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Малый космос Должн-Имеет: Рицинусы шарнирного соединения Posted: 20 May 2011 10:09 AM PDT Одна из холодных вещей о жить в малом космосе что она испытывает пределы ваших творческих способностей. Вам будут нужны ухищренные разрешения хранения, заботливые расположения мебели и части которые могут сделать double-duty для того чтобы помочь вам увеличить каждый дюйм маленькой обители. Небольшое добавление к существующей мебели может помочь преобразовать ее к ломовой лошади мал-космоса. Выберите вверх рицинусы шарнирного соединения от вашего магазина местного оборудования и прикрепите их к частям как кухня или таблица или стол столовой. Как только они безопасный, вы можете легко катить эти детали к другим частям вашего дома, дающ вам работу или занимательный космос вам без оборотная сторона ручного труда. Конечно, рицинусы шарнирного соединения идеально на твёрдых древесинах, плитке или других трудных поверхностях настила, но хороший твердый нажим двинет их через ковры, слишком. И если вы, то потревожил о мебели двигая пока оно в пользе, fret--рицинусы не зафиксируют, позволяющ вам обеспечить часть в месте до давно пора для того чтобы двигать снова. |
Контрольные списоки чистки весны Posted: 20 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT
When preparing a list of tasks for completion, you want to categorize your projects. Then attack each one with a thorough and complete approach, meeting milestones that demonstrate visible progress that motivates you for the next part of the greater spring cleaning project. Spring cleaning checklist: small victories lead to big onesWhen taking on a big job like a top-to-bottom spring clean, small victories are what you’re after. When you feel like you’re making progress, like you’re actually gaining ground, winning the war against clutter and uncleanliness doesn’t seem so unlikely. A checklist for each micro-project can really help you to gain the vital momentum you need to win each battle, and to see the progress you need to see. Here’s one example of how to break down a task into digestible steps: Spring cleaning checklist: the windows
Following a methodical, step-by-step process like this for each minor spring cleaning job will ensure that the home is cleaned in a thorough manner overall. But, it’s also a way you can feel that important sense of accomplishment, too. Plan on this process to take a few days or weekends. Remember, spring cleaning can take time. Remember too, that you’re in charge, and you get to decide how long your process should take. Spring cleaning checklist: the ‘Is It A Keeper?’ testEliminating clutter can free up space in the home, and for some, allow for newer replacements to be brought in. This is true of clothing, old dishes, towels, books and old videos. These are things that can contribute to the stuffy house smell, and by getting rid of them, you are not only freeing up space, but also freshening the air. Here is a basic checklist to determine if things stay or go.
Enjoy throwing out or donate items that fail the test. Think of this process as a way of reclaiming your space from the forces of clutter. It’s a great way to freshen up, renew and replace things that will make your home perfect and ready for spring. Making checklists help save time and emotional strainEmotions play a huge part in a major spring clean. Taking the time for creating checklists can eliminate the possibility of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Checklists can help to lend perspective to a project, reducing a job that looks like climbing Mount Everest into one that you can actually visualize as being attainable. The reward is less stress, a cleaner home, and more space. Again, by breaking down each specific area of your home, you will gain a sense of accomplishment as each tier of the larger project is completed. Everyone needs to see that milestones have been reached. That’s a big part of the emotional engine that drives you forward in transforming and reclaiming your space. Spring cleaning checklists is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 20 May 2011 02:56 AM PDT When it comes to minimalism, no one does it better than the Swedes. And when Swedish designers Inga-Lill Ovin and her husband Pers Anders went looking for the perfect country home in the Swedish countryside they found it in an abandoned farm just outside of Lysekil, Sweden. And as owners of Marrakech Design, Inga-Lill and Pers had a great eye for design and knew exactly how they wanted to furnish their new home. (and they didn’t have to go very far!) Inga-Lil had slowly been filling the garage of the family's townhouse in Gothenburg, Sweden with finds from auctions and flea markets just waiting for her dream home in the country. Following is a tour of this gorgeous home that is a perfect example of the Swedish design style. When searching for the perfect summer home, Inga-Lill and her husband Per-Anders knew what they were looking for but unfortunately, everything they liked cost a fortune of money. It wasn’t until they decided to broaden their horizons a little, that they found what they were searching for: a white wooden house from 1894, with four acres of land, an outhouse and a barn all at an affordable price. Exterior of the Ovin dream house The house, with its 90 square meters and six small rooms, was in basically in good shape when they found it but it did need some modernizing. And because they didn’t want to spend a ton of money, they decided to do the work themselves. Their motto: cheap, but still beautiful. The renovation took a total of just six weeks. Combined dining room and living room with family built porch The original old wallpaper was removed as was all the old carpeting. In its place, the wood floors, ceilings and doors were all painted white. Most of the wall surfaces were also painted white while other walls were fitted with wallpaper. The shopping bags are from India; the hats were purchased in the Maldives A carpenter built this shoe storage bench, which is adorned with pillows purchased in an antique shop. Shoe storage bench
The kitchen decor was basically kept in its original 1940s style. Updates were made with a splash of white paint and new knobs on cabinets and drawers plus the installation of oak countertops. Renovated kitchen
The living room, which opens to the dining area, has furnishings that reflect the family’s love of travel. For example, the tray table was bought in Morocco while the chess pieces were purchased in Cairo. The throw pillows meanwhile, are from the family’s company, Marrakech Design. The cozy and colorful living room
Here, a plain white wall serves as a bulletin board where the family posts vacation photos. Wall/bulletin board
Another example of the family’s great sense of style. The Moroccan floor and ceiling lamps are from the family's own business, Marrakech Design. The armchair is from Ikea while the pillows are from Lysekil Antiques. The carpets are from Morocco. The stylish living room
The upper floors have a great view of the meadow and cliffs below. A section of an upper floor bedroom
One of the stylishly yet cozily decorated bedrooms. The bed throw is from Marrakech while the painting came with the house. Upstairs bedroom
The master bedroom is located downstairs. The bedspread and linen pillows are sewn from old used French grain sacks. The Biedermeier chair is a flea market find.
The happy couple!
Now we want to hear from you: can you see yourself living in this house? |
Контракторы окна замены: Сортировать хорошее от неудачи Posted: 19 May 2011 06:38 PM PDT
You’re not alone. Contractor fraud is a real problem, and though we’ve all heard the horror stories, some homeowners still don’t know how to protect themselves. In fact, the higher the project costs, the more scams are likely to take place. This leaves customers of window replacement jobs particularly vulnerable. So how to make sure your investment is safe? Screening Your Window Installers for QualityThe trick is to get three contractor bids, minimum. CalFinder installers are not only pre-screened for quality, but provide free cost estimates for window installation. You can get window cost estimates quickly by clicking here. Unlike other contractors, CalFinder pros are always screened for:
No gimmicks, no flashy sales pitches. Just contractors you can trust, vetted by a nationally recognized third-party source. Compare Your Estimates, Weed Out the UnfavorablesWe also recommend avoiding the lowest bid. Reports show time and again that low-cost installations yield low-quality results. For window replacements, this can mean poorly installed seals, frames and sashes, leading to rain damage and low energy-efficiency in your home. Plus, the costs to undo and reinstall a shoddy window job can be higher than what you paid in the first place. Once you’ve gotten your bids, request a written estimate from the contractors you like best. Make sure the window estimates include line-item costs of labor, materials, products purchased by the contractor, and a time-frame schedule so you know what to expect. Ask about warranties on workmanship and repair guarantees should there be an issue down the road. It may be difficult, but try not to focus only on window costs and scheduling. Think first about quality and credibility. Where is this contractor coming from? Do they have references and pictures of previous window installs to show you? Are they someone you can trust? Amazingly, studies show that homeowners that hired contractors recommended by friends or neighbors ultimately faced the same scheduling delays and added costs as those that hired complete strangers. This means that no matter how high the praise, installers can still pull the wool over your eyes. It all comes down to those window contractor referrals. Have you gotten yours yet? Photos via Frerieke and Andersen Windows |
Установка настила твёрдой древесины: 5 подсказок для того чтобы во избежание опасности Posted: 19 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT Hardwood flooring installations are what most would consider to be an advanced project by most professional installers. But, if you have decided that your installation skills are up to the task, here’s a post from popular home improvement blog One Project Closer Co-founder Ethan Hagen with 5 basic tips you can use to ensure success. *** Installing hardwood flooring can seem like a daunting task for a homeowner, and it’s true that not every do-it-yourselfer is up to the challenge. A beautiful hardwood floor is the result of careful planning and some important know-how. This article is not meant to be a guide for installing hardwood floors, but rather how to avoid common pitfalls. For those brave souls undertaking this project, I offer up these five tips for success.
1. Examine your subfloorIf your subfloor is in poor condition, putting down hardwoods won’t help. You need to have a relatively level subfloor, and any changes in height should be less than 3/16″ over a 6′ span. There are a couple different ways to level out a subfloor. The easiest scenario occurs when OSB or plywood isn’t anchored down very well and adding a handful of screws takes care of the problem. More drastic measures include planing the joists or even installing an additional layer of plywood with an appropriate “filler” to achieve uniformity. 2. Acclimate the woodIncreased moisture causes wood to expand while less moisture causes wood to contract. This is called wood movement. It’s important for hardwoods to acclimate in the space where they will be installed. Wood that is not fully acclimated will result in gaps during the winter and possibly cupping during the summer. To avoid this, open and spread out the boxes for about a week, and be sure to run the A/C or heat at normal levels. Never store the hardwoods in a moisture rich environment like an unfinished basement. Even after proper acclimation, the wood will expand/contract as moisture levels change. That’s why it’s important to leave about a 1/4″ gap around the perimeter of your install. Don’t worry, this is concealed with baseboard and molding. If moisture is a major concern for your area, consider installing engineered wood as many do not require acclimation. 3. First Row Must be StraightIt’s very important for the first row of hardwoods to be installed straight as every row after will be laid relative to it. A crooked first row will result in large curves as you progress through the space. Exterior walls are often not square so consider marking a line parallel to an inside wall, opposite of your starting position. Mark the locations of your joists and install the hardwoods perpendicular. Make sure you drive a fastener into a joist at each opportunity. Consider what obstacles, like a fireplace hearth, are present how different starting points will make the job easier.
4. Top nail and glue the boardsYou’ll encounter scenarios where the flooring nailer will not fit, like when laying the last board. Invariably, you’ll need to top nail or face nail these boards. Grab your wood glue and add a bead to the groove of the previous board. Use scrap wood and a pry bar to securely wedge these boards in place. Be sure to hold the finish nailer with adequate force to prevent it from jumping around and marring the surface of the board. 5. Buy or Rent the Right ToolsDon’t kid yourself that you can make rip cuts with a jig saw or that you don’t really need a pneumatic flooring nailer. Having the right hardwood flooring installation tools will make your job infinitely easier and the finished product will look better. At the minimum you’ll need:
There are unique challenges in every hardwood install. Hopefully these tips help you tackle some of them. With the appropriate preparation and a good start, you’ll be rolling along in no time. Good luck! *** Thanks, Ethan! For you Twitter-heads who found this article useful, you can follow One Project Closer on Twitter for even more tips about installing wood floors. You can also subscribe to the One Project Closer blog, too. Cheers, Rob. Hardwood flooring Installation: 5 Tips to Avoid the Pitfalls is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Хозяйничайте встреча обмена DIY Posted: 19 May 2011 09:45 AM PDT Все более не приятно если вы можете сделать им партию? Вы можете присутствовать на (или хозяйничано) одежде или housewares обменивают партию, но что о запланировании одном с фокусом DIY? Соберите вверх что-нибыдь DIY-родственное вы не более длиннее использование -- инструменты, краска, книги, обломоки краски и что-нибудь еще -- и пригласите друзей и членов семьи сделать эти же. Пошлите вне приглашение потехи (eVite, любое?), обеспечьте светлые заедки и освежения и воспрепятствуйте потехе начать! Хозяйничать партия обмена может быть большим путем получить что-то вам -- или никогда не осуществляно вам -- без обстреливать вне любые деньги. Положительная величина, это было бы идеально временем обменить консультацию DIY, поделить идеи проекта или получить рекомендации на ваших планах будущего DIY пока mingling с плененной аудиторией. |
Виньетки Pt.1 дизайна интерьера: Малые космосы в больших комнатах Posted: 19 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT Rooms are big! Decorating is a challenge when you're thinking "big picture" from the start. Have you ever thought smaller, via creating "vignettes?" What makes a vignette?In writing and art, "vignettes" are smaller scenes meant to have more impact. In decorating, it's an area that's a self-contained setting within a larger space. A little reading alcove, eating nook, or the stuff you surround your hallway table with — these are all examples of vignettes. In a well-designed room, some elements should stand together as a group, and it should complement the larger space. That's the theory of vignettes. It sounds intimidating, but it's not. When you start thinking logically about it, some of the choices before you are obvious. Let's talk our way through creating, for example, a little reading corner. Almost everyone I know values making a "reading" space in their home — that one spot where a book is never out of place — and it's actually one of the easiest spaces to put together. The beginnings of a reading nookWhat do you need most of all? A good chair. So, you would pick the chair that first comes to mind when you think of reading a novel with a hot drink. That's your reading chair. Is it a pretty reading chair? Great! Or is a pretty shredded reading chair? If your cat's had its way with the upholstery, you get the bonus step of considering a slipcover or the perfect throw blanket for camouflage — there, from pretty shredded to pretty cozy. Where do you read? Where lighting is good! So, you'd probably enjoy being near a window, but also a plug outlet, so the reading lamp's cord doesn't have to stretch across the floor. This will narrow your choices. So too will the fact that you need space for, at the very least, a table & a big comfy chair. And then there was (reading) lightWith the new reading home chosen, put your chair in place. Looks good, doesn't it? Now you'll need the lamp. You don't want to have to get up when dusk falls, just to turn on the light, so the lamp will have to be close at hand when seated. The light needs to be softly filtered with a good shade, so you won't get tired eyes. Nothing too big. It can be a standing floor lamp or a table lamp. If a floor lamp, it should be slightly to the side and behind you, with light source shoulder-height or higher when you're sitting and reading. Whether you use a floor or table lamp, you need a table. If you're using a lamp on the table, then you may need a larger surface, because your teacup, notebook, and snacks saucer also need to squeeze in there so you can sip, nosh, and note your way through a rainy day. Imagine your way to a detailed planYou see how this is working? Imagine all the details of things you'll need in order to really enjoy that space, and then make it happen. So, your table should be about as high as the chair-arm for comfortable reading, tea-fetching, and well-appointed reading light. It should really have a drawer for a notebook, a pen, and anything else that could be useful on an afternoon of reading. I mean, who wants to stand and walk all the way to their desk for a pen to make a note about a bright idea when reading? If you have a table lamp to use, put it in place, and turn it on. Now you have your chair, lamp, and table, in their new home. Okay… now what?Stand back. How's it look? Not nearly finished, I imagine. You'll need knickknacks. Possibly photos. Maybe even textiles. We're just getting started! Know what'll tie it together, I bet? A piece of art, a mirror, or something else mounted above the chair. It should be lower than you might normally hang art, and that's because you're deliberately tying it to this scene. Hanging it lower creates a more intimate feel. But what art should you pick? And what if you don't have the art, how do you decide what to get? Here's where things get interesting, when we go from bare-bones to a personalized space, and for many people, this is the challenge. When choosing the lamp, art, and whatever knickknacks you can conjure, they don't have to match, but they do have to feel like they're of the same mood, style, or era — there needs to be a common thread that makes sense. Picking several items — textiles, art, and knickknacks — with a theme, and putting them all together, that's how we create the perfect personal space. With those little items, that's how we make it our space. Interior design vignettes: you make the rulesThere's no need to panic, people. It's about picking things that work for you, and no magazine or decorator could do that better than you. All you need are a couple easy guiding principles, and you won't get so hung up what accessories will play well with each other. We'll talk about it next time, as we run down some of the different ways to approach making a theme for your vignette. First vignettes, now themes? Who knew it could be so easy? Exciting, isn't this? Seeya next time. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, lay 'em on me, I'd love to hear them. Interior Design Vignettes Pt.1: Small Spaces in Large Rooms is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Воодушевляя реновация квартиры с взглядами гавани! Posted: 19 May 2011 05:14 AM PDT This stunning apartment not only benefits from an expert renovation designed by Stanic Harding Architecture but also enjoys captivating views from the 9th floor of Walsh bay, Luna Park and the harbour at Milsons Point, just north of Sydney in NSW Australia.
Wine and dine with the privilege of harbour views! Occasionally a complete renovation is required especially when the original layout was very badly planned. This was the case here, so to gain inspiration the new design team set to work planning a total renovation. The owners were that disappointed they fled to their coastal home! Clean white lines have a slick effect against the solid wooden flooring! The long arm of the kitchen surface doubles up as a coffee bar! To utilize more space the new design included the exterior balcony and corridor being incorporated into the interior to give more space options. Huge windows allow in natural daylight and at night subtle ceiling lighting creates a relaxing ambiance! Wow your guests on this past exterior balcony! This extremely attractive dining area was once the exterior balcony with the added luxury of some outside space. This clever design layout also enabled the master bedroom more privacy thanks to the dining area offering it more exclusion from the main living areas.
The infusion of contemporary with comfort offers an inviting appeal! The neutral tones suit the minimalist approach and theme throughout! The service area’s including storage spaces, laundry and bathrooms are discretely hidden behind ingenious wall paneling, and the mirror glass fixed to the doors and the walls has created a mush fresher brighter appeal. The clever design of the converted balcony offers more privacy to the master suite! Discretion is the result here when utilizing the most of the space available!
For the bathroom remodel no expense was spared on the products and fittings! The Stanic Harding design team focused on every last detail! I imagine the owners have been tempted back from their coastal home! A badly planned layout becomes a beautiful home in an enviable location! Andrew Stanic and Andy Harding created Stanic Harding Architects back in 1989 and have since been producing high quality interior design and architecture. There skills have been recognised through out the industry where they have received several awards. They pride themselves on their design ability, contemporary concepts that are pragmatic, practical and functional. Milson’s point is a mix of residential urban development and commercial area’s lying about 3 k North of central Sydney. Since becoming home to the Olympic swimming pool this stunning harbour front location has become the most expensive residential suburb of Sydney. Source: arcfreeze.com/
Замена Windows в Бостон: Которые типы самые лучшие для вашего дома? Posted: 18 May 2011 05:22 PM PDT If you live in Boston, Massachusetts, you’re well aware that extreme temperatures drive up your energy bills. Old, drafty windows simply cannot keep the cold out, and the same holds true in blazing summer heat. So which types of replacement windows will save you the most money this year? And with hundreds of window features out there, what should you be looking for? Let’s break down the best replacement windows for Boston, including energy-efficiency recommendations. To find out how much replacement windows cost in your area, click here. Replacement Window RatingsToday’s windows are usually sold with a rating to show how energy efficient they are, and how well they’ll work in your local climate. There are two main ratings for replacement windows: The U-values and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC). These values are used to indicate how well the windows insulate and reflect heat. For a northern climate like Boston, your ideal U-value ranges from 0.30 to 0.32. The lower the U-value, the better the window insulates. The lower the SHGC, the less solar heat is allowed to pass through your window glass. You’ll know you’re purchasing the most energy-efficient window if the ratings look like this:
In Boston, winters are snowy and cold while summers are hot. A good window will provide ample insulation to reduce the amount of energy needed to heat and cool your home. Typically, SHGC values range from 0.25 to 0.80, while U values can be anywhere from 0.25 to 1.25. Choosing Your Window TypesThere are about 10 main window types to choose from. In Boston, double-hung and casement windows are typically the most popular. Casement windows open fully, allowing plenty of fresh air and ventilation. Because they open with a crank, they’re perfect for hard-to-reach places, like in the kitchen or bathroom. Double-hung windows, on the other hand, slide up and down. Both panes of glass can open and close, allowing you to open the top half of the window while keeping the bottom tightly sealed (a beautiful thing for kids’ rooms). They may, however, cause more air to leak, so energy efficiency is extra important for double-hung windows. To see pictures of all the other window types, click here. Energy-Efficiency RecommendationsWith so many add-ons available, it can be hard to say how much energy efficiency your windows really need. Replacement windows in Boston certainly require more efficiency than windows in moderate climates. For instance, double-pane glazed windows provide much more insulation than clear, single-paned windows. The glazing on the windows directly increases efficiency. Along with choosing double- or even triple-paned windows, you can also opt for a glaze style that reduces transmission of heat. Triple-glazed windows are the best choice if you want to significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs. Look for a low-E coating to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Another option is to order insulating gas between the panes. Krypton or argon gas are your best bets. Federal Rebates for Window InstallationAlong with saving money on heating and cooling costs, choosing the right replacement windows in Boston can also earn you a rebate from the federal government. The law caps the rebate on energy efficient windows at $200 total, but you can receive a rebate on supplies for 10% of your purchase up to $500. To claim your rebate for switching to energy-efficient windows, you will need all of your receipts. The rebate is filed along with your regular yearly taxes using special forms offered through the IRS website or your personal accountant. The $500 limit is a lifetime limit that may be used over the course of several years, but there are also some regional rebates for Boston residents who make their homes more energy-efficient. The residential energy efficient tax credit for Boston citizens is also capped at $500, with 10% back on all items used to make the home more energy-efficient. New rebates are being added on a regular basis, as well, so make sure to save your receipts to file along with your taxes. Photos via Andersen Windows and David Paul Ohmer |
Лучшие вариант для всеобщего Конструировать-Содружественного настила Posted: 18 May 2011 01:40 PM PDT Вы вероятно слышали конструкции термине всеобщей, специально по мере того как оно имеет прикладное к помогая времени людей внутри их дома. Но всеобщая конструкция нет age-specific термины; на своем сердечнике, всеобщая конструкция о увеличивать доступность, функцию и представление внутри космос, независимо от времени персоны или физического состояния. Одна из самых больших вещей для рассмотрения когда включая всеобщая конструкция ваш настил. Половики хода no-no, по мере того как они могут представить опасность отключения. Мягкие ковры хороший выбор, специально если они слишком не толщины, то так, что ковер будет благоприятен к кресло-коляскам, ходокам and/or костылям. Более раньше этот год, я присутствовал на всеобщем обсуждение общественно важного вопроса группой специально отобранных людей конструкции здесь в Kansas City, и приходил прочь с хозяином больших подсказок, включая верхние выборы для настила. поверхности Non-ковра вообще ы потому что они предлагают меньшее сопротивление и относительно легки для того чтобы очистить и поддержать. Верхние 3 выбора включают: |
7 причин рассматривать Eco-Friendly сельское прожитие Posted: 18 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT As we pull away from the suburbs for a variety of reasons, we can choose urban or rural settings. I recently wrote about the eco-friendly qualities of cities on the BuildDirect Green Blog, and now I want to give the rural lifestyle its due here. I have been fortunate to live in both situations at once. We used to spend summers in rural New Mexico and winters in Tucson, Arizona. It was the best of both worlds. I can't say I prefer urban or rural, because they both have a lot to offer. Rural can mean a 1,000-acre ranch in an isolated area or less than an acre in a small town. Even the population of that small town will determine what rural life has to offer. I live on an acre outside a town of 10,000, but I have lived on .10 acre in a town of 1,500. I've enjoyed the benefits of rural living in each situation. Peace and quiet, and peace of mindRural living offers peace and quiet. There is nothing like waking up to birds chirping or looking out your window in winter to see snow gracing the naked tree branches. You experience less stress and be more relaxed when the sights and sounds of nature surround you. When I go out on my back porch to have coffee in summer before the sun comes up, I feel like I'm camping. It's quiet, birds are singing in the distance, and the air is damp with early morning dew. I've even had houseguests comment on the camping feel of early morning. People go camping to get away, but you can enjoy it at home! Open space equals self-relianceSurrounded by acreage, trees and views, you can stretch, literally and figuratively. There is a sense of expansion and freedom in a rural setting. Open space also allows for pets, livestock, gardening and room for children to roam and play. If you can do any farming, you can become self-reliant and reduce your carbon footprint. This is one main reason people move to rural areas – to raise food and livestock. This is healthy, because you know what you are eating. These days, with so many foods being genetically engineered, it's a good idea to grown your own, and barter with farming neighbors for what you do not have. Farming and gardening also connect you with nature. You are at the mercy of the elements, which in turn makes you more aware of them and all of earth's cycles. PrivacyOpen space offers privacy, but close living in a small town may not. The beauty of rural life, though, is that neighbors are respectful of your personal space. They tend to keep to themselves and treat others as they wish to be treated. If you need them, though, my personal experience says they are there to support you. Cleaner air and waterWithout the pollution of cars and industry, rural air and water are better for your health. Fewer cars also means less traffic. Outdoor activities enables interaction with natureRural areas may be close to National Forest, National Parks or BLM land for hiking, canoeing, fishing, skiing and biking. You might live where you can just take a good long walk in the neighborhood. Dark skies at night offer an education in astronomy. Cheaper cost of livingGenerally, housing, food and gas are less expensive in rural areas. Property taxes are also cheaper. This could be good or bad. When schools depend on property taxes, their quality is diminished. I live in such a place. Our taxes are very low, but our services, roads and schools show it. Almost every town I've researched that has good schools has a healthy tax base. A sense of communityPeople choose rural areas for a more personal experience. The postmaster and supermarket cashier call you by name. The restaurants know what you like to order. Social events feel more like intimate parties. I love this about small town life! It's wonderful to be connected to people. Saving money, living in nature and, connecting with people add up to an eco-friendly lifestyle in my eyes. Whether you choose urban or rural is a personal decision. Do you need the stimulation and job security of a city, or do you wish a slower paced, more self-sufficient life in the country? The point being, the city and the country both have excellent qualities for eco-friendly, low carbon lifestyles. 7 Reasons to Consider Eco-Friendly Rural Living is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 18 May 2011 08:00 AM PDT Мы быстро причаливаем венчанию основного ядра/ливню младенца/сезону градации/housewarming, и мы имеем творческое разрешение к всем вашим дилеммам gift-giving -- дайте подарок DIY! Множество путей распространить влюбленность DIY, и мы имеем немного предложений которые должны помочь вам покрыть ваши основания этот подарок давая сезон случая. Сделайте его себя Ничего говорит DIY более лучше чем делающ подарок себя. Одно из самое лучшее, больше всего-полюбленные и взлелеянные настоящие моменты мы получили для наших детей было hand-knit одеяла младенца. Мы также услышали лоскутных одеял замужества для новобрачных или одеял тенниски или половиков ветоши для студент-выпускников. Все вам для этого вида давать подарка ловкость для делать что-то и время исполнить его. Учтите интересы персоны или пары, тип, и этап жизни (ie двигая далеко от дома, получающ поженен, покупающ первую дом, плодя) и см. если вы не можете фасонировать что-то полезное от сердца для того чтобы поздравить их. |
Башня воды будет уникально домом! Posted: 18 May 2011 05:01 AM PDT The Chateau d’eau water tower sits in the center of the typical flat Belgian landscape on a 16m by 20m lot and carries 450 sqm of unique living space. The tower stands at 30m high and was built way back by the local village of Steenokkerzeel somewhere between 1938 and 1940. The tower was in use since the early ninties then in 2004 an application was made to the Royal Commission to preserve it as protected building and it was accepted.
The commissioned architects Bahm Design Studio had to totally remodel the facade as it was so run down, and the concrete pillars had to be restored and re-painted. They totally removed the brick joints and replaced the top floor windows with much larger ones to allow for the fantastic views and to brighten it up.
Totally unique single family home! The project has 2 objectives, one for the clients to use as a single family home and the other is to rent it out to either large companies looking for somewhere to impress clients when meeting them close to the airport and companies looking to hold workshops or training sessions. Somewhere to impress clients! Each room has home automation at your fingertips with the latest domotics technology and fully equipped with top of the range IT installations including connections available to use projectors on the top level. The latest technological domotics at your fingertips! High tech installations give a smooth slick finish! Bham Design Studio specialize in unusual projects and give them unique design solutions! The preservation of the building began with original elements including the concrete stairs, concrete ceiling, mains water conduct and the water basin which holds up to 250,000 liters. All the exposed major elements were painted in a dark grey paint to differentiate between the new and old concrete. Wenge wood flooring contrasts perfectly with the new and old concrete! The guest bedroom has wenge wood flooring ideal for use on floors and staircases because of it’s hard wearing abilities. It also has a unique walk in shower that stands at 4.5 meters to increase water flow that is surrounded by tinted black glass for extra privacy. Textiles were scattered around to balance the starkness of the concrete and other hard materials, and increase acoustics. A tall walk in shower to increase the pleasure of increased water flow! A spiral staircase takes you up to the circular main bedroom on the upper floor with it’s stunning dome ceiling. Again wenge wooden flooring has been chosen to contrast with the mirror glass surfaces purposly placed to collect light and pick up the reddish colored tones of the walls. The spiral stairs that lead you to the circular master suite with stunning dome ceiling! The block in which the elevator is housed shares it’s space with a cat house, cloak room, library and rest room. The stainless steel kitchen leads onto a steal bridge that takes you to the terrace with it’s own shower and hardwood flooring. Out to the terrace where you can enjoy the unlimited views! Smooth steal kitchen represents contemporary at the highest level! Even the cat room is cool! The top floor and the terrace have a birds eye view of the national airport activity just a short drive away. Enjoy the local air traffic from the top level! Bham design studio have a philosophy that focus’s mainly on unusual projects and giving high levels of analysis in order to deliver unique design solutions.
Верхние энергосберегающие кондиционеры воздуха: Наши контракторы решают Posted: 17 May 2011 04:37 PM PDT It should come as no surprise to you that we’re picky about our contractors. CalFinder ensures accreditation on multiple levels before certifying pros, and expects that they, in turn, are selective in choosing remodeling products and equipment for your home. But to what extent? I decided to do a little digging and find out which air conditioning and heating brands our contractors use most, and why. After all, the better the system, the more cash saved on energy bills.
To see how much it costs to upgrade your own air conditioning system, click here. The Most Sought-After Air ConditionersThirty-two interviews later, I discovered that our major HVAC installers generally use two brands, Trane and Kenmore, with Lennox and Carrier coming in third and fourth. Here’s the data breakdown:
So what makes Trane air conditioners so sought-after? Two words: energy savings. As one HVAC installer in Phoenix, Arizona put it, “It’s the Energy Star effect.” Most Trane air conditioning systems boast the Energy Star label, or the government seal qualfying those products for federal cash rebates. Homeowners take one look and immediately see dollar signs, especially in a city like Phoenix, where air conditioners are a necessity. By choosing Energy Star, CalFinder contractors offer systems that cut energy use and return a federal rebate at the same time. In fact, if you install Energy Star HVAC this year, you can earn up to $500 back from the government. It’s a win-win all around.
The Higher the SEER Rating, the Better the SavingsIn addition, I found that SEER ratings on Trane air conditioners exceed the industry standard. Not sure what that means? SEER ratings are simply a government-mandated scale for measuring efficiency. Since January, 2006, the Department of Energy has required that all new HVAC systems achieve a SEER rating of 13 or above. Since they all meet this standard, Trane matched air conditioning systems save 38-59% more on your energy bills than older units, which typically run on poor efficiences of 10 or below. That doesn’t mean you need to run out and purchase the highest 19.5 SEER-rated air conditioner you can find. But if you did, your payback would be surprisingly quick. Highly rated systems cost more upfront, but then pay for themselves in a few years. Which HVAC Systems Qualify for Rebates?If you’re upgrading your HVAC, it’s important to know exactly what you’re looking for. Let’s break it down.
Note that CalFinder contractors will help you determine the proper-sized system for your home, as well as how to apply for rebates. Get in touch for a cost estimate by clicking here, and enjoy your air conditioning this summer. |
Сформируйте встречает функцию с книжными полками тележки Posted: 17 May 2011 12:19 PM PDT Читатели C&H, вы вероятно начинаете думать что я преследовано с книжными полками. И вы были бы правы. После общаться с одиссеей наших спасенных границ bookcase, я смотрю весь shelving с newfound благодарностью. Это самая последняя находка? Чисто гений. Создано продавецом StudioDz Etsy, эта единичная часть совмещает shelving и тележку--и что 2 вещи смогли быть более лучшими совместно? Мы все знаем самая плохая часть иметь тонну книг что они настолько неимоверно тяжелы когда давно пора для того чтобы двинуть. Но если вы имеете эту полку, как раз, то свяжите книги внутри и катите прочь! Слово к велемудрому? Эта полка не дешева, но учитывает его облечением для вашего дома (и вашей задней части). Конечно, мы интересуем о аспекте DIY проекта так как вы смогли скопировать эту конструкцию. |
Posted: 17 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT Seasonal pet care and spring cleaning go hand in hand. After all, spring cleaning is about comfort for everyone who lives in the home, including your four-legged friends. For instance, it’s during this season that shedding becomes a going concern. Taking care of pet fur in the home, and on them, is a great way to be prepared for a nice spring season. It makes them more comfortable, and ultimately is a strategy for keeping your home hair-and-dander free. Why spring cleaning with a pet in mind is importantOnce spring rolls around, and your pets become more comfortable without a heavy coat. So, they begin to “blow it out”. This means that when a dog or cat has less use for an extra layer of fur to keep warm, they simply shed it. For homeowners like you, this can mean a big mess. For one thing, it means that household air is characterized by bits of fur floating around , making for an allergy nightmare for many. And the fur lands all over the home, gets into blankets, couches, pillows and so on. During the warmer months, fleas and ticks can become an issue, too. Often when a pet picks up a bug like this, they can bring it into the house, exposing the other members of the household to something that could be potentially harmful. Reminder: ticks can carry disease like Lyme disease. Spring cleaning strategies for petsHere are some things you can do to prepare your house and your pet for spring cleaning, and for general cleanliness and health where you and your pets are concerned. 1. See to the health of your pet This should be the first step to consider. This is a good time of year to give your pet their seasonal check-ups to help avoid these pesky insects in any case. This can be done through vet-recommended products, and then followed up with special shampoos that eliminate these insects if they are in fact a problem. A seasonal check up just before your start your big spring clean is a primary strategy for the betterment of your home in general. Further, shedding is a natural process. But, sometimes excessive fur loss can be a symptom of illness. When shedding begins, sometimes a visit to the vet makes certain that things are unfolding as they should when it comes to shedding. Pets can get nasty skin funguses when their fur is matting against their skin during the blow out time. Making sure your pet is comfortable is an important consideration as you see to the comfort of everyone else in your home. Your vet can help. 2. Groom your pet regularly The best way to take care of your dog or cat is through a thorough and regular grooming. This can be done at home, but you can also take your pets in to have them groomed professionally to help them get rid of the undercoat. This does two things for your pet: makes them cooler in warmer temperatures, and helps them to have healthy skin. And grooming offsite helps you to solve the problem of what to do with blown out fur. 3. De-clutter pet-related items Pets also have things that they no longer need. Items like crates, leashes, chewed toys, and old collars are obvious things to get rid of. This is especially true if they have outgrown them, they are damaged items or they are no longer suitable for your pet. 4. Prepare a pet-friendly outdoor space The shedding process, and other pet-related mess can be reduced inside your home, while you pet enjoys a comfortable and safe outdoor space just for them. Creating an outdoor space for your pets is a key strategy in making sure your entire household is comfortable, and that a great deal of mess is avoided in your interiors while Fluffy and Rover are shedding. Everyone is comfortableSpring cleaning is a great way to get the whole house in order for the warmer months that bring friendly gatherings and good times. Getting a home with a pet or pets living there is a good way to ensure that the spring will be enjoyable for everyone, no matter how many legs they’ve got. This will not only make you feel better about your home, but also help maintain a healthy environment for all of the members of the house, even the furry ones. Spring cleaning and pets is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
De-Создавать суматоху: Где получить начатым, и как Posted: 17 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT
I'm not an organizational expert, but I've made it happen anyway and so can you. These techniques worked for me, and continue to work. Here's how to start. Getting a de-clutter gameplanAt the beginning, assess everything. Prepare yourself for the mental shock of absorbing how much crap is around you. Yes, this will be a lot of work and will take longer than you think — but is worth every bit of effort. Start with closets and storage. You’ll need both a measuring tape and a notepad. Write down the obvious "got to go" items, observations you have, and measurements. Measure each space's dimensions, as it might surprise you what can fit in storage as this process moves ahead. While looking each space over, consider:
Set a goal like I did — an actual amount you think you can remove. I said 30% of my belongings, and over time, that's how much I removed from my home. Set time aside and plan ahead for afterAt the beginning, set aside at least one whole weekend to tackle things. Budget for take-out or delivery dinners. You'll be working hard and cleaning up more just isn’t fun. You can make the donating-goods process easier by planning that in the beginning, too. I have a long relationship with Big Brother, and they pick up donations if I pre-arrange it. Many other organizations across the continent do this as well. Ask friends what organizations they use. Once you have a pick-up date, book your de-cluttering weekend immediately before that. With your assessment complete, you now have a rough idea what you're in for, and where you start is with the Deep Clutter. The avoidance boxes: now to sort themIf you start with the easier, more obvious clutter, you'll likely find reason to never reach the Deep Clutter. After all, it's stashed in the Nethercorners and you can put other stuff in front of it, right? No, bad plan. Start there: the deepest, darkest box. Put on a good movie and sort it out. You'll find it wasn't as bad as you thought, and once that's done, you'll be fired up to get rid of lots more. Keep what's important. Lose anything that makes you feel bad when you look at it, and doesn't have legal or financial reason to be kept — keeping in mind, taxes and financial papers can get tossed after 7 years. Using the “Group” Method to Sort Papers and PhotosWhen sorting personal papers, group by general subject. Don't macro-sort the first time. Instead, think in bigger groups, and re-sort with a second pass, which will go much quicker. For example, first, you might have an "education" pile. Next pass, you can break it down to "college," "professional courses," “childhood schoolwork,” and so forth. If you're like me, you have boxes of photos to contend with. I used the "groups" approach to make this simple, too: My brother, my parents, the four of us together, brother with Dad/Mom, and so on, then the immediate family and friends, distant relatives or friends, family vacations, "random people," and, finally, "what the heck was this?" I threw the "what the heck was this?" and "other people" piles right out. The remainder were put into acid-free envelopes with corresponding group names on the front. Now, to make photo albums, I just grab the right pile. Continue through all your paperwork with variations on these approaches. We hate the paperwork. Once that’s done, de-cluttering starts to get more fun. Next: The Great Purge ContinuesNext time, we’ll look into specific ways to deal with different areas of clutter, from CDs to old furniture, and rethinking these things can bring a world of change and open spaces into your home. Do you have questions about sorting paperwork, ideas that might help others, or general observations about this series so far? Please be sure to add a comment, if so. De-Cluttering: Where To Get Started, And How is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
Posted: 17 May 2011 05:00 AM PDT Circle West Architects were commissioned to retrofit a unique single family home in the desert in Paradise Valley Arizona. The concept was to take the original structure and transform it so it developed a closer relationship with the surrounding desert. The first important task was to open it up to the wildness with huge glass windows.
A step towards the future of organic desert living! This sustainable property sits within a 1 acre lot in a single family community making a statement with it’s new cutting edge architecture and new design. The home enjoys privileged views of the surrounding mountains from the northeast, south and west giving it an enviable position while intervening with the desert landscaping on a more personal level. Incorporating natural desert foliage and vegetation wherever possible! The new components and accessories have made this home more connected to its desert environment by enabling the natural light of the daytime and the mystery of the desert at night flow throughout. The huge glass block windows allow the mystery of the desert at night to enter! On the south side of the facade the designers built an overhang to shade the glass from the hot desert sun, yet during winter it was designed to allow the lower level sun to sooth the outer walls. They used mature desert vegetation and plants to shade the slightly elevated east side while on the west side they carefully placed overhangs for protection against the harsh desert natural elements. Vulnerable yet privileged with no restrictions! The original concrete stucco was left in place and other building materials were replaced by using recycled concrete flooring, glass, and zinc siding that is a favorable material for transforming old run down buildings into looking brand new. They further went on to install a HVAC system to maintain adequate ventilation and good air quality inside. Simple yet contemporary with nothing to block those captivating views! The interior was kept simple with a minimalist approach with out large pieces of furniture to obstruct the captivating desert views that continue to change from dawn to dusk. This unique desert home appears to have achieved equilibrium! The landscaping was replaced with natural desert vegetation and plants, and the roof was designed to capture any rain water while the storm water was guided to attend to the vegetation needs. The most alluring parts of this awesome organic living experience are the views of the desert sky and from most positions in the home you are at one with the landscaping giving a feeling of total freedom and openness. This concept gives a different prospective on looking after our environment, by living amongst it and looking after it at the same time! The planning of this project was totally focused around social, economic, health and economic responsibilities. Circle West have a philosophy to continue there work to help towards building a better world we live in with their unique Eco friendly innovations. Via: archdaily.com |
Почему вы должны запланировать вашу весну Remodel теперь Posted: 16 May 2011 05:35 PM PDT It’s that time again! Not only is May National Home Improvement Month, but it’s also when most homeowners begin revitalizing their living spaces. Indeed, we receive more requests for remodeling estimates during May than any other time of the year. Why the mad rush? Because spring season is the best time to kickoff the planning phase of your remodel. It typically takes a few weeks to find a contractor, sketch out a plan and shop for home improvement products, and then weeks more for installation to wrap up. If you’d like a project completed by summer, it’s best to start this month. Homeowners that delay are often left with lower-quality contractors, as the most sought-after companies get booked up first. To find a contractor or compare pricing in your area, click here. Rebates and Incentives for Spring RemodelingThere are also financial incentives to get estimates now, like federal tax credits and rebates set to expire this year. Certain energy-efficient upgrades qualify for up to $500 back from the government, including: In California, Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco have seen a skyrocketing demand for solar power and energy-saving replacement windows. Farther south, Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona are adopting energy-efficient HVAC systems at record pace. So far, 2011 has been a fantastic year for remodeling. The West, for instance, saw a 22% year-over-year gain in remodeling spending. The rest of the country made positive gains as well. It makes sense that with the housing market in a slump, homeowners would rather remodel than sell, a trend that has persisted for several years. And we’re proud to report that our contractors are keeping busy with upgrades that increase the selling price of your home and reduce your energy bills at the same time. What more could you ask for? Start saving today. Photo via Greg’s Landscaping |
Nate Berkus показывает нам как смешать его вверх с краской и Lowes Valspar Posted: 16 May 2011 03:36 PM PDT Last week we attended an amazing event by Lowes and Valspar Paint in New York City. They invited a small group of media to participate in a painting and design demonstration all hosted by celebrity designer and TV personality Nate Berkus. Lowes and Valspar setup an incredible event space in Tribeca that was completely white which made for a stunning blank canvas. We were the first to arrive and were able to soak in the contrast of the white space and the vivid Valspar paint that was setup at various stations around the room. Valspar pulled out all the stops and had Lowes professionals setup at each station to share with us the attributes of each product as well as demonstrate how they work. We particularly liked the one-coat cover up paint which we tried and it certainly covered up a black wall with no see-through issues. Going with one coat saves time and money so it would be worth the initial investment. Allen + Roth is a Lowes brand and they have an exclusive grouping of Valspar paint only available at Lowes. This palette was displayed throughout the space in various photos and there were a small group of artists painting photos with Valspar paint. But the star of the event was Nate Berkus who quickly arrived and spent the afternoon with us sharing a bit about himself as well as some design tips and judging a few competitions among the attendees. Nate was extremely gracious and personable and kept the event running smoothly. He's got that star quality and it's no wonder Oprah loves him so much! A highlight was Laura painting a toy box alongside Nate who had selected a stool to paint. Nate chose his favorite projects including a trash bin by Danny Seo, a chair from Crystal Gentilello of Rue Magazine and Julia Walsh of CasaSugar and a cabinet painted by Kate Riley of Centsational Girl and Melissa Michaels of The Inspired Room. Nate also participated in a palette design competition and one of our favorites was from Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan of Apartment Therapy. One thing we also noticed was that we didn't smell any paint during the entire event and there were open cans everywhere. We can vouch that the Valspar Hi-Def paint truly is low-odor and they also claim it's low-VOC which is really a must-have feature for us. It's always great to plug back into NYC and visit with friends and see how much the city has changed since we left. It's only been two years but the scene in New York changes quickly and fortunately we had some time to explore a bit and take in some new restaurants and try to see some new shows. We definitely recommend eating at The Dutch in Soho and trying to score discounted tickets (we didn't) in the lottery for The Book of Mormon on Broadway. Thanks Lowes, Valspar Paint and Nate Berkus for putting together a great event. We've have more follow-up articles about Valspar Paint and some design tips that Nate shared. Here are a few photos from the event and you can see all of our photos on our Facebook page.
Posted: 16 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT
We’ve spent a lot of time on deck and patio articles over the month of April as you, dear readers, have started the process of transforming your outdoor living spaces. So, once again as is our custom, here’s round-up of some of those posts, which I hope will help you to draw everything together. Take a look! What is composite decking?It’s an important question to answer for the homeowner who’s looking for an easy, low-maintenance decking material. Composite decking is an evolving product, taking on a respectability of its own when it comes to a deck that is not only practical, but with a smooth and refined look that people are looking for. This post outlined the basics about composite decking, and why it might be the best choice for you as a means of redefining your outdoor living space. |
Направляющий выступ человека к проектам DIY для мамы Posted: 16 May 2011 09:00 AM PDT Well. We missed Mother’s Day this year. Typical guy stuff, we know. Actually, we didn’t miss it per se. Our Moms knew how great we think they are, how much we love ‘em, and how much their support over the years has come to mean to us. But, we really wanted to give everyone out there, particularly the guys, a list of tips on how to make Mother’s Day special on this blog in time for the blessed day itself. Best laid plans … The fact is that we appreciate our Mom’s no matter what day it is. So, even though we’re late for the special day this year, consider this a guide to making Mom happy all year round with a few ideas of how to apply DIY and arts & crafts skills to projects and gifts designed to light up her eyes with joyfulness. Or consider this a very early guide to Mother’s Day for next year. Yeah. That’s it … To view the full size of this graphic, click on it to open it in a new window. Then, click on it again to enlarge. Would you like to embed this graphic to your own website? Easy-peasy! Just copy the code below, and paste it in when creating your post. Man’s Guide to DIY Projects For Mom is a post from: BuildDirect. We cover a variety of home improvement products including laminate flooring, hardwood floors, bamboo flooring, tile, decking and more. We also offer a wide range of info on interior design, housing trends, home how to, green building and living, and more. Related posts: |
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