переходный люк, то моль будет иметь его отремонтированная в дне или так. Теперь, когда вы будете иметь идею где ваша населенность моли висит вне, давно пора для того чтобы решить как помочь ввести critters на их веселом путе. Следующий вопрос? Как славно вы хотите быть? |
Культурный шедевр в Гуанчжоу Кита! Posted: 22 Mar 2011 03:01 AM PDT This 70,000 sqm awesome piece of architecture sitting perfectly on the riverside of Pearl River in Guangzhou China was created by Zaha Hadid Architects. The concept behind the Opera House and it’s location was to be in the hub of Guangzhou's future cultural expansion program.The design of the construction and the location adds more attraction to the area sitting next to 2 other well designed cultural buildings with the towers of the finance building in Zhujiang being another prominent focal point, in the new part of town.
Resembling 2 pebbles on the bank of the Pearl River! The auditorium seats 1800 people and boasts the latest acoustic system and houses a rehearsal area, a smaller hall for smaller opera concerts, and other performing arts. The designers looked toward the local landscape for inspiration that included the relationship between the architecture and surrounding nature, geology, and topography (the study of the shapes of the Earth). The rivers and valleys of Guangzhou played a huge part in the result as the designers wanted to portray how they change after the effects of erosion. Modern piece of architecture giving prominence to the financial district! The zones in the building are dramatically separated by lines that appear folded and to create circulation impressive canyons have been included both inside and outside. The lobbies and leisure area’s are bathed in the natural light flowing through the whole building creating comfort even down in the depths of the building. Improving commerce and cultural interest! There are amazing harmonious transitions between unusually non-comparable elements and those with significant comparison. To add to the architectural message glass fibre gypsum units have been fitted inside the auditorium that add to the seamless fluid lines and continuing the light flow theme. Fold lines represent the natural results of erosion!
Inspired by the natural tendencies of the valleys and rivers! Flowing in natural light and creating better air circulation! A modern approach to future of culture in this city! The main concept behind this awesome structure is to help develop the cities cultural sector that already includes new library buildings and various museums. The opera house offers a unique territory that will bring together history and future, that will be part of the explorations of the future of traditions normally followed here in Guangzhou. It will bring an optimistic outlook to the development of Guangzhou's cultural future and what it can offer it’s residents and visitors. |
Как потопить вашу систему водообеспечения Posted: 21 Mar 2011 10:52 AM PDT Теперь, когда весна официально здесь, чистка весны определенно в заказе. Вы вероятно решаете пола, countertops, постельные принадлежности и другое обыкновенно, котор очищают области и детали, но что о системе водообеспечения вашего дома? Хорошая идея потопить вне вашу систему водообеспечения раз или дважды в гож обеспечить любую необработанную воду которая может построить вверх в ваших трубах или faucets извлечутся, предотвращая возможное загрязнение. Топить ежегодника может также увеличивать жизнь ваших труб и faucets. Мы составили некоторые подсказки для различных частей вашей системы водообеспечения: Faucets горячей воды: Включите все faucets горячей воды и позвольте побежать на 15 минут, если ваша горячая цистерна с водой не будет большле чем 80 галлонов--после этого побегите на 30 минут. Faucets холодной воды: Поверните дальше кран и побегите вода до тех пор пока она не будет чувствовать холод; держите ход для хотя бы минуты или 2. Судомойка: После того как вы топили ваши faucets горячей воды, побегите один цикл с пустой судомойкой. (Тантьема: Ваша судомойка будет более чиста, слишком!) |
Продавать дом: Что, котор нужно предпологать эмоциональн Posted: 21 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PDT
Happy: I wanted to downsize to something that suited my needs better, since my daughters were starting to move away. Happy: I was looking forward to not having a mortgage. Having been in real estate for the past five years, I had been struggling to keep up payments. Sad: It didn't feel good to be in that situation, but I felt I didn't have a choice. Sad: Several months worth of prep work to get it ready for showing were exhausting and emotional. Best advice on selling a home isn’t the whole pictureAs a real estate agent, I told my clients to de-clutter as much as possible so potential buyers could see the bones and get a sense of living there themselves. If there is too much of you in the house, they get distracted when looking and may not be able to visualize themselves having coffee, watching a movie, raising children or entertaining in what could be their new home. I'd tell them:
I was suddenly on the receiving end of my own advice. And it's been painful. It's a grieving process. Selling a home is an emotional actI went through and sorted every room and closet to see what I needed to keep, what I wanted to keep for the girls, and what I could sell or give away. I made several trips to the public library with books and magazines, to Habitat for Humanity, and the freebox at our recycling center for just about everything else. I packed away things I didn't need right away and that I would take with me to a new house – framed pictures, the girls' artwork, 35+ years of journals, spring needs for the greenhouse. My storeroom and shed were full of packed boxes! One morning, as I was going through the kitchen cupboards, I found an extra 1/4-cup measuring cup and put it in a container of coffee that I keep in the freezer. I stopped and thought, 'What if I need this for baking?' and immediately I said to myself, 'I don't bake now that the girls are gone,' and then I started to cry. Not only was I selling my house, I was selling a precious time of my life raising my girls here. The kitchen was where we baked cakes, cookies, corn bread and pumpkin rolls, and made hundreds of tortillas that we ate warm with butter. My younger daughter, at about 12, made a cherry pie from scratch in this kitchen. Selling a home means personal disruptionMy de-cluttered home didn't feel homey. It was more like a museum or a hotel. Few of my personal things were out, and my routine was disrupted! I had to look for things I used every day. I put the kitchen hand soap in a drawer, and never remembered that when I went to use it. I had the kitchen trash in a different place, an inconvenient place, but 'out of the way' of a potential buyer's view. I washed and put away my dishes all the time, and put the dish drainer under the sink when I was done. I made my bed every morning. I kept my clothes picked up and dirty laundry, again, 'out of the way.' I didn't feel like I really LIVED here anymore! There weren't curtains on the windows, so buyers could easily see the amazing views, but I felt totally exposed at night. It was very hard, and a constant reminder of the crappy economy and losing my children to adulthood to live on my own again. I had no restrictions on showing times, so anyone could come any time. It would have taken just one showing to send me and my memories packing into the unknown. I was unsettled, physically and emotionally, all the time! I was worried about the future. Where would I go? Would my utilities be as low? Would it be sunny? Warm in winter and cool in summer? Would I be able to grow food? Have great views? Have kind and helpful neighbors? Would it be safe? These are all things I already had and did not want to give up! Selling a home final advice to Real Estate agents out there: be sensitiveI want real estate agents to keep these things in mind when they are dealing with sellers. Selling a home is a very emotional experience, all day every day. It starts with the circumstances leading up to selling, and moves to the decision to sell, the prep work, listing and showing. I didn't sell the house, but I was not looking forward to the stress and emotion of negotiating a contract, closing the deal and moving. I doubt that phase would have been easy, either! I closed a short sale last year. Not only did this couple lose their house and business, they were getting a divorce, and they had three small children. In hindsight, I don't think I was compassionate enough when they dug their heels in and refused to do what was needed according to bank deadlines. Putting my own house on the market for financial reasons made their situation and my lame reactions very clear. Please be sensitive to what your sellers are going through. More hand-holding, less do-this-do-that, and a little understanding will ease the home sale journey, no matter the reasons. Selling a Home: What To Expect Emotionally is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Дом вала для того чтобы сделать Swoon Tarzan Posted: 21 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT Если вы думаете, то что играть вверх в валах только для малышей, после этого вы увиденный бедный человек Здоровый-Edmonds' северо-западному дому. Чистящ щеткой против окружающих treetops, этот дом сливает outdoors с внутри помещения, и взрослый мир с чудесным миром детей для того чтобы создать жилище как вы никогда не видели раньше. С бюджетей под $25K, Здоровое-Edmonds выбрало их график для своей доступности также, как своя близость к их части сада общины. Окружено сочный природой, это место было идеально для своей красотки, но представляло несколько возможностей. Семья решила на a консольн-как план, предлагая открытую конструкцию которой создает мир в и себя. Трёхэтажный дом был создан с линиями открытого визирования поэтому Здоровая-Edmonds чонсервная банка легко осматривает их близнецов Pippa и Maisie. Открытое loft-как план дома и своя польза просто материалов небольшой кивок к конструкциям Франк Ллоыд Шригют. Открытые нутряные фокусы в большинстве на добившийся успеха своими силами искусствах и кораблях. Здорово, мебел-создатель, конструировал много из меблировк с переклейкой, как кресло отличая хранением для книг детей. Переклейка и пробочка изобилуют повсюду, обеспечивающ доступную и красивейшую атмосферу которая удостоит простоты как очень как замысловатость мира и ART ребенка. От внешнего крена асфальта настилая крышу к гамакам на крылечках, эта дом интегрирует естественную красотку вокруг ее в ежедневное прожитие. Один год, близнецы были услажены для того чтобы наблюдать гнездй белки как раз вне их окна. И эта красивейшая дом вала будет никакое наслаждение сомнения Здоровая-Edmonds семья на ближайшие годы. |
Продукты принесенные для того чтобы потерпеть неудачу Posted: 21 Mar 2011 12:58 AM PDT Many products today are made with planned obsolescence in mind – products born to fail. Manufacturers are making sure that items loose their relevance or go out of date to stimulate the demand for trend. Living up to these demands is making a big hole in your wallet and when the cash is gone you are turning to your credit cards to keep up with the most up to date versions of your favorite items. Click the image to enlarge
Via: Fixr There is a staggering 75% of unused computers hanging around and 7% of you throw your old cell phones in the trash. This is having a huge effect on our health and the environment. Go for a less pressured lifestyle and and help towards the control of the costs of our throw away society. Some Facts: Printers have got clever and now actually stop you printing if one of your ink-jet cartridges gets to a certain level even if it still has enough ink to print. Gaming manufacturers constantly update versions to force you to buy them. Fashion trends come and go, making you fall for the clever marketing. Consumer electronics don’t modify memory capabilities, they also ensure battery life is short lived, so you have to buy again. Automobile makers obsolete spare parts and bring out new cars with slight cosmetic changes, to persuade you to buy the next model. See below for some easy tips and great simple ideas! Tips to a less pressured life:
A simple life means less stress, less waste, kinder towards our environment and health while being easy on the bank balance and helping to prevent the hole in your wallets wearing thin. Take a step out of society pressure, but stay ‘en trend’ with these tips and enjoy the difference you are making to your own health and well being with out effecting your lifestyle and enjoyment. |
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