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Охлаждать с зелеными методами конструкции Posted: 12 May 2011 07:56 AM PDT by George Rollins The U.S. Department of Energy reports that, on average, 45% of a household utility bill can be attributed to heating or cooling the home. In addition to the cost to homeowners, traditional approaches to cooling a house create byproducts that contribute to global warming and other environmental hazards. Particularly in areas of the country that have warmer climates, utilizing some green building techniques can help reduce energy costs and the harmful effects on the environment. So, as temperatures rise as we head toward the summer months, consider these ideas for your next construction project, or think about how some of these strategies could be incorporated into your existing home. Alternatives to Traditional Wood Frames Today, residential construction is dominated by the stick-frame method, which uses wood beams to form the side and roof frames of a house. While various strategies can be employed to improve the energy efficiency of this conventional wood frame approach, several alternatives have emerged in recent years. One popular alternative is insulated concrete forms, which uses foam forms that are filled with concrete to create the frame of a house. By today’s construction standards, you likely can’t find a more structurally sound frame, but homes built in this way also have the potential for huge energy savings as well. Rather than having a layer of siding, plywood, wood beams and drywall between you and the outdoors, as with traditional construction methods, insulated concrete form construction creates a thick barrier of concrete and insulated foam. Outdoor heat is much less likely to penetrate a home constructed in this way, thus making interior temperature regulation much easier and less costly. Windows Selection, Positioning and Shading Most window manufacturers offer various product models, some of which contain more insulating potential and are therefore more energy efficient. Selecting the more energy efficient options, even though they may be more expensive, can contribute to a long-term savings in your energy bills. In addition, during the design phase of your home, avoiding placing numerous windows in areas of the home that have maximum sun exposure can help avoid solar heat absorption into the house. Installing functional shutters can also enable homeowners to add another layer of protection against the hot summer sun. Caulking and Painting Contractors must finish off a home’s thermal envelope with thorough caulking around the house to seal off areas where cool interior air could escape or hot outside air could enter. In addition, selecting lighter exterior colors can result in a more energy efficient home, as lighter colors tend to reflect solar heat while darker hues tend to absorb it. Fans, Fans and More Fans Whole house fans, typically installed in a home’s attic space, function like an exhaust system by forcing hot air from the building. Though whole house fans work best when the outdoor temperature is mild, rather than hot, they can rapidly ventilate and regulate a home’s temperature. In addition, generous installation of ceiling fans throughout the home can allow homeowners to take temperature regulation in their own hands. Indeed, running fans uses much less energy than operating an air conditioner. Radiant Barrier Because solar heat can penetrate the roof covering of a home, radiant barriers can reflect that heat away from the house so it does not infiltrate the living space. Radiant barriers are typically placed directly underneath the roof sheathing, thereby blocking further transfer of warm air into the house. Some studies suggest that radiant barriers can save 10% to 15% in energy costs. Landscaping Strategically using landscaping to make your home more energy efficient is perhaps the greenest of all green building concepts. Positioning lush trees and shrubs so they shade areas of the house prone to intense sunlight can help maintain a comfortable interior temperature. Air Conditioners If these alternative methods to cool your house are insufficient to help you maintain a comfortable temperature within, using the air conditioner is not necessarily completely off limits. Unfortunately, most Americans rely solely on the air conditioner and use it when other, less expensive methods that pose less risk to the environment are readily available. When used wisely, the air conditioner can be part of a responsible approach to cooling a home. For example, regularly change filters, and turn down (or off) units in areas of the house that aren’t being used can reduce costs and unnecessary harm to the environment. In addition, installing programmable thermostats, which are designed to automatically adjust temperatures according to specified settings, can help avoid overuse and waste. — About the AuthorGeorge Rollins is a home enthusiast at FurnaceCompare.com, a site that has extensive information on brands and models of furnaces, boilers, air conditioners and heat pumps. FurnaceCompare also publishes consumer reviews and tips on choosing HVAC contractors. George has a passion for educating consumers on home improvements, as he feels that the right information can help consumers choose more wisely. |
Чернота Panther `Грац, Австрия! Posted: 12 May 2011 03:31 AM PDT The MP 09 nicknamed ‘The Black Panther’ is the HQ offices for Uniopt Pachleitner Group a specialist jewellery and eye wear maker in Graz, Austria. This amazing building sits on 10.940 sqm of land and punctuates the skyline with it’s sleek elegance and power just like the black panther. GS Architects constructed this unique office block guided by the philosophy and cultural concepts of the group and transferred them into an architectural masterpiece.
Powerful yet elegant! The building has become an artistic landmark for the city of Graz thanks to the aesthetic form that makes a clear visible architectural statement. The dramatic sharp angles and edges and the black facade adds to the imposing elegance and prevalent poise. Bringing architecture alive! The facade also has a built in ventilated mechanical cladding system with a rain screen and the glass is especially protective that again incorporates the ethics behind Uniopt Pachleitner Group. This functional rain screen was built in lightweight form on purpose to compliment the major elements the the structural design. Outdoor areas provide a break away from the office! In order to perfectly match the size and color required the glass panels were made to order. The head of The Black Panther cantilevers towards the center of the city while the tail remains neatly tucked away giving the impression the building is ready to pounce. Dominating the skyline! Exclusive bespoke glass panels add sleek protection against the elements! The base of the building is made of concrete and the interior seems to branch off into lots of directions with a clear focus on being able to view the outdoor areas from most positions. Attention was made to incorporate sculptural elements inside while limiting the color palette. Incorporating sculptural elements inside! The furniture was designed bespoke also and exclusive to compliment the structural elements. Top quality materials were carefully chosen to achieve a contemporary result with an acoustic appeal. All the materials echo against each other on purpose to create an acoustic system that just adds to the value and unusual qualities of this building. Lots of transparency enables views of the outdoors from many positions! This architect and client not only want this building to achieve it’s status as a functional HQ, but also their is hope it will encourage further urban development in the surrounding area. Contemporary finish with an all purpose acoustic system. The atrium provides orientation! Significant design focus was given to specified elements! A huge volume hoping to encourage more urban design! Distinctive resemblance to the big black cat gives this building landmark status! The main individual design focus was significantly made to the facade, stairwells, doors, partition walls and many other specific characteristics. The design and shape has a sculptural influence distinguishing a black panther which has ascertained it’s position as an important landmark for this city of Graz famous for being a student town with 6 universities and the best kept old town in Europe.
Скидки кондиционирования воздуха Феникс делают модернизировать более по дешевке чем всегда Posted: 11 May 2011 05:33 PM PDT Air conditioning is a godsend, and nowhere is it more important than Phoenix, Arizona. From June through September, average highs are 99 degrees and above. Allow me to repeat: 99. degrees. If you’re in Phoenix this coming summer, I’d like to first salute you for your bravery, and then secondly help you upgrade your HVAC system to something more affordable and energy-efficient. To find out how much air conditioning installation costs in your area, click here. HVAC typically costs a bit up-front. Fortunately, there are rebates available in Phoenix to cut your costs on air conditioning and heating upgrades. Federal Tax Credits for HVAC InstallationThe federal government currently offers a tax credit up to $500 for qualifying energy-efficient improvements. Included are air conditioning, furnaces, heat pumps, water heaters, window replacement and doors. See more on this at Energy Star. $99 Energy Audits in PhoenixNot sure if your home needs an energy retrofit? Sign up for a $99 comprehensive home assessment with APS. This includes a depressurizing test to identify air leakage in your windows, doors and surrounding structure, as well as inspection of your air-conditioning system, insulation, ducts, and the whole envelope of your home. Not only will you receive a breakdown of your home’s problem areas, but recommendations for the most cost-effective ways to fix them. You’ll also gain access to APS rebates for said fixes, which I’ll go over next. Utility Rebates for Energy-Efficient UpgradesTwo major utilities in Phoenix offer rebates for new energy-efficient improvements: #1. Arizona Public Service provides rebates of varying amounts based on the unit’s efficiency. When shopping for a system, ask your contractor for a unit that meets the SEER and EER criteria below. This ensures the purchase will qualify for APS rebates.
#2. Or, if you live in Southwest Gas Corporation territory, you can get up to $295 for installation of high-efficiency water heaters, programmable thermostats and even low-flow showerheads. See the SGC site for more information. Comparing Air Conditioning EstimatesThe best way to save money on your HVAC system is to request multiple estimates from contractors. You can do that quickly and for free by clicking here. It’s also recommended that you ask your contractor for help with these Phoenix rebates, as they will have experience with rebate paperwork in your city and getting money back for customers. The rest, of course, is a breeze. A very wonderful, air-conditioned breeze. Photo Credit: Ben Freedman & Jeremy Hetzel via Flickr CC |
Как исключить запахи домочадца Posted: 11 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT Making your house smell spring-fresh is a great way to invoke the spring mood this year. Homes can get stagnant and feel stale, and most of it is due to the smells in our homes, especially if the home is older and has a lot of stuff. Clearing out things and giving your home a chance to breathe is a great way to get the nice smells coming in, and the old smells going out. There are other ways of making this happen as well, and many of them are simple ideas that make a big difference. One of the first things to do is to air out your home by opening windows. Let in some fresh air and let the stale smells escape. When it comes to eliminating househhold odors, good airflow is king! Look around your home and find areas that tend to attract odors. This can be an exercise in getting to know problem areas of your home in general. This is worth doing thoroughly, so that you don’t have to work as hard the following year. The following are just a few ideas to help get you started, or to give you a few more ideas to add to your existing, odor-fighting arsenal. Eliminate household odors: used fabric softener sheetsBy placing a dryer sheet in the linen closet, storage areas, and closets, the items stored within remain fresh smelling and lose that ‘stored’ smell. Whenever you open the doors to these areas, you will be refreshed by the blast of clean-scented aromas that come your way instead of stale-smelling odors. This is a great idea for car interiors, too. Place in a vacuum bag Used dryer sheets are intended to scent and soften when heat or movement is applied to them. When placed in a vacuum cleaner bag, it is able to move and share the good smells while you are cleaning your home. Instead of the old dusty smell coming from your vacuum, you can choose whatever scent you want, and have it move around the house as you prepare your home for spring. Put inside pillowcases For a fresh smell in your bedroom everyday and every night, a sheet in your pillowcase is just the ticket. This is another great way to have a nice smelling area in the home. Lay your head down on a fresh and clean smelling pillow for a restful springtime sleep. Eliminate household odors: baking soda and potpourriIt may be that you’re looking for a simpler, and more natural solution to a great smelling home. This is where baking soda, that solution that’s kept odors away from your fridge comes in. Baking soda naturally absorbs odors, and can also be placed in problem areas, such as in bathrooms, laundry areas, pet areas, and more. Consider finding a tasteful container for your baking soda, preferably one that is less likely to spill, so that it fits in with your decor even as it’s helping to deodorize your rooms. And a fun idea to boost the fragrant-quotient in your home is potpourri; a simple bowl of dried flowers from your garden you’ve made yourself, or in a package from your local retailer. Another aspect to this of course is the visual benefits of multi-colored potpourri in decorative bowls placed strategically in key areas of your home. Once again as always, who says that a practical solution can’t also be a stylish one? Eliminating pet odorsMaking your home smell nice also means taking care of your pets and their needs. The shedding and dander that animals leave behind can cause odors. Another way they can add to the stale smells in a home is if they have had accidents. Giving carpets and furniture a thorough cleaning is a necessity for your home to smell fresh and clean. Consider choosing a strategic location for litter boxes in an area where the airflow in that area won’t carry the odors to all other parts of your home. Keep litter boxes away from vents, for instance. Investigate products for litter boxes that are designed to reduce the presence of lingering odors, and of course be vigilant about frequent litter tray changes. Find a commercial air freshener that suits youCommercial air fresheners are designed to trap or mask bad-smelling particles while you conduct your deep spring cleaning regimen, and weekly cleaning schedules. Air fresheners like Plug-ins or the type that can sit out in a room is another idea to have a simple, yet cost-effective way to have a great smelling home. Many are designed to be friendly to the environment, and they are small and attractive additions to your decor. Even still, it’s important to be mindful of those in your home who may suffer from airborne allergies and asthma when choosing commercial air fresheners. Many elements found in commercial air fresheners may irritate sensitive airways. For all of the products you research and buy, always read the labels, and discuss any specific issues you have (like recurring respiratory conditions like allergies and asthma) with your retailer. Eliminate odors, feel at homeEliminating odors promotes a positive feeling in the home, and help to make entertaining, cooking and relaxing much more enjoyable processes. That’s really the goal – for you, your family, and your welcomed visitors to enjoy greater comfort. Finally, the sources of odors may go beyond that of simple pet, or food odors in your home. Sometimes, bad odors are an indication of a greater problem. If you’re concerned about persistent odors in your home, and haven’t had any luck locating their source on your own, a HVAC inspection and an air-quality audit may be in order. Poor air quality can affect your long-term health, and thoroughly investigating odd or musty smells that are persistent in your home can be an important investment beyond the everyday tips mentioned here. Enjoy your spring clean, and your new, fresh-smelling interiors! How To Eliminate Household Odors is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Извлекать пчел от печной трубы Posted: 11 May 2011 10:20 AM PDT Мы недавно услышали ужасающий учет от друга о неожиданном infestation honeybee в печной трубе. Она пришла домой к нескольким пчел жужжа вокруг ее живущей комнаты, и после этого осуществляно они приходили внутри через печную трубу! Мы были впечатлены с ее быстрый думать -- она немедленно покрыла отверстие камина с огромным листом обруча сарана, и после этого связала часть тесьмой пластмассы колеривщика над тем для того чтобы создать уплотнение. Если вы имеете камин и печную трубу, то вы смогли столкнуться подобный сценарий если пчелы выбирают построить крапивницу в печной трубе. Так большой вопрос является следующим: чего сделайте? Наш друг получил некоторую противоречя консультацию. Специалисты бича зоны сказали ей осветить пожар, и жару и дым будет управлять пчелами вне. Другие, однако, советовали полному удалению крапивницы, которая поможет обеспечить пчел не возвращает. |
Выигрывая мастерские: Brighton Woodshop Posted: 11 May 2011 09:22 AM PDT Мы гарантируем что эта выигрывая мастерская сделала норму Abram ревниво! От woodshop Джон Lewis старинного в Brighton, CO, он учит ручной работы стулу делая и строит мебель в примитивном типе от исправленных материалов. Ручки Джон к традиционным hand-powered инструментам и вам woodworking увидят очень немногие електричюеские инструменты в этой мастерской. Его друг Сэм Ley который принял эти фото вызывает его мастерскую «очень утихомиривая местом, специально в зиме при старая печка 1800's горя». Вебсайт Джон посещения для больше деталей. |
Южно - африканская сногсшибательная вилла с увлекая взглядами! Posted: 11 May 2011 04:55 AM PDT The creative genius brains behind the concept of this stunning vacation villa were the Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Achitects (SAOTA) design team. This highly acclaimed team are Cape Town’s most popular architectural team, and took total advantage of the location here and created a villa with 270 degree views of the mountains, the sweeping Atlantic ocean and the infamous Camps Bay with it’s swaying palms and white soft sand.
A retreat for mountain lovers who want to escape from the hustle and bustle! The Villa named ‘First Crescent’ sits looking at Lions Head Peak part of the 12 Apostles mountain range dominated by Table Mountain, and is part of the Table Mountain national park a popular tourist destination due to the drama the back drop creates over looking this very cosmopolitan city. Total luxury with space and light, and a spiritual ambiance! Technically the design is quite simple yet the team used top quality materials carefully chosen to create a vacation villa with a nude color palette complimented by a contemporary interior and exterior. A sundowner cocktail or a coffee will be a savoured memory here! A very special dining experience with amazing views you will never forget! The huge skylight keeps the villa connected to the outside and the generous windows enable light to flood the interior space. Life would be a dream in here! Stunning sunsets from every angle! Immaculate fresh and light design! The terraces connect to the interior and vice versa! Allowing nature to be part of the interior any time of the day! An architectural masterpiece by a favored local team that are renowned for their amazing structural creations Do you fancy a vacation in ‘First Crescent’? Then be prepared to pay between 1,500$ to 5000$ per day depending on the season. A once in a lifetime vacation to remember, with the 12 Apostles looking over. Via: Freshome.com |
Выносители, созерцают колеса сокровища Posted: 11 May 2011 04:45 AM PDT Представьте сценарий: вы вне бежите errands вверх по улице, или принимаете прогулку семьи, или управляющ через район на день погани и внезапно вы видите изумительный сброшенный предмет мебели. Он имеет большие линии или косточкам, как раз нужен некоторый TLC… но увы! Он слишком большой для вас для того чтобы продолжить ваши или не приспособит в корабль вы в настоящее время внутри и если вы выходите он, то вы знаете кто - то еще определенно урвет его вверх. Так чего вы делаете? Волочите его себя домашнее и потенциально разрушайте его? Прочь нанесенная поражение прогулка, сетующ потеря внушительных и свободных проектов? Наилучшим образом, теперь вы будете хлопнуть вне ваши колеса сокровища и принять та таблица конца, софа, или другой non-pliable поверхностный дом с вами право - прочь! Созданы Yael Livneh Израиля и имеющимся для покупкы через Etsy, эти сподручн-dandy маленькие приборы сделаны для выносителей и водолазов мусорного контейнера мы все знают и любят (или). |
Сравнивать предварительные подчеты замены окна ключ к низким стоимостям Posted: 10 May 2011 05:58 PM PDT Window replacement costs are the mystery numbers of home improvement. If you’re looking into replacement windows for your home, you’ve probably tried searching for prices—and then given up, frustrated. Why is there so little cost info online? Shouldn’t it be easy to check window prices and ballpark the cost of your own? Unfortunately, no. Installing replacement windows can be a complex task for your installer. They need to gather specific data about your home, including:
Comparing Estimates is the Key to Low CostsYes, a contractor can say that replacements cost $300 to $700 per window, but that’s still a $400 gap you need to narrow down. Plain and simple, the best way to figure costs is to get an estimate. You can receive several by clicking here. Only then you can plan accordingly for your project. Thankfully, estimates are easy to come by once you’ve reached out to an installer. In fact, CalFinder estimates are always free. Estimates include information for two to three local window contractors. Comparing those bids (and usually selecting the middle-range estimate) is your best bet for affordable window replacement. Also, make sure to ask your contractor if they have any connections with window dealers. They may have a discount agreement that saves you even more on the ticket price of replacements, especially if you’re ordering a large number of windows. Replacement Window Prices are Not Set in StoneSo why the lack of pricing information? The problem is that manufacturers are reluctant to post hard-and-fast prices for their products when customizations and add-on features affect most costs. Just take a look at typical window installation costs. Andersen casement windows, for instance, vary from $326 to $1,009, and double hung-windows from $271 to $2,400. Not exactly a narrow range for estimate purposes. There’s also the cost of installation, which fluctuates depending on rates in your area, as well as warranties or other added costs. There are too many unknowns to accurately guess the costs of your new windows. We only recommend getting estimates from licensed window contractors—multiple ones—and comparing them for the best bid. Photo via dgblitwin |
Создавать напольные космосы для любимчиков Posted: 10 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT Spring cleaning is not just for the two-legged in your home, but for those who go on four legs as well. Making sure that they have a space that is perfect for them is important to ensure a happy pet. If your pet is an outdoor pet, or likes to be outdoors, which most do, creating and cleaning an area that is designated for them is a great way to help them enjoy spring as well. There are many things that you can do, and if you already have an existing area, then sprucing it up is a great way to show your pet they’re welcome in your space. It’s also a great way to help you to create a more harmonious household, too. Getting that outdoor space for pets readyWhether you have a patio with a fenced-in yard, or an actual dog run area, cleaning them up and preparing them for outdoor use will serve several purposes. Animal areas that have feces or urine present can be a cause of pet illness or disease. Making sure to minimize this kind of mess while your pet is enjoying that outdoor space can prevent health problems, and odor problems too. Make sure to stoop and scoop as often as you can. Depending on the size and breed of your pet, make sure that if there is an enclosed space that it has adequate room for your pet to move around comfortably. This is important as you may find you have a frustrated and unhappy animal if they are not able to have movement in their area. Really, this is about having empathy for your pet, and planning accordingly. A great example of this is a dog run, as opposed to a space that restricts your pet’s movement. An outdoor shelter, like a dog house or a gazebo is another way to make your pet feel more comfortable, especially on rainy or harshly sunny days. Cat enclosures are another great strategy for an outdoor space. Everyone needs room to move, and room to take shelter from sun, wind, and rain. Your pet is no exception. Animal-friendly plantsMake sure that whatever plants you are planting this year are animal-friendly. Some beautiful perennials are poisonous to your pets , and this can cause major harm, even death if consumed by Fido. Make sure that their safety is regarded when planting this year, and that you have created a pet-friendly garden. Pets love great outdoor living spacesRegardless of the type pet, all animals thrive in the great outdoors. A well-planned outdoor space allows them to be safer while they’re out in it. A dog run, as mentioned before is a small part of the yard that is fenced to make an enclosed area specifically for your pet. This keeps them safe from traffic, and from other animals. A secure and self-contained outdoor space like this also provides a space for your pet when you need to go out, without leaving them to stay in the house on their own. Take the time to research what would work best for your pet. Be sensitive to the needs of your pet’s particular species, breed, and size. If you do not have a fenced-in yard, but would like your pet to run free, consider fencing in the yard, or at least a small portion of it. Build a doghouse, or other variety of covered area. Provide a flat, cool place for them to rest, like a tile patio, or a deck. There are lots of options that every member of your family can enjoy. Outdoor spaces for pets: a strategy for a peaceful homeTaking care of your pet is more than just feeding and watering, it also means that space concerns, health hazards and proper environments need to be evaluated. Deliberately making a space outside where your pet can feel at home, comfortable, and safe is an overall strategy for you to feel all of those things too. The most successful pet owners are those who are realistic about what their pets need. And, as they say, everyone needs their space. When your pet is happy and contented, it makes it easy for you to be happy and contented, too. Creating outdoor spaces for pets is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
De-Создавать суматоху: Понимая местные помехи и почему для этого нужно пойти Posted: 10 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT
Clearly people relate to this struggle, since Rob Jones' piece on de-cluttering is one of our most popular posts, and for good reason! Getting over clutter will change your life. Overcoming my clutter changed my life. I sleep better, accomplish more, and get on top of chaos more quickly now that I've pared back my home's contents by 30% or more. It can take a long time and a lot of work to purge years of accumulation, but once done thoroughly, you can "de-cluttering" your place in a weekend a couple times a year and keep clutter at bay, as I now do. I'm so passionate about how much de-cluttering has improved my life in every way that I've planned a series of posts to help put you on a path to order, space, and sanity. Today, let's talk about how I got from there to here and why you should get organized too. De-cluttering from chaos to contentmentTwo years ago, a Twitter friend announced she'd help two people downsize their lives, and she picked me after I begged to be one. I'd asked her help because I'd long ago made the mistake after my mother's death of packing stuff up and taking it to my new home. I put The Avoidance Boxes in storage, and instead of dealing with it "soon," more than a decade passed, and more clutter piled up in the "I'll get to it" storage corner, until the whole storage needed to be “got to.” Procrastination ain't your psychic friend. Next thing, it was like I was my own episode of Hoarders, and completely lost at sea. I didn't know where to start, that was the hardest part. I was overwhelmed — surrounded by everything that reminded me of just how out-of-step I was with my life. Guidance from a friend proved a big help. Objectivity helps! Don't be afraid to ask a compulsive-cleaning friend — you'd be surprised how many Type-A organization fiends are just dying to fix your chaos. Get a de-cluttering plan, Stan: what’s your objective?I know why I wanted to de-clutter, but what's in it for you? What are you trying to achieve? Why? You need to know your goals before you get started. Openness? Space? Sanity? Room to breathe? A more manageable workspace? Just a clear floor path through your living space? Here's where you need to accept that this means making actual change. You can't just "rearrange things." Plan to lose a considerable part of what you own. This means every single item in your home or office requires a decision: Keep or toss? Should it stay or should it go now?As they say, if it isn’t useful, hasn't been used in months, or doesn't beautify your home, it needs to go. Every single item you own needs a decision made, from that extra stapler to your high school yearbooks. Yes, you need to actually be thinking for this — you need to hold that item in your hand and consider, "Do I need this? Does it help my life? Does it feel good around me? Can someone else use this?" If, when you first look at a nostalgic item, your first emotion is of sadness, wistfulness, or loss, then it needs to go. Getting rid of it feels hard, but then comes a catharsis sense of "Finally. Good! NEXT." The emotional chokehold of clutterThe emotional value of things around you compounds like interest in a bank account — more emotion piles on top of existing emotions, and is partly why we get so overwhelmed when our places fill up. Papers you haven't sorted — a reminder of what you have yet to get done. Those crafts piling up, more guilt about what you don't "do" in life, more resentment about time you don't have for doing things that once were fun. That clutter is negativity, it drowns us in negativity, but we fool ourselves into thinking it's "stuff." Then we buy new "organization aids" to help us "organize" the clutter, but the problem's still there: We've got too much stuff, and now we’re going broke trying to hide it. Don’t just rearrange, change your spaceWhere many of us go wrong when dealing with clutter is, we do cosmetic work but don't get rid of things. We clean up, disguise the chaos, but open that closet, or those boxes, or that drawer, and nothing but a jumble of stuff waits you. To get started with clutter, look past the chaos that's there already, accept that things are gonna get a whole lot uglier before they get prettier, and start — get a plan, and do it. De-cluttering is a powerful way to take charge of your life, but it's a difficult and deeply personal process for some, hence why it makes compelling TV. Just look at shows like Hoarders, Clean Sweep, and Enough Already! with Peter Walsh. More to Come Next TimeThis is just the start of what will be an in-depth series. I'll be back with de-cluttering ideas, projects, approaches, and techniques. Next time, I'll tell you how to assess your space and make baby-steps to get you started. In the comments, feel free to let me know what your concerns on de-cluttering are, what specific hurdles you need advice tackling, or suggestions you can make from your own experiences that may help others — I’d love to hear from you. De-Cluttering: Understanding Clutter and Why it Needs to Go is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Спрятанный образ жизни в Варшава! Posted: 10 May 2011 05:31 AM PDT This Warsaw residence was designed by Architects KWK Promes which they named ‘The Safe House’ as the focus was on security for the residents they cleverly incorporated concrete walls that could be moved according to the residents needs. They literally encase the whole property for when the residents are out of town or want to hideaway.
How to live a totally secure way of life! When the removable walls are out all the way on the East and the West sides the entrance transforms into a courtyard. At the rear of the home which overlooks a rich lush garden a 6 meter fence rolls down to conceal the interior and exterior. Choosing when to enjoy the surrounding natural environment! A different perspective at dusk! The panoramic view is emphasized by the huge windows where the surrounding rural landscape can be enjoyed! The feel from the inside is quite contrary to the image of the cubed solid structure clad with particle board a composite engineered wood product and bonded with cement then covered over in a dark stain. When in residence they can open up this home to entertain in style! Another movable element are the 3.5m shutters and for easy access to the roof terrace and pool a clever drawbridge has been put in place. All the movable features are controlled by an engineered driven mechanical operating system. The mechanical operated system allows light to flow in at the touch of button! This two storey secure residence offers an incredible relationship with nature allowing the residents to open and close whenever they feel like it! The structure is set back on purpose from the exterior shell to offer a large open terrace. Somewhere to contemplate and chill out with the birdsong! This large solid building is symmetrical in shape and appears quite characterless from the exterior, however inside there are a lot of surprise high quality design elements. The home unfolds to a new world of contemporary design solutions!
Secure and safe away from intrusion! The exterior may appear monolithic yet hidden inside is an interior that offers the perfect relationship with the rural landscape! A generous 2500 square meters of private secure outdoor living to enjoy! A protected mass of light away from the rest of the world! A presidential lifestyle within concrete walls of protective power! Locked down to perfection for peace of mind in the security conscious world we live in! A step in the direction towards highly secure residential architecture of the future! Is this a genius concept or just a 566.51 square meter solid mass of concrete?. Are their hidden depths of awesome design to secure a minimalistic life in peace? What other design methods in architectural terms could be used to secure a home as good as this? Via: Freshome.com
Как подготовить ваш кондиционер воздуха на лето Posted: 10 May 2011 04:45 AM PDT Неожиданная волна тепла спускала над Kansas City, которое значит что много из нас горит вверх кондиционеры воздуха--на несколько дни, в лубом случае. Перед вашими A/C пиками использования во время месяцев лета, немного вещей вы можете сделать для того чтобы держать ваш кондиционер воздуха побежать эффективно. И если вы находите проблема, то, вы получаете время зафиксировать ее прежде чем temps sweltering. Во первых вверх? Звонок в контракторе. Отличная идея иметь ваш A/C блок быть проверенным профессионалом. Контрактор проверит управление, смазку, конденсацию, деятельность термостата и электрические соединения, между прочим. Затем, проект DIY: замените ваш фильтр. Некоторые специалисты рекомендуют изменить вашу ежемесячность фильтра во время пикового A/C использования, но то до вас. Проверяйте его регулярно, и если оно пакостно, то обменивайте его вне. |
Чего сделайте Remodeling контракторы и датировка интернета для того чтобы иметь в общем? Posted: 09 May 2011 05:44 PM PDT CalFinder в деле скрининга контрактора с 2005. И в том времени, we’ it’ выученное ve; серия A.S. любит он-лайн датировка. Вы, владелец дома, поискали везде для того специального кто-то. You’ ve спросил вокруг, пойдено вне на немного слепых дат телефона, но все еще, телефонные справочники не производят ничего. Отсутствие сильного и молчком типа с поясом инструмента. Или/и, you’ одарённый ребёнок re. Вы вытягиваете вверх по CalFinder.com и печатаете внутри вашу информацию на машинке. Телефон звенит, ваше сердце прыгает удар, и после этого внезапно там он является следующим: Ваш один истинный лицензированный remodeling контрактор. Для лучшего или плохого Может звучать придурковато, но доверяющ совершенному незнакомцу с вашим remodel перескакивание чисто веры. Они приходят в ваш дом, вписывают законный подряд с вами, и на период времени вы связанное together… для лучшего или плохого. Наша цель помочь вам приземлиться на ту более лучшую сторону неисвестня, с remodel вы можете позволять. Как? Путем сопрягать вас при местное remodeling самое лучшее контрактора одетое для того чтобы дать вам законцовку сказки. Мы делаем это, по мере того как судьбы имели бы его, бесплатно. Контракторы CalFinder Pre-Экранированы Для чего, точно? Лицензировать и страхсбор Стандарты оптимального качества Близость к вам (никакие международные отношения здесь) В днях в прошлом, тенистые контракторы получили прочь с фальшивый рекламными описаниями товара и работой sub-качества. Но с цифровым временем приходит транспарант, любят ли они он или не. Самые лучшие контракторы приходят аттестовано CalFinder. Вы можете получить, что вашими очень имели путем щелкать здесь. Остальные все еще скрываются в негрохоченом бассеине датировка, вероятно сидящ вокруг и делающ ужасное впечатление на ваших родителях. Диаграммы. |
Posted: 09 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT Spring cleaning has arrived and it is time to give your house that fresh and renewed atmosphere. This process can and should include the kids. Recruiting the kids for help with spring cleaning is a key way to get your home in tip-top shape in no time, as well as reminding them that they too have ownership over the place they call home. There are cases where the promise of a reward might be in order. But in most cases, making the event a game, or a fun time is a great way to get the kids motivated. And ultimately, you’ll find at the end, that your kids really do want to contribute. They want to take part in making your house a home. Cleaning up with kids: “I bet you can’t beat me”Kids love fun challenges. Saying things like “see if you can beat me,” or “Let’s see who can finish first” is a great way to prime that competitive pump. Present the tasks you have to get done as a series of games:
You can have your own “Spring Cleaning Olympics”, with medals and treats for everyone at the end. Invite the kids to choose a country to represent, a type of animal, or a color on the color wheel. And let the games begin! Make it fun for everyone! Sometimes, work is it’s own reward just because it’s just as fun as playtime is, especially when you’re doing it together. But, a bit of competition can make work seem even more fun. House cleaning jobs for kids to consider for the big spring clean:A lot of the jobs your kids can help you with will depend on how old they are. But, here are a few ideas as to where they can start helping you tackle that big spring clean
Cleaning up, with a payoff when you’re doneThere are many ways to get kids motivated to work, and most of the time the rewards are not going to cost the parents a thing. However, there are fun ways to motivate children through prizes. Things like:
You wouldn’t want the reward to be an absolute term every time when getting kids to clean up around the house. But, every once and a while, a small reward can be the spark you need to get the children to see the importance of living in a clean house. Pretty soon, it’s the pride they can share in a comfortable home that ends up being the real reward in the long term. When they contribute to a home, it gives them a sense of ownership. That way, it’s not just your home their cleaning, but their own. Make spring cleaning a life lessonConsider making your spring cleaning this year a life lesson with your children. Have them gather up all of their old things, or things that they no longer want, and take them to a shelter. This way they can see families that are in need. You will find that you have a child that appreciates what he has much more than before. This is a great way for your children to also interact with other kids that come from different places, so they can see how others live. Teach them to respect the home by giving them ownership. Let them know they are responsible for keeping their rooms and things intact. This will help them to realize that what they have needs care, and that things will not get replaced if broken through negligence. A great way to encourage this is through a small allowance. Kids love money, and they love the independent feeling it gives them to have some. Place a price on particular things like making beds, putting clothes in the laundry, and putting toys away. Once they begin to feel a sense of ownership they will be much more mindful of their possessions, and yours as well. Use Key Terms To Get Them MotivatedSpring cleaning can be much more than cleaning time, it can be a great way to bond with your child, and you will know you have done well when you hear your child say, “take off those shoes, I just did the floors!” Kids love knowing that they have an important job to do, and that they can own the results at the end. When it comes to motivating them, there are some key terms that you can use to get your child to help with the task of spring cleaning: I need your help with… When they know you feel that they are a recognized part of the project, your children will be quickly invested in the process. Their contribution reminds them of their self-worth, while also spending time with you on a common project. Kids really want to help with spring cleaningKids love to contribute. They love to be rewarded by a good result of their efforts, and they love to have their work acknowledged. In the end, your kids aren’t much different from you in these respects. By building these ideas into the cleaning process, your children will enjoy helping you around the house. When they realize that work is appreciated and rewarded by a good result that benefits everyone, the recognition of their efforts will motivate them to help out more often. Kids are pleasers, and they love that good feeling of praise. And they love to see that they’ve had positive impact, just like you do. Spring Cleaning With Kids is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
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