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- Травокосилки всадника идут высококачественный
- 10 Свет-Заполненных просторных квартир
- 15 фантастичных полуфабрикат домов
- Думайте большой. Думайте офис сада.
- Отказ раскрывает лето Chardonnay: Холодный факел бутылки DIY
- Подсказки безопасности для папаа DIY
- Новые A/C подсказки от Lennox
- Новая версия проверкы Eco в вашем будущем?
- Контрольный список - перед покупать дом
- Как очистить Sconce вентилятора и стены потолка
- CDECA 2010 украшая & победители конструкции
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8 настенных росписей конечно для того чтобы околпачить ваш глаз Posted: 21 Jun 2010 09:54 AM PDT Trompe l’ метод oeil получает принятым к новым крайностям с напольными настенными росписями которые сделают вас делают a двойн-и даже взятие триппеля. Здание Flatiron (кредит) Плавя здание в Париж, франция (кредите) Penn Ave в Питтсбург (кредит) Настенная роспись Pub (кредит) Crevasse Эдгар Мюллером (кредит) Подземелье в Лондон Эдгар Мюллером (кредитом) Настенная роспись Грег Brown в Palo Alto Калифорния (кредит) Настенная роспись Джон Pugh в Гонолулу (кредите) |
5 причин купить блокируя плитки палубы Posted: 21 Jun 2010 08:00 AM PDT
This is certainly true in the detached home, with a backyard that allows for a raised deck. Many homeowners in temperate and warmer climates have gone as far as to add extensions to living areas and kitchens in outdoor spaces, including furniture and appliances which are common to these areas, but designed for outdoors. The advantages are clear, when enjoying summer breezes while still having the creature comforts to hand. But, what if you need a deck, and have no time, have limited resources, or are not at liberty to implement a formal deck plan? Enter interlocking deck tiles, a newer innovation in accessible, affordable, and highly practical decking product. Here are 5 reasons to buy them, and to create the outdoor space that makes the most sense for your whole property, even if you’re a renter. 1. Interlocking deck tiles can be floated over a stable and flat surface 2. Interlocking deck tiles can be installed without tools 3. Interlocking deck tiles can be installed in rental, or temporary spaces
5. Interlocking deck tiles don’t require finishing or staining Overall, one of the main benefits of interlocking deck tiles is that are applicable to more than one type of residence. For instance, apartment living doesn’t generally allow for a wood deck. A lot of the time what you’re getting with this type of residence is a concrete balcony. With deck tiles, you can float over that surface, and bring some visual warmth to that space. Equally, if you’ve got a rooftop setting that you’re looking to spruce up, deck tiles are the perfect solution. Patios and pool surrounds are two other examples of where deck tiles can be used. With deck tiles, since they are portable, easy to install, and easily maintained, the options you’ve got for adding comfort to an outdoor space are many, even if you don’t have a traditional yard. Cheers! Rob. 5 Reasons To Buy Interlocking Deck Tiles is a post from: Laminate Floors, Hardwood Flooring, Bamboo Floors and More from BuildDirect Related posts:
Травокосилки всадника идут высококачественный Posted: 21 Jun 2010 01:41 AM PDT Если вы получаете большой достаточно, то лужайка которая требует косилки катания после этого время теперь ходить по магазинам для некоторых больших новых предложений. Изготовления теперь осуществляют прочность рынка и развивали некоторые травокосилки которые имеют характеристики раз резервируемые только для автомобилей. Вы можете оплатить от $3.000 к больше чем $10.000 для одной из этих коек нового поколения. соединения iPod, управление круиза, альтернативные топлива и striped отрезоки лужайки (думайте стадион янки) теперь имеющиеся для правого цены. [через Журнал Уолл Стрит] |
10 Свет-Заполненных просторных квартир Posted: 20 Jun 2010 05:14 AM PDT Nothing says urban living like an open, light-filled loft space. Designers who transform decrepit warehouses into luxurious abodes face the challenges of combining old and new, reconciling exposed structures and systems with refined materials, and maintaining visual connections while establishing some level of privacy. These loft interiors were successful on all points.
Ochs Design converted an abandoned warehouse space into an artist’s loft in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. A large skylight provides the artist with plenty of daylight by which to paint. Aidin Darling Design remodeled a loft in San Francisco’s Mission District. Translucent panels act as a scrim, allowing soft light to emanate into the space. Mithun’s Mosler lofts in downtown Seattle feature exposed structural, mechanical and plumbing systems with an emphasis on daylight and views. Rooftop Loft Gleimstrasse in Berlin, designed by Graft Architects, features sculptural walls: an “unfolded cocoon for an open mind,” according to the architects. Architect Juan Pablo Rosenberg transformed a dark, ground floor apartment into a light-filled, contemporary loft. In order to avoid altering the walls and ceiling of this historic building on Queen’s Gate Terrace in South Kensington, London, Hogarth Architects designed a piece of architectural ‘furniture’ to contain the kitchen, sleeping spaces and other amenities. Slade Architecture designed an open, airy space for a single parent with two children in New York City. Architect Daniel Libeskind commissioned Alexander Gorlin Architects to design a loft in Tribeca for his family. The designer tok advantage of extensive southern and eastern exposures, which provide views of prominent New York landmarks including the Woolworth Building and the Municipal Building.
Archi-Tectonics designed this eccentric loft interior within their GW 497 building, which features a rippled glass facade. This sculptural wood structure lends warmth and hints at boundaries within the open space. Ike Kligerman Barkley Architects converted space within a former butter warehouse into a loft with exposed beams and neutral, modern finishes. |
15 фантастичных полуфабрикат домов Posted: 19 Jun 2010 05:31 AM PDT The term “prefab home” doesn’t just mean double-wide anymore. Prefabricated homes are an affordable, environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional building methods. They have gained popularity in recent years as many modern architects and designers have created attractive, well-designed prefabricated housing models. These homes may serve as primary residences, vacation homes, guest homes or as a detached office or studio space. |
Думайте большой. Думайте офис сада. Posted: 18 Jun 2010 01:44 PM PDT True, there's nothing better than leisurely summer patio grilling, but don't limit yourself in the outdoor possibilities that good weather brings. Think larger. Think outdoor work space (and how you can therefore justify an entire summer in your flip-flops and Panama hat). Greener—and healthier for you, too—changing scenery and surrounding yourself with nature can boost your creativity and mental focus. This idea of what is being called garden offices is even spreading into big corporate cultures, such as this temporary outdoor office in St. James Park, London:
Whether you work primarily from home, or just want a place in the sun to spread out a project, create for yourself a deliberate outdoor office. Here are some concepts to spark your inspiration. #1 – Restore an old garden shack.First published in Ideal Home, July 2006 A more permanent establishment than an umbrella over a picnic table, this set-up allows for endurance through different weather and season changes, and also for a more permanent space if you're finding yourself addicted to working outdoors. Close up shop when you're done, and return again tomorrow. Outfit the small space with second-hand or self-made furniture. This isn't your dining room—the point is to enjoy a bit of natural rawness. #2 – Go sleek and modern with an office pod.A scaled-down prefab concept, this pod can offer wireless internet and connect discreetly to power sources in the house or garage. This structure can be integrated easily into any backyard space, providing a boundary between home and work life, and incorporating the outdoors into your work habits without making you swat at mosquitoes the entire time. #3 – Eco-sheds = pure awesome.Enjoy streamlined design and professional accommodations in an eco-shed like this (said to be the future of sheds). If you still need the polish of a "real office" to keep up appearances or meet with clients, or just love the sleek aesthetic for yourself, consider a space like this, which offers all of the accommodations of a corporate setting. The need to nod to coworkers on your way to the break room not included. Photo Credit: Ursi's Blog, TheDailyGreen, Apartment Therapy, FreshHome, Chief Home Officer |
Отказ раскрывает лето Chardonnay: Холодный факел бутылки DIY Posted: 18 Jun 2010 11:59 AM PDT Why build a DIY wine bottle torch? Reason one: mosquito repellant. Reason two: you thought you needed another reason to empty more wine bottles this summer?! For a mere five bucks, a quick visit to the hardware store, and some crafty tinkering, you too can have this stylish and creative summer decoration. Here's how: Project Supplies:
These tools might help make the project even easier:
Now for the fun part. We'll start with the wall mount.
If you're still with me, let's move on to part II.
Now you have a fancy torch to keep those mosquitoes at bay, and another reason to empty some more wine bottles. What could be better than that? |
Подсказки безопасности для папаа DIY Posted: 18 Jun 2010 08:25 AM PDT by Guest With summer shortly upon us, and Father's Day just around the corner it’s a great time to be reminded about home-reno safety. It’s the time of year when many fathers are on the cusp of getting (or getting out) tons of tools, renovation gear and outdoor products and ready to tackle home projects after being cooped up all winter. These home-reno dads (and divas too) may likely have toddlers and small children around them watching what mom and dad are doing. It’s the perfect time to set a safety precedent while they are doing their home repairs! DIY'er are most likely making their "to do" lists - and checking it twice - ready to tackle the home and yard projects that have been put off all winter. Itching to get out the circular saw, nail gun or drill, what most DIY'ers often forget to grab is the important safety gear that should be top of mind before flicking the "on" switch or getting started on the project. For years it's been "drilled" into our minds to wear seat belts in the car or a helmet when on a bike ride, yet when it comes to wearing protective eye gear or ear muffs when using dangerous and loud equipment like a saw or running a compressor, weekend warriors have an invincibility attitude when it comes to home repairs. Too many times even the simplest home project go awry, most of which could have been easily prevented with some sort of safety gear. What DIYers fail to remember is that no project is too small – it can be the smallest piece of wood that can puncture an eye, a loud sound that could damage hearing or miniscule dust particles that could affect a respiratory system. Wh'Eye Not? Do you like to watch the beautiful sunset? See your kids play at the park? Well, something as simple as throwing on a pair of safety glasses* can ensure a lifetime of sunsets and smiles from loved ones. From mowing the lawn to cutting baseboards your eyes are valuable – why not protect them? Say What? The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association says one in 10 people in Canada have some degree of hearing loss, and for people over 50, the number increases to one in five. Why increase your chances of early hearing loss simply because you didn't want to throw in a pair of plugs or wear sound muffs*? Toss on a pair of so you can drown out the lawnmower or table saw in style! Lung-evity Often home projects involve some use of toxic fumes like paint, adhesives, sawdust and other nasty particles that will weave their way into your system as you work – it's as simple as throwing on a mask to prevent this from happening – not to mention looking super cool while you work! Become a home-renovation fashionista in your multi-purpose respirator*– ok you might look more like Darth Vader but your kids will think you are the best! Other tips to consider when home safety is involved: · Before you start a project prepare – know what you are going to need in terms of tools and make sure you have the appropriate safety gear on hand to compliment the project · Remember to set an example – your kids are little sponges – show them that you care for them by caring for yourself and make it a standard to be safe · Remember that you aren't just a handyman doing some work around the house –you are also a sibling, friend, spouse, parent, or supervisor and those "someone's" are counting on your safety · Learn about the materials you are going to be using for your project, and the best way to work with them · Make sure you concentrate and stay focused when working with tools or machinery - even a moment’s distraction could lead to harm · Don’t get in “over your head” - if the project is too large or too complicated for your skill level, either take a course to upgrade your skills, or trust in the experts · Don’t take your health and safety for granted; all it takes is a simple slip or error Safety Gear Giveaway!Interested in winning some great safety gear from 3M? The first person to comment on this post will receive 3M's Rivet Safety Eye Wear and Professional Ear Muffs (a total prize pack of $60)! – *For more information on 3M safety products such as: 3M's AO Safety Sunglasses (a division of 3M) ($29.99), 3M's AO Professional Ear Muffs ($31.99), MP3 Muffs ($59.99), and the 3M Household Multi-purpose Respirator - $41.99, visit http://3m.com/intl/ca. About the Company Established in 1951, 3M Canada Company was one of the first international subsidiaries opened by 3M and remains one of the largest. 3M Canada’s head office and original manufacturing site is in London, Ontario where approximately 1,000 of the company’s 1,950 employees work. Other Ontario plants are located in Toronto, Brockville, and Perth with one in Morden, Manitoba. Sales offices are located in major cities nationwide and a national service network supports customers. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2010 06:38 AM PDT With the mercury rising each day as we approach the hot summer months, air conditioning maintenance becomes an essential yet often overlooked part of home ownership. Performing simple routine maintenance can dramatically improve an air conditioning system's efficiency, save on utility costs, help to avoid potential breakdowns, and extend the overall life of the system. To help consumers add years to the life of their air conditioning system, Bill Cunningham, a home cooling and energy efficiency expert with Lennox - a leading manufacturer of heating and cooling products – suggests the following tips for keeping your cool this summer: 1. Change the Filter – Dirty air filters are the No. 1 preventable cause of a system breakdown. When the air filter becomes clogged by dirt and other particles, the unit can't produce enough airflow, which results in a lower volume of air and the system having to work harder. According to Cunningham, clean filters allow the system to run more effectively and can help save energy by reducing operating costs. 2. Call for an Annual Check-up – To help ensure proper and efficient operation, the system should be serviced by a qualified service technician at the beginning of each cooling season. While this service generally includes a check of all major system components and equipment operation, it also allows the technician to identify and eliminate any concerns, should they exist, thereby helping to prevent more costly repairs if those concerns are left uncorrected. 3. Keep the Unit Clean and Clear – Another important thing a homeowner can do for the health of a unit is keep the outside air conditioning unit clear of debris. Make a habit out of keeping the condensing unit clear of weeds and plants. Allow proper clearance around all sides of the unit including the top to make sure it can breathe properly. 4. Set it and Forget It – Programmable thermostats help ensure the air conditioner operates only when necessary to maintain a steady, even temperature, which prevents it from running constantly and helps conserve energy. Many new thermostats also have service reminders that alert the homeowner when routine maintenance is required. In the long run, these state-of-the-art features can help prolong the life of a system. 5. Replace a System That's Past its Prime – While a routine annual maintenance check-up by a licensed professional can extend the life of an air conditioner and help save on major repairs and energy costs, if the system is already 12 to 15 years old, Cunningham says it's time to consider replacing the system. Maintenance and repairs on older systems can be more expensive and they don't operate as efficiently, whereas a new system will be much more energy efficient and will save hundreds of dollars on energy bills. About Lennox IndustriesLennox Industries is a leading provider of customized home heating, cooling and indoor air quality products that are designed to deliver customized comfort, efficiency and functionality, with the most innovative and reliable features available. For more information about Lennox home comfort products, visit Lennox.com or call 1-800-9-LENNOX. |
Новая версия проверкы Eco в вашем будущем? Posted: 07 Jun 2010 08:10 AM PDT by Robert Wright You may be aware of the eco-audit or energy savings programs run by the province and the federal governments. You may have heard that the federal government has cut these programs for budget reasons. I think that was short sighted. New homes built today are much more energy efficient than even homes built 10 years ago. This is one of the reasons the Canadian Housing industry was able to meet Kyoto targets – one of the very few industries to do so. With most of our housing stock – up to 50% - built between the 1960's and 1980's; there are a lot of homes requiring energy updates. Many things in a home require replacement over the years. Why not encourage these replacements to be more energy efficient and environmentally friendly?
Many homeowners believe the most cost effective eco updates are the windows and HVAC equipment. They are not — it is usually the insulation and the air sealing updates. A handy home owner can complete some of these updates themselves with a caulking gun and some spray foam. Recently, I have been surprised at the number of 1960's and 70's basements that I’ve seen that are unfinished and uninsulated. I have finished basements in these types of homes in the past, and the home owner has seen the heating bills drop by 25% to 30%. It is amazing the heat loss that happens through the basement. I have also done exterior renovations where the client could tell where the work was done – without leaving the home. They could feel the comfort level increase in adjoining rooms as we did the work! In addition, they went from two smaller a/c units running on high to one unit on low to cool the home. You can still receive the provincial rebates. However, the cut off date for the federal rebates has passed – they did not give very much warning. I understand that if you have a file number and unused rebates, you may still be able to claim additional federal rebates to top up your rebates. You can call NRC at 1-877-953-5454 to confirm if you can extend your federal rebates. So while the rebates may not be as lucrative as before, there are still savings to be had, which will only get better as time goes on. It still pays you to be green About the AuthorRob Wright has grown up around construction and in the mid 1990's, Rob joined and took over Citadel Renovations in Ottawa. Rob has presented seminars at the local home shows on various renovations subjects and is a contributor to the Home Renovation Guide. Rob has been active in the Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association for many years and previously served as the Renovation Council Chair. For more information, visit CitadelRenovations.com. Looking for a local contractor? Visit the Home Renovation Guide's Complete Directory or Get a Free Quote. |
Контрольный список - перед покупать дом Posted: 04 Jun 2010 06:26 AM PDT Планировать купить дом скоро? It’ облечение так it’ A.S. большое; s важный для того чтобы получить его правым. Пойдите через этот контрольный списоок убеждаться you’ полно подготовленный re и вы имеете весь info вам нужно получить дом ваших сновидений. Щелкните дальше изображение (ниже) для более большого взгляда. |
Как очистить Sconce вентилятора и стены потолка Posted: 20 May 2010 07:03 AM PDT By Guest It is vital that you clean your ceiling fan and wall sconce carefully. Most people do not take the time to properly clean these fixtures. If not cleaned the right way then you may slowly damage your expensive lighting fixtures. It is important to use the right type of cleaning products and tools. Take you time and do not rush your way through this task. It is important to have a sturdy ladder or base to stand on. This will help avoid harm from falling to the floor. Try to have someone near by to help you stay safe and stable. Following the cleaning instructions given to you at the time of purchase it the best way to preserve these fixtures. Metal parts of your lighting fixtures should be cleaned with a soft cloth. Moisten it with lukewarm water and a mild soap solution. Carefully go over all metal parts very slowly. This will help avoid any unwanted accidents to the glass of your wall sconce. Take you time to look over your work and then dry all metal parts. Use a dry soft cloth to dry and buff your wall sconce. It is important to never use a metal cleaning solution on a wall sconce or ceiling fan. These polishes contain abrasives that may harm the finish on these delicate lighting fixtures. If you ceiling fan or wall sconce has any wood components then wood polish is fine. Avoid getting any of the wood polish on the metal part of the fixture. Wipe away any residue that is left behind from the polish. This will help avoid any damage to the glass and metals surfaces. Glass surfaces can be cleaned carefully in a sink. Lay a thick towel at the bottom of the sink and fill with warm water. Next add a bit of mild cleaning solutions and wipe carefully. Quickly dry and reattach all glass fixtures. Your ceiling fan and wall sconce will look just like new after using these cleaning methods. Cleaning should be done weekly to monthly depending on the amount of dust that normally accumulates in its environment. This article has been provided by Julia Ritzenthaler, owner and founder of several online boutique home furnishing stores including http://UniqueLightFixture.com/ visit or call 1-866-526-1843 for more information. |
CDECA 2010 украшая & победители конструкции Posted: 13 May 2010 07:47 AM PDT Победители соотечественника 2010 пожалований для конструкции и украшать недавно были объявлены 26-ого апреля, на торжественном, котор держит канадское Decorators’ Ассоциация (CDECA). Входы для всех 6 категорий были рассужены независимо и это year’ представления s действительно wowed панель. Победители в каждой категории получили трофей и приз наличных дег, спонсированные присоединенными филиалами CDECA. Победители от каждой категории следующим образом: Выигрывая вход для «дилеммы оформителей,» MaryLynne Meschino аллегро интерьеров в Торонто. Пожалование спонсированное красками Питтсбург. «Конструкция исклучая победитель кухни» Элизабет Metcalfe интерьеров и конструкции Элизабет Metcalfe, основанное в Caledon, ДАЛЬШЕ. Пожалование спонсированное & Водяного знака Кухни; Бутик ванны. «Кухни конструкции плюс» Patricia Miragliotta нутряных изображений, который основан из Оттава. Пожалование спонсированное Karndean. В категории «украшать под $25.000,» выигрывая вход был представлен Мелисса Hertzberger M.D.H. Интерьеров Inc. в Kitchener, ДАЛЬШЕ. Пожалование спонсированное королевским освещением. «Украшающ над $25.000» выигрывая вход был представлен Linda основанным Crammond интерьеров Linda Crammond, в Торонто. Пожалование спонсированное заволакиванием окна Sun Накалять. В категории «студента», победитель был Nikki Fisher (пожалованием спонсированным ICS Канада). О CDECA Канадское Decorators’ Ассоциация (CDECA) профессиональная not-for-profit ассоциация представляя и студента и аккредитированных оформителей и конструкторов, и дел присоединенного филиала через Канада. Своя цель воспитать рост украшая индустрии в Канада; предусмотрите защиту уважая дела политики; повысьте положительное изображение индустрии через активные деятельности и случаи; и предложите своим членам непрерывный модернизировать искусств и знания. Посетите cdeca.com. |
Вау, та цена много, котор нужно сделать… Posted: 12 May 2010 10:05 AM PDT by Robert Wright Many times when a homeowner is planning or thinking about a project they may think "that shouldn't take too long" or "that shouldn't cost a lot". Then they get a surprise, sometimes a nasty surprise when the invoice or budget is produced. What was missed? When a professional renovator looks at a project for a client, they not only look at the work to be done, but also where the project is, what time of year it is to be completed, what kind of preparation and clean up is there, and are there any time restraints? So lets look at what a pro renovator sees….stuff you may not expect to be an issue. A simple home repair can cause some of the biggest surprises. You have a damaged stipple ceiling, one too many rubs from the Christmas tree or the tub up stairs leaked. The repair work will involve stripping off the stipple, maybe patching the drywall or plaster and then reshooting the stipple. Maybe you will also have the ceiling painted. You would figure that this work would be done in a couple of hours and the materials of $50.00. For the work you would be right, what you would not realize is the amount of preparation and clean up involved. This would include furniture removal, floor protection install, wall protection from the over spray, and then final clean up. This can easily be 4 hours of work for at least one man. So $150 of repair work will require $250 to $500 of prep and clean up in addition. Yikes. You want to change some windows and the front door of your home. You have now ordered them and they are expected to be delivered in January. The contractor says yes we can install them in winter, just close some doors in the rooms and we won't freeze you out. What you don't know is that the installer moves much slower in the winter…because its cold! The exterior caulking takes forever to apply even if it is kept warm in the house or truck; the nails and screws are difficult to use when you wear gloves; and the spray foam insulation may not expand enough in the cold. More time is required, in difficult weather to complete the same tasks, so hours get added to the invoice. You would like a simple small addition or bump out on the rear of your home. The problem is that there is only 5' between your home and your neighbour. There is no room to bring any equipment to the work area; but we can get men and wheel barrows in. For what could normally be done by a piece of excavating equipment in 8 hours by one man will now take 4 days by two men operating equipment with wooden booms. In addition, when you need to place the concrete, you can't back the truck up to the form and install the concrete directly. You will either need to hire a concrete pump at least twice, to place the concrete, or you will have to have an army of men to push wheel barrows to move the concrete to its final location. Sometimes you want a project completed within a specific time frame i.e. the kitchen has to be ready for Christmas and you have been delayed in starting the project because of back ordered materials. To make up the lost time, the guys on site will now have to work overtime to complete the project within the timeframe. To work overtime, the guys will want more money, which can range from time and a half to double time and a half for the overtime hours. It would not take long to double up the labour costs with overtime. The single largest reason for cost or budget overruns is labour. With materials, it is easy to calculate the amount needed, the cost, and the delivery. The install time of materials can be quite flexible, especially when any thing out of the ordinary is required. Also the set up and clean up time can be many times more than the actual work. So when you are looking at a project, consider the other things that need to be done to complete that simple project. About the AuthorRob Wright has grown up around construction and in the mid 1990's, Rob joined and took over Citadel Renovations in Ottawa. Rob has presented seminars at the local home shows on various renovations subjects and is a contributor to the Home Renovation Guide. Rob has been active in the Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association for many years and previously served as the Renovation Council Chair. For more information, visit CitadelRenovations.com. Looking for a local contractor? Visit the Home Renovation Guide's Complete Directory or Get a Free Quote. |
Создайте современный взгляд с раковиной и Faucet сосуда Posted: 11 May 2010 09:06 AM PDT by Guest Contemporary is a big word in the decorating world. Many folks have chosen this beautiful look for their homes. The straight and clean lines and simple flavor makes this a very popular style to work with. When the word simple is used it does not mean that it is unsophisticated. It means that it is clean and direct, giving your home an uncluttered feeling and a purposeful design. A design touch you can use to make the bathroom in your home feel beautiful and contemporary is the by adding a vessel sink and faucet, a unique look of simple design with a classy modern feel. What are we talking about are vessel sinks that have the appearance of a bowl that sits on the counter top instead of under the counter. They come in a variety of shapes, round bowls, square, custom shapes, and many others. They can be purchased clear, colored in just about any design, and any thickness you may like. If you look at an internet site that offers pictures of these bowls, you will have a lot of considering to do. The options just go on and on. You can buy these in marble, stone, ceramic, china, and just about any other hard, durable material. Glass is popular for the clear look. Enamel is also used frequently. White is used most often, offering that contemporary feel, and matching any bathroom scheme you have created. Each different material used for these vessel sinks will have its pros and cons. You will want to make sure you follow all the care instructions that may come with your particular choice. Marbles and granites are strong and make for a good sink; however, if they chip it will need to be repaired, a good retailer will be there to help you find a stone craftsman to help. This is not too difficult to do, it just takes time. You will find that the materials used to make vessel sinks are very strong when put into sink form, removing most of this worry. Do not be afraid to try a few different looks before settling on the one you like best. Make sure when you buy your sink, that there is a return policy. Most online retailers, especially a good one, will help you and work with you until you find the perfect item for your space and design. Look into some of the beautiful faucets that are available as well. Getting that purchase right will make the right statement in your bathroom. This is article has been provided by Julia Ritzenthaler, owner and founder of several online boutique home furnishing stores including http://UniqueLightFixture.com/ visit or call 1-866-526-1843 for more information. |
От питчера Dodgers LA к драгоценному камню Posted: 03 May 2010 12:24 PM PDT by Will Jerome Republished with permission from the original Granite Transformations blog post: From LA Dodgers Pitcher to Precious Stone Tycoon: The Matt White Story Matt White as a Los Angeles Dodger in 2005 Back in 2007, a story broke on the national sports news wire. Matt White, a journeyman pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, had pitched seven games in nine Major League seasons and seemed destined to cling to his baseball dreams at no higher than a triple-A level. In 2003, he had purchased a 50-acre plot of land in Cummington, Massachusetts from his aunt for $50,000. White's aunt desperately needed the money to move to a nursing home, and he happily provided it, but perhaps she might have been served better sticking with the Northern Massachusetts property. While attempting to build a home on the land in 2004 White noticed that the ground was peculiarly hard and immovable. He found rock ledges on the property and decided to learn more about the spacious land he was now in possession of. He hired a surveyor to come inspect his property to gather more info and to hopefully shed some light on his building troubles. He was shocked when he heard the surveyor's report. Matt White's new 50-acre property was sitting on top of an estimated 24 million tons of 400 million year old Goshen Stone – with an estimated value of over $2 billion!
Initially, White said that his one true calling was baseball and that he wouldn't be hanging up his cleats just for some real estate fortune he had by chance happened upon. The manager of the Dodger's Grady Little was quoted saying "The kid has a genuine love for the game. He's quite a competitor, he's always striving to get better. It's not about money for him. He's prepared himself well coming into camp and he'll be going after somebody's job. He'll be given an opportunity." Little added, "Along the way, if anybody needs landscaping stone, we know where to find it." Unfortunately that opportunity never came for Matt White. Since the story broke, he has not pitched in another Major League game. Over time, his focus more sternly shifted to being a legitimate stone entrepreneur. Shortly after the discovery of his quarry, and amidst the swirling chatter of his new found billions, (teammates call him Mr. Billionaire) an article was written by Matt Reis, editor of StoneWorld.com, titled "Stick to Baseball, Matt." Reis cites a study of Colorado- based stone discoveries noting that 20 out of 20 of the sites surveyed none of them, zero, were commercially viable – speculating that White's property might be worthless if it's uneconomical for commercial quarrying. At first glance this article might be filed in the "sour grapes" category, but upon reading further Mr. Reis has a point. ![]() Excavating efforts at White’s Swift River Quarry The original $2 billion-plus estimate was mightily overblown, as he said that money for machinery, labor, proper plans for excavation, and processing the stone to make it ready for retail sale all eat up a healthy portion of that original figure – which was too high to begin with. Reis was partially correct in thinking that the find wasn't worth nearly $2 billion, but he was wrong in assuming that the property wouldn't be commercially viable. Around the time of the discovery Matt White began Swift River Stone, a small-scale stone supply company. He brought his father in to help manage, an occupation he holds to this day. Right away they made $600,000 selling stone of various cuts and varieties, and sales have been steady since. With just him and his father working the machines and overseeing the vast amount of excavating, the business truly stays within the family. ![]() A patio using White’s excavated Goshen Stone I talked to Matt White and he was candid about his unusual situation. "It was tough on my family, you know, being around town and people [assuming] we had all this money. It was hard on my parents," White said. Initially he hated all of that "Mr. Billionaire" talk and the overblown media stories of buried stone treasure, but today he sees this for the opportunity that it is: a great property to excavate stone and turn a generous profit, all while keeping it comfortably within the family. The property is currently on the market for "the right price," but there's no urgent rush to unload the land and the stone just yet – not when the business only continues to grow. ![]() The ESPN headline about White’s lucky find. White still wakes up every day and trains like the pitcher he hopes to still become. After a year of surgeries and setbacks he hopes to sign an Independent League contract and show Major League scouts that, besides the hype surrounding his quarry, he can still strike professional batters out with the best of them. He most recently took the mound for the Yokohama BayStars in Japan, but was released in August of 2008. After turning down a spot on the Uni-President 7-Eleven Lions, a baseball team in Taiwan, this past January, White chose to stay home to continue to oversee the quarry, which he said will provide enough rock to excavate and sell throughout him and his children’s lifetimes. He now embraces his situation and understands the quality investment he's stumbled upon. He said he's always trying to meet new people in the industry and tries to expand his business sales flow as much as he can, as well as expanding the variety and quality of the products he offers. ![]() Matt White working on his pitching delivery during spring training with the Dodgers, a club he hopes to one day return to. From America's pastime to the American Dream, stone has changed the life of one man, and provided a great example of the eye-popping riches juxtaposed with the buckets-of-sweat inducing labor that comes part-and-parcel with rock excavation. We wish you only the best of luck in the quarry and on the mound, Mr. White. About the AuthorWill Jerome is the mild-mannered moderator of the Granite Transformations blog. |
Одетьйте вверх с штангами занавеса ковки чугуна Posted: 27 Apr 2010 05:58 AM PDT by Guest When moving into a new home or redecorating a room in your existing home, the decorating can be a big job. In a new construction home, most often, the walls will be white or very neutral. Painting and new furniture pieces are staples when it comes to decorating and redecorating, but one of the biggest stumbling blocks that new home owners often come across is how to decorate the windows. Wrought iron curtain rods are a fantastic solution. Wrought iron is a nice neutral that will coordinate well with many decor styles and because it has that hand crafted appeal to it, they are a great way to warm up and complete any design. There are so many varieties out there that you will need to narrow down your options, especially for your decorative curtain rods. Figure out the types of window treatments that you will just never be comfortable with and rule those out first. If you don't have your room's design completely nailed down, then try to pick out window treatments that will fit into many different types of decor. If you already have the crux of the design determined you can look for window treatments that fit the design. Either way, try to be flexible with your choices, window treatments can live through many design iterations, so look for something that can work with a variety of design aesthetics. Wrought Iron Curtain Rods are an extremely flexible window treatment. Iron curtain rods will enhance almost any decorating style. They will not only complete your window treatments but they will add the finishing touch to your view. Wrought Iron Curtain Rods can be used in decorating with a modern flare, shabby chic or even the ultra minimalist style. Rod finials can also change the look of your entire room. A simple ball can be changed to an intricate scroll design, taking your room from simple to elegant in a short time frame. The types of drapery that can be hung on wrought iron curtain rods are as varied as the iron curtain rods themselves. An inexpensive piece of fabric can be fixed up with an elegant curtain rod and make it look like you have paid a large amount of money for it. With the right decorative touches you can make your home feel like a place of comfort and peace. You can create an environment that you feel comfortable in. The little pieces, like your window treatments, will enhance how much you enjoy your home. This article has been provided by Julia Ritzenthaler, owner and founder of several online boutique home furnishing stores including http://UniqueLightFixture.com/ visit or call 1-866-526-1843 for more information. |
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