пятница, 25 июня 2010 г.



Dwell на конструкции 2010 начинает сегодня

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 03:30 AM PDT

Начинающ сегодня мы будем присутствовать на Dwell 2010 на случае конструкции. Это случай конструкции западного побережья самый большой и держится на выставочном центре Лос-Анджелес. МногочисленнNp экспоненты мы планируем на посещении той конструкции кухни и ванны крышки, зеленые материалы, проектирование промышленного объекта и новаторские напольные продукты.

День на университете Блачк & Дечкер: Платформа DeWALT 12V МАКСИМАЛЬНАЯ бесшнуровая

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 02:43 AM PDT

Мы как раз возвратили от университета Блачк & Дечкер в Towson, MD где мы были приглашены присутствовать на официальном старте системы електричюеского инструмента МАКСИМАЛЬНОГО Лити-Иона DeWALT 12V* бесшнуровой. Были представления от команды и представителей строения конструкции от инженерства, проектирование промышленного объекта и маркетинг все в наличии для того чтобы делить с нами процесс приносить новый продукт для того чтобы выйти на рынок который существенно создает новую категорию компактных електричюеских инструментов контрактор-степени 12V. Топтащ был в наличии делить его рекомендации и мы также имели возможность испытать все 7 новых инструментов против настоящих предложений в рынке от таких тавр как Makita, Milwaukee, Bosch и RIDGID.

Неофициальные советники президента верхней части 5 зеленые

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 04:24 PM PDT

#1 – Green Tech Cabinetry

Bamboo Series by GreenTech Cabinetry

You’d think that with a name like GreenTech Cabinetry, this company would have something to back up its big-claim name. And indeed they do. GreenTech starts with the right wood. Using carefully selected woods from carefully screen providers, they choose wood that is grown right and harvested right. FSC and GreenTech Core testify to this. They never use rainforest species, but they do use wood species that are absolutely safe and of the highest quality.

Beyond just the wood, they make sure that the construction of cabinets is VOC-free and formaldehyde-free from start to finish. The best part about it all? They make drop-dead awesome cabinets. Earning a feature article in Unique Homes Magazine doesn't happen by producing cheap cabinets.

#2 – Armstrong Cabinets

Armstrong's La Cerise Cabinets in a Crystal Brown finish

They are one of the biggest cabinet producers in the country, but Armstrong's big size hasn't diminished their attention to detail. One such "detail" is their concern for environmental stewardship. They recently earned the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer's Association (KCMA) award for environmental stewardship protection and sustainability.

The company exhibited above-average rankings in resource management, process resources management, air quality and other areas. Oh, and their actual cabinets? They also earned the "Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Cabinets" award from J. D. Powers. That's a pretty good cabinet company.

#3 – American Woodmark

American Woodmark's Savannah Maple Cabinets

Taking a quick look at a company's trophy shelf tells you what they're really good at. American Woodmark is good at green. They too received kudos from the KCMA for environmental activity. In addition, they raise the environmental mantra among other cabinetmakers. I guess you could say that they aren't content just to be green themselves. They want to help other companies evolve, too. American Woodmark keeps their prices fair and their quality high. They are the favored cabinetry brand for the Home Depot stores.

#4 – Brookhaven Cabinetry

Brookhaven is recognized for luxury. They offer an innovative means for allowing homeowners to customize their kitchen cabinetry. Brookhaven features a profusion of options in terms of species, stain, texture, color, hardware, construction style and every other type of feature that you could ever want for your kitchen cabinetry.

In addition, Brookhaven is green to the core. The same innovation that has fueled an outstanding product has also produced responsibility in environmental policy. Each manufacturing facility is equipped with Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers, purifying the air and eradicating contaminants. In addition, every factory reuses water, sawdust, and creates their own fuel to enhance environmental responsibility in every facet of their operation.

#5 – EcoCraft Kitchen Cabinetry

So many companies these days are going green with their operation. That's a good thing. What's hard is distinguishing which companies are really truly green from the ones that only say that they're green. One company that is true about being green is EcoCraft Kitchen Cabinetry. One look at their product will assure you that they don't budge on the level of quality. Each product is finely crafted with impeccable quality.

They also have high standards when it comes to their wood selection. EcoCraft uses only wood from FCS forests that are within a local market. Furthermore, they steer clear of anything that smells faintly of formaldehyde and VOCs. Their passionate commitment to safety, responsibility, and quality, earns them a spot on our top five list.

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20 внушительных видео подрыванием

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 01:57 PM PDT

One of humankind’s crowning achievements is the sheer genius of our architecture. The ability to build and create soaring, spectacular structures is one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. But when we want to get in touch with our more primal natures, it’s really fun to blow stuff up.

Destruction isn’t for everyone though. Fortunately for the explosion-thirsty inner adolescents in all of us, we have YouTube to let us watch. Here are some of the most fantastic blasts you only wish you could pull the trigger on.

1. Jamestown Bridge, Rhode Island

This bridge, spanning Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, makes quite an impact when it explodes. This video includes the audio of the explosion, a bang that actually shakes the camera (after the second or so delay after seeing the bridge's frame explode into a cloud of rubbish).

2. New Frontier Hotel

Las Vegas doesn’t do anything without glitz, sparkle, and flair, and they made sure that the New Frontier went out in a blaze of glory. It’s a pretty spectacular fireworks show that culminates in total destruction . . . don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

3. Demolition from a Higher Power

When Mother Nature, God, Fate, or the higher power of your choice decides your house’s time is up, your house’s time is up. These amateur storm chasers catch footage of some natural demolition that will blow you away. Be warned, there’s some NSFW language here—they’re great at storm chasing, but they’re pretty lousy at timing their swear-censor beeps.

4. RCA Dome

At the center of Indianapolis is the newly constructed Lucas Oil Stadium, which provided the perfect view to see the old RCA Dome get blasted to smithereens. It was a humongous facility, but now it’s been blown to that big convention center in the sky.

5. Um . . . Dude?

"Hey, Honey, I think I heard a noise in the bathroom, could you check that out?" "Sure, let me see . . . oh, don’t worry, Babe. Someone’s just DEMOLISHING OUR HOUSE!" Yeah, this crew had the foresight to videotape their demolition project, but not the wherewithal to actually, you know, destroy the right building. Watching the owner discover what’s going on and seeing the demo worker try to remedy the mistake is high comedy.

6. Kingdome

Forgive the pun, but this video is the bomb. Extremely well edited (and a very well coordinated and visually stunning demolition to begin with) this video of the destruction in Seattle to make way for Safeco Field is a treat to watch. You’re gonna want to hit "replay" a couple times.

7. Brazil Building

If you don’t know Portugese, allow me to translate the opening title: Boom.

8. Fulton County Stadium

In Atlanta it was known as the Launching Pad, but when the ‘96 Olympics rolled into town, Turner Field became Georgia’s Major League Baseball home. Parting is such sweet sorrow, especially when you get to watch the old place slowly implode into oblivion.

9. 16 Buildings at Once

This demolition in China featured a coordinated detonation that sent 16 buildings tumbling to the ground . . . well, at least 15. One rugged survivor was determined to stay standing. Until it got bulldozed. You show ‘em, building 16.

10. Cinergy Field

It once was Riverfront Stadium and then became Cinergy Field. Then it just turned into a pile of rubble. John Mellencamp provides the soundtrack to this demo job, but the walls seemed to fold in like a tent rather than tumbling, tumbling. Either way, it’s pretty fun to watch them blow it up.

11. Trojan Nuclear

Unfortunately for our viewing pleasure (but very fortunately for the residents of the beautiful state of Oregon) it’s not really a nuclear explosion. Still, watching the cooling tower implode still makes for an excellent video of destruction without damage.

12. Half-done in London

Sometimes you just want to destroy the bottom half of a building, at least that’s what the brains behind this demolition crew in London would have you believe. Maybe they aren’t the best in this business, but they have to be the best Jenga players in the world.

13. Landmark Tower

Fort Worth, Texas, where everything is big; except they needed the fallout from this wreckage to be small. The perfectly timed detonation causes the building to drop straight down, creating the illusion that it’s simply being swallowed into the ground. Nothing touches the neighboring buildings except gigantic plumes of dust.

14. The Vet

Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia was known as quite possibly the most boring of the cookie-cutter stadiums. Fortunately, it got its one shot at uniqueness in its final moment in existence. The demolition of the Vet transpired like a domino effect, only way cooler.

15. San Pedro

This demolition doesn’t send the building into a neat little billowing cloud of dust. This is more of a "Timber!!!" tree-chopping effect. It’s a good thing all the spectators’ cars were parked on the correct side, or a lot more than a building would have been demolished.

16. Everglades Hotel

Hard to believe something so massive could collapse so quickly, but this hotel is turned to rubble in less than 30 seconds. It’s one of the bigger non-stadium demolitions you’ll ever see.

17. Houston Medical Building

The footage in this video gives a pretty comprehensive view of the demolition and the cleanup that follows. But the coolest part is watching three levels of explosives tear the building apart. Also of note: birds don’t like demolition nearly as much as we do.

18. Dubai Hilton

Don’t blink or you’ll miss this one. Okay, if you blinked, they’ll show it again from a different angle. A very quick, but very cool, demo of a 7-story hotel in Dubai. Must have been about 150 stories too short for their liking.

19. Intel Building, Austin

What happens when you don’t feel like finishing construction on an office building? Blow it up and start from scratch. The interesting thing about this video is that its unfinished status provides a one-of-a-kind window into the destruction process (which you can see if you advance to the 0:50 mark). You might want to turn down the video. The frat boys they hired to shoot this video engage in a bit of NSFW language. But if you saw it, you might too.

20. The Stardust

Fireworks traced the countdown to destruction on the side of Vegas’s Stardust Hotel & Casino, making a pretty fantastic transition from Stardust to just . . . dust. It’s kind of like any other adventure in Vegas—it starts out all flashy and fun and winds up kind of painful and messy.

image source : Wikipedia

Are there any particular ones that satisfied your urge for demolition? Share with us in the comments below and be sure to share links to any other demolition videos that you know of.

Правая подушка вносит изменения большой в качестве сна

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 11:58 AM PDT

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