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- Инструменты драпирования для Beginner
- Уникально спираль House `одевает настроение звука!
- Устанавливать замену Windows в Окленд, CA
- De-Создавать суматоху: Используя Мини-Проекты для больших результатов
- Чистка весны значит сбережения весны
- Резкое падение 2011 рынка недвижимости: Когда оно закончится?
- 5 причин попробовать вашу руку на садовничать ночи
- Смешивая стародедовская культура с конструкцией в изолированном рае!
- Что, котор нужно сделать если торнадо ударяет ваш дом
- По заведенному порядку домашнее обслуживание: Получите готовым на лето
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- Когда быть зелен не франтовск
Инструменты драпирования для Beginner Posted: 25 May 2011 04:45 AM PDT Над последними парами лет, я находил для того чтобы иметь малое собрание мебели обитой год сбора винограда -- вещество с большими линиями и внушительный конструкцией. Однако, мои 5 котов находили, что такая мебель для того чтобы быть их фаворитом царапает поверхности… поэтому я имею некоторые вещи которым отчаянно reupholstered. Всегда вверх для возможности (нет мы все в области DIY?) Я себя начинал исследовать как к reupholster их. Первый шаг в моем исследовании как были открытием инструментов драпирования. Вызовите меня наивнонатуралистическим, но оно никогда действительно произошл к мне что вам были бы нужны отдельно, специальные инструменты для покрывать мебель в ткани. Я находил что несколько инструментов фактически очень подобны (однако не идентично) к инструментам плотничества, но в виду того что я не знал, я думал что возможно другая aspiring мощь re-upholsterers также извлекала пользу мое маленькое откровение. |
Уникально спираль House `одевает настроение звука! Posted: 25 May 2011 01:01 AM PDT This environmentally friendly ‘Spiral House’ built on the shoreline of the estuary Long Island Sound on the Connecticut side, is part of a very strict building regulations project and the Fema and Flood Elevations program (BFE). This home is appealing and symbolic to it’s environment of water, air and openess.
Environmentally appealing to it’s environment! The structure is part radial and part projective in geometric terms designed in a spatial system that gently integrates the public and private areas. The 2 geometric methods here have created intimacy yet the ends have been left open to represent water, that blend harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. Carefully chosen materials help to protect the home during harsh weather conditions! This Connecticut coastline is unclear, misty and can rapidly change from calmness to harsh. Even though the area is next to the see the coastline is not salty which plays a huge role in the Sound’s vegetation species. The materials were carefully chosen to represent the onological atmosphere of this open natural area. The huge glass windows offer luxurious views over The Sound! Cedar wood was used for the siding that works in well with the rest of the buildings in the neighborhood and the huge glass windows and doors offer luxury views over the Sound. Concrete was used because of it’s strength and ability to withstand the harsh elements. Altogether the wood against the glass and the concrete create a combination of ever changing perceptions, much like the Sound itself. The structure was designed in a dual geometric spatial system! The metaphysics represent the surrounding environment! Intimate living space integrates gently with the public areas! The dual geometrics and materials create ever changing perceptions! Strict building regulations didn’t prevent cool design! A pragmatic response to the principles of project! Capturing the surrounding atmospherics of the shoreline! Concrete, glass and wood were chosen for their durability! Raised above flood zones to FEMA base flood elevation standards! This unique home has an unusual component place right in the middle of the spiral making an interruption, that connects the different floor levels on the upper storey. The actual grey water capture system begins from within the spiral. This single family home is unique blending social, private and natural elements that embrace the challenging environment. To ensure this structure met all regulations and the design was accomplished to the satisfaction of the owners Joeb Moore + Parners Architects LLC they had some help from a general contractor, a structural engineer, mechanical engineer and various expert architectural consultants. Cool yet complicated, but they all rose to the challenge and achieved a genius piece of architecture! |
Устанавливать замену Windows в Окленд, CA Posted: 24 May 2011 12:08 PM PDT Window replacement is heating up in Oakland, California. The city has seen more energy-efficient upgrades in recent years than nearly any other city in the country. With so much emphasis on sustainability, not to mention federal rebates to support you, there has never been a better time to compare replacement window costs in Oakland. To get cost quotes in your area, click here. Federal Rebates and Average CostsWindow replacement is no small investment, but you can get a portion of it back through tax credits and rebates. The state of California is a leader in energy-efficient rebates for homeowners. Federal rebates also apply, with 10% of your costs up to $500 eligible for tax rebates. Federal rebates can be applied along with local and state rebates as well. Another way to recoup costs is to install high energy-efficiency replacement windows, such as those approved by Energy Star. Energy-efficient windows are available in a wide range of styles, are eligible for federal and state rebates, and often pay for themselves through energy savings in a few short years. In fact, these types of windows can reduce your utility bills by as much as 35% monthly, or thousands of dollars annually. Of course, your upfront costs will vary, but most homeowners pay anywhere from $8,000 and up for a complete window renovation. Getting an EstimateYour choice of window contractors greatly affects costs. Fortunately, many of our certified window installers have reduced their installation fees due to the slow economy. You can get a few estimates quickly by clicking here, and check what kinds of low rates are available in your local area. In most regions, the first step to maximize efficiency in your home is to have an energy assessment completed. Your window installer will often do a walk-through analysis of your home and make recommendations for efficiency improvements. This way, you’ll understand your energy usage and choose products that are right for your home. For instance, triple pane windows might save you more than double pane windows, depending on your home energy usage and your region’s climate. Recommendations might also include other upgrades, such as better insulation or a new air conditioning and heating system, which often qualify for rebates as well. You can begin by getting an estimate for replacement windows in your home. An estimate is free, and will help you learn how much energy you can save by installing energy efficient windows. Experts always recommend comparing estimates for the lowest costs. Choosing Your WindowsThe most popular replacement windows in Oakland are double hung windows and bay windows. Double hung windows are the standard for most homes. They’re usually ordered double paned as well for energy efficiency, and can be treated with a glaze or tint for an even tighter seal. Some homeowners prefer to opt for the tinted style, since the glaze can wear off after a period of time. Double hung windows are very insulating, however, and come in a wide selection of styles and sizes. Bay windows are also a good replacement window to increase energy savings. Opting for licensed window contractors is the simplest way to ensure that your replacement windows are installed properly, particularly when it comes to arched bay windows. Bay windows can be difficult to install, but with a professional team on the job, you can be sure your windows are as tightly sealed and efficient as possible. |
De-Создавать суматоху: Используя Мини-Проекты для больших результатов Posted: 24 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT We’re into the third post on de-cluttering, which is a mammoth topic because there’s so much involved in de-cluttering a home. It’s like having dozens of mini-projects on the go at once. Some of the tricks below should demystify the process for you and offer some solutions to make these projects easier. When beginning the process of actual purging, always sort your main storage room(s) first. We’ll assume that, by this point, you’ve tackled those horrible boxes of papers you’ve meant to sort for years, and now you’ve got that beast under control. Now you’re ready to start on the rest. Tackle things one by one, so you can “finish” one small project and move on — this cupboard, that bookshelf, that closet. While you’re going through your storage, create one pile for things that could be useful in creating organization as you get further into this process, and make a list of what you’ve got for easy reference later. Change Your Life, Don’t Just Throw Things AwayKeep in mind that de-cluttering isn't just about tossing stuff away, it's about creating change. Don't just assume that your purpose is to go in there and throw everything out — it's not. Your mission is to beautify, simplify, and change your home or work life. Much of that comes not just from chucking out that which you have no need to keep, but assigning real value to those which you choose to keep. Maybe there are long-neglected items stashed away that can offer fresh decor looks in your space. That's change, too. Start thinking "What can I group with that, where can that go?" This is the first step of making feature points in any space, or "vignettes," and we'll get to that later in this series. For now, if it's something that's beautiful and your first reaction is "Wow, why don't I use that/have it on display?" then it's time to do that, put it in a pile of things to find a way to bring back into your life. For example, maybe some old art can replace what you've had hanging for the last while. Perhaps some of the old family photos' frames can be swapped out or new photos displayed. Maybe they're ugly frames. It may be time to simply take the photos out of frames and file them or put them into albums, then donate frames you dislike. Remember, this is also about making space — you can keep the photo, get rid of the frame, and accomplish exactly that. Love It or Lose ItWhen it comes to knick-knacks, mementoes, and other little things, it's really time to get tough and pick only things that make you smile or are useful, valuable, or make your heart swell. Your home should make you feel great, so don’t keep anything that doesn’t help you feel that way. As for furniture, lamps, those sorts of things, if it's broken and has been for a while, face it, you're never going to fix it. It's time to donate it to someone who will. Your trash, their treasure. Bookshelves: Going from Bogged-Down to BeautifulIf it's something out-of-date that you like but has no collectible value and isn't necessarily special, then it should go. Fondness isn't a valid reason to keep your 1982 collection of Funk & Wagnall's Encyclopedia when Google renders those 30 books obsolete at best. To the "donate" pile it goes! If you can rethink how you store something and reduce the space it takes, then do it! CDs and DVDs take up a ton of space — consider ditching the cases and putting them into binders. I turned half of a 4×8 bookshelf used solely for DVDs and CDs into a beautiful books-and-mementoes display by getting all that digital media stored in four 3-inch-thick binders, which I now keep behind closed doors with my entertainment unit. The spacial difference is stunning and my bookshelves are far sexier for it. Taking a binder over to the sofa to flip through and find the right DVD to watch is much more enjoyable than standing in front of an overwhelming shelf full of discs. For music CDs, I always tuck the booklet behind the disc in my binder sleeves, and recycle the rest. This is probably the most labour-intensive, mind-numbing task you can do in home reorganizing, but considering it gave me 30% more shelf-space in my library, I highly recommend it. Some take disc-downsizing to extremes by putting all digital content on an external hard drive, then donating or selling the original CDs and DVDs. I'd think twice about doing this, as hard drives can be very vulnerable, and I know how much of my college income was spent on those discs. Secrets and Stashes: Drawers of ShameDrawers are the secret shame of every unorganized homeowner. Get invested in this task. Pull each drawer out completely, and literally make a choice on every item. When putting the “keep” pile back, keep function and order in mind. When it comes to similar objects — such as boxes of paperclips, toothpicks, et cetera — and you have multiple boxes, it's time to group them all into one container, or better yet, buy a clear compartmentalized tray to similar items in as well, so they’re all in one place. This is what organization requires, thoroughness. Next: Function and Flow, Operational OrderOne of the most important things to do during organizing is to rethink all space you're presently using — or not using. As you go through, question how you have your home laid out, whether you've properly grouped stuff that should be stored together, and whether your home might function with little tweaks here and there. We'll talk about that next time. De-Cluttering: Using Mini-Projects for Big Results is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Чистка весны значит сбережения весны Posted: 24 May 2011 09:59 AM PDT by Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Along with spring comes the annual spring cleaning. So when you're conquering cluttered closets and attacking ancient attics, remember that they shouldn't be the only things on the to-do list: your heating and cooling system needs attention too. Since proper up-keep can increase a system's efficiency and therefore decrease electricity bills, cleaning your system can save money. Preventative maintenance inspections are the best way to reveal air leaks, rust, corrosion and dust build-up in your air conditioning system. A properly maintained unit will have increased efficiency and can decrease energy bills because it's not working as hard to keep you comfortable. In this economy every penny counts, so while a properly maintained unit can keep you comfortable, a maintained AC unit also helps reduce costs in utility bills. When an air conditioner is turned on after sitting around all winter, water may be produced in the form of condensation on cool indoor coils, and drains from these coils can become blocked from dust and algae growth. A blocked drain can cause flooding or water damage in the area surrounding your indoor unit. Often preventable complications can cause major equipment malfunctions. To keep your air conditioner unit in excellent condition, follow these five tips: 1. Clean or replace air filters regularly to help the AC unit run more efficiently. 2. Open vents in all rooms – closing them could restrict air flow and cause system malfunctions. 3. Remove shrubs, grass and leaves from the condenser coil and within three feet of outside unit. 4. Install a programmable thermostat – it automatically changes the temperature when away or asleep. 5. Inspect and caulk windows and doors annually where needed. This can help your system to maintain a more even temperature. To avoid equipment malfunctions and other headaches, homeowners should hire a professional technician to perform a tune-up on their air conditioner, which includes examining ductwork, checking the refrigerant level and tightening the wiring connections. This is also a good time to check your home's safety equipment to ensure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly. Avoid the annual headache with spring cleaning and reap the benefits of spring savings instead. Article provided by Aireserv.com. |
Резкое падение 2011 рынка недвижимости: Когда оно закончится? Posted: 24 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT ![]() To view this image so that you can read the small print, click on it. This will open it in a new window. Click on it again there to enlarge it. The state of the housing industry in the United States is dire in 2011, with debt loads mounting and home values plummeting. Some of the details of just how bad the home buying market is in America are nothing short of astounding, and some would say downright disheartening. But, is there hope for those of us who want to enjoy homeownership without the worries of crushing debt-load and the bleak forecasts of a future where recovery seems so remote? The fact is this; Americans view homeownership as a part of their cultural inheritance. This stands to reason in general, as the idea of a home of one’s own is an important part of what it means to be secure, and to have some control over how stable that security actually is. Arguably, of course, this sense of cultural inheritance is part of what started the problem in the first place, with unregulated banks riding the wave of unrealistic buyer expectations and the associated unsustainable payment plans to support them. Yet, the impulse to own a home is a pure one. Homeownership is still a goalEven though pundits are saying that an end to the home buying slump is some distance away, people are still looking to buy. Owning a home is still an ideal to which people in the U.S, and really all over the world, aspire. Homeownership is a cardinal life-goal that people are willing to defend, and to secure the possibility that their children can be homeowners, too. The next step is discovering ways to do this in concert with governement, with private industry and commerce, and with fellow citizens to find a way through the storm and into the bright light of a sustainable economy as a whole. And even in this dire time, I think there’s hope; because the building industry is evolving. Housing bust and the green building movementTied to a recovering housing market is the burgeoning green building movement, with houses being built smarter, not bigger. Green building practices represent a growth market with the built in dividends of energy efficiency savings, and with a smarter approach to how resources and their associated costs are managed when building sturdy, long-lasting, and (most importantly) affordable housing. Add to that the rising alternative energy and green inspections job sectors, and a glimmer of hope in the shadows of economic downturn can certainly be seen. Of course, I don’t think that this means that things will return to the way things were before the bust. I think home buyers and the agencies that support the purchase of a home need to re-think strategy. Housing market recovery: short-term winsUnlike the instant pay-off impulses that fueled the bust, I think the keys to recovery are likely to come in the form of a series of short-term wins, as we learn more about how to build, how to finance, and how to buy smarter. To attain these wins, North American culture will need to re-define expectations around home buying and selling at all levels. We will need to develop, discover, and embrace new innovations in housing technologies, models, and alternatives. We’ll need to build our collective knowledge on how to plan housing developments, how to plan cities to support them, and how to empower and educate homeowners on the most prudent ways to enter into a new, robust marketplace in a sustainable way. Looking to other markets for insightWe will need to take a look at what other countries, particularly European ones, are doing to manage housing ownership issues. We will need to take what can from these examples and apply them to our own cultural and economic contexts. For that, we’ll need an educated, community-minded generation to take what we’ve learned and fashion a plan to apply it practically. I suppose the way to real hope of an end to the housing slump and an improving economy will rely on how open-minded and willing to learn we will be. Determination and innovative problem-solving: an American traitEach era of history hands its generation a unique problem for the times. I think this housing crash which has deeply affected the United States is certainly one of those, with millions of people worried about the state of their finances as mortgage payments are missed, foreclosures balloon, and as the market gets more and more difficult to find a way into. Yet despite this, one cultural characteristic for which the American people are known is certainly a unique sense of determination and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. That vital cultural impulse to defy the odds is a reason to be hopeful as well. Cheers, Rob. Would you like to embed this graphic to your own website? Easy! Just copy the code below, and paste it in when creating your post. 2011 Housing Market Slump: When Will It End? is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
5 причин попробовать вашу руку на садовничать ночи Posted: 24 May 2011 04:45 AM PDT От листва к roughage, котор наилучшим образом-клонат сад может форсировать воззвание обочины вашего дома, отрезал ваш счет бакалеи, и помогает вам быть более в отношении к окружающей среде содружественн все в одном налёт. Но если вы как мы, то находить время садовничать между работой, время семьи, и социальные вылазки может быть вроде трудн для того чтобы сделать. Добавьте в непрогнозируемой погоде, и вы могли чувствовать на потере. Однако, мы имеем разрешение для вас -- садовничать ночи! Здесь немного причин думать о садовничать как только солнце идет вниз: Сброс усилия Получающ ваши руки пакостным после того как длинний день работы не может звучать как самый внушительный вариант, но думайте о вознаграждениях вы смогли поужинать от садовничать вместо разделять на зоны вне перед TV или компьютером. Имейте грубый день? Примите вне вашу тоску на тех досадных засорителях крадясь в вашу коробку плантатора. Пропустил вашу регулярн разминку? До вашего сада, движение которому нагрузка pavers, или положению вниз которые мульчируют вы смысль, котор нужно получить к. Overwhelmed толкотней и суматохой жизни? Хлопните в ваших earbuds пока вы клоните к вашему маленькому углу Eden. Вы почти гарантированы, что чувствуете что лучше как только вы осуществляете что вы тратили некоторое время к себе и достигали цели или 2 также. |
Смешивая стародедовская культура с конструкцией в изолированном рае! Posted: 24 May 2011 01:05 AM PDT On the stunning Cycladic island of Mykonos, with it’s renowned cosmopolitan diversity and cool nightlife K-Studio took Greek tradition, and modern design and turned a beach taverna named Alemagou (translated to ‘Last Out’) into a hot spot sitting pretty next to the panoramic bay of Ftelia beach on the quieter North side of the island. Ftelia beach is a favorite for wind surfers thanks to the winds that whip around the bay and it’s crystal clear waters.
Old fashioned Greek tradition meets cool design concepts! The main focus was to keep with traditional Mykonian and Greek design but infuse it with modern up to date design elements. Over the years an old Cycladic tradition became an established architectural element after the locals used to coat their homes with asbestos just before the summer as a form of pesticide, and as a result the sharp right angles of the buildings became rounder as the sun bleached the walls. Influenced by the past yet practical! The designers were influenced by the effect of the whitewashed smooth white walls and the thatched roofs that are locally sourced and used for shading against the power of the sun during the summer months. By sourcing local materials Alemagou blends in perfectly with the landscape! Local reed provides welcome shade for the scorching summer sun! Other influences were the solid concrete floors and dry stone. The wanted Alemagou to blend in with the rugged terrain by using these organic textures, yet transforming it into a modern functioning taverna. Alamagou offers intimacy or somewhere to hang out with friends! The architecture and interior design compliment the fabulous new menu sticking with popular Greek recipes and traditional cooking methods using top quality produce. Hints of the past create nostalgia! A hidden gem for those who want to escape! K-Studio took inspiration from Cycladic design! Transformed into an inviting modern functioning restaurant and bar! Somewhere to kick back and relax! To enhance the ambiance the music and cocktail selection create a special place to enjoy good food then kick back and enjoy the stunning views of the ocean and surrounding desert like landscape. Contemporary design in harmony with old textures! Ancient crafts add a playful aspect! At cocktail hour Alemagou transforms into a chic hang out! Since 2002 K-Studio have completed a variety of cool projects. Their approach is to keep thinking! By using fresh ideas and some experimenting they continue to put excitement and enthusiasm into their work. If your idea of isolated paradise is a place away from the usual summer mayhem of the tourist industry then Ftelia beach is for you. With just a few studio’s for rent and one hotel this hidden gem is a holiday haven. Via: yatzer.com |
Что, котор нужно сделать если торнадо ударяет ваш дом Posted: 23 May 2011 10:54 AM PDT Мы настолько unbelievably опечалены жуткий фото и видео приходя из Joplin, Mo., после вчерашнего дискредитирующего торнадоа. Показалось, что произвел эта весны имеет специально испаряющую тенденцию строгой погоды, как witnessed много в Алабама, Канзас, Миннесота, Миссури, Арканзас и других положениях. Если вы живете в области, то которая прональна к торнадоам, вы вероятно имеете план безопасности для того чтобы получить вас, вашу семью и любимчиков к подземному укрытию или innermost части вашего дома, все, что угодновсе, что угодно применяется. Но что случается если ваш дом ударен торнадоом? Мы составляли спасибо некоторых подсказок FEMA для того чтобы помочь вам подготовить в случае этого стихийного бедствия. Немедленно после торнадоа: Если ваш дом был ударен, то немедленно определите все оккупантов в доме, включая любимчиков. Если никто повреждено, то получите yourselves из дома в случае если структура была скомпрометирована. Вы можете хотеть держать непредвиденный набор около области где ваша семья собирает для того чтобы принять укрытие от торнадоа который включает battery-powered проблесковые светы и battery-powered радио, которые могут обеспечить существенные данные по аварийной ситуации и спасения. Польностью порученные сотовые телефоны хороши для того чтобы иметь, слишком -- даже если вы не можете позвонить, вы можете мочь внести в журнал на интернет для того чтобы помочь соседям следа, находите местные укрытия или достигаете другой относящей информации. |
По заведенному порядку домашнее обслуживание: Получите готовым на лето Posted: 23 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT Summertime is home improvement time! If you are like me, you dreamt all winter about the projects you would undertake this summer. Well, the time is nigh to get to work! Before setting off on a huge project, concentrate on home maintenance. Winters can be hard on a house. I primed my new trim last fall in preparation to paint this month, and our intense winter sun has already peeled it off! Snow and ice can do a lot of damage, too, so check your house and do repairs before tackling a big remodel or new landscaping. You maintain your car regularly to make it last longer, and you should do the same for your house, which is much more valuable! Protect your investment! Most of these you can do yourself, and some of these small projects might turn into large projects! (I'll talk more about big projects in upcoming weeks.) Please use eco-friendly products! Exterior home maintenanceSiding and trim Examine all your siding and trim for peeling paint, non-galvanized nails rusting through, fascia and trim boards warping or rotting. Gutters If you did not clean out leaves in the fall, your gutters are probably plugged up. This will back water up under your roofing creating rot and leaks. You should check and clean your gutters a couple times a year. Once you have them cleaned out, make sure they are secured to the house and that the downspouts are clear. Better yet, run a downspout or two into a water barrel or cistern for irrigating! Roof
Windows and doors Take down the storm windows and put up your screens. Wash them, and make sure they are square and not torn. This is a good time to wash your windows inside and out. Replace broken panes. Check the condition of the caulking around windows and doors. Clean the runners for windows and your sliding glass door so they slide easily. Lubricate hinges and locks. Driveway and walkways Cracks in concrete allow water to seep in and soak the ground below, creating bigger cracks and big headaches. Clean the cracks out, let them dry, and seal them with concrete caulk. Larger cracks will need concrete patch. Deck Inspect wood decking for rot, warping boards, sound joints and raised or broken nails. Make repairs, power wash it (if you’ve got a hardwood wood deck), and stain or paint it. The same goes for wood stairs and fences. Tools and equipment maintenance Sharpen your hand tools, and get your lawn mower serviced. Make sure the weed eater is working properly. Interior home maintenanceIn your spring cleaning, I imagine you inspected the inside of your house. If you have yet to start, here are a few ideas. Walls and trim Check for old paint or wallpaper. Sometimes a good scrubbing will make a paint job look good, but you may need to do some touch-up. If wallpaper is peeling, remove it and consider painting instead. Flooring Inspect your carpets for wear, and decide if it's time to repair or replace them. Steam clean if you aren't replacing them. Thoroughly wash hardwood floors, and reseal. Ceilings Remove winter cobwebs and check for painting. If there is leak damage, find the source and fix it! Air conditioning Get your system serviced by a professional. Heating system Change the furnace filters, and make sure the ductwork is clean and sealed. Appliances Defrost your fridge and vacuum the coils on the back. Clean and lubricate the washing machine, and clean the dryer vent. Inspect your hot water heater and flush it out. Home maintenance plan for the rest of the summer seasonOnce you have done your routine maintenance, make a list of potential projects for the rest of the season. Break each one down by importance (is it emergency or cosmetic?), materials and costs, helpers, and so on. The one you may want to do most might not fit in the budget, or you may not have enough people around to help with the workload. If you get organized ahead of time, your projects will move along smoothly, and get done faster. Summer is a short window of opportunity for home improvement projects, so make the best use of that time! Routine Home Maintenance: Get Ready For Summer is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Помойте некоторый зеленый цвет в вашу прачечный Posted: 20 May 2011 10:04 AM PDT By Mr. Appliance Save some green and help the earth without ever leaving your laundry roomWash out your family's green grass stains and wash in even more green savings. The laundry room can be the busiest room in your house, and if your washer and dryer aren't performing at their best, it could show up on your energy bill. It may be time to give your family's laundry habits an energy-saving makeover. "Busy schedules and full households can cause lots of wear and tear on laundry room appliances," said Doug Rogers, president of Mr. Appliance Corp. "Home owners should take special care when using their washer and dryer to make sure they keep working efficiently. The harder an appliance has to work to do its job, the more energy is wasted in the process." Follow these simple tips from Mr. Appliance to help your laundry room conserve energy and money. Washer:
These tips are easy for you to do yourself, and can even help prolong the life of your appliances when combined with regular visits from your local appliance repair expert. For more tips and recipes, follow us on Twitter at @MrApplianceCorp, like us on Facebook at facebook.com/MrApplianceCorp and visit mrappliance.com. — About Mr. Appliance®: Mr. Appliance is North America's largest appliance repair franchise system. Established in 1996, its franchises provide full-service residential and light commercial appliance repair. Mr. Appliance has more than 150 locations throughout the United States and Canada and is consistently ranked among the top home service franchises by Entrepreneur magazine and other industry experts. Mr. Appliance is a subsidiary of The Dwyer Group, Inc. For more information, visit mrappliance.com. |
Posted: 19 May 2011 10:10 AM PDT by Rob Wright There are many great reasons to be green in your life and lifestyle. The benefits of being green are also well known. You can save money over time, use less energy, have a more comfortable lifestyle, and its good for the environment. Except when agendas are involved. What is now happening is that many people are seeing the benefits of being green and wonder why things are not happening faster or do not believe that the changes to date and the planned ones are real. We are seeing these green issues in the building industry now. One of the ways this is happening are the various programs and materials that are being touted as improved building practices; which are mostly coming from other countries. It is a great thing to have new ideas, but some of these proposed programs and materials do not even meet our current building codes! The Canadian residential building industry met our Kyoto goals and since that time we have continued to improve our green requirements and will continue to do so. We have always held out our R2000 program as the best in the world and we have continued to improve it. Our minimum building code now is what R2000 used to be in years past. If you want to see a major impact on the environment and greening, you need to look at our existing housing and building stock. With the majority of these building built in the 50's, 60's, and 70's you can do a lot of simple things to greatly improve the performance of these buildings. Bring back the federal incentives to improve the efficiency of our homes and add the commercial stock to the program; and you will see a major improvement in the greening of our buildings. We are also seeing in some jurisdictions, green changes being imposed onto all new projects. This is happening because the industry sometimes says – wait, let's see what the costs are; what are the benefits; and what is the science of this proposed change. This method has built a world class building code over time. But because this takes time – some are saying these changes must be imposed. What we are seeing coming at us is that some of these changes do not have enough benefit for the cost and/or the building science of the change will have a negative impact on the home and owner. These negative impacts can include mould growth, moisture damage, and excessive cost increases to install. Some of the building scientists have been questioning the data presented to back up various claims for a while. The legal community has also started to look at the claims. Lawsuits have been filed in the state of New York against a green building organization. The building codes changes are on a five year cycle where proposed changes are presented. They are then reviewed by industry representatives, scientists at NRC, and other interested parties. By 2012, the code will be equal to today's Energy Star 80 rating. So the code is changing without additional "help" and no unintended consequences of them. —About the AuthorRob Wright has grown up around construction and in the mid 1990's, Rob joined and took over Citadel Renovations in Ottawa. Rob has presented seminars at the local home shows on various renovations subjects and is a contributor to the Home Renovation Guide. Rob has been active in the Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association for many years and previously served as the Renovation Council Chair. For more information, visit CitadelRenovations.com. |
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