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- Насколько выхода по энергии вашему Windows действительно нужен?
- Прорыв подрыванием Daruma-Otoshi `!
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Промышленное шикарное прожитие в Барселона! Posted: 08 Apr 2011 03:14 AM PDT In downtown Barcelona 800 m2 of industrial space has been transformed into a chic home spread over 2 floors by Minim Architects. The building dating back to the 1930′s era was used as a print workshop, and apparantly underneath was a bomb shelter used during the Civil War.
A unique item of memorabilia takes stand by the conference table! After removing false ceilings and scrubbing floors and walls, layer by layer the original structure was discovered. The point was to use any of the existing furniture and structure to create a unique organic design. The floor has been left to maintain the mood, and still retains some old artwork. Clever skylights give light below! The walls had to be protected with latex to prevent damp and dust particles, huge windows were included to bring in natural light and to light up the underfloor clever skylights were added. Old and new in harmony! Lots of original accessories have been re-born, and the contrast between the modern touches and the antique works because the structure slightly over powers the contents without effecting the concept! The central lounge is the place to chill! The starkness of the white kitchen lights up this otherwise dark corner adding warmth, with loads of kitchen space, to cook, eat or chat over coffee. Illuminating a once dark corner! The fact that this home is in the center of a building has not prevented the architects from utilizing the generous space and getting some light in. Every part of the 800 m2 is functional with a touch of raw luxury. Modern functional space with raw luxury! Another challenge with this vast industrial space was how to give it warmth. The answer was clever lighting and exposed piping, along with comfortable modern furniture! Comfortable furniture, with clever lighting add warmth! The archway in the entrance retains its old solid iron and hardwood doors that open up to a modern stair design and ramp. A grand entrance! From opening the original iron doors to modern glass stairs! Unique objects are scattered about the home, and making a huge statement is the Harley Davidson Motor Bike parked by the conference table. Unique objects old and new are scattered about creating the mood! The architects studied the space in depth as they didn’t want to just put the furniture and objects near to the walls as this would result in huge area’s of empty space in the middle. The solution was to place the sofas, chairs and TV to create a central lounge area, then worked from this by placing other items so they had a small focul point, like the chaise long in the office! I think you’ll agree that the distribution in this reform has worked and kept this once old print works ambiance yet transformed it into an environmentally friendly interior design masterpiece! |
Находить правый каменный Siding для вас Posted: 07 Apr 2011 12:00 PM PDT siding »”>Stone siding is something than can vastly improve the exterior of your home in terms of visual impact, and often with additional structural strength, too. With spring being right around the corner it is a great time to make improvement to the whole house, including the exterior. Stone siding is a great way to make a impact without a lot of time, effort, or money. Some of the supplies are light weight, and can be installed in a quick manner, while other might take more skill, but the outcome is a beautiful upgrade to your home. Here are a few options for stone siding to consider. Solid stone sidingThis product is a heavy weight piece of solid stone. The process of installation is like a puzzle, much like the others, and the result is a beautiful surface that can cover the entire facade of your home. Because the product is solid stone, there are no concerns about an underside showing through the material. Stone veneer sidingThis product is stamped concrete that is stained and shaped to look like natural stone. Stone veneer siding is very durable and fits together in a inter-locking fashion. Another advantage is that stone veneers are more lightweight than solid natural stone. Manufactured stoneManufactured stone siding is produced in an individual manner so that it is like actual rocks as opposed to pieces that lock together. This too is produced as stamped and colored concrete, and can come in many different shapes and sizes. Foam sidingFoam siding is an immensely lightweight and durable product that imitates actual stone. These “stones” are made to mimic stack stone, coming in many different colors and offered in large panels. The panels cover a large area, and an entire corner of a house can be completed in a day. The material is quite dense so that it can withstand weather, moisture, heat, and cold. What kind of stone siding is best for me?When considering what types of stone side are best for you, you should think about installation. Here are some of the items to answer before making a final decision:
If you are looking to update your home, but you want to remain conservative, consider a stack stone look with either the veneer or foam. This will allow you to cover a small area without dealing with the weight, or annual sealing. This is something that you could easily complete in a day, requiring no grouting. and little upkeep. If you’re looking to add structural strength to your home, solid stone or manufactured stone, and the related upkeep involved in both of those options may be the way to go. Getting ready to install stone sidingOnce you have all of the pieces for your stone siding, make sure you also get the right adhesives. Depending on the surface that you are apply the product to, such as stucco or wood, you will need to have the proper setting. This would include a thin set, heavy weight construction adhesive, like Liquid Nails, or another type of recommended product. Make sure to read the manufacturers suggestions before applying anything to your home. And of course, seek out professional advice whenever you’re unsure, specifically professional installers, and your local retailers of related stone siding accessories or installation products. Get ready for spring, and get ready to breathe new life into your home with a new look that mirrors the look of ages past – stone siding. Finding The Right Stone Siding For You is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Контейнер садовничая используя 8 Recyclable деталей домочадца Posted: 07 Apr 2011 09:00 AM PDT
But, how do you start? Landscaping and gardening writer Jakob Barry weighs in, helping you transform your space into the green gardening, de-cluttered home you’ve been looking for. *** There are two paths to starting a garden. Either buy the plants at various stages of growth and slip them nicely into the soil or cultivate them from scratch. Having done both the latter always seems to be more rewarding since it covers the lifecycle from little dry seeds to large plants giving forth fruit and then dying. Of course, doing so takes a lot more time and effort than just driving back from the store and making a hole in the ground. For one thing seeds need a hospitable environment conducive to germination, which usually translates into warmth and sprouting in those plastic cell trays you'll find in most stores. Eventually when the seedlings are strong enough to withstand the elements they can be transplanted to larger pots or directly into the garden. But the use of plastic is a big question. Is it necessary? Plastic has always been a convenient choice for sprouting because the bit of soil and plant is easily removed from each cell without doing harm to the root system. However, alternatives are available that can be made from things all around us, many of which are 100% biodegradable meaning you can put them in the ground as is! Just doing a quick survey of our homes and weekly purchases will provide many examples, some of which include the following: 1. Toilet paper roles (100% biodegradable) OK, unless you have a compost toilet and after using the toilet clean up with dry material (leaves, wood chips, sawdust, etc) chances are you buy toilet paper. When that's the case every so often the paper gets used up and what's left is a role. With a pair of scissors these roles can be quickly turned into seed starters by cutting them in half making two smaller roles or potential starter pods similar to the cells in the plastic trays. Taking each half separately cut four slits in one end three quarters of an inch in length. This creates flaps that when folded seal the end making a cell that will hold seed and soil. NOTE: the same can be done with paper towel roles if you use them. Also, if you have different size roles just measure them accordingly to make more cells. 2. Newspaper (100% biodegradable) For better firmness roll several sheets of newspaper together to a circumference of your liking and either use biodegradable tape or paper clips to hold the form. (If you use regular tape just remove it before placing the plant in the ground). Starting from one end cut smaller roles every two or three inches and then make flaps folding them in like with the toilet paper roll. If you don't buy newspapers anymore this is also a good use for junk mail! 3. Cardboard egg cartons (100% biodegradable) These are great for seed starters since they are already in fine form for each little seedling and can easily be cut into their separate compartments when transplanting to larger pots or the ground. 4. Tea bag boxes (100% biodegradable) They are wider and deeper but don't have to be filled to the brim with seed starter soil. Fill the box half way and trim the sides according to your liking. 5. Thin cardboard milk or juice containers (100% biodegradable) Wash them out and cut them down to the size you want. For the remaining upper section utilize the steps from the toilet paper role to make flaps and more cells. 6. General cardboard (100% biodegradable): It may be from cereal boxes or packages but cardboard can easily be cut up and made into small cubes for holding seedlings. 7. Shoe boxes, larger milk or juice cartons (100% biodegradable) These can be good for starting a bunch of seeds at once and then transplanting elsewhere. At the same time, they can be transplanted into as a second stage before heading to the garden. 8. Plastic containers (100% recyclable) Whether from yogurt, snacks, or other food staples they are just as handy as products purchased in stores. Clean well, poke holes in the bottoms for water to flow but remember they aren't biodegradable. When your garden is in full swing recycle or save them for next year. *** Thanks, Jakob! Jakob Barry writes for Networx.com a growing community of homeowners and contractors getting the most from their resources by sharing and monitoring home improvement projects together. He covers various home improvement topics including green gardening tips and landscaping maintenance. Cheers, Rob. Container Gardening Using 8 Recyclable Household Items is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Насколько выхода по энергии вашему Windows действительно нужен? Posted: 07 Apr 2011 08:00 AM PDT Much confusion surrounds energy efficient windows. You know that they’re fantastic and save you money on energy bills, but how much efficiency do you really need to keep your home a comfortable temperature? And how much is too much? Let’s get clear this up once and for all.
In general, triple-pane windows are only necessary for regions that see extreme heat or cold. For most everyone else, double-pane windows with Low-E coating are just fine. Costs for these vary by location and your home’s specific needs. To find out how much new windows would cost in your area, click here. 1. Locate Your Climate ZoneNext, decide your level of glass pane efficiency. Each climate zone in the U.S. has different requirements for window glass. So first things first, which climate zone do you live in? (You can also search by zip code at Energy Star.) 2. Jot Down Your Recommended Window RatingsHere’s a breakdown of how well replacement windows should perform based on your climate zone. Washington, D.C., for example, is in the North-Central Zone, and therefore needs a window with U-factor of 0.32 or less. U-factors and other rating numbers will be printed on all Energy Star certified windows. This makes it easy to see how different products measure up.
U-Factor, if you’re curious, measures how well your window insulates. It ranges from 0.25 to 1.25. The lower the number, the better the window keeps your home heated. SHGC measures how much heat is blocked by your window, and ranges from about 0.25 to 0.80. The lower the number, the less solar heat is allowed to pass through. This is why super-sunny Florida, for example, requires an SHGC of .027 or less, and frigidly cold Wisconsin needs only a 0.40 or less. 3. Find an Experienced Window InstallerReplacement windows are only as good as the contractor that installs them. In fact, a poorly sealed window will often void the warranty that came with your purchase, leading to all kinds of difficulties and costly repairs. You can find an experienced window contractor by clicking here. They are guaranteed to be:
The best-performing windows are airtight and will last for years. Make your investment count the first time by following these steps, and then of course, let us know how you love your new windows. Photos via Houzz |
Прорыв подрыванием Daruma-Otoshi `! Posted: 07 Apr 2011 02:58 AM PDT Для the first time всегда небоскреба разобранное начало от первого этажа! Этот прорыв подрыванием был унесен японской корпорацией Kajima в типе Daruma-otoshi. Daruma-otishi стародедовская японская игра высокого искусства где куклы Daruma аранжированы na górze одина другого и после этого принятое прочь одно одновременно без стучать ими всеми вниз. Путем использование этого новаторского процесса они во избежание разбрасывать твердых частиц и пыли и уменьшили загрязнение шума, неизбежное с обычными методами. Не только это изумительное отростчатое почтительное к окружающей среде, но гораздо безопасне для работников и ее делает его более легким организовать рециркулировать материалы. Этот уникально процесс позволяет работа быть унесенным ближе к земле где метод разрушения может быть уносит на более безопасном уровне и режет вниз с времени разрушения хотя бы 20%. Как он был сделан! Процесс начинает при вертикальные поддерживая столбы будучи заменянным компьютеризированными гигантскими jacks. Подрывная команда после этого deconstruct первый этаж пока остальнои здания сидят на jacks. Jacks после этого медленно понижают следующий пол вниз к земле и процесс повторен на каждом поле до тех пор пока полностью здание не пойдено. Без летания твердых частиц или пыли в атмосферу, меньше риска на работниках и меньше включили времени, котор, этот метод будущий путь сокрушить здания. |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 12:00 PM PDT
Using a natural or clear sealant is a great way of preserving cedar siding, and with that the product will remain beautiful and durable for many years. This product has a red hue that is mixed together with a sand-colored grain. The siding can come in strips, or in shingles, like that seen on Victorian-style homes. This means that installation is no different than any other natural-siding product. Keep your cool with cedar sidingCedar has a porous structure compared to other woods. This means that cedar allows natural airflow, while heat is transferred, and regulated through this type of material quite easily for the promotion of moderate temperatures indoors. It is also means that heat will remain indoors during the winter, as it acts as a great insulator. It is hard to beat a beautiful product that is also cost-saving. Cedar is used in areas that tend to attract destructive insects because it repels them so well. This is the same benefit that you will see on the exterior of your home. Because of the beautiful grain pattern, there is no need to paint as the red and sand colors are a lovely display, especially during spring. The temperature aspect allows the cedar to work as a great addition to your homes insulation, thus reducing your heating and cooling bills. Cedar Siding Is A Designer’s ChoiceCedar siding is a great way to accentuate existing character in a home. The siding can be installed in a vertical or horizontal fashion, immediately rendering a homey, comfortable exterior. Apart from the golden-red color of new cedar siding, the wood naturally ages (when not clear stained) to a distinguished sylvan gray color. Whatever stain you choose, cedar is complementary to a variety of popular landscaping elements, and has a large impact on how visitors, and prospective buyers, perceive your home for that all-important ‘first impression’. Cedar works well for homes that have a rural, Victorian, traditional look, but also suits a contemporary design just as well. The style of cedar can fit within any style and budget, meaning that it is a great fit for any home. Cedar is long-lasting and durable,and renders that down-home, yet high-end look that you’re after. BuildDirect offers free samples of cedar siding. Find out what your options are, then leap into spring with the fresh look of cedar on your home. Advantages of Cedar Siding is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 09:00 AM PDT Здравствулте!, нежные читатели! I’ m очень довольный объявить новый член команды блога BuildDirect и блога BuildDirect зеленой, Steffani Cameron. Steffani установленные blogger и внештатный автор, специализируя на наших блогах в малом прожитии космоса и урбанском декоре. Steffani и я знали один другого на некоторое время, был по мере того как она самолюбивые Vancouverite и active в наших (весьма живых) социальных средствах и он-лайн содержимой общине творения. Steffani’ speciality s поможет дать вам идеи и перспективы на как принять тот малый космос, и тому малому бюджете, и делает наибольшее из этого так, что он будет чувствовать как ваши. Ли вы квартир-жилец, кондо-предприниматель, или если вы имеете дом с малой комнатой вы can’ t думает что сделать с, Steff’ столбы s помогут дать вас пинать-начинают, пока помогающ вам остаться на бюджете, слишком. Пребывание настроило для ее первого столба, приходящ вверх по этой пятнице! Добро пожаловать, Steff! Вводить Steffani Cameron столб от: BuildDirect. Мы покрываем разнообразие продукты включая прокатанный настил, пола домашнего улучшения твёрдой древесины, bamboo настил, плитку, decking и больше. Мы также предлагаем широкий диапазон info на дизайне интерьера, расквартировывая тенденции, дом как к, зеленое здание и прожитие, и больше. Отсутствие родственных столбов. |
Как держать вашу кухню для того чтобы Remodel от идти полностью бешено Posted: 06 Apr 2011 08:00 AM PDT I hate to break it to you: kitchen remodels are hard. As in, really, really tricky to pull off without a hitch. This is a project you want to run as smoothly as possible, and believe me, you’re gonna need help if you’d like to avoid the nightmarish pitfalls of so many homeowners before you. Here’s how to keep your kitchen remodel from going totally berserk. 1. Find your dream contractor (and then check his references)In the planning stages, contractors are going to woo you senseless. They’ll throw pretty catalogue pictures at you, talk up their achievements and quality craftsmanship. But how do you know they’re worth their salt? Two ways:
The latter is fine. . . if you have a background in private investigating. The truth is, shady contractors can simply change their business name anytime they’re in trouble. This leaves few consumer protections should you be forced to take action. Give yourself a much-deserved break and look up a certified contractor instead. 2. Read your agreement, especially the fine print.And then read it again. That document is your best bet for getting what you paid for. If something isn’t specified in there, don’t sign it until it’s spelled out, with cost breakdowns and step-by-step remodel plans included. For example, kitchen cabinets are a huge investment. Read through the endless details as if you were shopping for a new car. Prices are steep for new models, and you don’t want to end up with cheap cabinet boards because you (and your contractor) failed to specify what “standard” meant. Never overlook those details. 3. Expect the unexpected, every timePlan for contingencies of all sorts, including:
Have something to add? Share your thoughts in the comments! Photo via Houzz |
Как во избежание аферы ремонта шторма Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:00 AM PDT Более теплая погода приносит с ей более высокий риск строгой погоды. И после оклика, сильные ветеры, торнадоы и проливные дожди приходят другая опасность: аферы ремонта шторма. Область Kansas City недавно испытала тяжелый поединок строгой погоды, и в реакции, окружнойа прокурор Стив графства Johnson Howe выдал предупреждение к едокам для того чтобы во избежание потенциальные аферы ремонта. Один из самых больших предупредительных знаков? Не работайте с кто-то которое приходит сразу к вашей двери. Если вы случайно причалены кто-то предлагая обслуживания, то попытка для того чтобы увидеть если автомобиль которым персона управляет имеет вне, то - плит положения. Если так, оно вероятно кто-то которое следует за строгой погодой от положения к положению, собирающ деньги для работы, то которая никогда не будет выполнена. Если вы терпите повреждение шторма, то вы должны быстро связаться ваша страховая компания. Они будут помочь вам определить повреждение и сразу вас к квалифицированным, аттестованным персоне ремонта или контрактору. |
Современное Eco живя для детей! Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:41 AM PDT Castor and Choucha a French based company came up with a great concept and designed Eco – friendly contemporary furniture especially for children with respect to the environment. The results are beautiful modern contemporary beds, cribs, cabinets, and desks and accessories all in soft colors, that cover all a child’s room requirements.
Beautifully finished, with smooth lines! The collection contains elements that will grow with your baby through to infant and junior life. The creative brains behind this high – end Eco – friendly collection along side the designers were, nurses, pediatricians, and mothers. This cradle, crib and junior table all in one is totally adjustable and also evolves easily into a changing table. Cleverly designed for more than one use! The Eco friendly sustainable materials used were natural lins, organic cotton, recyclable bamboo, and other additional recyclable elements. The details that differentiate the items and make them unique were hand finished with acrylic. This pure chic junior bed can also change shape to adapt to a growing infants needs from 1.40 – 1.90 meters. As your child grows so does this chic junior bed! Each item is unique and manufactured with health, security and the environment foremost. The collection is totally sustainable and built to last without forfeiting style and is the first Eco -friendly children’s furniture collection totally dedicated to the health, well being and development of children. Genius piece of evolutionary furniture – from cot – desk Cart, cradle or basket – take your pick!
Practical, washable, safe and long lasting! Castor and Chouca was the concept of a French furniture maker in Marciac, France. The innovations were developed from new parents showing concerns towards sustainable nursery furniture with comfort, safety and style. The designers got together and chose materials that would add and fit in any decorating theme, give the room a contemporary feel with it’s smooth edges and with minimal effect on our environment! |
Как найти агент недвижимости для ПОКУПАТЕЛЕЙ Posted: 05 Apr 2011 12:00 PM PDT
Hire a real estate agent through referralsThe most common way to find an agent is through a referral from a friend. You get along with your friend, so you may think you will get along with your friend's agent. This is not always the case, though. Call these referrals, and ask a lot of questions (keep reading to find out what to ask). If you click with one, that's great. If not, don't feel obligated to work with them. You have to be able to establish a trusting relationship with someone. Hire a real estate agent via sign or an advertisementOne word: don't. The listing agent and ‘duel agency’The listing agent has a legal contract with homeowners to represent them and will not have your best interests at heart. Also, when an agent has what we call 'both sides' (buyer and seller), they become a 'facilitator', not representing either side. The agent cannot advise either side, but passes messages back and forth between parties. It's called dual agency, and both parties must agree to it by signing a form before an offer is ever put on the home. I had an opportunity to do this with a piece of land I had listed. I explained to both parties that I would be the facilitator and not be able to represent either of them. I told them I would share each other's decisions with the other, and that they would have to 'duke it out'. That made them both chuckle. Ultimately, the buyer was more comfortable being represented by another agent, and we got the land sold with both parties feeling fully represented and comfortable. If an agent is a member of their local board, they will have access to the Multiple Listing Service. S/he will be able to search for all the homes in their area. If you have your heart set on a house you drove by, s/he will be able to find that home and show it to you. You do NOT need the listing agent to show it to you or get more information from. Find a real estate agent who specializes in your price rangeBefore you go looking for an agent and a home, go to a mortgage broker or bank, and get a pre-qualification letter. This information will tell you what price home you can afford. Then find an agent familiar with homes in that price range. I specialized in the $200,000-400,000 range. I knew them all, their neighborhoods, building materials and styles, stats on sales, listings and days on market, and the difference between the asking and sales prices. That was my market! One summer, I had some new buyers looking for an $800,000 home in a nearby town. I was definitely out of my element. I wasn't familiar with the town, the roads, the homes, or the price range. I was fortunate to team up with another agent in the area, and we worked together. I learned a lot, but it's easier to have an agent who knows his or her own market. What to look for in a real estate agentYou want an agent who listens to your needs – financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, family. Interview several. They should be taking notes when you are talking. They should be asking a lot of questions so they are very clear on your home-buying criteria. Be sure they explain complex things fully so you understand. There is a lot of legal wording in a real estate contract, so be sure you will know exactly what it says and what it means. The home buying process can be confusing and overwhelming, and you need to understand what is happening throughout. Make sure their work hours are in sync with times you are available to go house hunting. If you only have Sundays off, be sure your agent will be willing to work Sundays. The same goes for evenings. I have shown many homes after 6 and in the dark, because my clients worked full time jobs. Questions to ask a prospective real estate agent1) How many years have you been in the business? Full time? Part time? Obviously, the longer the career, the more experience. A full time agent learns more, but may be too busy to give you their full attention. A part-time agent might learn more slowly, but they have more time to devote to you. One situation is not better than the other. You have to decide which you prefer, and you'll figure that out by speaking to various agents. 2) How many buyers have you had in the past year, and how many of those transactions did you close? In today's slow market, this may be moot, but ask it anyway. Ask for references, and call them. Find out how professional the agent was, if they communicated well and often enough, if things were explained well, if they were pleasant, and if the new homeowners felt the agent was honest and up front with them. 3) Do you work with buyers or sellers mainly? There are buyer brokerages that work exclusively with buyers. This is a great idea, but those agents may not be the best for you. On the other hand, they know the buying process intimately and are not torn between buyers and sellers. 3) Have you had any complaints filed against you? Call the local and state real estate boards and ask. These agencies can also verify information you have received from the agents. 4) How often do you communicate with clients, and what is your favorite mode? Do they call, text, email or make appointments for face-to-face meetings? As the buyer, what do you prefer? Let them know how often you would like to hear from them. Ask if they will be sending you all the new listings that fit your criteria. This can usually be done automatically. 5) Ask about the market. You can verify this information with the local board, which is not trying to sell you anything. They will provide you with facts. Find out how the market has changed in the last year, two years, five years. You can make informed decisions when you know what the market is doing. 6) What's your specialty? Do they specialize in condos, second homes, certain neighborhoods, green homes, farms and rural properties, urban areas? If you know what you are looking for, this answer can help you narrow down your search. Google the agents you are interviewing. They should have a website and perhaps a blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Read what they write, which may feel more personal than what they say on the phone. Finally, take your time! You need to feel comfortable and able to trust your agent to get you through the maze of the home buying process. Congratulations! You are on your way to becoming a homeowner! How To Find a Real Estate Agent For BUYERS is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Освободите ваши сточные канавы и Downspouts вовремя весны Posted: 05 Apr 2011 09:00 AM PDT Springtime is, in part, about helping your property make the transition into warmer weather. A great place to start is your roof and your drainage systems – your gutters and downspouts, specifically. Debris like branches, leaves, and other miscellaneous items left over from late autumn and blown by winter winds and into your gutters and downspouts may become a problem if not discovered before the proverbial April showers. So, what do you do about it? Home and garden writer Alyssa Davis provides a jumping off point here in tackling this important area of seasonal maintenance. *** Keeping your home’s gutters and downspouts clean and running freely is a very important home maintenance task. When your gutters and downspouts are clogged with leaves, branches and other debris, water will not be able to drain properly, which could contribute to water issues around the foundation of your home. Even if you cleaned your gutters and downspouts last fall, it’s important to clean them again so that you are prepared for spring showers. Here are some tips you can use to get your gutters and downspouts clean. Safety First Safety is of the utmost of importance when cleaning your home’s gutters and downspouts. If you are using ladders or scaffolding, make sure the ground is firm and dry under the supports. If the ground is too soft, your ladder or scaffolding support could sink into the ground, potentially causing you to fall. You should also wear safety goggles when cleaning gutters and downspouts to protect your eyes against twigs and debris, as well as work gloves to protect your hands. Cleaning the Gutters Depending on the weather, the debris that has accumulated in your gutters could be either damp or dry. If the gutter contents are dry, you can simply scoop the leaves and other debris out of the gutters using a trowel or scooper, allowing them to fall to the ground to be raked up later. Alternatively, you could also cut the bottom out of a work bucket, taping a trash bag to the bottom. Cut the bucket handle with metal cutters, forming hooks from the cut ends. Hang the bucket from the ladder, and simply scoop the leaves and debris into the bucket, which will in turn fill the trash bag. If your gutter debris is damp, your job will be a bit more difficult. Wet leaves are heavier and messier to work with, so take any necessary precautions to ensure your safety. If you spread a plastic tarp on the ground under your ladder, you can simply scoop the wet debris out of the gutter and drop it onto the tarp. As you progress, just move the tarp along the ground so that it’s always within safe reach. Clearing the Downspouts Once the gutters have been cleaned, it’s time to clear the downspouts. You’ll want to make sure to do this step before you rinse the gutters. Place the end of the garden hose in the top of the downspout. Then, have somebody else turn the water on. If there aren’t any clogs, the water will flow clearly. If it doesn’t, you can try wrapping a rag around the hose, effectively sealing the top of the downspout opening. When the water is turned on, the pressure will hopefully push the obstructing debris out. If this doesn’t work, you can use a drain snake to remove the clog. Then, test again with the hose. Rinsing the Gutters Once the downspouts are flowing freely, you can use the hose to rinse the gutters. If you create any downspout clogs during this process, clear them out as you did previously. When finished, your gutters will be clean and your downspouts will be flowing freely, keeping water away from your foundation and out of your basement. *** Thanks, Alyssa! Alyssa Davis’ articles are regularly featured on Metal-Wall-Art.com, decorating with metal dragonfly wall art and sunshine metal sculpture. Cheers, Rob. Clear Your Gutters and Downspouts in Time for Spring is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
5 причин Remodel ваша уродская старая ванная комната теперь Posted: 05 Apr 2011 08:00 AM PDT Your friends know it, you know it, your mother knows it: the bathroom needs work. So let’s help you kick spring remodeling season into gear. Here are 5 reasons to remodel your ugly old bathroom now. 1. You love a good bargainWith the construction industry in yet another slump, contractor fees have been significantly reduced. If ever there was a time to remodel, this is it. Find out how much you can get away with by clicking here. 2. Your spouse owes you oneIf you haven’t been pampered since your honeymoon, it’s probably time to cash in on a few promises. We’ve got your spa bathroom ideas right here, as well as master bath pictures and an ultra sexy design to inspire you. Don’t forget to request your soaking tub with jets, heated flooring and a skylight for stargazing. Ahhh, now we’re relaxed. 3. Your flooring is carpet… and it’s starting to smellNever mind why you have carpet in the bathroom—let’s just get that cleared out for you. Flooring installation jobs start at a couple hundred or less. At the very least, take care of mold and ventilation problems by installing new flooring. Tile and vinyl are excellent (and funk-free) choices. 4. You engage in bathroom wars every morningIf getting to work or school on time involves an epic battle for the shower every morning, consider adding another bathroom. Think of all the time you’ll save (and feelings you’ll spare). For bigger families, check out bathroom plans that feature separate shower and toilet areas. This is a fantastic way to maximize efficiency in the home, and our contractors are plenty skilled in spatial planning and design. 5. Your bathroom somewhat resembles a drippy caveOK, here’s worst-case scenario: leaky faucets, mildew in the corners, creatures purring under the floorboards, etc. This is a sign that your bathroom has fallen victim to the swamp look, a problem not as uncommon as you might think. Even if yours isn’t a total loss, here’s what you can do: find out how much a remodel would cost you, replace the essentials and get back to sweet bathroom bliss. We have faith in you. Did I miss any important reasons to remodel? Let me know in the comments! Photos via Houzz |
Почему вы должны запланировать домашний осмотр Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:16 AM PDT Большинств домашние осмотры типично осуществляют до заключения недвижимости и необходимая часть трудыов дома покупая. Потому что Эйприл домашний месяц осмотра, мы думали что мы будет делить подсказку: домашние осмотры нет как раз для домашних сбываний. В действительности, специалисты рекомендуют что вы планируете домашний осмотр, специально если вы живете в вашем доме на 10 или больше лет. «Иметь дом остает одной из значительно финансовых инвестиций большинств люди сделают в их продолжительности жизни,» сказал Курт Salomon, президент американского общества домашних контролеров, в официальном сообщении для печати ASHI. «Периодические осмотры дирижированные квалифицированным профессионалом один из самых лучших путей защитить то облечение.» Так как часто должны вы планировать осмотр? Каждые 3 до 5 лет, который помогут держать вас информированный условия вашего дома--и потенциально за исключением вас от дорогих ремонтов опустите дорогу. |
Чисто роскошный обозревая залив Pattaya! Posted: 05 Apr 2011 05:22 AM PDT The Hilton Pattaya, constructed just last year by Department of Architects is set in an enviable location overlooking the famous Pattaya Beach Thailand. The hotel sits conveniently above the Central Festival Pattaya Beach Complex that houses over 300 shops and restaurants from all over the globe including a cinema and bowling centre.
Step outside and enjoy the Thai evening breeze from the Drift Bar! The design team were responsible for designing the public areas of the interior. These included the grand lobby up on the 17th floor, the lobby on the first floor, the bar and various other public linked areas. Transformed from a sun deck into a classy lounge bar! The 17th floor bar and grand lobby look out over Pattaya bay and beach and are well away from the hustle and bustle of Pattaya’s tourists below! Making a sweeping statement from above! Flooded with sunshine thanks to the huge windows! As you enter the grand lobby the stunning works done by this team hits you just like a wave. This main sweeping feature on the ceiling is the focal point while the minimalistic design on the floor space creates a more tranquil ambiance. Ambiance is created by clever lighting as dusk falls! The bar keeps in with the sophisticated theme yet the wooden walls and floor give a warmer richer feel while you enjoy a drink before dinner! Crash out in class! The wall at the back of the bar area has been make with wood and houses day beds in the alcoves. The over sized furniture creates a place for comfortable relaxing for guests to chill out. The over sized furniture ensures you can relax in pure comfort! The bar has been purposely arranged along the edge of the windows at the far end of the lobby to take full advantage of the stunning views of the ocean. You will stop in your tracks on entering this bar when you see how special it is! A dream drinking experience! The outdoor lounge area leads from the indoor bar and a has a beautiful water feature that captures the natural light form the night sky and reflects the light from the surrounding lamps. This space has a magical feel as you soak up the open views of the ocean and bay of Pattaya. Soak up the magic as you enjoy a cocktail with a difference! Even the rest rooms are pure luxury with the cascading lights hanging from the ceiling, giving a touch of glamor against the romanesque mosaic tiling. A rest room fit for Royalty! As evening draws in the lighting creates patterns above the fabric and the ceiling slowly tranforms into a volume of atmospheric accents of light. Accents of light behind the fabric dress up the ceiling for night tiime! Even the hallways throughout have kept with the theme ! Enjoy a cocktail on the outside lounge and enjoy an unforgettable experience!
Stunning Pattaya bay by day! The sophisticated and contemporary public areas in this hotel will make for a memorable stay. I think you will agree that the designers have pulled out all the stops so you are in awe as you wander through each area! I wonder if the suites live up to the standard of the common areas? |
Садовничая основы для Beginners Posted: 04 Apr 2011 12:00 PM PDT
When getting ready for spring, there are many ideas and tips that you can gather along the way. BuildDirect offers free samples of gardening products, so if you are unsure about the types of products you may need, samples are the perfect way to begin to investigate. Create a plan your garden for referenceBefore beginning any project you need to have a plan. A plan will ensure that you have a basic layout, a budget, and an idea of what kinds of plants you want to include. Think about choosing native plants for your garden as local plants take fewer resources and less effort on your part to survive in your native climate. Make a note of north, south, east, and west with regard to wind and sun exposure. Map out your plan and use it as a reference the whole way along. This is a great way to avoid mistakes, as a yard and garden need to have attention to detail. Take a look at the area that you intend to develop, and draw out a map of where you would like plants, paths, pavers and other details. Hard-scapes like walkways, stepping stones and borders are a great way to separate areas into manageable zones, just like rooms in your interiors. Once you have a plan in hand, you need to then look to see what types of products you would like to use in your gardening space. This is when you investigate plants that do well in your area. How to place your chosen plants for a new gardenPlants need to have proper nutrients and elements in order to grow and thrive successfully. Make a note about plants that need full sun or low sun, and how much water they will require. With this information, you’ll have a basis of where best to plant, based on the species you’ve chosen. Also, take a quick look at expected plant height. This will be a great way to determine where to place the plants in relation with one another to avoid creating growth patterns that put sun-loving plants behind larger ones that need less sun. Let all of your plants shine by tiering them properly. While looking at your plants, determine the spacing that is needed between each plant. This will give you a rough estimate on how many plants you will need to cover the intended area. Plants that are bunched together will compete for ground nutrients, making thriving a difficult process. In fact, plants can be competitive, and begin to choke the opposing roots for nutrients. Prepare your garden bedsPrepare the soil properly. Depending on your area and climate, the soil may be hard, like with caleche, or soft. If the soil is hard, tilling will be in order so that the ground will be receptive for the plants, and for water. This is a vital step. Once completed, you can pack the soil down for an even look, and begin to install the plants. For grass, you can lay sod right on top of the tilled ground, or shake out the seed. Grass seed can rest right on top of the soil. Water at least twice a day until plants begin to take root. Make sure that no flooding occurs as this can drown your plants. Gardening basics for beginners does not have to be a painful experience, but following the steps will help to ensure successful gardens. Gardening Basics For Beginners is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 09:00 AM PDT If you're backyard has a bad case of the blahs, check out one of these dream backyards for inspiration – from a dream outdoor bachelor pad to every sports fan's ultimate fantasy backyard. 1. The Ultimate Bachelor Backyard 2. A Dream Green Backyard 3. A Redneck's Playground Every Kid's Dream A Sports Enthusiast's Dream Backyard Sources: Cheers! Rob. Dream Backyards of the Stars is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
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