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Posted: 24 Jun 2010 06:27 AM PDT Тенденция конструкции underfoot когда это прибывает в пешеходными мостами- более большими, более визуально сногсшибательное, более необычное- лучшим. Через мир, остроумные инженеры и архитекторы вытягивают вне все стопы для того чтобы создать awe-inspiring архитектурноакустические интересы. Мост Chattanooga Holmberg пешеходный, TN (кредит) Мост неба Langkawi, Малайзия (кредит) Мост неба Langkawi, Малайзия (кредит) Singapore’ Ped парка холма s Telok Blangah наводит (кредит) Проект LM гавани Копенгаген архитекторами Steven Holl (кредитом) Мост Gateshead Millineum над рекой Tyne в Англия (кредит) Мост Melbourne Ponte Webb, Австралия (кредит) Ponte Webb Melbourne, Австралия (кредит) Footbridge Knokke (кредит) |
Как Remodel в сегодняшней экономии Posted: 23 Jun 2010 04:20 PM PDT We’re living in a new economic age. As such, remodeling isn’t what it used to be. There are new features to think about and weird dynamics to grapple with. It’s not easy, especially if you’re an old hand at remodeling, and want to do it again like you did it before. Look and LoanMost major remodel jobs are paid for not by a stockpile of cold, hard cash, but by a financing arrangement of sorts. If you're not able to go cash (even though it's the best way to go), be judicious in your selection of loan options. First, you need to find out what your home equity is. Do you owe more on your home than it's worth? You're not alone. Millions of homeowners are in the same situation, which will make it tough to get a nice home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC). Keep in mind that if you are able to get a HELOC, the collateral for such a loan is the home itself. Making a misstep on a HELOC puts you at the risk of losing your home. If you are in a tenuous financial situation as it is, your best option may be to put the remodeling plans on hold until things stabilize. Losing your home is not a good option to entertain. The bottom line is this: research thoroughly before making a decision. Analyze your potential financial future for the life of the potential loan. Research ThoroughlyThough the economy is far from restored, there is one sector that isn't doing too badly. It's remodeling. Construction, contractors, builders, and carpenters (read, remodelers) aren't doing that badly, especially since the government is putting out tax credit for green improvements and other types of energy-efficient home renovations. You have every right to be picky as you select a contractor. When you are in the stage of selecting a contractor to do the job, you may very well be in the most important phase of the project. Selecting the wrong contractor could place you in a dangerous situation financially. Get referrals from the pros, request references, and interview potential contractors before coming to a decision. Your home is worth it. Your finances demand it. Remodeling doesn't have to be a depressing experience. Even though the economy has changed, making use of these simple basic tips will put you on the path toward a positive remodeling experience. |
Что секрет к малой конструкции квартиры? Белизна цвета! Posted: 23 Jun 2010 11:28 AM PDT Great things tend to come in small packages. Don’t believe me? Check out how these tiny apartments display their design genius by using a lot of the color white. They’ll have you downsizing in no time. Seriously. This 656-square-foot apartment in Sweden has a simple and well-organized layout, despite the multitude of books lining the shelves. The pink sofa adds the perfect amount of color to the white walls without being overpowering. The kitchen uses the same dose of design restraint, but a bold backsplash above the stove keeps the space fun and inviting. Even a white table doesn't seem boring. Another Swedish gem: This apartment sits at 699 square feet, but appears to be much larger. White walls juxtaposed against a light wood floor accentuate the natural light that pours through the windows. Carefully placed accessories and accent colors keep the space from feeling stark. Now this apartment takes using white as a staple color to a whole new level: What it lacks in comfort it makes up for in elegance. The overabundance of white makes every color, down to the smallest flower, seem loud. A fantastic glass window is allowed to take center-stage in the bedroom, while a beautiful blue vase lends a bit of color to the opposite wall. So what's the common denominator in all of these conversation-worthy apartments? White, white, and more white. Try it with your own place. Besides, if you don't like it, white is the easiest color to paint over! |
Posted: 23 Jun 2010 09:22 AM PDT Для опыта сна вы won’ t длиной забывает, эти необычные кровати должен приспосабливать счет. Они мечут утомленная старая весна тюфяка и коробки вне окно и заменяют их с шикарный и роскошным комфортом. Сладостные сновидения! Кровать Loto низкопрофильного (кредит) Французск-конструированная кровать кривого (кредит) Кровать Lomme (кредит) Кровать Дилан Андреа Lucatello для Cattelan Италии (кредита) Кровать поплавка (кредит) Самомоднейшая кровать (кредит) Кровать луча Ewan Robertson (кредит) Стеклянная кровать софы Santambrogio Milano от Италии (кредита) |
Posted: 23 Jun 2010 02:10 AM PDT Ace оборудование как раз, котор делят с нами большой рабат который мы хотели пройти вперед. Эта неделя вы можете получить $10 с вашего следующего заказа $100 или больше на AceHardware.com (см. талон выше для дополнительных деталей). Впишите «HelpfulAce» на проверку для того чтобы получить ваш немедленный рабат. |
Tweet для того чтобы выиграть инструменты мастера Posted: 23 Jun 2010 01:52 AM PDT Вы видели эти афиши? Они распространены вне через Midwest и в настоящее время часть состязания фото от мастера. Теперь команда мастера спрашивает, что вентиляторы showcase их толкование доверия в ваших руках через состязание фото на Twitter. 10 удачливейших победителей получат призовой пакет инструментов мастера C3. Детали от мастера: Чего доверие в ваших руках значит к вам? С 7-ого июня до 30-ого июня, мастер ободряет энтузиастов DIY, отпочковываясь фотографы и любое с сильным чувством творческих способностей представить их фотографическое толкование доверия в ваших руках. Создаете ли вы афишу ваших, фотографируете вы и ваш любимейший инструмент мастера в неистовом положении, или кладете ваши инструменты для работы на уникально проекте, все вам нужно сделать щелчково фото и послать его к ручке @CraftsmanClub на Twitter. Tweets входа должны прочитать @CraftsmanClub: Посмотрите как я положите доверие в мои руки, последованные за соединением URL к фото. |
Массивнейше самомоднейшие церков Posted: 22 Jun 2010 11:21 AM PDT Прихожанин приносят их поклонение к самомоднейшим церков вокруг мира. От церков утеса в Хельсинки к восточному Bohemia’ церковь St. Bartholomew s конструировала чехословакской сентенцией Velcovsky конструктора, эти церков воодушевляет. Церковь хлебоуборки NY (кредит) Temppeliaukio Kirkko, подземная церковь Хельсинки утеса (кредит) Церковь St. Bartholomew Сентенцией Valcovsky восточным Богема (кредит) Нутряной собор Brasilia Оскар Niemeyer (кредитом) 13-приданная куполообразную форму церковь Ukrain St. Иосиф (кредит) Святой-Pierre de Firminy Le Corbusier (кредит) Самомоднейшая церковь Christoph Morlinghaus (кредит) |
Правильно внимательност внимательность для кожаной мебели Posted: 22 Jun 2010 11:10 AM PDT Кожа популярный выбор для живущей мебели комнаты, не только из-за своей красотки но из-за своей стойкости. Кожа прочне чем почти любая другая матерчатая обшивка вы смогли выбрать. Другая вещь о коже свои справедливо дорогие. Если вы идете проинвестировать в кожаных меблировках, то правильно позаботьте для их для поддержания их возникновения на много лет. Немного подсказок для очищать ваши кожаные меблировкы Большинств любой тип обеспечения приходит с инструкциями изготовления на чистке и внимательности. Вы должны всегда тщательно последовать за их рекомендациями. Здесь некоторые другие подсказки, котор нужно последовать за: Если соотвествующе, загерметизируйте вашу кожу с продуктом repellant воды. Вы должны всегда испытать неброское место сперва для того чтобы убеждаться что никакой обесцвечивать не происходит. Wipe, пыль, или вакуумирует вашу кожаную мебель регулярно. Это поможет предотвратить запятнать и поцарапать материала. Держите ваше кресло, кресло, или другую кожаную мебель из сразу солнечного света. Лучи солнца могут помыть вне или увянуть ваша кожа. Очистьте вверх расслоины немедленно с водорастворимой тканью. Вы можете использовать слабые мыло и воду или одобренный кожаный уборщика для того чтобы помочь извлечь пятна. Если вы делаете облечение в кожаной мебели, то примите время знать рекомендации изготовления для поддержания ее. Надлежащая внимательность для вашей кожаной мебели будет держать ее в форме верхней части подсказки. DirectBuy предлагает большой выбор всех типов мебели для вашего дома, включая кожаную живущую мебель комнаты. Создайте функциональную, стильную домашнюю окружающую среду пока вы сохраняете до 50% на меблировке дома известной марки. |
Роскошная кухня Remodel на бюджете: 8 подсказок для делать его случаются Posted: 22 Jun 2010 10:46 AM PDT I don’t know anyone who would say no to a luxury kitchen. How about a luxury kitchen at a bargain price? It’s not impossible. Here are 8 suggestions for getting that gorgeous kitchen and hanging on to your nest egg at the same time. #1 – Get the granite look without the granite installation. Granite. Countertops. Are. Expensive. Instead of shelling out so much dough for so much rock, you can get the same look, feel and quality using a granite overlay. These smart stone shells actually fit over the countertop you have. You get a granite countertop without paying full price. #2 – Go for glass and ceramic tile rather than the pricier mosaic. Many luxury kitchens feature ultra-fancy mosaic tile arrangements on the backsplash. You don't need mosaic to look luxury, though. Glass and ceramic tiles will do the trick, and will save you money, too. #3 – Marble, no. Ceramic, yes. One of the most impressive features of a luxury kitchen is the flooring. And usually, it's marble. The problem is, purchasing marble will wipe out your savings account. Rather than install marble tile, go for its close cousin—ceramic tile. It may be man-made, but it looks just as good. #4 – Laminate is OK. While you're considering flooring, don't dismiss laminate flooring as an option. Finer varieties of laminate flooring look exactly like the real thing, plus they are cheaper. As a side-benefit, they are easier to install. #5 – Re-face cabinets. The single most expensive feature of a luxury kitchen remodel is the cabinetry. You will pay through the nose for a nice set of newly installed cabinets. Instead of putting yourself at risk for a major heart attack via sticker shock, go for a cabinet re-facing job. This will allow you to keep your original cabinet, but refresh the entire look with a laminate overlay. #6 – Build-it-yourself cabinets. Another option for inexpensive cabinetry is the build-it-yourself option. Many large chain home improvement stores sell cabinet kits. These look great and work fine. The only caveat is having the time and tools to assemble them. As long as you have a screwdriver and the ability to read pictorial instructions, you'll do just fine. #7 – Stainless steel finish. Stainless is awesome, and it's also pricey. Instead of buying stainless steel appliances, opt for the stainless steel finish appliances. They look the same and offer the same level of quality and protection, but they don't come with the same price tag. More and more manufacturers are developing stainless steel finish appliances. #8 – Use ordinary fixtures. One mark of a high-end kitchen is high-end fixtures. The price of luxury fixtures, of course, is a big non-start for the would-be luxury kitchen remodeler. Never fear. The ordinary brands work just as well. Some of the budget brands offer luxury models, which usually display a good-looking fixture without the high price. Photo Credit: Cain Construction, Susan Jablon Mosaics & Victorian Condo |
Видео- интервью с конструктором Libby Langdon HGTV Posted: 22 Jun 2010 01:34 AM PDT Последняя неделя я имел возможность сделать интервью с конструктором Libby Langdon HGTV и домашним специалистом по Дэвид Gregg техника. Я вызвал внутри и смог наблюдать, как они ответили мои вопросы через питание в реальном маштабе времени на моем компьютере. Была небольшая задержка но в противном случае она была вроде холодна. Они не были подготовлены для любого из моих точных вопросов а были показаны очень отполированными и диез и тщательно отвеченными моим вопросам в отношении конструкции и домашней технологии. Прочитано дальше для видео. |
Когда мо Remodel требуйте архитектора? Posted: 21 Jun 2010 01:03 PM PDT Know when to bring in the big guns. Before attempting a massive remodel, you should find the best possible way to maximize your home’s potential. This means deciding when to go it alone, and when to arm yourself with a competent team. Here’s how to know when to call an architect. Are your changes structural or cosmetic?
If, on the other hand, your project doesn't require significant changes to the existing structure, you may just need the help of a competent interior designer. For even smaller changes, DIY could be a viable option. Are you remodeling with the intent to sell?For higher returns on your investment, bring a real estate agent on board. They can help you decide what fits in with your neighborhood and exactly how it'll affect your sale price. But if you aren't convinced that remodeling will help in the selling process, an architect can develop plans to show buyers your home's potential. They can map out an accurate estimate of how much the remodel would cost and how much the home would be worth afterward. This ensures that you don't make unnecessary changes that buyers wouldn't be interested in. You can even take it a step further and ask if your real estate agent would be willing to pay for the architectural fees using a percentage of their commission. Are you remodeling hoping for an immediate return?First of all, beware that receiving a 100-percent immediate return is rare for remodeling projects. It will generally take a few years to make back the money that you spent, and even then it still depends somewhat on the economy. If you're looking for ways to raise your home's value while living there, however, you should consult an architect. Not only are they able to see the bigger picture, but they can put you in touch with the proper professionals to do the job. Most importantly, don't cut corners on large remodeling projects. If you don't have a budget that allows for some professional consultations, put it off until you do. There's nothing more frustrating than realizing halfway through a project that you aren't the right person for the job. Photo Credit: GBS Designs & OC Remodel |
Posted: 21 Jun 2010 11:32 AM PDT You gotta love optical illusions. You see something, and yet that something is other than it appears. Judson Beaumont of Straight Line Designs, Inc. has some amazing creations of optical illusion wonder—in furniture. Check out these designs. #1 – Little Black DresserYou've heard of the little black dress. Check out the little black dresser. Looks the same. Acts very differently. Down to the detail, however, it's quite an impressive little dresser. Can't complain about the looks, either. This dress comes in one size only. #2 – Tear-Away BenchBuilding on the tear-away concept, here's a bench that dares you to sit down. The wood veneer curves up in a shocking rip, revealing the plush black vinyl seating beneath it. Seating space may be limited, but the stares and shock-effect are unending. #3 – Bad TablePardon the mess, but this table just went on the carpet. Thankfully, the carpet is included, but the stain will never come out and the table leg will never come down. And, um, watch your step. #4 – SquiddyGet a table fit for seafood. Whether entertaining, disturbing or just plain hilarious, this table has about 40 legs, a bit more perhaps than the average squid. What's more, few of the legs actually touch the ground. Thankfully, as long as you put the table on dry ground, it should work fine—not to mention earn some compliments, too. #5 – Tear-Away CredenzaIt fits a bipolar designer…or an indecisive one…or maybe it's just plain cool. Light on one side, dark on the other, it's the perfect emblem of simulated wear and tear. #6 – BrianThink accordion. Now think dresser. Now take a look at this crazy piece of furniture. The stability level may be disconcerting, but the functionality is still there. In spite of the kink-in-the-back, crumpled look of this dresser, it works fine. #7 – BeaverSomeone's been chowing on this one, so it seems. It's a dresser again, a full five feet high, but the center is showing some signs of serious wear—beaver style. Nonetheless, the dresser is sturdy and works great. Fear not the beaver dam. |
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